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I tried......
16 August 2021
I really did. But they should have: 1. Waited until Rachel Weisz (spelling?) could get on board.

2. Got Freddie Boeth back 3. Had a better script. It was horrible.

Oh well . Too late now.
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90 million dollars MORE than the first great film??
3 March 2021
Good thing Will Smith backed away from this awful project. Not worth the money, the time, the effort. I tried to watch it for maybe 15 or 20 minutes, on TV and was very relieved that I didn't waste money on a movie ticket (as I continue to kick myself for not getting to the theater for BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY) but I digress. The only thing that got me here to write this pitiful review, is that the first INDEPENDENCE DAY, just happens to be on SHOWTIME. I do however, have more than one copy of the first film, on DVD, BLU RAY, etc. Best line ever from the very much underrated actress, Margaret Colin, "And don't touch anything!" And I swear, the whole cast has chemistry in that one movie, should have stood alone! As they interact, cross paths, get involved, to finally put their heads together and save the world from aliens, from "outer space". Too bad that has to be strongly verified these days. The 1996, now classic INDEPENDENCE DAY feels like the good old days, before it was added to the long list of films that we couldn't watch for awhile, after the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks changed our lives forever. Now in the year 2021, as we battle a world wide pandemic, all the frightening movies are suddenly coming true. This film should never have been made. Even the unfortunate Randy Quaid, who pretty much found the final answer to save the world with the loss of his own life, suffers with staying sane these days. To paraphrase Bill Pullman as the president, "A lot of people died today. (In our reality, the last year.) How many didn't have to?" A lot of money was put into this sequel. What else could it have been used for??

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Your Honor: Part Seven (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Okay then........
19 January 2021
Episode 7. I see three reviews so far, for this episode anyway.. Two ones and one nine. That's definitely a stretch. I started watching this series and I will finish it. But if this is what New Orleans is REALLY like, then I understand why I went there once and never want to go back again. Ever. Ugh! So what I would like to know is, why the family of a young man who is killed in a terrible car vs. motorcycle accident, by the son of a judge, and the son who was killed is part of a mafia family, and there seems to be no way to settle the problem. And the oldest son of the notorious mafia family is already in jail. This is ridiculous!! If the judge knows that the mafia family is powerful and, obviously corrupt, then how can the mafia family seek revenge? They are already criminals. So now dead bodies are piling up, at least six by my count, and NOTHING is getting done about it!! So I'll rate it in the middle somewhere. Tune in next week.
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A Horror Show
30 September 2020
I'm only half way through this. And already I'm just as petrified as I was four years ago. No. I take that back. I am more petrified. Waaaayyyyy more.
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Murphy Brown (1988–2018)
Original....yes. Reboot.....absolutely not!
26 September 2020
This was wwwaaaaayyyy back in the day, when there were wonderful sitcoms to look forward to every week. The characters all jived. EVERYONE seemed to be having a great time. The pregnancy thing in Murphy Brown, was kind of weird. I'm not going one way or another on how we all felt about it. But it certainly was not that "Murphy" was a teenager in trouble. She was a grown woman. And the show wanted to make a point. The sad losses of Jay Thomas and especially Robert Pastorelli, cut to the heart of us solid Murphy Brown fans, once the older show was canceled. The Emmy's, that were just 'virtually' presented for the year, all went to either shows I wouldn't watch on a bet, shows I had never heard of, or shows like WATCHMEN which are painfully violent and heart wrenching to viewers like me, like SHAMELESS, gross and stupid. Or like SUCCESSION, more grotesque with everyone swearing like pigs, and a family of greedy people who basically hate one another....well you get the picture. So yes, we miss Murphy Brown. We miss Friends. And sometimes even Seinfeld, which coming from me, is huge!
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RED (2010)
21 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love everything about it. Well, maybe not exactly the way the C.I.A just goes around wiping out anyone they feel like, with no explanation. I really like Karl Urban though. He's wonderful. And he won't be stereotyped as Dr. McCoy from STAR TREK. He can do anything. Put him with Bruce Willis and the rest of the stellar cast and you're set. Malkovich is amazing as always. Mary Louise Parker adds a little youth, to even things out. Her best line? "He, (Willis) is going to eat you for lunch." said to Urban's C.I.A. agent ordered to kill the 'retired analyst,' labeled RED. Retired Extremely Dangerous. Sarah, (Parker) finally decides to join the group of RED agents, Mirren, Malkovich, Morgan Freeman and Brian Cox, a Russian this time, and they take care of business. I won't reveal more. But even though these guys aren't THAT old, my age pretty much, my 80 something mother, was dragged to this movie with a friend, the first movie she had seen in a theatre in decades, her 😳 take on it? AWESOME!!! It's 10 years old. See it anyway.
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Emotional turmoil is way tooooo........much
13 May 2020
Being from Wisconsin, Mark Rufallo belongs to US!!! But as I was seeing trailers for this, I really wondered right away just how many over the top emotional roles this guy can take. Even him playing the Hulk was hard to watch, especially when he says, "I'm ALWAYS angry." And then there was The Normal Heart! One can only hope these roles haven't made him the emotional wreck that is Joaquin Phoenix. And I do not like Juliette Lewis at all!!! She is just never NOT weird and/or psychotic!!!!
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Mystery Woman: Wild West Mystery (2006)
Season 2, Episode 2
All about Philby!!!
25 January 2020
I tune into these, at the moment, currently because watching the impeachment hearings is just NOT an option or even a choice! Thank goodness for Hallmark! But I just love Clarence Williams III! He doesn't do much but he doesn't need to. He's just cool. And when he starts laughing, it's golden! But since MOD SQUAD was part of my life, it's heartbreaking that less than a year ago, Peggy Lipton passed away. I do like Kelly Martin too, though. But all of these Hallmark stories, whether they are the romantic ones or the mysteries, are easy to watch and just have on in the background. And I would imagine Bruce Boxlietner needed the work. Also, I read the mystery stories. Sick to death of the annoying love stories. So in the words of Phoebe Buffet AFTER someone said, this is the one where there's some kind of misunderstanding. Phoebe picks up the remote, says, "Then I've seen this one!" And she shuts the TV off. 😆😆
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Oh Christmas Tree! (2013 TV Movie)
Whoo hoo...Colin Mochrie!
18 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Of course it's not perfect. None of these movies are. But it was worth watching just to see Colin Mochrie of Drew Carey's 'Who's Line Is it Anyway?" fame, try to play a bad guy. Well, of course by the end of the movie, you find out why he has that nasty old chip on his shoulder and it's all a happy ending for everyone. The rest of the cast is pretty or cute or whatever they need to be. If for no other reason, watch it for Colin!
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Christmas with Holly (2012 TV Movie)
Not sure about this one.....
9 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was so distracted by the Tom Cruise and Kathryn Heigl look-a-likes, played by the two main characters, that I had to force myself to try to figure out what was going on. What will trigger the little girl to talk? What will trigger the romance? Where can I get that AWESOME fairy treehouse thing? My grown up daughters would love it! And then there's a lovable basset hound. Gorgeous setting. Toy store! Coffee and donut shop. It's all there. I'm sure I saw the Tom Cruise guy in one of the newer films but he just looks too much like the big star to survive. The hair, the smile. The 'Interview With the Vampire' sometimes scary grin. If you can get past all of that, enjoy. But I didn't like it enough to watch it again.
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Family for Christmas (2015 TV Movie)
I like Lacey Chabert a lot.
20 November 2019
She, Lacey, is a natural for these films. But it's just another Back to the Future, scenario that can make us all very happy that we can NOT travel back in time. And how is her 21st century laptop working in this time period? One reviewer called this a horror film. It's like, is she sent back to keep someone from dying? That was covered by Quantum Leap, which was the whole concept of that program. But I have asked myself that, "what if" question. We all have. Many times. And you just can't do it. You can NOT go back and change anything. It's too risky. It's just plain dangerous. Especially where children are involved. If this movie got any worse, she would probably end up in a sanitarium. Hallmark really should not do weird stuff like this. Stick with now. Right now. We can not time in travel. Time only moves one way. Forward. That's it. Angels do not come down from heaven to save Christmas. Santa doesn't hang out with humans, touch his nose and control their lives. I just find these ideas confusing and scary. This is just a lousy idea. The supernatural stuff is used in the show, Supernatural. Now THAT is scary! But this movie is old, in comparison to our next leap into 2020. 2015 is practically ancient!!!! We all have to just walk forward. We make decisions. Some don't work out. And when our planning is flawed, we need to adapt. For every action, there is a reaction. We can't change anything. We just need to grow up.
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There is just one little problem.......
21 October 2019
It should have been made really, really, clear, that Christmas or not, she shouldn't be drinking ANY alcohol. At all. One of her lines is, I'm kind of a Christmas expert. Well I'm kind of a liver disease expert. Trust me. You want to tell a good, true events, story, that's really really important. Otherwise, there is a good story here. But there is also a really scary reality. Be careful with stories like this.
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Wonderful film......
20 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For his last film, Cary Grant did not want to be the central romantic character. That went to Jim Hutton, on who I always had a huge mad crush. I was heartbroken with both of their deaths. I even saw this movie in the theater. Samantha Eggar was wonderful as Hutton's love interest and it was fun watching Cary Grant play matchmaker for the two of them, with the summer Olympics in Japan for a back drop. I love these old-fashioned love stories. No violence. No obnoxious sexual innuendo or inappropriate garbage. No computer generated scenes where most of the actors play out their scences against a green screen. Just one of my favorite movies EVER!
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Mystery Woman: Snapshot (2005)
Season 1, Episode 3
Big yawn fest!!
12 August 2019
I have been reading cozy mysteries so I figured that since there is so much horrible TV now, I'd switch to something harmless and boring to just have on to pass the time. My biggest disappointment? Clarence Williams III, of Mod Squad fame. This is a 2005 film. The poor man is walking through this part and barely moving around. And this was 15 years ago! Oh well. Still harmless and mindless entertainment.
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Aquaman (2018)
11 August 2019
......and SO convoluted. Everytime you get a little bit interested, something blows up! Too many factions out to get Arthur Curry, aka AQUAMAN. I also couldn't quite aligne it with Justice League at all. A 'before' movie? An 'after' storyline? Both? Way too complicated. Just too messy. And the end is just plain ludicrous!
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17 July 2019
This movie is pure magic. Positively perfect in every way shape or form. If you haven't seen it, please do. It is an old story with several new twists. But it doesn't matter. The characters are perfect. The direction is perfect. It's worth it's weight, and then some, in gold. Watch it with the family and learn the meaning of sacrifice. And yes, I hate to admit it but true love.
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I REALLY hate this!!!!
1 April 2019
Sorry. 10 minutes.......Waterloo and I'm done. That's just me. And is Lily James in everything these days? She's cute but it's a bit more than I could handle. And Pearce Brosnan still can not sing. That's not a apoiler.
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True Detective (2014– )
Matthew who???
27 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well maybe I don't know what I'm talking about because this is the first time I've watched this series. But I say that Mahershala Ali, teamed up with Stephen Dorff as his partner, OWN this series. And the makeup artists definitely have to be given their due. The story starts in 1980. Two children from a messed up home, to say the least, disappear into thin air on Halloween. The story goes from 1980, to 1990, to 2015. They find the young boy almost immediately, sadly dead. But the mystery of where the little girl is just will not let the two detectives rest until they finally find out what happened to her. The whole brilliance of this series is the way the scenes change from 1980 to 1990 to 2015, so seamlessly, back and forth and back and forth, that as you watch, you adapt to the time jumps pretty quickly. And the makeup used to age the characters is absolutely incredible. When at one point, in 2015, they talk about 'something they did" during the investigation, you know it's something horrible. And it is. I would have rather had a few less f-bombs scattered through out the story but the scenes and dialogue are so painful and so explosive, that there just doesn't seem to be another word out there yet to emphasize the horrific nature of the situations that come up. As the decades go on, the black detective and the white detective become closer than brothers. They also fight like brothers. But there is so much for everyone to take away from this story. Just make sure you are ready to pay attention.
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Ocean's Eight (2018)
Dead on arrival.....
19 January 2019
Yuk!!! We're supposed to be like, oh yeah!!! A bunch of gorgeous women got away with a big heist! Just like shallow men! And what was up with that horrible PINK cape that Ann Hathaway was wearing? Who? Why? I could barely stomach it.
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yeah a bit much.........
14 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I tried to watch this. But this brings up the question, why did Hollywood, or whoever, drop Bendan Fraiser like a hot potato and give all the parts to Rock 'the Dwayne' Johnson? Not fair. Maybe people would have realized that it was a sequel. BUT going down to the mysterious island in the eye of a hurricane and surviving? That's too much to start with. So maybe it is a good kids movie. But there is no chemistry between the characters because Johnson is not a sweet chemistry guy. He just makes the movie obnoxious. Waste of money. Sorry.
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Doesn't get any better......
25 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
.....than this, despite the three f-bombs that are dropped in the last half hour of the film. And the emotional situation that was taking place, makes it understandable. THIS is what we need for a President. Especially when Louis, an AWESOME performance by Michael J Fox, tells the president off. Why? Because, as a citizen, this is HIS President! The president in this country works for us. And guess what the problems are? Crime and the environment. And this movie was made in 1995!!! almost 30 years ago. Annette Bening is Sydney, the President's girlfriend, who is a powerful lobbyist. She is very passionate about her job. But then their jobs clash. In the end the President's last words to Sydney are, "Well, it turns out, I've got a rose garden." Michael Douglas, if only we were all still 30 younger. Anyway, you get the picture, he does the right thing in the end. If you haven't seen this film, see it. Oh and a shout out to Martin Sheen, as the Cheif of staff. Please! See it. It's sort of a Cinderella story, and yes, it's fiction. But dot dot!!!!😔😔😔
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Absolutely horrific!
14 December 2018
Not funny! Not sharp. Not Rene Zellweger. What has she done to her face? How can she actually do THAT much plastic surgery? She was beautiful (so were Meg Ryan AND Helen Hunt before they messed with their mugs!!!I couldn't even watch a few minutes of it, as she tells two men that she is pregnant and has no idea who's the daddy, in her Bridget Jones rambling way, which is not funny anymore. And it's a shame. Because the first movie was fresh, different, sharp, and genuinely ground breaking. This? No.
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Backdraft (1991)
Some things never change........
13 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I have always been so proud of Ron Howard. We grew up together, in a way. We are the same age. So as kids we had the same kind of life. We probably had the same types of experiences and the same values. He was on TV. I was watching him grow up as I was growing up. But how did he do this? How did he put together this emotionally charged dangerously painful film and make us need to see it? 'The Animal,' says Ronald, as he refers to the fire as a living thing, and gives us the epitome of the mind and psyche of the arsonist, played to perfection, by Donald Sutherland, who's almost as frightening as Hannibal Lector. And this film is actually my favorite DeNiro film. Instead of being a bad ass, he's a smart bad ass, a fire Marshall who takes Brian, played by the underrated Billy Baldwin, brother to Kurt Russell's big brother Steven McCaffrey, under his wing to investigate the mysterious fires killing the bad guy politicians, to make a point. These backdraft fires are being set by one of their own. Because who knows the mind of fire better than a fireman? No movie has ever made me cry like this film. It was also on the sad list of movies that we just couldn't watch after 9-11. It was just too much. Too real. I know it's been almost 3 decades since this film was made. But it is still relevant. But then so is SPLASH! Sadly, and horrifically, SPLASH has changed to "The Shape of Water." Don't watch that film. It is really really awful. I❤Ron Howard. If I could have lunch or spend some quality friend time, with a famous person, I would spend it with him. Precious and nothing but appropriate time. Like a dear friend or even a brother.
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Hard to watch........
9 October 2018
......because it's so tough to see this struggle. And it has happened. Being lost in this world where we think that we can always reach someone. But that's not the case. This is a gorgeous film! The end tears your heart to pieces. But you still feel better.
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Sometimes you need to give it a chance.....
26 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was and I suppose, still am, loyal to the older Albert Finney version. Especially the music! The classic score seemed to make it even more amazing and glamorous. But as I have watched this newer redo several times, I have concentrated more on the characters, the dialogue, and the scenery. I love the scenes of the train going through the mountain areas with the thunder and lightening before the avalanche. Just that made me wish that I had taken a chance and gone to the movie theatre to see it. That was AWESOME! A really nice touch. And when Poirot sticks his head out of the door of his berth and asks, "Did we die?," it's hysterical. But the beginning of the film was puzzling. I have read the book. Where did this strange small crime that Poirot needs to solve before he gets on the train come from? And the even stranger issue of his breakfast eggs not being perfectly matched, "I blame the chicken," Poirot says, as he runs off to other business, was just plain weird. But I digress. Johnny Depp actually makes the character of Ratchet even more sinister than Richard Widmark did. And when 'Ratchet' tries to pretty much buy Poirot to be his bodyguard, so to speak, Poirot declines by telling this person who looks like a criminal, "I do not like your face," Ratchet's fate is pretty much sealed. No one would be able to keep this terrible person safe. Those of us who know the story, are clued in (pun intended) to how it ends. They all did it. But the bottom line is this. Give this film a chance. It's very entertaining. And since our NEW Poirot is now heading to Egypt, us Poirot fans know why. And I will see the next one in the theatre. Tickets to see a movie with all the cool sound effects on a really huge screen, are not that expensive.
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