
41 Reviews
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Women Talking (2022)
8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Women Talking is a new feature film that tackles a very important matter.

I was intrigued after hearing about this much buzzed film. As a filmmaker myself, it is important that women behind the lens get the recognition they deserve. While I applaud the filmmaker, Sarah Polley, and overall team involved with this project, the film as whole falls flat.

What immediately baffled me was the opening statement of the film being an "imagination". Really? That not only distracted me as a viewer but the message was misleading. I encountered seeing various promos on the film being a true story.

While there were good moment, like some of the direction shots and the performances of Rooney Mara and Claire Foy, the story felt like one long montage. Voiceovers are always wonderful to include but with a reason. In this case, the voiceover felt forced and was overall overloading the viewers with various exposition. Here, Sarah Polly has the opportunity to show rather than tell the viewers.

The film also dragged in many places. As a viewer, I wanted to see more of the characters in their home life. After all, they are sneaking around to meet and plan their leave from the colony. I just had a difficult time connecting with the characters that full 100%

Again, Women Talking had many good moments but, I think with a script clean up - the film could've been more powerful.
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Performances save the movie
15 December 2022
I have about twenty minutes left of this movie and to be honest, I've been wanting it to end for about an hour or so. While I do applaud the filmmakers for creating such a unique world and overall, story...

A lot of the times, the film appears to try too hard; you know to be creative, different and overall, experimental. Sort of feels Oscar baity at times.

The action scenes are impressive and it is neat to see a bad*** female lead. The performances from Michelle and Jamie are STRONG. But I think Ke is the true scene stealer in this entire film! I enjoy his scenes the most; his performance is a great mix of comedy and drama.

I'm not surprised if this film scores a lot of Oscar nomins but in the end, a lot of moments are confusing and difficult to follow/
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Clever idea but poorly done
24 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While the concept of the film sounded my opinion, I thought the film as a whole fell flat.

The acting was horrible from a few actors; there were times I even questioned if they were supposed to either be scared or not. The casting directors should've casted another actor for the lead. I felt he was the weakest part.

Also the idea of the statues and animatronics coming to life sounded fun. But again, the big letdown was clearly being able to tell that actors/stuntmen were in these costumes. I felt the production could've been more clever with executing these spooky monsters.

I found myself tuning out about halfway through the movie. Overall, I waited for the pacing to pick up, or the acting to improve, but it didn't.
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Pearl (2022)
Wonderful performances
24 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow Pearl lived up to the hype. I wasn't a fan at all of X. So a sequel didn't quite intrigue me. I'm so happy I saw Pearl!

I agree that Mia Goth's performance deserves the recognition it deserves. I actually had sympathy for Pearl; as someone in the entertainment industry, those feelings of wanting to achieve something and overall going through a dog eat dog world is PAIN itself.

I thought Mia knocked it out of the park; I felt the slow burn to seeing her "lose her mind" was done WELL.

Also kudos to Ti West for editing the film! There were wonderful throwbacks to the 20s. I enjoyed the slide swipe transitions.

Of course THAT ending monologue and stare from Pearl was AMAZING.

I hope Mia does snag an Oscar nomin for this role, as well as the actress who played her Mother. That actress was SCARY GOOD. During the confrontation scene had me on edge.
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Jexi (2019)
This film had me giggling
5 November 2022
I'll admit, the previews didn't pique my interest. But I thought I would give in. This film is hilarious! I was legit laughing my a** off! I haven't laughed this hard in a while. I was laugh-crying on and off throughout the film. It's silly.

If you're an Adam Devine fan, then you will certainly dig this movie. He is both charming and hilarious in this! He should continue making films and TV. I'm curious to see what other projects he has in store.

It's not only funny but the film also has some strong themes of growth and taking chances. Especially the scene with going out and making friends and falling in love.
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Good concept but a crappy lead
6 October 2022
The film had some great visuals and an overall, style. I enjoyed the story structure. It felt very noir. Even Shiloh's performance was quite entertaining. He was both charming, yet creepy. His character's back story was also interesting. But the film could've dove in a bit more on his back story. Perhaps, I was just invested to know more of his motives.

The only issue I had was the lead (Ashley Benson). She was not convincing in her role; it felt very forced. In most of the films I've seen her in, she always came off exhausted. To me, she was just there - acting. The film should've cast a stronger leading lady. She should've taken acting lessons.
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More backstory for the Grabber.
6 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What an interesting concept and great performances from Ethan Hawk and Madeline McGraw. They were the scene stealers.

The film was more of a thriller with horror and fantastical elements. I blame poor marketing on the studio's end. I saw why a lot of people seemed upset that the story was not necessarily your typical horror / monster film.

For me personally, I wanted to know more about the Grabber's history and what turned them evil. The writer / director could have added more flavor to their background. Unless, the film was a set-up for a sequel / prequel.

Overall, the film was creepy and there were some cool directing and cinematography shots. I really enjoyed the survivors being included on-screen for the phone calls with Finney. It was sad but, you sensed who they were.
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Blonde (2022)
Marilyn was MORE than her pain
28 September 2022
Possible CONTENT WARNING on my thoughts of Blonde (movie):

I was skeptical to watch this movie, given the controversies around the film. Including the fact that the film is based on a fictionalized version of Monroe's life.

First off, I must say WOW - Ana did a great job as Monroe. I was a bit nervous due to her accent being noticeable in the trailer that dropped a few months ago. I truly felt Monroe's PAIN and kudos to Ana, who was clearly passionate about the project. It was clear that Ana wanted to do justice for Monroe.

While the idea of a feverish dream was interesting...the story as a whole had me TORN. While every human experiences grief, loss, and pain...Monroe was so much more than these. From research and studies, Monroe was also a dedicated and passionate student and actor. She worked HARD to be taken seriously as an artist. In other words, she was not just a victim.

I wish the film dug further into the successful moments in her life like her desire to learn and strengthen her craft. Blonde was yet another film that turned Monroe into a damsel in distress. There were opportunities to, again, showcase Monroe as more than her pain and grief.

Hollywood needs to let her rest in peace.

I only gave this film a 6 out of 10 due to Ana's haunting performance as Monroe. There were also some beautiful cinematography and directing as well.

Perhaps, if Blonde wasn't based on a real life human being, I might have felt different about the film.

In the end, Blonde was very depressing and left a heavy weight on my chest. Do watch with caution.
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The Munsters (2022)
Well, I want a part 2
27 September 2022
If you're a Zombie fan, be prepared because this isn't his typical gore horror. Zombie has expressed his love for the Munsters over the years. And he delivered a fun flick!

From the acting to the color scheme, the film is a fun watch. My parents watched the Munsters, so I grew up watching a few episodes too. I think Sheri and Daniel nailed the mannerisms and voice of Lilly and Grandpa. I enjoyed Jeff's presence but wish there were a few more scenes with him and Grandpa.

Overall, the film left me wanting more. I think Zombie should consider doing a sequel. As a longtime fan, I would watch it again! Bravo, Zombie, and Munsters team!
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
Luca tackles on a popular movie and executes a masterpiece
8 September 2022
I truly don't understand the hate with this film. Luca tackles on a popular movie and executes a masterpiece. My goodness - the acting, the cinematography and direction are FANTASTIC. And the MUSIC!

This film reminds me of Black Swan and Whiplash; all respectfully a masterpiece of their own. Especially with the want and desire to reach a goal.

I actually prefer this version a BIT more than the original Suspiria. Mainly for Luca's direction and the intercuts of pleasure and pain (without giving too much away but, sheesh that dance scene in the basement).

Hopefully, this film will grow a cult following over time and receives the praise it deserves. I think this film should be watched and even studied in classes.
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Prey (I) (2022)
The end ruined it
7 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I dug the build up and the tribe lifestyle but what kind of ending was that?

So the lead just understood the skull was the key to killing its own? Just seemed like a cop out. Lazy writing.
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Showgirls (1995)
It had potential!
6 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm late to the game but, I finally watched this movie a few weeks ago. Wow - mass kiddos to Elizabeth and Gina; I must say I wasn't expecting that much nude. I thought the dance scenes were interesting. The film certainly gave off a Black Swan vibe of the rivalry meets sexual tension.

To be honest, I actually really loved Gina in this role. She was both sexy and terrifying. I don't understand the hate she got.

I can see where some viewers (or critics) got annoyed with Perkins' portrayal. There were a few moments like when she throws the food upon meeting her soon to be roomie out of the blue. That seemed out of character and over-the-top. I read somewhere that even the director agreed he had Perkins' delivering over-the-top moments.

But again - that works for a satire film. But to my understanding, this was meant to be a dramatic piece.

The one scene that really took me out of the film was the assault. That was one of the most graphic assault scenes I saw. It was triggery for many reasons but, it honestly seemed out of the blue.

Again, there was so much potential but, it certainly seemed like the studio stepped in too much on this. That was my feeling for the cheesy script lines and out of the blue moments.
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Now this is a horror thriller
5 August 2022
What a great fun show! I wasn't expecting much from this but, was I wrong!

I love the horror film homages and direction shots. Also, the arcs and stakes are strong with all characters.

Only yo-yo are some of the "on the nose" woke comments. But other than that, I binged the first three episodes in one sitting.

I would love to write and direct a show like this.
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Grandfathered (2015–2016)
I loved it!
30 July 2022
So dumb for Fox to cancel this. I think the show deserved another season, at least, to wrap things up. This show seems more suitable for something like Hulu. I was rooting for the show to continue.
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Not Okay (2022)
Zoey and Dylan shine in this generic story line
30 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The acting from Zoey and Dylan is GOOD. Zoey is the indie film sweetheart and I'm glad to see her in more movies. I loved her work since seeing Flower and as for Dylan - come on Teen Wolf and the First Time. They're both so damn charming in their roles.

As for the story - it was OK; I mean, the whole social media obsession is scary relevant. But I don't think we needed a full movie on it. The editing with the title cards was also a bit annoying, very first-time short film and feature film move.

To be honest, I would've been curious to see this as a story as a book. The film was straight forward on its promo, although clever, "unlikeable female protagonist". But I'm sorry - this is entertainment and I was hoping the character learned something and was genuine about it. So basically, she only came forward of her secret due to blackmail? That felt a bit of a cope out.

I think the story would've been a lot stronger if Danni decided to come forward of her secret due to her growing friendship with Rowan. Now that would've shown some growth with Danni. I think the audience would've felt more of a connection (relief, sad, etc.) at the end, where Dani walks away from Rowan's speech. That last scene also bothered me - so no look from Rowan or some acknowledgment?
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Well, I enjoyed this thriller
26 July 2022
I really liked this film. I thought it had great suspense and the stakes were always high for the lead. Plus, the scenery of the country were beautiful. I, overall, thought the setups were cleverly executed. It was also lovely to see Leighton in a film; she should get hired more.
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Fresh (2022)
Dance dance Sebastian
26 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit that I had zero idea who Sebastian Stan was. After watching this film - my goodness is he GREAT. Daisy was also wonderful too.

The film somehow turns the cliche storyline of girl meets boy and they fall in love into an interesting one. The romantic meets suspense is something I have yet to see done in an organic and not so on the nose way. This film reminds me of Basic Instinct.

The only part that I was okay to let slide was Daisy's character going through all this setup (and eating the breasts of his victims). I mean, what was the hold up? I get it - that dance scene with them was fun and eerie. But really, the film could've been trimmed if they just went straight for the kill (pun intended) and spend more time on the aftermath of the women escaping.

Sebastian is such a talent! I'm impressed with his range and dedication.
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Windfall (2022)
A film that goes nowhere
26 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Great cast and director / writer but this one, for me, didn't hit the mark.

I enjoy the noir vibe and the minimal locations. Beautiful shots. Story wise - I wanted a bit more; it would've been interesting to see Lily's character have her moments or quirks. So by the time she kills her husband, you as the viewer are either rooting or booing her. The film overall seems confused on what type of genre it wants to be.

There is potential but, I think the script needs to have a stronger motive for its characters.
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Deep Water (I) (2022)
Just NO
26 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What the hell was this? One of the weirdest films. Beautiful cast but a sh**** storyline. Ana is gorgeous and was amazing in Knives Out. But this film makes it look like she can't act! Definitely a film that needs work.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Sorry but I don't get the hype
25 July 2022
I tried sitting through this and turned it off. To be honest, Jason has a terrible accent and not sure how people can stand it. Maybe it's the type of style I don't like but, a lot of this show just comes off as flashy.
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How I Met Your Father (2022–2023)
Hilary is the reason to watch
25 July 2022
It's refreshing to see Duff in an adult role. I grew up watching Lizzie McGuire. Duff is charming and sweet. The show has its ups and downs but, I am looking forward to the new season. Each episode held my attention or piqued my curiosity.
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Cute comedy
25 July 2022
I remember watching this in theaters and thinking it had strong moments.

I think the cast is great and the storylines parallel nicely. Anna Kendrick and JLO's storylines are tough ones and I'm not a mother myself. Watching their scenes, I can only imagine how real life women feel if they can relate.

The dad group has funny clever moments.
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Nope (2022)
A lot of potential
25 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One thing for sure - Jordan Peele has original ideas. This one was his "worst" in my opinion. His first two features were filled with suspense and you as the viewer, understand why characters do or say certain things.

With NOPE, there are strong moments like the acting from Daniel K and Keke P. Keke nailed the charisma and slapstick comedy aspect; whereas, Daniel's dry humor balanced the tone of their scenes. Directing actors is all about having one be the alpha and the other as the beta. Of course, should there be one than more alpha, then you see the higher tension and etc.

I do have questions regarding some of the lead (OJ's) motives. But this film also appears to be targeting more of the "what if" scenario, where it's simple and things just happen "because".

Not sure how this is going to work, as a whole, for this year's Horror Nights. I guess aliens and the chimp?

Also, I was a bit more invested in the Chimp gone wrong on set flashbacks. Now THAT was horror. I assumed this was just to paint a "better picture" of Steve Y's character on seeking redemption and something extraordinary. I would be curious how this film would've been if Steve Y's character was the lead, and OJ was the sidekick.

Now that would've been a more interesting film.

Also kudos to Peele for the raining blood homage scene! That was a nice touch to the Evil Dead raining blood scene.
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Fun film!
24 July 2022
I just rewatched the other night and it's super fun! I love Leslie Mann and she never fails at her comedy. Cameron Diaz deserves more credit; she plays the classy and dorky characters well. I'm so glad she is coming back to acting.
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Candyman (2021)
Great shots but terrible story
23 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nia and the director of photography have some gorgeous and eerie shots in this film.

I think the puppeteer shadows are a great way to show some of the flashbacks; that is a creative choice. Another great factor are the upside down shots of the city to give an unsettling feeling for the viewers.

Unfortunately, the story falls flat in many places. There is potential, considering the less being connected to the original film.

Just something felt off - maybe a miscast or how things appeared rushed?
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