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Well acted, beautifully filmed , abysmally scripted, awful story.
29 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I can't fault the actors, but the story and script are relentlessly depressing with no likeable characters. No respite, no happy ending and no character development. There's no resolution but the grave for this one. None of the characters is on a redemptive arc in this story and the relationships are too sparsely written to be credible, let alone entertainting. Howard's taking to Annie occurs in a scene change with no rhyme nor reason given, unless we infer Howard's realisation he's lost a housekeeper. The dialogue is the film's worst feature-what there is of it -and the attitudes represented bear little resemblance to human nature. Almost every step is wrongfooted. I watched to the end in bemusement wondering how this was going to resolve into the "beautiful, sweet, etc" film other reviwers had seen.... it didn't.
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Constellation (2024)
I didn't realise it had ended.
3 April 2024
Watchable actors and a plot that was engaging if a bit soapy in places, but left wanting for lack of a little exposition and terribly uneven pacing. There are plot holes in abundance, mostly masked by the fundamental premise so not fatal to enjoying the show. The mystery builds with hints at a scientistic multiverse explanation, though character viewpoint identification wasn't always clear and the shifts and flashbacks often confusing. But we got trapped in getting the same level of hints over and over again without any development of the idea or progress in the characters' realisations. Just as it looked like it was going to go deeper and get somewhere -the place I'd expect to be by epsiode 3 or 4 -the season ended. I only realised this when the next episode didn't show up and that was it. No resolution, not a satisfying watch.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
Not a Patch on the 1980 Version
11 March 2024
I found this unbelievably boring. None of the actors are stand out & the annoying bargain basement Richard Burton accent of the lead actor grates.

The original casting in the 1980s tv series was knock down stellar with Lady Mariko practically carrying the whole series. This time round she looks & sounds like a flat toned American actress pretending to be Japanese.

Lord Toronaga was played by Toshiro Mafuni in the original - no one could ever replace him. As for Lord Yabu, he was so larger than life I couldn't wait for him to show up on the screen in the original - Freddy Takai was amazing. All these actors were utterly believable even if the story was rolled out slowly.

How can Shogun be boring??? Terrible script, uninspiring actors, non descript characters that's how. Go back & watch the original tv series if you want to really engage with this story.
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Arnold (2023– )
Shrinking Wallflower
21 June 2023
Really? Hardly.

Arnie is on show for us in his own love fest to himself. I can't see how people find him humble, he's everything but which is why he's the mega star he is today.

You can't deny he had a tough upbringing but so did his brother & he seems to have no problem forgetting all about him as he pursued his own ambitions. And boy was he ambitious.

His work ethic is hugely admirable & could teach the current generation a thing or two. Nor does he stand for the victim mentality so hurrah Arnie on those points.

But despite all his accomplishments there is something not quite all there with the big guy. He really has little in the way of sincere empathy. He's not a 'new man' or all maudlin & that's ok, but when it comes to his relationships you get the impression that they matter to him as long as they benefit him.

He's done some good things, such as when he was California Governor (that state could really use him now) but at the end of the day he was first & foremost a body beautiful who became a mediocre actor. Full marks for being a savvy businessman too but as a human being? I don't think this doc did him any real favours. His betrayal of his marriage says more about him than all his other triumphs put together.
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Silo (2023– )
What a Waste
6 May 2023
Take a stable of top British actors, add a mediocre overlong script that feels like Lost with a storyline that is never going to resolve & what do you get? Boredom.

First 2 episodes should have been condensed into one. The forced emotionalism pushed me to care less about anyone or their overwrought hand wringing & soon enough those primary characters driving the storyline were gone.

I know it's a dystopian setting but you can only look at ugly for so long without feeling overwhelming defeat & depression, especially when there was zero light relief in any of the characters.

Not going to bother further. I'll wait until it's spun itself out to Season 15 desperate to find an ending & read about how it then.
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Unforgotten (2015– )
Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone (Season 5)
17 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sure like me you had a dream that Nichola Walker's character Cassie had faked her own death to get a death in service payout, flew to Argentina, had facial plastic surgery, and came back, applied for her old job & slotted straight back in for one more shot at that pension. Only Sunny would be in on it & the last season would be another cracker. Humph. Foiled again.

Sadly Sunny is not sunny any more. Gurning & groaning & moaning about his new horrible boss who is at home/work/on her phone gurning & groaning & moaning about her cratering home life, while the staff soldier on hiding under their desks from the 'boss lady' & hating every minute of it.

Meanwhile there appears to have been a murder & the boss isn't really interested. I mean why would you be interested if you're the senior officer of a murder squad right?

There are various characters strewn about with their own depressing stories running which are slowly tying together but so transparent it's no fun at all being an armchair detective.

When Cassie was around she & Sunny had a good friendship which helped to elevate the otherwise sad story lines. But she's gone & Sunny has turned into a real prat in the only other personal relationship he's got going for him.

I'm half way thru the 5th season & bored witless waiting for someone to get with it but in my head I'm just sitting like Sunny at Cassie's gravestone mourning the passing out of the series of the ever fabulous Nichola Walker.
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Endeavour (2012– )
2 Dimensional Withering Morose 2023 Series
5 March 2023
I had to go back to the original Inspector Morse with John Thaw to remind myself why it was so engaging, unlike this latest (& I hope the last) Endeavour.

The beauty of the original was 2 great actors with crackling chemistry -John Thaw & Kevin Whately. Then there was the writing.

Any great drama needs a crafty mix of seriousness & levity. The original Morse had this balance absolutely perfect. Even in the most dire case, somewhere along the line we were either smiling or laughing along with Morse, or at something he did or said. Thaw could do serious, pathos, sweetness, & longing without it coming across as maudlin or corny. We laughed when he laughed at Harry Field's fake heraldry for the Americans, or when Lewis & his wife walked out of the opera he'd given them tickets to. We wept when he lost his one true love.

This is where Endeavour fails across the board. In this last series there's zero light relief, everything is doom & gloom. It's wearing. All the actors look like they've taken on their character's longing for retirement. Normally I enjoy Anton Lesser's performances but this time he just made me feel blue & tired. Only Strange came off as still having a drop of life in him. Thursday's marriage is repaired without explanation & back to boring, the son is a right downer all the way, daughter's cameo pointless. In fact everything about Endeavour seems pointless, most of all Morse himself. No cryptic crosswords, no inspirational connections pulling the case in, no engaging conversations between colleagues or suspects. No tension. Just dead, dull, boring, dark, fatalistic, unhappy drudgery.

Endeavour is the right title. Endeavouring to Be Morse (and Failing) would be better.
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Living (2022)
Oh no, and I'm a Bill Nighy fan...
4 March 2023
I'd been so looking forward to this, but don't recognise the film the positive reviews presenting. It doesn't have a narrative arc so much as an unsatisfying zig-zag. The pacing is uneven and slow to start, then ends in the middle and carries on... seriously. An out of character night out on the town is a vision of Dantés Hell with sound track to match as it lurches unsteadily from maudlin to debauched. And stops. Relationships don't develop. Characters don't develop. Tom Burke vanishes inexplicably, never to return. Conversations don't happen. Story doesn't engage. It's like "Remains of the Day" with frustration dialled up and engagement switched off. Just a slide show of episodes with some missing. What a shame as the two leads are so watchable, but there's no film.
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2 March 2023
This could have been an intriguing & quirky program. It sort of started that way despite the wholly unnecessary swearing. I am one of those people who would like to get through at least one episode of a program without seeing nudity, having noisy sex scenes thrown out there, naked bodies in or out of a bath, side whatever, and copious swearing.

So of course I'm peeved that yet again that's precisely what you get served up in episode one, and I couldn't turn it off fast enough.

Well, I wasn't fast enough because I toughed it out hoping everyone would settle down a bit & just get on with the story, winding episode one up with a promise to do better.

My mistake.

The final scene was full on disgusting, hence my title. You've been warned. Of course I've come to the conclusion that this is what we're being served up now as regular entertainment for the whole family. You may well not care or find anything like this turns you off but for me this was yet another example of taking an interesting idea & turning into a filth fest.

The parents guide is misleading suggesting the sexual content is mild. Sure, I guess this is what passes for mild these days. Did I say I was disgusted? Well I was. Disgusted.
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
King of Chaos 1 - Village idiots 0 (Season 2)
15 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Jeremy Clarkson is a force of nature. Larger than life, (possibly due in part to all that glorious farm food) with the energy of a raging toddler, the optimism of a Ned Flanders, the mouth of a sailor on his fourth case of Hawkstone beer, there appears to be no stopping him. Except there is.

I'm pretty sure that anyone whose dealt with a rural local council over anything more difficult than getting missed bins picked up took one look at the face on the presiding council chief and knew the answer to Jeremy's most reasonable request for planning permission was going to be a big fat "No!"

There are some fantastic people living in the area, many of whom are struggling farmers who deserve every helping hand they can get. But no. Because Jeremy is not considered a 'real farmer' the whole lot can go to the wall with him as far as the council is concerned. Bye bye to the co-opertive they were organising together that could have gone a long way to save them all. A local nameless resident even had a bitter spiteful nasty little lawyer read out a bitter nasty spiteful statement calling Jeremy every bitter spiteful nasty little name in the book. This is small minded Britain at it's worst.

Jealousy is a terrible blight on the character & it seems the area Jeremy is trying to make a go of farming is heaving with it. Because he is well known & has the audacity to be wealthy, he has no business calling himself a human being, let alone a farmer. Everything has been done, above & beyond the call of spite, enforcing policies that are applied normally without the draconian penalties of hatred levelled at him.

I live rural so I get it. You're either in or you're out & if you're out you might as well live on the moon because you'll never ever be accepted as part of the 'us' that is deemed so spectacularly full of wonderfulness. Sadly for Chadlington Oxfordshire, the public really like Jeremy Clarkson evidenced by their willingness to travel miles to visit his shop. There's little chance there will be any purchases made in that village as they journey thru, or anything more than deliberately driving over the no parking cones lined up like Daleks all along the road to make everyone's life a misery & some rubbish thrown out car windows for good measure on the high street. All I can say is, you asked for it.
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Vera (2011–2025)
Death of a Detective
13 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It happens to many a top series. Take Foyle's War as an object lesson in what not to do & the makers of Vera should have paid attention.

Beloved of us all, Foyle boasted top rate acting & story lines, stable characterisations, relatable. The series met with its inevitable tidy end with Foyle retiring & the team wandering off into the sunset of a new post war world. And it should have stayed there. But no, after far too many fallow years & not a single decent creative idea showing up for a new series elsewhere, it was thought best to go back to Foyle. What a horrible mistake.

Gone was the excellent camaraderie between the team, gone was the sweet naive Sam, the respect between Foyle & Milner. Everyone had changed, not only their circumstances but their whole personalities. They were not likeable & the magic was gone.

Enter Vera. Once a cast iron character, entirely recognisable as the curmudgeonly spinster, uncompromising, irritable, with an aversion to children & socialising, zero interest in colleagues 'home issues', & great banter with the office crew like Kenny.

When David Leon left & dear Paul Ritter left us bereft in real life I thought the real magic was gone. I got used to 'Aidan', a bit wooden but still Vera stayed the same which helped. Paul Kaye was pure counterpoint brilliance - even more curmudgeonly than Vera. Then came the natural end. Vera, just like Foyle retired & moved off into the sunset. But wait! No! Let's forget all that & bring her back with a personality transplant, & ruin everything that has been carefully built for 11 great seasons!

Vera went Woke! Suddenly there's no insulting banter with Kenny in the office, poking fun at his hair & his many girlfriends. Maybe Kenny complained he was a victim & his feelings were hurt. Suddenly Vera cares a whole lot about Aiden's family time & pats his bottom off to the wife & bairn. Paul Kaye left as the pathologist & in his place a jumped up but diverse 12yr old actress play acting at being a bright 12yr old pathologist. No possibility of real grown up snide ankle biting, just baby talk pretending to be mature. Suddenly NE England, Tyneside & Northumberland are the epicentre of cultural diversity & the trans movement. It's a blooming' miracle! Vera is right in there with the wokeists, not even batting an eye at the only trans in the village as if it's an everyday interaction.

I hate it in case you hadn't noticed. The stories are dark & dire because the very fun & levity & crackling ankle biting wit of the old curmudgeon is gone & what we're left with is a weak, boring old appeasing wet blanket of a DI.
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Warning: Not if you're sensitive or depressed!
19 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I normally like Skerritt. I have no idea why he chose to produce & star in this depression fest. There are no redeeming features, no uplifting moments, no heartwarming scenes, no redemption.


The main character Skerritt is dying of cancer. We open the scene with him making a lame attempt at suicide with a shotgun leaving his dog at the bottom of the stairs. He bails & meets his lovely sweet daughter for dinner. Treats her like dirt, won't talk to her or engage with her & walks out with her in tears saying how much she misses him & wants to spend time with him. Nice guy.

Goes on a road trip with his lovely dog, picked up by 2 lovely people he doesn't deserve. Dog gets attacked. Walks out of the wilderness & gets picked up by a lovely man who takes him to a lovely vet. Skerritt can barely bring himself to smile or utter thanks so he doesn't. Having fun so far?

Vet is lovely, fixes the dog up, buys him dinner, lets him sleep over, gives him breakfast. Skerritt can barely bring himself to smile but just barely audibly manages a grumpy thanks.

Skerritt goes to visit his estranged brother. I'd say the brother got off lightly. But here we learn that Skerritt is even more of a selfish moron than we thought. He left his brother pretty poorly off caring for their father alone & he didn't even bother to help him out or come to the old man's funeral. What a guy! He was a cardiac surgeon & he was too busy. Like we can all relate to that as to why he's a Class A horror.

Gets the vet to phone his daughter to pick up the dog. Goes after another moron who stole his shotgun & leaves it on his brother's porch. Wow, what a generous gesture of kindness & appeal for forgiveness.

Daughter shows up, picks up the dog & the grumpy old dad & drives them home.

Honestly that was it.

I have no clue why anyone without a death wish would want to sit through this. If you're hoping for some kind of redemption moment, don't bother, I just saved you an hour & a half.
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Glass Onion (2022)
No Point to This Excuse for a Movie
24 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Right up there with one of the worst movies I've ever seen & I've seen some duds. How actors like Daniel Craig & Ed Norton could have read the script & thought it was a winner is beyond me. Terrible story. No wait. There really was no story to speak of so I can't even rate that. Soooooooo looooooong when no one said anything of value to advance the non plot, not enough murder & mayhem, a lot of useless smashing & blowing stuff up with no point. And Daniel love, that old duffer accent...please. If you wanted people to forget you were once the inimitable Bond, job done. I hated this film for the full 2 1/2 hrs I waited in vain for it to get better.
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Black Adam (2022)
Harry Potter Meets Gladiator + A Warehouse Full of TNT
17 November 2022
Dwayne, Dwayne, Dwayne, What have you done?

The Rock really tried to embody his name this time - a monosyllabic rock, cold, stone dead, devoid of personality, devoid of acting skills (not required for this character), all hovering a couple of feet above ground for no purpose.

Not one character was likeable or engaging. I lasted manfully for about 20 minutes of mind numbing backstory akin to a Harry Potter character flipped out on some kind of psychedelic drugs. Endless CGI leading mostly nowhere. That's when I picked up a book to read while the film ran. I didn't miss anything.

The entire film is just one irritating bang fest of explosives while The Rock walked thru walls for no reason.

I gave it 2 stars for posterity because Dwayne is otherwise a nice guy.
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Elizabeth (1998)
A Totally Shameful Travesty
31 March 2022
How any British actor could in all good conscience sign up to this wreck of a film is beyond me and should have all credible historians ripping their hair out. It would take pages to correct all of the false, misleading, misdirecting, erroneous, slandering presentations faking it as fact to fit into this review. I hated it (in case you haven't noticed) and if you care one iota about historical accuracy or truth you will give this a miss. The inaccuracies aren't even funny or worthy of getting a rubbish B movie rating. Ugh, ugh, ugh!
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