
15 Reviews
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Late to the party, but had to say....
23 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm late to this show, and bingeing hard.

People talk about the loose morality on the show....and that's not untrue. But throughout history, the press has reported the news, they haven't affected it. Their role is to document, not create. The crash on the highway ....what could Austin have done? He said himself that no-one should get out. It was just too dangerous for everyone. But when it went horribly wrong he *immediately* got in there and saved the guys life. That's hero on any day.

But, what I actually felt compelled to write this review for was to say - and to agree with what others have said - Zak is utterly insufferable. From his ridiculous wanna be cop car, to his sucking up to every single first responder - and his being so oblivious to how they're clearly just rolling their eyes at him. He's the epitome of cringe, and he almost makes the show unwatchable.

I'm hanging in there for Howard, but Zak.....ugh.
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NCIS (2003– )
A few years ago this would be a 10
19 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched this show diligently since the beginning. I'm definitely a fan. There's been changes that I was sceptical of, but which turned out great - I miss Tony, but I love Torres and liked Jack, before Maria Bello quit, and Gibbs needs to come back full time, obviously.

However, I cannot *stand* Kasie. From the very first time she was in, I just hoped she'd be a five minute character. Not so lucky. I realize no-one can replace Abbie, but Kasie just pushes my last button.

And the Pam Dawber line? Nope. Just nope. NO!
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Prodigal Son (2019–2021)
Please don't let it slip too much more!
22 April 2021
Loved this show from the beginning. Found the Ainsley character, and her actions, to be a bit lame....but obviously, so did the writers as they just kind of skipped over it.

But with the addition of Catherine Bloody Zeta Jones, I'm almost out. It wouldn't be as heinous if she hadn't had so much work done, she can barely create a single expression of emotion.

I'm just hoping they'll find some reason to move her along, and stop distracting from an otherwise good show.
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Chicago Fire (2012– )
The usual irresistible woman plot line
27 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I recently fell down the rabbit hole that is the Chicago series, and I'm loving it.

Two things that drive me mad: Gaby Dawson - she's the amazing, much loved and wanted female lead (see the same thing in The Blacklist, where the whole world wants Lizzie). Everyone worships her and most of the drama centres around her. She is NOT all that and it's just annoying. I'm just glad I know she's gone further down the line.

Second, Chief Bowden. He's awesome. But the constant deep, gravelly, slow, stern voice, is just annoying. And he *never* takes off his jacket. He's inside, take the damn thing off. And I think he's smiled less than ten times so far. He just makes me feel like 'dude, get over yourself, crack a smile, relax a little'.
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Bull: My Corona (2020)
Season 5, Episode 1
11 January 2021
I'm a big fan of Bull, but this episode is virtually unwatchable. The musical numbers are actually painful, and the CGI Astrid is the worst I've seen since Twilight. It was like spawn of Chucky. Just awful.
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The Punisher (2017–2019)
Brilliant - but too long in season 2
5 January 2021
I loved season one, and am addicted to Jon Bernthal. But season two is about a third too long. It could all have been accomplished much quicker and more efficiently.

Still worth bingeing.
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Lethal Weapon (2016–2019)
Loss of Clayne isn't the only problem
15 December 2020
I had low expectations for this show, but ended up loving it. I've heard all the stuff about Clayne and Damon not getting on, but they fake it well. I think losing Clayne was bad, but SWS wasn't totally terrible.

What I struggled with, having just binged the whole show again (thanks covid), is the way Murtaugh's family behave. Trish is incapable of not speaking down to Roger. Admittedly, he's the standard juvenile, slightly subservient Wayans character, but she routinely shuts him down in front of their kids. The scene where he comes back from Mexico, they sit, as a family, and abuse him. They make ridiculous demands and Trish makes it clear he can't complain about any of them. He has no credibility as a parent. And Riana is just a spoilt, obnoxious brat. I think there's maybe two or three lines where she's respectful towards her dad.

And as an end to this pointless rant, are we meant to believe that Trish sews herself into those ridiculous dresses every day? And wears absurdly high heels to put away the laundry? (Yeah, not a fan of Trish).
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Stratton (2017)
Seriously with that accent??
20 October 2020
I'm not far into this show, and it might be good for killing time. However, I'm not sure I can get past Connie Nielson's accent. Seriously, could she not have gone with a slightly posh accent like the rest of us, instead of appearing to be physically rolling marbles around her mouth and aiming for an accent that will make the Queen sound like a scullery maid....or, you know, use an English actress.
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Transplant (2020–2024)
Friends will drag you down
30 April 2020
Seriously, the whiny, needy friends who keep putting your livelihood at risk. I mean, how many times can this 'friend' hurt himself, or need housing, or just something sad with his excessively sad puppy dog eyes.

And the sister. Ugh. Just do as your told, ffs.

Great show, otherwise.
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Evil (2019–2024)
Great show, but....
23 November 2019
Please, for the love of anything holy, shut the kids up. Do they really need to shriek and scream All. The. Time??
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Evil (2019–2024)
The girls shrieking is ruining a good show
15 November 2019
I love this show. I wasn't sure how I'd feel, but I'm really enjoying it. I just cannot stand how her four girls cannot speak at a level below a shriek. She's an intelligent woman, surely she could keep them from screaming. All. The. Time. Otherwise, a good, creepy, interesting show.
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Hard Sun (2018)
So good.....but ugh
31 July 2018
It is not often that one character makes a show almost unwatchable (aside, of course, from bloody Chloe in Lucifer), but the horrible MI5 agent in this show is so far beyond repugnant and repulsive that it almost makes an otherwise great show unreadable.

Otherwise, this show is great. Great premise, great acting. The only downside is that Elaine seems to get beaten up in every episode....and Daniel just needs to be institutionalized, already.

Well worth the time. I just binged the first season and can't wait for season two (fingers crossed).
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
I just can't stand Chloe....
1 May 2018
I wish i could get past it, but I can't. She's not attractive, and she's totally wooden. I don't understand anyone having a wild passion for her, let alone two men ...after her first husband. The joy of this show is being sucked away by this god awful woman. I LOVE the rest of the cast, but I just can't bear Lauren Graham. Please, please have her killed off! With her gone, this is a solid nine or ten stars.
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
"Chloe" just kills every minute of this show
11 November 2017
Honestly, I LOVE this show. Lucifer, Ella, Douchebag Dan and the doctor are all fabulous. But, I cannot get past the horror that is Lauren German. She has one personality - and I use that term loosely, and it's the same in every show she's on. There's zero chemistry between her and Lucifer and with so many dynamic, attractive women on the show, he's 'vulnerable' for her?? Seriously, she's godawful and the show could only be improved by her untimely show death and a replacement that is attractive and who can act!
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Such a disappointment
23 April 2017
So, I have to admit that I loved The Blacklist - until it seemed that the entire world was out to get Liz, and everyone either worshipped at her feet or needed her dead in order to live their lives. It just stretched the bounds of incredulity. So, I had high hopes that Redemption might be a bit of a refresher - even without the wondrous James Spader who is simply AMAZING as Red.

Sadly, I have been sorely disappointed. I struggled through the first episode and ten minutes of the second and couldn't take it for another moment. I mean, I knew that Famke Janssen had one persona, which she limps from one role to another, but this was just painful. Did she get surgery done, or is she choosing not to move her face at all?? Even the other actors being moderately better and more engaging couldn't salvage this. And even if we could get around the fact that Scottie is old enough to be Tom's mother - which, technically, Famke Janssen is - just - but the overt (and somewhat gross, to be honest) 'sexuality' she is meant to be portraying is just nauseating.

It's a shame, as this could be a really good show, given another female lead, and a slightly more plausible story line, but I'm not willing to give up what feels like years of my life in order to find out.
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