
12 Reviews
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Pew News (2018–2020)
The most reliable news source out there
18 June 2019
Mary Ham is not as good as Poppy Gloria, but it's still bonkers. I recommend if you want "no opinion" news source, in other words, neutral.
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Going Outside is Highly Overrated
11 April 2018
Steven Spielberg still has it! If you are looking for an original, entertaining and just plain fun movie with a lot of reference from the 80s, go ahead and buy this movie. The only real downside i had with the movie was the character development ... The Ready Player One Soundtrack from Alan Silvestri is beautiful and a nice throwback.

If you liked the movie go ahead and try the book, its different in a lot of ways! It was a blast seeing everything i imagined, characters, world building etc, coming to life! The motion capture was really amazing.

For book readers and lovers I will leave this quote from the beginning of the book: "Dozens of books, cartoons, movies, and miniseries have attempted to tell the story of everything that happened next, but every single one of them got it wrong. So I want to set the record straight, once and for all." - In other words, see it as an extension of the book, another way to tell the story from the eyes of other people.
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Black Panther (2018)
The king of Marvel Universe ..?
14 February 2018
The movie itself is fine, well-made, but nothing out of the ordinary. Marvel fans will love this one, since Black Panther is a well-developed character. Plus, the villain got more personal screen time, so for me it's one of the best villain of the MCU made thus far.

The overload of jokes was toned down for this movie, which i think its a really good for two reasons: It fits the moral of the story, and previous marvel movies were full-on comedies, with not so great humor.

So Marvel fan will have a blast, and im sure this movie will pick a large audience, not only Marvel Fans. It's a great action flick, with a great soundtrack too ! It's just not different from what you have already seen.

It's good, go see it if you are interested, otherwise I don't think you will enjoy it, and will be rather disapointed with all the good reviews its getting (87/100 on metacritic). I enjoyed it more than previous and recent Marvel movies, but I dont think it's the best marvel movie at all (like the praise its getting).
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As a Fan of Medieval and Ritchie.. it was a blast !
14 May 2017
"Robbed of his birthright, Arthur comes up the hard way in the back alleys of the city. But once he pulls the sword from the stone, he is forced to acknowledge his true legacy - whether he likes it or not."

Guy Ritchie's style didn't come in the way of the storytelling, in fact it helped a lot. Some fans will have pleasure during a dialogue near the beginning of the movie who looked like it was taken straight out of Snatch. It was a really quick and fun dialogue tat set you up for the kind of movie you are into. The magic in this movie is really well made, and awesome. They used more liberty with this aspect than the previous movies of Arthur. The first 10min was a super entertaining intro to a movie.

The CGI looked good for the most part, but as all movies, some scene were not as good as others. Charlie Hunnam was good in this movie, nothing to complain about. Astrid Bergès Frisbey who played the Mage did a good job, and happy to see different faces as one of the lead actor. The other, such as Jude Law, Djimon Hounsou, Eric Bana and Aiden Gillen were fine too.

The editing was fast paced for sure. Some parts i would have liked to see more, but instead of a 30min action scene, they cut it for 5min. So the movie was definitely cut down, even though I know Guy Ritchie likes to make scenes like that. It didn't kill the movie, because not long after we got a full well shot action scene. Would still like a 3 hour movie...

In the end, I would really like to see some more of the King Arthur/Guy Ritchie world. Some characters felt like they were undeveloped, even though it's a movie about Arthur (and very well developed).

If you like medieval movies with some fantastic elements, Guy Ritchie filters and a good time, I suggest you to watch this movie. The critics got it wrong, and so the rest of all Ritchie's movies. I had a blast !
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Humans are Complicated Beasts... That's Life
30 January 2017
"A boy seeks the help of a tree monster to cope with his single mother's terminal illness."

Based upon the novel written by Patrick Ness, A Monster Calls is directed by J.A. Bayona (The Impossible). He knows how to tell a compelling story in his movies and A Monster Calls is no exception. I did not read the book, but it makes me want to read it after seeing this wonderful movie. Patrick Ness did the screenplay too, so I would assume the movie is very similar to his own book.

The actors were great, including Lewis MacDougall (Conor), who plays the "too old to be a child, and to young to be a man". He carries this movie almost by himself, as we follow his inner conflicts. I was totally invested in his character throughout the film. Liam Neeson (The Monster), Toby Kebbell, Felicity Jones and Sigourney Weaver were all great following the lead of MacDougall.

I was surprised by all the visual effects put in this movie, all the dye artwork and The Monster itself. The style, elegance were just stunning.

I Hope this movie gets more recognition, since it bombed at the box office. You should really take a look at this movie if you are interested. Kids and parents will like it, but I feel like the parents will enjoy it more, since it has a deeper meaning, tells the truth and nothing but the truth and brings you back to your childhood.

Entertaining, sad and an unforgettable tale that will sticks with you for a long time, worth watching.
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Justice League Dark (2017 Video)
Different but ended up being the same in the end
30 January 2017
"Beings with supernatural powers join together to fight against supernatural villains. This team of supernatural beings include John Constantine, Zatanna and Jason Blood also known as the demon Etrigran."

Directed by Jay Oliva, Justice League Dark brings a new story with different characters. It started off well, intriguing and different, but ended being a cliché movie. Still entertaining and fun to watch, but a bit disappointed at the end.

The actors were all great. Got to love Matt Ryan as Constantine, he's perfect, and he has a really good chemistry with Camilla Luddington who portrays Zatanna.

I feel like Batman was not needed and put in the movie for the sake of it, but I understand why DC wanted him in there, so that people have more interess in this film.

The film is rated R, but it could have been even darker... Anyone 13+ will have no problem with it, I don't see it as a 18 years old type of movie. But it's still more mature than other DC Animated movie.

Overall it's pretty enjoyable. I would recommend to take a look at it if you are interested in new characters and a different vibe. Worth a watch !
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Nothing is True - Everything is Permitted
21 December 2016
It's not the worst video game adaptation, but it could have been so much better. There's just nothing that comes out of the ordinary really.

Justin Kurzel did a fine job, but watching it made me think that there could have a directors cut because of the fast pacing of the movie, mainly near the end of the movie. It starts off a bit slow, but it just doesn't reach a constancy point.

The actors were alright for what they were given. Michael Fassbender plays the main character, which more intimate time with him would have attached us, the audience, to him more. The supporting cast were good, but again, we did not have enough time with them to really learn who they are, including Maria portrayed by Ariane Labed and Moussa by Michael K Williams.

In my personal opinion, the video games works because you learn the characters and you are part of the journey of the story. The movie did not successfully did this for me. I would have enjoyed better a TV Show (about 8 episodes), where we learn more to our protagonist, but also more scenes from the past, to learn who they really are too.

Some shots of the movie were great, but I feel like the editing cut myself from the movie during the actions scenes. Longer shots would have impressed me more, then all the cutting of each movement.

Its just frustrating to see what the movie could have been. I'm still looking for a directors cut, even though i doubt it will happen.

Some people will enjoy it, some will hate it. Give it a try if you are interested in it, don't if you don't care that much !
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Cheers for the Beers !
17 September 2016
Richard Linklater (Dazed and Confused) delivers again with an awesome movie ! Guys who lived in the 80s or baseball fans in particular will enjoy this movie a lot. It's just plain fun to watch, you got a smile from the beginning to the end.

The actors did an amazing job, they are less known for the moment, but you can but sure that we will see them in the future, especially Glen Powell, Tyler Hoechlin, Wyatt Russell, and Zoey Deutch !!

Every Character is funny as hell, but like I said, if you play/played baseball, or you had a good experience during the 80s with your friends in college, you will love this movie. They are an exaggerate version of some people of who you may know, but that's whats makes it original and enjoyable.

It's worth buying on Blu-ray, without a doubt
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Who is the real monster ..?
17 September 2016
First of all, this is NOT a Cloverfield sequel, but it's way better ! Furthermore, 10 Cloverfield Lane a story that has a perfect runtime (1h43) – no moments are uninteresting or boring, and there is no predictable moments. At no points it slow down or lose interest. For a 5 million budget, this shows that the success of a movie, is not made by explosion or a lot of special effects, its made by a good well written story, intense, and good actors as well. The dialogue is really good, also due to fantastic execution from its cast.

J.J. Abrams Produce it, and did a clever move to name it 10 Cloverfield Lane, Dan Trachtenberg directed it, and for his first official movie, we can be certain that we will hear his name again.

The three man cast - Mary Elizabeth Winstead, John Gallagher Jr. and the one and only John Goodman,in what may just be one of his finest performances in more recent years, Goodman did an amazing performance that I hope will be recognize by the Academy Award next year. The two other were good as well, and deserve to be notice. The only thing I like less was maybe the end, like the 15 last minutes of the movie, but its still a great movie nonetheless

All in all, it has an intriguing premise, brilliant performances and good storyline. It puts you on the edge of your seat for all the movie. Good Thriller, Drama, mystery and sci-fi. I strongly suggest you to watch this movie. Buying it at full price won't make you disappointed !!
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Room (I) (2015)
The beauty of the world
17 September 2016
Room is a Wonderful movie based on the book by Emma Donoghue. First of all, you should avoid watching the trailer of this movie if you really want to experience the movie as it should be.

The story takes place within ''Room'' , a confined space with only a single skylight for daylight. The condition of the room is bad, it looks all dirty and not sane at all. You can quickly see what's going on, within the first minutes of this original Drama film. I don't want to say too much, because you just need to experience it yourself during the viewing, and you will quickly understand what's going on. It made me cry, it made me smile, it made me have a hell of a good time, that's for sure and also, it made my heart beat so fast during some scenes, and really care about this kid and his mom.

The acting is superb.Brie Larson (Ma) delivers one of the best performance as an actress, if not the best, for this year. Jacob Tremblay (Jack) is one of the finest young actor I have ever seen in a movie. Normally, young actors bother me, but this young man did a really good job. The movie deserves the Oscar nominations, as Brie Larson.

All in all, i strongly recommend you to buy this movie at full price if you are looking for a good drama movie. Comment Comment | Permalink
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Why aren't you laughing !?
17 September 2016
Based on the graphic novel of Alan Moore and Brian Bolland, this movie is beyond the book. The first thirty minutes is something completely different from the original story, and felt a little bit out of place for me. They wanted to put more content in the story because the comic is short to do for more than an hour of a movie, and they wanted to develop the character of Batgirl. The next 45 min is the main story.

A lot of controversy happened with the comic, well a lot of controversy will happen with one scene in particular that they added to the story.

Mark Hamill (Joker) nailed it as always, and Kevin Conroy (Batman) too.

It's what fans were waiting for, it could have been better though, with a better director, and better drawing. The animation is OK, not my favorite, but it's still acceptable. Overall this is still an OK adaptation, and you will have a good time watching it.
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Snowden (2016)
Safety of Freedom ..?
17 September 2016
From Director Oliver Stone, this Biography shows and explain the life of Edward Snowden. Part thriller and part drama, it's a movie that, not only keeps you engaged in the movie, but also makes you think about all sort of questions. As you could know, Oliver Stone will lean more on representing Snowden as a Hero, but not in a way that judges those who, at the end, still think of him as a traitor.

Joseph-Gordon Levitt did an Oscar worthy performance as he portrays Snowden perfectly, from the physical side (his voice included) to the psychological side. Shailene Woodley gives a mature performance worth noticing as she portrays Lindsay Mills, and had great chemistry with JGL. All of the rest of the cast were good too (Quinto, Ifans, etc.)

I strongly suggest you to watch Citizenfour to fully capture what happened to this modern hero (imo)

If you liked Oliver Stones previous movies, or you want to discover Edward Snowden, this is a great movie for you ! Will buy it on blu- ray for sure !
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