
13 Reviews
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Russian Doll (2019–2022)
Deeper and deeper
5 February 2019
I was quite curious about the name of the show, but I understood the relevance of its name only after I watched the whole show.

With every episode it gets deeper and deeper, another layer of Nadia is revealed and story gets deeper. That is what happens when you start opening matrushkas(Russian dolls).

Already binged it all, and started re-watching the next day. I work 70 hour weeks and time is a very precious commodity, and every minute of this show is totally worth it.
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Something missing
31 May 2018
"Something missing" is the best way to describe what is wrong with Solo: A Star Wars Story.

The visuals were nice in overall, the rugged nature of smuggler part of Star Wars universe was well delivered, but not in an original way. It was more of a Firefly with Star Wars theme (not that it was a bad thing, I love Firefly).

Story had high enough odds that should have kept me hooked up during action, but failed to have that immersive feeling where it makes you hold your breath, or even care at all.

Biggest problem was that, when something happened it happened without story building towards it so that we may have cared. There were so many events that followed the introduction into directly conclusion without the build-up in between. And the little build-up that actually happens almost never reflects on the next part of the story. It almost felt like those scenes were shot without an order and without actually deciding what happens beforehand in story, and this is likely to be the case since it changed directors mid-production.

One more thing that bothered me is that Emilia Clarke's acting felt like she was only handed a script without knowing what kind of character/personality she needs portray and just reading her lines in a generic way. We know her to be a good actress so only explanation I can have is that director did not know what kind of person Kira (Qi'ra?)character was neither.
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Bright (I) (2017)
How is this so underrated by critics?
20 May 2018
I just can't understand how could anyone have not liked the movie, assuming they watched the trailer and had an idea about what it was they were about to watch.

To start with the world setting is amazing, they paid so much attention to detail in crafting the world and everything we needed to know about this world was introduced without needing any narration at all. The graffities, the way people interact at street, the street signs, districts and the reaction people show in different parts of town; it all delivered the intricate mechanics of that magical/fantasy 21st century world.

Characters were very well fleshed out. They never felt one dimensional at any point, and they developed in a very consistent and relatable way through the story.

Visuals were also very good with action scenes feeling satisfactory in the sense of old school movies like lethal weapon or die hard series.

I would have given it a 9, but after seeing the unfair scoring from so many people I bumped it up to 10, because this movie definitely deserves it.
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Deadpool 2 (2018)
Good Balance between Trailer vs Movie
16 May 2018
I want to start by saying having watched all trailers for DP2 as they came out over the past few months, I was starting to worry a little bit of trailers spoiling the movie but was happy with final trailer still not revealing much. To my joy it turned out they managed to strike a very good balance in terms of trailer fulfilling their teaser function without making me feel "yea we can skip this part of the movie, trailers got it covered".

It is not a masterpiece of a movie, but going to Deadpool with that expectation is no different than riding merry-go-round for adrenaline. Deadpool 2 successfully delivers its promise of being an action packed mockery of superhero genre.

The way it can go the lengths regular superhero movies can not dare go allowed the movie to accomplish some unique story twists and action scenes.

Without spoiling anything there is a particular scene where Deadpool and Cable handshake, and that scene alone is worth the movie ticket.

Plus kudos to Reynolds for the after credits scene.
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Rewind will Undo Everything..
7 May 2018
Unfortunately it is clear that the compelling story that was told will be completely undone by some sort of rewind in the universe bringing back all dead people.

The moment you realize this will be the case the movie loses all of its value and you stop caring what will happen from that point on making whole movie essentially obsolete.

I wish they would stick with consequences so that I could take the movie seriously, but it is clear they will not. I feel really bad about that part because if it weren't for the above downside it was actually a good movie. Well planned story, a villain that is not one dimensional (a real problem in overwhelming majority of marvel movies) and beautiful execution.

Only real downside movie had was the number of characters in the movie rendered most of those characters into extras. If we were to cut them out of the movie, or just replace them with generic extras instead nothing would have changed plot-wise. But aside from that there was no problems with the movie and it was beautiful.

I just wish it wasn't just gonna be rewind and undone, but sadly it will.
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10/10 Audio/Visuals with 2/10 Story
19 December 2017
Last Jedi movie was a beautiful Audio/Visual experience especially in 3D. That is pretty much all I can say about the PROs of the movie. I should make it clear that the 6 it received from me is a very generous rating, only given to acknowledge the amazing work people who were responsible from cinematography/effects/visuals and effects did.

TLJ is a very long movie, but not a rich movie at all. For a movie that takes 2h30m, it feels poorly structured with completely pointless and irrelevant events taking huge screen time, while characters/background stories/character developments that could have been interesting are either discarded in the most time efficient manner or left without addressing.

Story feels like a first draft, and for a production this size capitalizing on a IP that big with story materials so rich; this is very disappointing.

I could quickly recap other wrongs of the movie;
  • unnecessary and unfitting humour getting extended screen time, while meaningful plot points being discarded
  • First Order doesn't feel like a galactic menace, and its function in the story is being a comic relief

However, the biggest fault of the movie is erasing all the promise Force Awakens put on the table. TFA was not a very good movie, but it established a promising background for the new trilogy to build. And Last Jedi pretty much discarded majority of those potential in short efficient strokes, in a way it doesn't even add to the story.
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80s Style Action
1 November 2017
I will keep it brief; this movie was akin to some cult action/superhero movies from 80s like Flash Gordon with the pace, kind of imagery it had, the balance of action/interaction in a humour loaded format, choice of tracks in OST and the way said music is capitalized in the movie.

I am a middle aged person who loved Flash Gordon back in days and Ragnarok was almost a nostalgic experience for me. I enjoyed most choices in the movie even the ones that are most criticized such as easy discarding of Fandrall and Volstagg. For me those simply were used as highlighters of how Hela is in a league of her own that's simply beyond challenge. The ease they let people perish (akin to hawkmen charge in Flash Gordon) along disco music was also one of the factors where I enjoyed that nostalgic fan ride.
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Logan (2017)
Different, realistic, character driven approach to X-Men
2 March 2017
While it is a Marvel movie and a X-Men movie; Logan is very different than the other movies of X-Men and Marvel. It is more like a character based drama that happens to center around characters of Logan and Xavier.

If you are planning to go to that movie with the intention of seeing the next Marvel movie with its light heart-ed humor, or next X-Men movie where they don their sleek outfits and mutant-power their way through a world threatening evil; please note that this is not one of those.

Movie feels very different in the sense that it takes itself very seriously. No humor that is placed there that is aimed at the invisible audience superhero knows to be there, no action scenes where all the troubles of a beating and conflict is magically wiped away at the next scene. Also no billion dollar cutting edge tech stealth planes and state of the art tech mansions where characters are only concerned about world politics and threats since they somehow all live off some kind of trust fund.

Reality of life is in the center of the movie. The struggle of those characters with decaying health, with money struggle, with grief of the past events in a world that does not have a place for them anymore and their conflicting way of looking at what 'future' means. Those are things what this movie is mostly about, and the interactions between Xavior, Laura and Logan.

If you always liked Xavior and Wolverine; and wanted to see more of them in a more character focused story; then you will love Logan.

But if you are looking for a movie where heroes don their sleek uniform and beat the next bad guy in some flashy action where fight's only purpose is to entertain audience; you might find this movie to be off- putting and depressing.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
A delightful change from cheap flicks
3 November 2016
First of all, it is very clear that the production mindset behind Westworld is far from creating a cheap product with generic high bursts of tension/love/horror/excitement. It is full of deep human conflicts, that is if you are open to watch it with a clear mind.

Hopkins' quote from the end of episode 2 when he says "No" to "Odyssey on Red River" and explanation of his refusal feels like a statement of the production mindset. "Odyssey on Red River" pretty much summarizes everything wrong with entertainment media nowadays, and Westworld is a real delight that shines as a great production.

I don't know how to tell its greatness without spoiling the show, but unless you want a cheap ride you will glimpse at screen in between your texting; you can not not enjoy this show!
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Terra Formars (2014–2016)
Tryhard to be dramatic, still good action
23 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This series tries hard to give the feeling 'Attack on Titan' has by presenting individuals fighting for humanity against an enemy with no fear/pain/individuality; but sadly has WAAAY too many holes in its poor plot and has poorly scripted attempt at connecting us with the individuals and their heroic sacrifices.

Most of the characterization feels like a needless filler, since they come right before character sacrifice him/herself. It is an attempt at us feeling something for what is about to come, but unfortunately does not do a good job in achieving that.

For the plot holes / poor script: **SPOILER FROM HERE** Characters are 100 people whose mission is to go to Mars, fight primitive cockroach/caveman hybrid enemy and capture samples to bring back to earth as a 3rd mission where first 2 failed.

Selected people go through extremely expensive surgeries to alter their bodies, and sent by extremely expensive spacecrafts. But for some reason fate of humanity is given at the hands of totally random individuals with no military experience/background or even combat tendency; whom are ONLY equipped with mutation based animal based powers which they are not even trained how to use in combat. They are not given even the most basic combat or formation training, and they do NOT have even the most basic weapons, let alone any military vehicles.

They are fighting against primitive cockroach/caveman hybrids on Mars. And that is the problematic part. Their primitive enemy uses tactics, formations, weapons (clubs and slingshots), yet highly advanced humans fight ONLY with bare fists, and whenever it is required to defend against enemy attacks they open up their arms and stand in front of each other to absorb the blow (and die).

Most basic attribute of humanity is its use of tools and intelligence against threats, yet we see none in this series. Good for action, but extremely poor in quality story telling we have enjoyed at series like Attack on Titan.
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Amazing Directing, not your average joyful superhero movie
3 April 2016
There have been so many superhero movies in the last 15 years and some sort of a template for superhero movie titles was developed: Fun, Personal Drama, Villain who is pure evil for the sake of being evil, light hearted action with funny moments and the eventual conclusion of villain being put down by.. being punched?

Spiderman, Ironman, Avengers titles have all followed that formula successfully and we enjoyed them vastly. Because they were fun and enjoyable. And there is nothing wrong with that formula! It suit those titles and we love them as they are.

However, Batman v Superman was bashed by the expectations those movies set for superhero movies. People expected the joy, fun and enjoyment with a plot that is planned to make them smile and get excited. This movie was not that. It was NOT fun, it was not light hearted action. It was dark, very dark and brooding. Just like Batman animated movie of 'Dark Knight Returns' where Batman faces Superman in an all out battle. This movie was very clearly based on that story arc where old Bruce Wayne was grimmer and darker than ever with nothing left in his life but past regrets. Batman's costume, Ben Affleck's age, the post apocalyptic Batman Dream where he guns people down in a much more practical outfit with followers of his own, the fight design vs Superman.. all those were taken from those story arcs of old brooding Bruce Wayne with no joy, but lots of regrets and bitterness. Also probably some of those who are more interested in DC universe noticed the similarities with Ben Affleck's Batman and Flashpoint Paradox Batman of Thomas Wayne (Bruce's father) whom became Batman after Bruce being killed at that alley at the age of 8. Similar darkness and bitterness was visible in Afflecks Wayne persona, not to mention being the first Batman who does not bother to shave.

This movie was never intended to be a lighthearted fun. It fulfilled what it intended: presenting that dark and serious struggle of heroes, their personal demons and the weakness they feel at the moment of helplessness. Same emotions were the driving force of the villain Lex Luthor, a being almost godlike being making him question his own significance and the desire of taking him down to prove his significance. Batman and Luthor threaded on the same line full of anger towards Superman, not the man himself but the idea he presents: 'That humans were helpless and insignificant against such a being'.

Justice League: Gods and Monsters animated movie also received the similar negative reception due to its dark, joyless nature where each character was fighting their own demons more than any enemy, and the ruthless murders audience did not desire to see or acknowledge as a part of the story and the characters' backgrounds.

What we as the audience need to understand and accept is that; there is no single way of making superhero movies. As much as fun they are, not all superhero movies need to be lighthearted Marvel actions. They can be serious and dark. They can be lack of joy. I understand people did not want to watch those superheroes fight against their own demons. They wanted them to fight a villain and punch it into its place after a enjoyable plot. But when the audience pushes wrong expectations on a movie, it is unavoidable for them to be disappointed.

The movie theater I went was full of little children, almost half of whom left the movie an hour into the movie; another cried loudly when Bruce had the nightmare about Martha's grave. They were cheerful before movie started, but when it was over they were disappointed and unsettled, because they thought it was going to be another Avengers movie. I believe the people who are disappointed with the movie are in the same boat with those kids. They came expecting something totally different, and it was inevitable for them not to be disappointed.

Because let us be honest here. Zack Snyder really presented amazing director skills, scenes were all beautifully crafted with Hans Zimmer's amazing and perfectly fitting soundtrack. People complain about seeing the drama of Thomas and Martha Wayne dying again saying we all already know that, but no one mentions that this was the best cinematic presentation of that story that has been done so far.

I am quite convinced people hate the movie because they expected it not to be itself, they wanted it to become and morph into a DC Avengers. But Synder held his ground and made the movie as it would fit it; and I enjoyed it a lot. Watchmen was an amazing movie, and I had great expectations from Synder for BvS and he completely fulfilled them.
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Finally a good DC Animated
29 July 2015
Flashpoint paradox was the only DC animated l enjoyed in recent years, and especially JL War and Throne of Atlantis were particularly bland and boring.

l suggest anyone to watch the mini introduction chronicles first to get a sense of the new versions of the league members in this alternate universe (especially Superman - Bomb!!). And if you can spend the time to read the 3 (each) mini comic releases for each of these characters you will have a much satisfying experience of this story.

Especially l am amazed with Bekka (Wonderwoman of this universe) origin story and how much deeper Bekka as a character compared to mostly bland Diana. Probably her past on Apocalypse was the best sub-story l ever encountered in DC stories. (This is as much as l can say with out spoilers).

Definitely worth watching, especially if you were a fan of Batman Animated series from 90s. Story is much more darker than regular DC ones, but not pointlessly violent. Don't miss this threat as it does not happen nowadays often.
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Interesting beginning followed by a ridiculously horrible ending
18 December 2014
It felt like the scenarist who wrote the first part did a very good research and had a solid scenario. Then some 15 years old kid took over the mantle of scenarist and completed the project. Seriously second half is that bad.

They already established good side as Vlad, and bad side as Turks in the early part of the movie in a logical manner. Turks were on a campaign of conquest towards Europe and they were forcing young boys from other nations into Janissary service. More than enough material to picture Vlad as the noble defender defying an invading army.

Then movie started making Turks act like total dicks at every opportunity they get, to the point that sultan were doing completely idiotic things for the sake of being an asshole. It did not strengthen my sympathy for Vlad or make me want him to defeat Turks; it only made me feel like I am wasting my time with just another blockbuster bad movie.

If scenario kept going the way it did till the point Vlad made his deal; and he fought against an ambitious invading Emperor who would sacrifice all his army before giving up his pride, then I would have given a 9/10 to this movie. By turning into just another cliché sellout at mid movie, they managed to get it down to 4/10 from me.
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