
13 Reviews
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I really wanted to love this...
8 November 2019
Loved the concept, the location, the actor and minimalist approach. Didn't mind the lack of monster-fighting action in the setup, figuring I would be rewarded with a decent final battle for vengeance. However, the shots that were supposed to provide the exposition were too dark or hard to deduce. The dialogue (about 50 words-maybe) was garbled and I had to use sub-titles. The final battle was too dark and jumbled--I didn't know what had actually occurred until the aftermath. And the end twist was weak and unsatisfying. It would have qualified as an pretty good "Masters of Horror" type episode, but as a feature film I can't recommend it. I would love to see a big budget version, but that will never happen.
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Hereditary (2018)
Beware of Satan's Treehouse
2 November 2019
First part is way too dark and depressing - emotionally gut-wrenching with added "horror" bits to make it even worse. The mystery/supernatural middle is intriguing. The actress who plays Annie is awesome here , but I strangely found alot of her scenes is this part to be humorous for some reason. The last part attempts to ramp up the horror, but falls short. Candles, weird imagery and wall-crawling fails to impress. The end is laughable as the film goes for full-on cult status. Well-made and the performances are good, but not recommended. Watched free on Amazon Prime
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Primal Rage (2018)
Oh My! Oh-Mah!
26 September 2018
*Pros* Overall look closer to pro than amateur.

Neat concept - I like the idea of a Bigfoot/Predator type.

Loved the girl, she was a badazz without acting like a badazz. She also had some great unintentionally funny lines.

Monster was well done (at least his face).

*Cons* First half built up some intensity, but then the wheels kinda fell off the narrative with some Native American hoo-doo, medicine woman witch (way over done) and an implication in the Bigfoot cave that was not necessary.

Tone of the film was unstable - funny, sinister, jokey, disturbing. That can be pulled off, but not pulled off here. The hunters were a good example of this - one minutes goofy redneck A-holes, the next minute dangerous perverts.

The finale was interesting, but they went for the twist ending instead of something more meaningful.

Verdict - Watchable Bigfoot flick with some interesting additions, but ultimately average.

Not Rated, but would be R for language, graphic violence and some sexuality/adult situations.
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Apartment 212 (2017)
Just sleep in the car
8 September 2018
Acting was good across the board. Story was fine, but moved pretty slow - not much happens in the first hour. Could have used more comedy, tone was all over the place. If Gremlins only had a single gremlin and it didn't show up until the last act of the movie, it would be this. I liked the ending. Can't say it was scary at all, but it was a serviceable Creature Feature that is worth a watch.
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The Ritual (I) (2017)
The Norse Guide to Hiking in Sweden
18 August 2018
A buddy-pic with four brooding guys hiking in Sweden. They get lost, things start to get trippy and then go downhill from there. The story starts out with a Bigfoot vibe and then moves a little into The Hills Have Eyes territory, but it still feels original as it weaves in some mysticism and the supernatural. For my taste, there was more swearing than was necessary (the first half anyway) and the accents were a bit hard to decipher for this Yank. I also would have liked the girl at the end to have had a bigger part, with perhaps more explanation or development. Overall tho, it gets a hearty creature feature recommendation from me!
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Made for TV
17 August 2018
This one reminded me of those old TV Movie of the Week thrillers. Quirky and somewhat flat until the final sequence followed by an ending that misses the mark. Claire was cute and likable. The main guy was more creepy than funny. Maverick's girlfriend was underused. Worth a watch if you like jumpy ghost stories.
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The Meg (2018)
The Fin and the Furious
13 August 2018
Big, dumb and fun action flick with a giant CGI Shark vs. can-do super-hero Statham. Take your friends (or kids as it is relatively tame) and have a good time. The movie won't take itself too seriously if you don't !
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Rebecca (1940)
"That was Mrs. de Winter's favorite film. Would you like to see it?"
7 July 2018
I went into this thinking it was a Gothic Horror. Not horror at all, although that Mrs. Danvers could certainly pass for Bela Lugosi's sister. And it didn't feel all that Gothic to me either. But it certainly is a wonderful drama/mystery that pulled me in and held me right through to the end. I found myself staring at Joan Fontaine's face in almost every scene. Such simple, understated beauty! Olivier was great too, even if I found his character to be kinda of a jerk. A great film that has stood the test of time.
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Pixels (2015)
Game On!
23 June 2018
Hey, I grew up in the 80's and this movie was totally tubuler. Nostalgia maybe, but it was funny, cute here-suggestive there, and never boring. 5 point somethin'... I don't think so.
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It Never Came
5 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Great acting, great characters, good script and shooting. Slow burn and mystery sucked me in and I was enjoying it. Then the last five minutes happened and it ended. No payoff, no reveal, just abrupt and anger inducing. They should have just went full-on horror and threw a monster or two in. Ugh.
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Yew can do it
24 October 2017
I don't know who you would market this movie to. It's not a kid's movie, tho it tries very hard to look like one. It's not an adult movie (a boy and a talking tree), tho its themes certainly are mature. Both child and adult will squirm under the relentless emotional requirement with only a faint wisp of humor to lighten things up. Melancholy overload anyone? No?

But if you make it to the end, you'll have received an unexpected cathartic cleansing and a life lesson in your pocket that is hard, but beautiful in its truth.

Once you stop blubbering, that is.
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The Pyramid (2014)
Anubis is worth it!
15 March 2017
The human characters are all trite and irritating, but the creatures are the stars and make this movie worth watching. The pyramid itself is somewhat intriguing and the backstory passable. A few gruesome parts. I kept expecting Indiana Jones to show up and save the day! If you enjoy monsters, be sure to check it out.
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Chopping Mall (1986)
Turn your brain off and enjoy
20 February 2017
I can't believe I missed this one back in the day! 100% pure eighties R-rated fun! Not well-made or well-acted, but a blast nonetheless. I was surprised how well the Killbots came off - impressive considering the budget and quite menacing. Lots of laughs, groans and kills throughout - I recommend it if you're in the mood for a classic cross-up of Robocop and Dawn of the Dead!
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