
19 Reviews
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The dialogues SO ridiculous lol!!!!!
18 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie itself was decent. The monster was very cool! (Despite basically EVERYTHING being CGI...) and I also like how the monster functions... it feels much more like a dinosaur or some kinda apex predator, and not a big dopey weirdo!

However.... The dialog is absolutely ridiculous and so bad that it's hilarious.

When he takes in the woman, and the child... the woman who is trashing him... she asks about the woman and child, he says "she isn't the mother" and the lady says, "what are you telling me??" Lmao... what....? He just told you.

The dialogue when the woman and the main character first meet is also really awful...

There's even a scene where the main woman is on a train, sees Godzilla crashing through the city... and her reaction is literally to say, "IS THAT GODZILLA?" (To herself) haha. No lady.... That's space junk that landed and washed ashore.... YES ITS GODZILLA, what's wrong with you!?

The dialogue is written as if we can't see anything on screen... and just a lot of reactions are so bad that it's hilarious!

Some aspects of the story are also really badly written... such as our main character for some reason has a clean shot at Godzilla with a 20mm cannon on his plane... and for whatever reason he just doesn't fire.

I don't know... I think the movie is getting too much praise to be honest.

The monster - 8.5/10

The story - 6.5/10

Acting - 4/10

Dialogue 2/10

CGI - 7.5/10.
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The Outwaters (2022)
25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
20 minutes in, and literally it's just a bunch of random people doing nothing... just going from place to place, houses and shops or whatever. There's some random earthquake scene ... and I keep thinking, 'what does any of this have to do with ANYTHING!?'

No clue why this girl keeps breaking out in random LONG singing sessions...I think they are trying to tie it in to something? But it goes on too long

Sure, 25 minutes isn't that long... but when it's found's just random people talking to each other about nothing... and it feel like forever...

30 minutes in... they're still driving to their campsite...

The pacing is absolutely brutal... oh great, the girl is about to sing again... yeah I think I'm out aaaaatttt....

36 minutes in...

NOTHING has happened... AT ALL!!!!!!!.....
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Masters of the Air (2024– )
25 February 2024
It's actually getting better by the episode, that is a good thing. Many shows start strong, & fall off... I feel this started sorta slow & has gotten better.

I have to say, people need to stop comparing everything to band of brothers. No, it's NOT that show... why does it need to be...?

I see some people saying 'too much CGI' - normally when it comes to junk like superhero movies & such... I agree... however, in this case I'm like... YEAH OKAY, ARE THEY HONESTLY SUPPOSED TO FIND 200 B-17s, & tons of Bf109s??? Lol what the heck!? It's a show about the 8th Air Force during WW2!!! How on Earth could it be done another way?

And PLEASE... don't say they did it in the Memphis Belle... for its time, that was a decent film, but you are lying if you say that if they used those obvious cheesy models in this from that film... you'd not be complaining about it, because you would.

And the GCI honestly looks fine to me. The planes look great. BAND IF BROTHERS didn't have 50 foot planes flying in groups of 70+ at a time... please, stop with the Band of Brothers crap.

I WILL say that the one issue I've had thus far with the show... each episode is following a kind of pattern that becomes tiresome... they go into it with really intense action & flying scenes, then the rest of the episode is spent as a drama that takes place all on land with no action. I understand that they need to build characters and such... but I wish that 75% was flying, & 25% would be drama/dialogue...

I just don't need a reflection of every mission to take more than half of the episodes...

Anyway... I like the show so far... and I absolutely believe that the people who are judging it, they were going to say the things they're saying no matter what... they probably were just dying to get on and say it's not BoB... reminds me of the people who complain about every Disney/StarWars film no matter what... yet they line up opening day for every single one of them every time...
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The Breach (I) (2022)
His books rock
21 February 2024
So yeah... this is based on the book by Nick Cutter. He also wrote one of the craziest horror books called, THE TROOP. He also wrote one of my favorites called, THE DEEP.

His writing style is very aggressive. He really gets dirty & brutal, some really wicked stuff... not for everyone lol.

HOWEVER! I then see this on Amazon... I had semi hopes of it being good.

What I got was... well... sorta bland & nothing special...the monster was neat when first shown (bedroom) and how it moved in that scene was great... then... you start seeing a bunch of them lol and well... let's just say some of them are painfully obvious a rubber body suit...

The story was fine ish... but Cutters books are SO SO SO in depth, & fleshed out that you just can't really properly explain a doorway built to other dimensions in a 90 minute film lol.

Actually would've probably been a very decent 4 part mini series or something!

The ending I saw coming a mile away... I'll just say... Cutter doesn't do "happy endings" in his novels.

This had a lot of potential to be a 7+ rating movie imo.

If you're just killing time? It'll do. If you're looking for some wicked good horror from outer dimensions? Just go with THE VOID.
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So lame wow!!
21 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of Clive. I can't imagine he had anything to do with this... if he did.. wow.

The stories were so boring, not the least bit scary... & ... CLICHE!!!

The first story is about a girl that I guess freaks out hearing people... eat? Or something? Anyway... I honestly wasn't really paying close attention so I don't know how/why - but she ends up with a middle aged couple... oh maybe it was a AIR B & B I think... anyways...she finds out they are hiding people in the walls (HOW ORIGINAL IS THAT FOR YA! ?....)

As to why this couple seemingly has dozens of people being kept alive in sedated states...? I have NO CLUE lol. It's so random & had nothing to even build up... the girls story is extremely boring... and then she just finds people in the walls... so yeah... no revelation about her or the couple... I guess they just are crazy.. or something...? It was incredibly boring.

Then it's a slightly better (but nothing special) story about a guy that claims he can bring dead to life or something... again... the plot & build is so terrible ... it's hard to really understand why people are acting how they are in these... but... OH SNAP, he's a fraud. GOT ME BIG TIME! JAW DROPPER (not) & so... when the woman he scammed finds out... somehow all the sudden a bunch of random dead people want to help her get him... so he ends up in (HOW!? WHO KNOWS) some Hellish world with a bunch of semi decent make up zombie types ...

And... hmm... somehow I must've missed one or it was so bad I forgot... because there is a 3rd & 4th story... oh... right, ones is about some bad guy that is just looking for the 'BOOOOK OF BLLLOOOODDD' which I think was the story that links them all... but yeah... he wants the book... was forgettable again..

Last story... I have to be honest... I paused it... and just didn't go back to it. So I didn't see the 4th.

Honest to God... I love horror... & some 4 star movies on here are way up on my 'fun' list... so I'm not super hard to please! But this just SUCKED.

There wasn't actually even 1 scene that scared me. These stories have all been seen so many times before... & done way better ...

After looking... Clive DIDNT direct :) I knew it. I'm telling you... this is so boring.

They did one way before just called BOOK OF BLOOD (no S) which also wasn't great... but was 5x better than this old boot.
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I enjoy it... but.. lol!!!
13 February 2024
So I enjoy the show as a good time killer. I don't really expect anything to be ground breaking. It's just decent entertainment.

However, a few things drive me absolutely insane...

Let's get it over with... DRAGON. First of all, that has to be the absolute most ridiculous cringe nickname OF ALL TIME. He would've been better off going by, NINJA... or DEATH. If he gave himself the name... shameful, if it was given to him? Let's just say if people used to call you Dragon for any reason...? DONT EVER continue to carry on this nickname into life... it's also been said a million times, but why is a security guard giving input on 'scientific research' ....???? Do you imagine Elon Musk, when he is stumped on an issue with a new TESLA computer system, goes outside & asks the guy who is security of the parking lot what he should do? Lol...

Something you'll hear far too often...will sound something like:

"I have no explanation!" "I've never had this happen EVER!" "There is no scientific reason to explain this"

Lol - essentially every time something goes wrong, or they see ANYTHING unusual (or often not even that unusual) that is always what they'll go with...

The part about this that really annoys me... is I about 50% of the time think I have a fairly logical explanation, so how could they have NO IDEA!?

Example? SEASON 4 EPISODE 3... they launch (what else...?) A ROCKET, & as it begins to lift off, there is what looks like a mist or cloud that seems to illuminate or glow slightly. They are all speechless as to what it is... but I instantly went to; well... light is the fastest thing we know the light from an engine igniting is going to cause a flash... & due to the lights speed, it's going to reflect what seems to us as INSTANTLY... so it's simply the flash of the rocket going off being reflected off what is likely, a cloud, or possibly even smoke emitted from the pre-launch of this rocket... it's obvious that it's the light reflecting...

Yet..... none of them not only don't even mention that as POSSIBLE... but they only come up with the explanation that something physical was hovering above the ground there, & as the rocket lifted off, it began to illuminate (why??? Lol) ... and THAT in their minds is more plausible than the light coming off the ignition being reflected... even when the light instantly vanished after the rocket shut down haha.

So yeah... ridiculous... and Travis has went from a skeptic scientist, to in season 4 is having no idea about anything he seems, and everything is just as likely to be a worm hole as it is to be light reflections....

Entertainment... that's all.
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Corny trash
2 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How is this so revered?? HOW IS THIS A 7+ RATING!?

My issues aren't with the cast, as is the case with other people... my issues is how the characters act - I honestly kept thinking, 'is this a spoof??'

Seriously - Harker literally sees a blue flame wall, no big deal... sees a man (Dracula) & acts as if he's totally normal in appearance. LITERALLY WATCHES HIM FLOAT TOWARD IN HIS ROOM... says nothing... reacts as if people floating instead of walking is absolutely normal. How can that be taken seriously?? HE SEES DRACULAS SHADOW MOVING INDEPENDENTLY OF HIM... says nothing... reacts like it's totally normal...

He WATCHES DRACULA CRAWL DOWN THE CASTLE WALL LIKE SPIDER-MAN... totally normal again it seems... I'm actually laughing just recalling this stuff.

I won't even get started on the bizarre 3 some scene... but you guessed it... he again thinks this is totally normal...

Lucy & Mina ...LITERALLY SEE DRACULAS BIG FACE STARING AT THEM FROM A STORM... say nothing... act as if they didn't just see a man's face looking at them in a storm...

I could go on & on & on... but I won't - this all happens within the first 40 ish minutes of the movie...

With all that I've mentioned... how is this taken seriously?? It isn't played like it's a spoof or self aware at all... everything is meant to be taken seriously. Nobody can defend this... it's a joke.

By the way... even the critics of it seem to give it praise for being beautifully shot... I disagree. In 2023, a lot of these scenes honestly look like they were made in 2002 photoshop (Dracula's face in the storm lol!!! So bad....) the costumes I'll give credit to... but if that's all I can say good about it... that's bad.

Bottom line is this:

It's not faithful to the book. It's not scary AT ALL. It's trying to be far too serious to be self aware/campy.... & it's way too corny & cheesy to be taken serious.

Is it a surprise to anybody how easily & how many parodies were made based on this movie....?

If you like horror? PASS If you like period pieces? PASS If you love the book? PASS PASS PASS If you love campy weirdness? Maybe If you like cringy smut, overly sexual stuff? YES If you just enjoy really good movies? PASS.
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Blonde (2022)
Trashy, fiction.
1 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What an absolute WASTE!! Ana-De Armas is a fantastic actress, & the only reason I gave it more than 1 star.

This film felt as if it was made for no other reason than to be some kind of sickening porn film for whenever wanted h to is made. Like they had some sick thoughts about Norma & wanted to bring that to life..WHY ELSE would you make literally every interaction simply about sex? Violent sex at that.

It also goes out of its way to at the same time make Norma look like a 100% victim, & pretty much make it look as if she really wanted nothing to do with the life she went down... (I'm sure she very willingly did a lot that would disqualify her from being an angel...) AND make pretty much EVERY single man in her entire life as at worst, a rapist, or at best, a disgusting, narcissistic, jerk. Way to make JFK look like a terrible person as well. What I have learned about them two is that SHE was more the one who went for him really, he didn't go to seek her out... is that accurate? Who really knows, only they do - but the film of course makes JFK look like some narcissistic pig.

That's what you get from it. Instead of making a film about her real life lol, why wouldn't that have worked....? Would having shown positive moments of her life have not sold or something? Would it have discredited her somehow if not every man in her life wasn't a pig???

Look... I am sure she had rough moments, I'm also sure she did run into a lot of scummy men... but she also had very good men around as well, & this film doesn't show anything positive about her at all. Her story ended tragic... that doesn't mean every moment of her life was tragic.

Get sick of this sorta thing... because while it's fictional... so many people uneducated on her life or that period, they aren't going to think it's fiction. They'll just assume that was her life exactly. That's a problem IMO.
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911 Crisis Center (2021– )
An actual review
3 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
****READ very end for a scary problem I realized is a common issue. I promise you'll be shocked****

Ok! I should state first, I HATE reality TV. The last time I watched any was when BigBrother & Survivor FIRST aired back in like, 2001ish.

This show, something about it just hooked me. Obviously it's a given that it's not staged. Sure, I'm positive that the producers edit things to appear certain ways, but those taking calls are legit. I know one of them, (Elizabeth Schoefield aka Libby) and this is their actual jobs.

I think what really keeps me watching is a few things.

1- I'm watching it season by season on Peacock (I don't think I'd be able to handle a 21 min show w/ commercials)

2- This is HUGE for me, they DONT go into the personal lives, changing settings to outside of the station AT ALL. I personally hate those shows. All I'm here for is the action, baby!

3- There is no, 'previously on...' that we have to sit through every time. In fact, there's not even an intro!! It jumps right in!

Each episode typically follows a format of 3-5 calls. Usually 1 more ridiculous type silly one (woman calls & says a turkey is in her yard, or another says a 100 pound raccoon is in hers lol) & then your dramatic call near the end. And usually starts around 5:20AM & goes through the night. So 1 episode is usually 1 day. It's a decent enough format. I usually don't like shows that try & balance multiple stories (I. E "I survived", 48hrs etc) but obviously being a call center, it has to, & it flows smoothly due to each call being around 2-4 minutes, & they're never interrupted, they do start to finish on each call.

Honestly, the show is just good. It's largely a female driven staff, I don't care either way... but yeah. Most (I explain 'most' below) are great people, you can tell them do love their jobs, & honestly... they're really not overreacting or overselling themselves or reactions for the camera at all IMO. They react like regular people, that's because the calls aren't staged, so they can never know what's coming.

The staff, generally speaking I enjoy all of them with the exception of Matthew (the big white guy) .. in season 2, a very minor prank about a squirrel is played on him, & his reaction really opened my eyes. I got a vibe that, 'this guy is ok if he's not in a position of authority... but if he had it, he would be an absolute nightmare'

Everyone else is great.

I also have come to notice something that is really getting to me... the detectives in this community seem to be absolutely useless. Why? Because suspects are 95% of the time NEVER found. 7 episodes into season 2... ONE person was caught, & it's because he stayed to continue to cause issues. This wouldn't be such an issue if these episodes weren't revolving around serious issues. I'm talking about, shootings, brutal DV, armed robbery & more... & every update says either, 'suspects still at large' or 'unknown'! This is unbelievable.

If you'd say, 'cut them some slack..' let me give you an example:

Woman calls in... says another woman THAT SHE KNOWS tried to shoot her, & if CURRENTLY chasing her with her car, STILL SHOOTING AT HER... the exact locations are known, the suspects NAME is known, the exact car she's in is known... & finally... if you can believe this... the victim drives (while being shot at still) TO THE LITERAL POLICE STATION... crashes... CAR CATCHES FIRE IN THE PARKING LOT... the dispatch looks up the suspects info, find her registration & the works....&.... Wait for it....


LOLOLOL!!! WHAT!!!?!?!?!?!!? She literally just chased the woman to the actual police station shooting at her, you have all of her info.... & somehow she's able to escape & evade capture!? Hahaha!!!!! I lost my mind. If I even came to notice this odd issue constantly... then obviously it stands out.
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Superdeep (2020)
I liked it!
22 January 2023
I don't understand the low rating of this movie. I'll be honest, it's been a bit since I've watched it... but what I remember is positive!! I can't remember if it was done in English or dubbed... but that should tell you if it was dubbed, it was a decent job!

The story is fairly basic, a team discovers some chaotic fungus stuff way down deep... & it's gets wild from there! It's a fun film, it's nothing groundbreaking... but the acting was decent, the action was good, the creepy stuff was creepy. It falls in the genre of movies like THE THING or... I can't remember the name but the one where those people are trapped in the gas station and attacked by some mutating thing... oh! SPLINTER! Yeah. If you liked those... you'd probably enjoy this.

No one really has plot armor either which is always nice in a horror film. The special effects I personally remember being totally fine.

Look, I don't have any fancy things to say about this... but if you enjoy MONSTER type horror?? You should enjoy this. I think it deserves to be about a 6.5 or so personally.
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Prey (I) (2022)
FINISHED! My thoughts!!
7 August 2022

Well... looks like the SEATTLE MARINERS (MLB) are probably going to end their 21 year playoff drought!! Longest in all 4 major US sports!!

1 Star for at least a unique name.

2 Stars for Seattle Mariners.
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Big Trouble (2002)
Most UNFUNNY comedy in YEARS...
10 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow... given these reviews, I was so pumped to watch this, people saying it was laugh out loud funny - non stop.

WHAT movie did you all watch!?!? The ONLY time I laughed was when Tom Sizemore kept shooting the TVs on accident ...

The father & son subplot was possibly the most SHALLOW story of a father winning his sons respect I've EVER SEEN!! Every character in this felt like a side character... Tim Allen was ... Tim Allen. The same PG dork he is in everything...

The 2 cops were absolutely wasted. Nothing funny from them..

The 2 FBI agents were embarrassingly BAD actors. I actually couldn't tell if they were supposed to be acting as they came off... or if they were just terrible...

The 2 'hit men' ... I'll be honest... again, they were so boring that I literally skipped nearly every scene they were in...

The other weird, insanely shallow subplot was Tim Allen & the rich guys wife falling in love...? Who even is she..? Why are they in love?? I am kind of stunned writing this... I don't know the last time I've watched a film w/ a more shallow script.

Nothing made any sense. Johnny Knoxville was by far the best character... but unfortunately, he had almost nothing to work with.

This script felt as if it was written by two 14 year olds.... & not even in a crude humor kind of way... more like, it was really bad...

I am in disbelief at these reviews... you'd think this were blazing saddles, or animal house!!! I absolutely think a lot of the reviews are essentially, not genuine.

I just find it incredibly hard to believe ANYONE found this, "HILARIOUS".... It's the type of comedy that ... TIM ALLEN is find you're half smirking or chuckling a few times... this is one of the most obvious, "we are going to play it SAFE as we can!" Films I've ever seen.

I finished it 10 minutes ago... I can't even remember anyones names, except Nina (Sofia Vegara), & the guy playing Puggy... I'm pretty sure everyone else had names too.. but who knows...

I can honestly say given the quality cast... this may be one of the worst big production comedies I've seen in my life...

1* for Knoxville.

3* because young Sofia Vegara may be the most gorgeous thing ever put to film.

Final thought??? I feel that I threw away $3.99 renting this junk.
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14 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Where to even begin...?

I LOVE JP1, JP2 was ok, JP3 was also just ok. JW1 was good! JW2 sucked. JW3 was BORING!

The main issue I had with this film. The entire, 'GENERIC EVIL COMPANY KIDNAPS SOMEONE UNIQUE, & OUR .... dinosaur SCIENTISTS.... Suddenly are now essentially, Ethan Hunt, Jason Bourne, & James Bond'...

The first 1+ HOUR is absolutely nothing but a kid/rescue mission... oh, you thought about maybe a... DINOSAUR!? Haha no silly... a cloned teenage girl, OBVIOUSLY!

I am not even joking. They even use those ridiculous titles to show "we are now in UTAH" "VEGAS", "MALTA" .... MALTA!?!? Yeah. They pretty much cover the planet to rescue this girl.

The 'bad guy' is SO generic, that I honestly don't remember his name. He also has some super meanie assassin type guys working for him, but don't worry guys!!! Because Chris Prats character is able to drive through buildings & even up stairs on his motorcycle, & Bryce Dallas' character...? The woman who basically just ran the control room of the new park? Yeah, in this one she is LITERALLY in a chase scene, jumping across seriously, this was EVERY mid 2010s action film, with some dinosaurs thrown in.

Oh.. a member of the evil genius group also has a laser pointer that upon pointing it at someone? Raptors suddenly go after them as if it's a dinosaur homing beacon lol. (Don't ask me how it works, it's never said...)

Apparently whenever there is a 65 million yr old meat eating dinosaur about to attack you... all you need to do is hold up your hand, as if you can use 'The Force' lol seriously... multiple people do... why would this work??? It's cringe after the 10th time.

Oh... & a character actually makes a "promise" to find a dinosaurs baby, & it's supposed to be a dramatic moment, & someone a row down I actually heard scoff & say, "did he just give his word to a lizard"? Lol!! Yeah, he did lol.

Twists & surprises? Yeah, those don't exist here. I knew everything that was going to happen, it was kind of pathetic how bad the script was. At NO point will you feel that any character is ever going to die.

The new 'bad' Dino? It's just once again another, "biggest carnivore to ever live" gimmick. Aaaand the final climatic battle? I'd say lasts around... 2 minutes? I'm not kidding.

Dinosaurs look worse than ANY of the 5 other films. In daylight they look ridiculously fake.

Original cast played no real purpose, plot wise. They were only to sell tickets.

IF you discount the entire first HOUR+ of the stupid kidnap thing... then I could probably say, "it wasn't too bad" ... however, given that this had more in common with Mission Impossible, than J. P.... It isn't good.

During the 1st hour, I kept recalling Ian Malcom from JP1... "Are there any DINOSAURS on this DINOSAUR tour??" Haha.

One of the all time franchises... it's become nothing more than a poorly written, bloated pointless script, with some of the more questionable CGI you'll ever see on a 1 billion dollar earner....

Wish I'd just seen TOP GUN, again.
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Vicious Fun (2020)
80s horror is...BACK!!!...?
16 October 2021
You'll likely notice a trend of late. Many horror films taking place in these very bright, neon colored 80s era worlds. N ya know what? It works!! Idk if it's the nostalgia, the simpler time.. or just easier for those of us that grew up w/ Nintendo, LightBrights, (and those addictive cloth bracelets you'd snap on your wrist and they'd turn into a self fitting bracelet that we felt were amazing!!!) remember so fondly to relate to easier.. whatever it is... it always seems to work. Though, these are always the 80s through rose colored glasses lol. Never were the films of the 80s so neon themed, & bright! But it's still great!!

This is no exception! Though less pop culture references, it still has that same feel to it. It's a lot of fun, doesn't have to pretend to be something it's not. The kills are awesome, the story is simple...and it's just a lot of fun!

Keep this theme going!!

I have a theory about why it's suddenly so big as well.. it allows film makers to not have to lace their films with P. C & politics at all. Which with DC & MARVEL stuffing that down your throat monthly... it's nice to not have to worry about someone's gender or politics, & just enjoy a film.
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13 October 2021
It's was actually scary! Was it amazing? No, I'm rating it as a horror film. Everyone bashes horror for being unoriginal and such... and when one tries? You get the reviews on here. No wonder no one tries different things. I saw this years ago yea.. but I don't remember it being slow?? Special effects were real good, acting was film, tension was very high. Has but not only jump scares... it is what it is. But I found it pretty good.

If you're like me... you just appreciate any horror decent horror? You'll like it!
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Misleading Trailers...
5 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
VERY MINOR SPOILER (I give warning before I say it)

Kind of trend in the horror/thriller etc. Genre ever since it was first done, & met w/ viewer rage with THE VILLAGE. Where the trailer makes it appear to be one thing, & the actual movie is nothing like it.

That's basically this movie. The trailer had me so excited. As a massive werewolf fan, it was great to see what looked like a decent budget werewolf film that was going to be a brutal horror, with some comedic (similar to SCREAM) elements as well.

NOPE!!!! We were given what was mostly a veryyyy slow burn, character driven story, with minor humor ... which is fine, but not if you went into it expecting to see a brutal, vicious man eating werewolf terrorizing a snowed in town....

(SPOILER WARNING) This is a semi spoiler...really, but had to be accurate...going off what I just said about the beast tearing the town to pieces? Well... it sorta does...? Except EVERY...SINGLE...WEREWOLF kill is done entirely OFF SCREEN! Not only that? You don't even see it (AT ALL!!!!!) until the final... 10 minutes? & oh boy... it is not great lol. It's a very lame look, basically ZERO creativity went into the design...

I will say, I usually figure out the "who is the killer!?" Movies quickly, but here I actually was wrong. Although, early on I DID think "it would be wild if (name here) ends up being the monster! But didn't think it was... but it was!!! So kudos on that! They also attempt to throw some red herrings in, such as the "crazy, wild man hermit hunter" (it's too obvious he's a red herring, not even a spoiler really...) might be because he's "creepy!" Lol. I know who for sure it WASNT.. just not who it WAS... but again, once (name here) transforms, I was kinda like, "wait... is that the full transformation??? THATS AWFUL!"

TBH, this would've been more enjoyable if it were just done as a simple murder mystery comedy, like CLUE in a snowed in town.

Final negative is 2 in 1 really... the comedy aspect, ugh... yes, you're likely looking for the next, "Shaun of the Dead" as well... this ain't it. The comedy is never laugh out loud. You'll have some smiles, & maybe a laugh or 2, but in NO WAY is this geared towards comedy fans. It's more, "that's kinda cute!" In many ways, due to the main girl being adorable. The 2nd part, the acting...this is a tough one, because the 2 main people (Sam & Cecily) are AWESOME!!!! (Cecily will remind you of the girl from "SCARE ME" if you've seen that) she's a down to Earth, sweet, but cynical cute girl. She was incredibly good!! Sam was also pretty solid... but the rest..? Wow some were basically nearly jokes... which COULD be in large part to being they were meant to be funny but just weren't? Idk.

All in all, it's a FUN film. Its I think a below average horror, a very low end comedy, & an above average mystery movie.

If you're hoping for a werewolf film..? You're gonna be VERY let down.
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The Odds (2018)
You Lose
2 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The issues with this were glaring..and it's frustrating because it could've been decent..

1) This was SO on the nose, basically every single line uttered by the woman in the first 30 minutes is to make sure we know she is desperate and at the end of her rope. One emo line after another, to the point in saying "OKAY I GET IT!!" Think of every "I have nothing left to live for" line you've heard... she uses them all!!!

2) You're made to believe for 80% of the film that he's some guy likely from her past, or just a stalker that is doing this for his own fun... the issue with this is... again, they made it SO insanely obvious that it leaves the viewer with only 2 possible outcomes by pushing this hard... A) he is a bad guy from her past... or B) he's not, & the games real and he's just some weirdo that does the game...both outcomes are annoying because it's either too obvious... or they spent too much effort trying to mislead.

3) Holes... okay, so he doesn't actually know her...and the game isn't just based around her. Why then does every round seem to start just when she's set to begin? Why is he acting like such a FREAK?? Why did a grown woman walk into this place, of her own free will, & agree to this game... with absolutely zero guarantee that any of it is real? How is she going to get this money? Does she even get it? How did the bad guy get to do this so many times without anyone ever killing him before.

The actors were both very solid, but the writing was just a joke. She has multiple screws driven through her foot, presumably breaking bones along the way... & has almost no visible pain or issues getting around?

IF they didn't try SO hard to make us believe he was a guy from her past... this could've been way better actually.

"Would you rather" did a better job.
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Limbo (I) (2019)
It works
28 March 2021
It's a obvious lower budget, as I believe the whole film takes place in one room. There is not action or's all dialogue...but it seems to work. It's something that would work well as a written short story. It's basically Heaven & Hell debating a mans soul. And yeah, that's about all it is... I get it, sounds kind of boring... & if you're not in the right mood? It will be. However, if you go into it with an open mid, you'll actually enjoy it.
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Dark Woods (2010)
Not very good..
15 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I usually LOVE "a young couple in the woods" movies...but this just misses the mark over and over! A man and his dying wife go to a cabin where she can live out the rest of her life. The wife one night is assaulted by a stranger, and the local Sheriff doesn't much believe him, nothing comes of it. (At this point maybe it's time to go home...) now the next day the man goes for a run, sees the same man raping a young girl, scares he man off and takes the girl home (maybe now go home..?) at this point the man calls a doctor up who upon inspecting the girl says only, "she'll be fine"...WOW! Yeah, she was just raped but she will sleep it off!!! Also he lets the sheriff know and the sheriff has the young girl stay with him and his wife! (Is this even legal?) now I won't spoil the rest but you can guess where this might all lead, young pretty girl, dying wife, and a very horny husband...yep. The couple adopts her and they go to Wally World! I wish, that'd have been a good movie.
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