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Murdoch Mysteries: Promising Young Ladies (2022)
Season 16, Episode 4
Sorting out the ladies.
18 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure of the reason why they brought Nina Bloom back for one episode other than a fill in one - which it was.

I see Dr. Ogden back at work and not being much of a hands on mother which would have been unheard of back in that time. She would have baby with her and feeding babe herself, so why are they trying to make it as if it's in this era when it's not. I wish writers would stop doing that - trying to take the 21st century back into the 18/19th century.

Now about the fellow who committed the crime - why would he murder a male stranger to get revenge on the ladies for being humiliated? Yea that'll teach 'em, not! Silly storyline and one of the weaker episodes.

I'm hoping they get back to Mrs. Hart and her father's entertaining storylines soon.
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Julia: Fried Chicken (2023)
Season 2, Episode 2
Fried chicken and more
5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well I'm not really sure what this episode was about but will try and do a review. Julia is still overseas in Paris with her husband and staying with close friend Simca and hubby. They're suppose to be working together and cooking meals meant for her new cookbook but neither of the women can agree on any meal or menu.

I'm finding this episode was a bit too messy and actually felt like a fill-in episode. Nothing really happens. Some bickering here and bitching there and lots of f-bombs at a very long dinner!

Back in the States there's not much happening there either except a bunch of short stories between the characters. Pretty boring.
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Modern Family: When Good Kids Go Bad (2011)
Season 3, Episode 2
What's wrong with being right?
25 March 2024
What is wrong with being right? Nothing. Everyone, at some point, has gone out of their way to prove their point that they were right. Phil definitely should have apologised and so should have the kids who were being pretty cocky and loudmouthy. Gloria is forever trying to prove she's right and so too are some of the others. Point being - why was everyone so annoyed and also surprised that Claire had gone to so much trouble to prove Phil was wrong? Everyone and I mean everyone was just staring at her instead of maybe a few of them - especially Luke - should have said "good one mum" or "wow, that's impressive!" Sorry but I did not like the way it was written about Claire - I didn't find it funny, only belittling.
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Death in Paradise: Episode #13.5 (2024)
Season 13, Episode 5
An Officer and a stranger
19 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First off, are we just expected to accept a police officer (a detective no less) is infatuated with a stranger online? Giggling? Huh? Of all the people in the world trained on predator danger, we have the detective who "chatted for hours" online and then we have Darlene oohing and aahing over the fact as well. Really? Are we that naive as humans these days? Just plain stupid, amateur writing.

Anyway onto the story of the rest of the episode. It was a fine episode centered mainly on Marlon and his association with an ex crim boss and also his relationship with his sister, which was lovely to see. Several things happen so Marlon makes a decision about his future.

It was nice also to see an old face popping up.
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Silent Witness: Kings Cross - Part 2 (2024)
Season 27, Episode 10
Gripping television
25 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First off - I wish they would give Jack a fringe or do something with his hair - maybe less dye? It just doesn't suit him. I actually could see him with salt and pepper hair.

Now onto the episode. It has been a truly gripping two episodes although it did get a little muddled in the middle of it all and who the heck is still locked in the cupboard/room of the guy that was in the river?!

Once again I very much enjoy the performances of Nikki and Jack but not so much the others. I just cannot get into Velvy or Cara. The Velvy guy is just not interesting enough and quite boring. Same with their boss who's name I cannot even remember (yea he's that boring also). Why oh why can't they find an actor or two that's entertaining and catches our interest and not just some random actors who are diverse? I think I just miss Clarissa and Thomas and Leo and Harry. That's when it all worked.
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Shetland: Episode #8.6 (2023)
Season 8, Episode 6
16 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well that was a stellar finale due to the fact of how well it was written and the wonderful cinematography. Oh and the excellent acting of all involved! I have actually enjoyed this season more than the previous ones with Doug - maybe different writers.

Now for the questions. When Ellen returned to her family property and she woke her young brother up and then they met in the barn - why did she send him back inside to grab first-aid kit and water? I just don't understand that part. She also tells him not to tell anyone she's there but then proceeds to also go inside and wake up granny for a chat? Then she nicks off again without her coat and without saying goodbye to her brother. Just stupid writing.

Anyway, apart from that small hiccup I really have loved this season and episode. Well done everyone. :)
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Too much white!
7 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm enjoying this season (2) far more than the first season. It's much more interesting now they've included her two sons, Dylan and Brandon. Dylan is the quiet one whereas Brandon is like his mum - vocal. Speaking of Pamela, why oh why does she insist on wearing white on white and only white? It has to be the worst color choice for herself as it does not suit her.

This second episode is centred on mainly Brandon's wing and the renovating of it. The stars of the show don't actually do any of the work but pop in now and then to catch up on what's been done so far. The finished results are not what I was expecting and was rather disappointed to be honest. I preferred the walk-in robe before it was redone and the bedroom - well - all white equals boring especially for a male's bedroom! Then Brandon says he loves it? Anyway, onto the next episode. :)
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Thank God You're Here (2006–2023)
Thank god it's finished!
5 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thoroughly enjoyed the ensemble cast and all the prop decor rooms but omg what is going on with comedians these days? Most of them are just not funny and can't deliver a joke line to save themselves. Also why oh why do gay people have to continually inform us of their sexuality - either by their behaviour or by their puns and innuendo's? Not funny.

There were a few very funny comedians on there - Julia Zemiro was brilliant as was Virginia Gay. Lloyd Langford and Aaron Chen were also quite funny. I can't even remember any of the others.

Bring back the old version of comedians who are not self-centred and embarring to watch.
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Carrie really is not a good friend.
18 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What's the go with Carrie never defending Miranda from Che's nasty tongue? Isn't Miranda one of her best friends and why is she even acquainted with this heartless, cold and egotistical Che? They have absolutely nothing in common. And then speaking to Miranda over the phone and demanding she come to her Last Supper - so thoughtless. Oh, actually, maybe Carrie and Che are perfectly suited to each other - both extremely self centred.

Oh Stanford, why couldn't the writers have given you a decent send off, I do not know. Surely him dying overseas would have been a better storyline than becoming a monk?

It was lovely to see Charlotte having a bit of fun and letting loose after work and tossing her phone after constantly being harassed by family. About time she stood up for herself.

I'm glad we finally got to see Steve and Aiden - even if it only brief. Carrie stating she's never been to Coney Island. Is that normal for a New Yorker to not have visited an attraction that is so close to where you live? Very strange to me. Anyway, Aiden, what are you doing? Why would you start up a relationship with someone in New York if you knew your son(s) were unhappy and conflicted about you starting a new relationship? I don't think we're gonna get a happy ending with Carrie and Aiden. I do hope Steve comes to Miranda's rescue at the Last Supper - that would be a nice ending.
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Where's Steve?
13 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Have any of these writers actually watched any episodes of SATC? If they had then surely they would have Steve and Aiden hanging out together in at least one episode.

I think we can all see where Carrie and Aiden are headed and it aint Disneyland. Last episode Carrie was off to the farm and teens but did we, the audience, get to see those meetings? No. Plain lazy writing. Anyway, Aiden visits Carrie every other week and flys to New York but being a country dude, why doesn't he drive? It just seems uncharacteristic of him flying in and out all the time. It's also getting boring watching these two just sopping around in this apartment and the ridiculous notion of him not being able to set foot into Carrie's apartment because of something that happened a hundred years ago. Also, why oh why would he even have discussed Carrie with his wife, with whom he's been with longer than he was ever with Carrie? Wasn't it less than two years? Totally unrealistic. Also his ex meeting Carrie for coffee and telling her not to hurt Aiden again. Say what?!!

Now what's with this dude (from Beauty and the Beast) hanging around every now and then and boring people with his divorce stories? How and what has he got to do with anything? Same with all these extra people - Seema, Che, Lisette - we don't care about them so please let them go.

Lastly, SJP, please do something with your long, dank hair. Chop a heap off and curl it up and add some fringe or bangs or whatever. It would suit you so much better. Cheers!
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And Just Like That...: A Hundred Years Ago (2023)
Season 2, Episode 8
A mistake?!! A MISTAKE?!!
5 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Oh come on! How dare you insult us rabid viewers of SATC by saying that BIG was a mistake?! Big loved Carrie and Carrie loved Big. They lived happily for 20 years and now you bring back Aiden and Carrie all of a sudden starts behaving like Miranda - a love struck puppy dog who can't get out of bed because apparently when you're nearing 60, there's nothing else to do but have sex - every day! The writers are obviously in their 20's-30's. So dumb and annoying. And by the way - where is Steve? You know, Aiden's best buddy? The girls have lunch with Aiden but not Steve. I was waiting for him to come through the door of the restaurant but no, we just have Seema because you know, girl power and all that.

Now what's the go with Carrie's horrible oversized, ill-fitting coats? Does no-one own a pair of jeans or tee-shirt?

Time for a new fashion collaborator.

Charlotte wondering and worrying about her tiny protruding belly and blaming menopause - gosh what a dilemma. Yes, we've all been there but usually just find something else to wear or start exercising or whatever. Cannot the writers come up with some actual serious, mind blowing, dramatic events?

I cannot wait for next weeks episode where Carrie (not remotely dressed for the country) meets the teenagers and the farmhouse and gets thrown back into reality.
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And Just Like That...: February 14th (2023)
Season 2, Episode 7
Ahhh Aiden, can you save us?
30 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Totally agree with other reviews in the fact that it was a pleasant welcome to have Aiden back but can he save this show? We'll have to wait and see but it's a start.

Now onto Miranda - why is she so desperate to find a date when her and Che only split up 5 minutes ago? They're making all the 50-60 year old's desperate as hell and totally consumed with thinking only of sex. Very unrealistic. If Miranda is unsure of her sexuality why is she only cruising gay sites?

Oh Charlotte, why are you acting like a Stepford wife/mother? Just stop now please and stop referring to your daughter as more than one person - you're just confusing her and us.

I love watching Mario (Anthony) as he's a great funny actor but once again the writers have to make him a gay bimbo. Did we really need a new young guy with a supposedly large um package? It wasn't funny, just embarrassing. Even Drew Barrymore couldn't save that ridiculous scene.

I really wanna like this show and I do love some of the scenes but a lot of it still falls flat and seems to focus too much on superficial wealthy women who continually want to outshine their men, instead of maybe, just maybe acting like their equal.
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And Just Like That...: Bomb Cyclone (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
An episode I actually enjoyed
23 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was by far a much longed for episode - lots of drama and tension. Welcome back Steve!

I'm not sure what's going on with SJP voice as it's so deep now but she seems to have lost her ability to have any emotional vocal acting skills or range - very flat and dull.

Well we finally had a showdown between Steve (my house) and Miranda (my mortgage) which was a doozy and very emotional for all. I was really hoping they hugged and everything would be fine but no, the writers still wanna make Steve look like an idiot. (condom wrapper). Also did I hear that right about the bar he apparently owns/runs is called Scout? Touching, named after their dog. Shame the writers couldn't dedicate other important things or memories or people who have passed on, such as Magda or Mary (Steve's mum).

Did I miss something in an episode as to why Lisa is wearing wigs? I must have.

Anyway it was quite an enjoyable episode and thank the gods that Che and Miranda have split. They were so painful to watch.
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And Just Like That...: Trick or Treat (2023)
Season 2, Episode 5
Bike Lane! Bike Lane!
16 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Dude on bike had plenty of time to stop as he yelled out twice. Never the less, Carrie dutifully accompanies him, after he crashes/falls over, to an Urgent Care facility, which apparently facilitated the Olsen twins. (Unsure of why that was mentioned).

After staff plastered George's broken arm/wrist and his credit card was declined why didn't Carrie step forward and pay with one of hers? Surely she's loaded?

Now onto the doomed two - you know who - why is Miranda behaving like a love-struck teen? Why is she not getting annoyed with Che for partying all night every night while she's trying to sleep? Who tolerates that? Then the second Miranda makes a noise and wakes Che up - Miranda apologizes. What? The writers have turned her into a real dimbo. Che's character is so selfish I cannot believe she would ever have a relationship with anyone. She makes no effort to adjust for Miranda.

Another thing, why would Steve, Miranda and Brady only live in a two bedroom place? (couch sleeping) Do they not live in the house they first bought in Brooklyn? It sure had more bedrooms. Another thing is why is she rising at 5am anyway, to cook brekky for two grown men? Shame, shame writers.

The way things were left with Che - is she going to leave us? You know, as in forever?
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And Just Like That...: Chapter Three (2023)
Season 2, Episode 3
Zsa Zsa Eww.
1 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The title refers to Che's behaviour.

The best part of this episode was seeing Bitsy Von Muffling and what a delight she was. Ahh we miss you too Bobby.

Although this is a much better episode than previous ones, especially with Carrie and her book audio recording but why oh why did the recording people keep interrupting her? So annoying.

Could someone please enlighten me as to what Miranda sees in Che? All I see is a selfish, arrogant, unfunny and uncaring person. Why does Miranda keep accepting her rudeness and sucking back up to her as if it's her fault? Also I must be missing something as to why they would be capturing and recording Che's life on film. Is she supposedly famous somewhere in La La Land? Tony Danza must have been desperate to go anywhere near this charade.

I do like Seema and she does slightly fill in Samantha's shoes (only a tad) so that's a plus and a pleasure to watch Sarita's acting.

The big question is - where's Steve? I would hate to see another favourite male character written out, so I do hope we see him again. They better not kill him off!!
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And Just Like That...: The Real Deal (2023)
Season 2, Episode 2
Rich and the City
24 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Them against Us? Huh? The hailing of the cab aftermath. Seriously?

Now onto Miranda - where is she? The Miranda I'm watching isn't the fiery, ambitious independant Miranda from SATC. Now she's a clingy, boring little woman. Don't get me started on the Che person. What dramatic event happened in her life to make her feel so miserable - cancer? Amputation? Serious accident? ("after everything I've been through") Nope. Just gained weight. Jeez.

Charlotte - she's turned into a spoilt, wealthy angry woman who aggressively confronts a young shop assistant. I hope she apologized.

I don't understand why we have to have all these extra "friends" on the show. Us, the viewers, would really just like more of our friends, who we know, spending time together.

Oh, by the way, why does every second person have to be gay or bi or whatever?

Ahhh, so many questions.
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Perry Mason: Chapter Thirteen (2023)
Season 2, Episode 5
Ho hum.
11 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Dear writers, please stop ruining shows by filling up half an episode with unnecessary gratuitous sex scenes. Yes, we get the whole Della is a lesbian thing, just don't shove it down our throats! It adds nothing to the storyline and it's becoming quite tedious.

Apart from the above I have really enjoyed the series although this season is a little wishy washy compared to season one. I love the characters and the costumes and the general gritty atmosphere but I do think something is lacking in the storytelling.

This of course, will not stop me from watching and hopefully enjoying the final few episodes.

Good luck Perry!
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Vera: Blue (2023)
Season 12, Episode 3
Kenny walks!!!
11 March 2023
Well that was another pearler of an episode of Vera. I didn't enjoy last season as much as this years. I'm not sure if they are different writers or not but are superb in mystery murder details.

First off - Kenny leaves his desk! He's even outdoors at the crime scene for a little while, then unfortunately back to his desk. I think he has mobility problems (the actor) if I remember correctly, something to do with one of his legs.

Anyway the story revolves around a PC who is with significant headwounds, found dead in a pond and the team have to figure out all the goings on in and around his workplace and his family.

I really was an excellent episode and really hope to see Vera again next year.
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Happy Valley: Episode #3.5 (2023)
Season 3, Episode 5
Hello, Google?
30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The really big question here is why oh why hasn't Ryan googled anything on Tommy Lee Royce?? Surely he would have had a peek years ago?

Anyway, moving on to this episode - probably the weakest in this season. Why didn't we (the viewers) get to see any of the forensic team inside the house of where Joanna was found and her husband phoning police and his reaction etc? We really needed to see that storyline.

Now to the part of Richard driving off and leaving Ryan. Ahhhhh!

And then of course he arrives at his meeting and it has been cancelled. Now, let me guess - the person who cancelled is watching him and then will follow him and will lead him straight to where they're all hiding. I guess I'll have to wait for the next episode.

I understand everyone is angry and annoyed at Ryan and Clare and Neil but why the sudden hatred towards Ryan especially from Anne?

It's not Ryan's fault. He's just young and naive and feeling unwanted by everyone.

I'm looking forward to the finale next week. Im sure it will be a thriller!
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17 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to watch Pamela (don't call her Pam) Anderson return home to Vancouver Island and redecorate her grandmother/parents various properties. After all, she is a decorator/designer, so was of course expecting her to be handy with a paintbrush and various other home decoration utensils. Nope. Nothing. Just ordering everyone else (including a decorator she had never met before) about and flouncing around in not much clothing at all.

I really can't see the point of the whole show but I guess she was offered a lot of moolah to try and keep us interested.

Oh we did see her pick a couple of weeds and try out a sewing machine - which was funny to watch. (Not funny haha either).

What really took the cake was, whenever they showed a close up of her face, the had some sort of hazy filter on the camera, so that was a real treat! (Just like the old Doris Day movies). :)
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Nine Perfect Strangers: Earth Day (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
24 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow - what an episode! The acting was briliant, so I am just loving this series indeed.

There's just one thing tho-what the heck is going on with Samara Weaving's nose/face? Waaaay too young for plastic surgery, especially when there was nothing wrong with her face before hand. The lily white veneers aren't helping either.

Anyways back to the episode. I'm hoping we learn more about Lars's /Luke Evans journey and why he is really there. I also absolutely love Bobby Cannavale - he is such a versatile actor. He and Melissa McCarthy have such chemistry together. Hope to see more of them. I cannot wait for the conclusion of this great series to see the mystery is.
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Silent Witness: Family: Part 2 (2018)
Season 21, Episode 10
17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
That would have to be one of the most confusing and unbelievable storylines in the history of Silent Witness.

Are we expected to believe the daughter killed everyone? Did she shoot her own horse? Why? How did she blow up the 4x4? Why did Nikki run into the house and not just take cover and then continually search the house for bodies? Just silly. Was the head CI up to dodgy stuff or just another red herring? Don't even get me started on the armed officers supposedly securing the premises and perimeter. So many questions and unfortunately no answers.

I can usually tolerate sub-standard storylines because I love Silent Witness but not this one.
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The Flight Attendant: Drowning Women (2022)
Season 2, Episode 5
8 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow - I love this season! I'm not sure why others are saying it's a filler episode when so much was revealed.

We learn Cassie hasn't actually been sober for the twelve months as she stated to her fellow A. A.'s.

Megan found her bag of stuff. Cassie blurted out to Marcus that she had slept with someone else and her life unravels even more.

I'm fairly sure I know who is impersonating her (look away - spoiler) It has to be Grace, right? That dodgy oversharing, gay flight attendant. Starting with the mention of ringing ears, the old work scarf, the avoidance of giving the one-eyed CIA agent a drink, the mention of a girlfriend in Iceland where she is banned from (Megan's new dodgy girlfriend), the calling Cassie to her apartment after she had spotted her trailing her. The taking a shower 10 seconds after Cassie arrived, knowing she would check her out in the shower for a tattoo (obviously a stick-on) and the accidently on purpose leaving out a box of so called, drugged lollipops, to construct a storyline.

I really am loving this series tho - Kaley is superb.
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Julia: Petit Fours (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
18 April 2022
I'm not sure of the low reviews but I have thoroughly enjoyed this series so far. It is one where you can sit and relax and enjoy. All the characters are a joy to watch especially Sarah. Well done.
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Call the Midwife: Episode #11.5 (2022)
Season 11, Episode 5
14 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow - that episode was amazing and one of the best I've seen in a long time. I absolutely love Megan Cusack and she will be a wonderful replacement for one of our nurses. Sad to see a couple of cast members sign off tho. They will be missed.
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