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Unfrosted (2024)
Cerealsly, this is funny!
8 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Unfrosted is one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long while. This movie was never meant to be an academy award winning picture. It was written and created in the vein many other movies we've come to cherish today were made. Think of Caddyshack, Animal House, Super Troopers, Wet Hot American Summer, and other movies we love just because they are stupidly funny. Here, the jokes come fast and in your face (that's what she said). There are many obvious jokes but several other jokes tucked into the surface of the obvious ones. You have to pay attention closely because so many jokes are being told at the same time. Between the puns, the background action, the intentional overacting, set design, costumes, and more, a rewatch is probably in order to catch all of what Jerry Seinfeld is doing as the writer and director of this movie. If you watch this movie thinking you'll see the next academy award winner, well, you will be disappointed. If you want to just spend some downtime giggling every minute or two, watch Unfrosted.

Favorite moments: The funeral scene. I mean, c'mon, you have to admit mascots singing Ave Maria and lowering a casket while pouring milk and cereal over it is damn hilarious.

The January 6 parody down to the name of the FDA administrator. Funny dialogue and visuals. If you're a trumper you may not get the joke. In fact, you may not get the entire movie because your brain is as soggy as a forgotten bowl of half eaten cornflakes.

Amy Shumer and Max Greenfield's scenes. Everyone in this movie is supposed to play it way over the top but these two look like they want to push it even higher. Their chemistry is good enough to make Amy seem funny in real life.

Set design, props, and costumes. It's like my eyes are kids in an eye candy store. So much to look at and appreciate here. I love the pop art look (that's not an accident here) from the early 60s. I didn't put together how it played into the story equation until the gratuitous end.

Hugh Grrrrant! I'll just end that discussion here. You'll see what I mean when you watch the movie.

There are several other moments but too many to list. I highly recommend Unfrosted for those who love silly, nonsensical, and light hearted movies. Who knows? It may become part of your cult classic library some day.
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Slow and Clunky
16 January 2024
I'm reading a lot of positive reviews and a list of festival awards for this movie but I don't feel the same. This movie tried too hard IMO. The acting looks forced and very trite. I cringed at some of the line deliveries from the very first scene. There is also some odd cinematography choices. One of them being when Trish and her mom or when Trish and her sister are talking, the actors are spaced as bookends for a poster or painting in the middle of the screen.

I know people are praising the acting in this movie but honestly I found the acting to be cliché and awkward. In some of the scenes it looks like the actor(s) forgot their lines, remembered them, then kept going and that is the take the director used.

This movie is kin to an After School Special where we learn something through dramatic storytelling,

Oh, and Luke Wilson playing a lawyer made me think that somewhere Movie Land that he is married to Elle Woods and the kids he shows pictures to another character to, are theirs.
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Easy movie to waste time with.
19 November 2023
I see the critics and like absolutely do not like this movie and I can understand why but I don't think it's as bad as they say it is. Granted, being a layman, I may not see the nuances of its satirical faults like a critic who knows the industry would. Like Latte Pronto, I'm a dolt who glides through my days waiting for something to happen to, or around, me. I react with bemusement and sometimes disdain given how people behave in public these days. Therefore I could somewhat relate to Charlie Day's mute character. But, Is it better to verbally abstain from the travesties I see or should I interject and face the wrath from the recipient of my diatribe? Given who I am, I tend to verbalize my opinions thus joining the sludge of humanity that already permeates society. Latte is better off because he doesn't intentionally join in to what is happening around him.

This movie is somewhat of a homage to Charlie Chaplin films and Being There. While Being There was far more substantial and funny, adding a silent Chauncey Gardner to the mix allows the viewer to interpret what Latte is thinking. Latte is not insightful nor as impactful as Peter Seller's Chauncey to those around him. Latte is more or less another prop for Hollywood to discard when it is through with him.

Would I watch this movie again? Probably not but if someone wanted me to sit with them while they watch it, I would probably sit right there, silently, and look for their reactions to what is in front of their eyes.
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Lego Masters (2020– )
Entertaining for those who love creative inspiration.
7 October 2023
Being able to create amazing Lego creations is like singing, or playing the piano. I'm always envious of those who can just sit down and play the piano or sing any song well. I feel the same way about people who can come up with amazing Lego pieces. It's takes a very special talent to be able to do any of these on the fly. I love watching what people are able to create without instructions. I personally need a step by step guide to put anything Lego item. Together. Those who can think out of the brick box will love this show. My son loves Lego and Lego has been a very important influence in his recovery from a TBI. Lego has allowed him to relearn hand/eye coordination and patience. Since his accident he has built many sets as it builds his self esteem. For these reasons is why I like Lego Masters a lot. (I'm a big Will Arnett fan so that helps this show imo).

Yes, LM has all the reality show tropes we know such as commercial break teasers, unnecessary built up drama, feel-good contestant stories, celebrity cameos, cheesy writing, fake out elimination rounds and more but it doesn't take itself too seriously. Will Arnett calls that self deprecation out when it happens too. I only wish that when contestants won a round that they would receive something more than a pat on the back. I wish they would win a little something for the weekly challenges. There is a "golden brick" a team can win and use as immunity but that only comes into play once per season. What this show is all about, though, is the Lego creations. There are so many amazing works that come out of the heads and hands of the contestants here. The first season has had the best ones yet probably because we aren't expecting the types of work that get turned out week after week. I'm worried that LM will run out of modeling ideas soon. We have watched a lot of creations get blown up, dropped, smashed, uphold to 60mph winds, sustain a ton of weight, wrecking balled, bucked off by a bull, etc. I don't know how many more way we can watch Lego get destroyed. I credit Will Arnett for keeping us interested in watching week after week. A lesser host would probably not be able to keep our interest season after season.
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Dull hosts + Dull contestants = dull show
24 August 2023
I watched season one and I didn't love it but I ended up watching the whole season. The timing on season two is awful though. Starting with the opening scenes , the rhythm is stilted and slow. I feel like the first scene opens mid conversation and we have already missed the whole set up. The Lashays look uncomfortable like they had to rehearse over and over then do many takes before the one they used. Everyone talks in slow motion without emotion. Personally I wouldn't want to date any of these people because they would put me to sleep. I hope the writer and actor strikes end soon. I won't be able to stomach an all reality show tv season.
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American Auto (2021–2023)
Gets better like a newer model car.
9 March 2023
I started watching this in Season 1 because it's created by the same person (Justin Spitz) who created Superstore and also worked on The Office. Season 1 was uneven at best. I was actually surprised it was picked up for season 2 but I'm glad it was. It's starting to find its footing now. This season it much tighter and the cast is starting to gel. Last year felt like I was watching a cocktail party where no one knew each other tried to share antidotes. There was a certain awkwardness to their chemistry. It felt like they were trying too hard. This season is much improved and the cast is tighter, more in tune with each other. There is some good writing and the jokes are pretty smart. I like watching Anna Gastyer as the fish out of water CEO and her subordinates navigate themselves out of quirky, though unrealistic, conflicts. Now this show is in my regular weekly rotation as I hope it continues with its upward trajectory. I recommend this show to those who are looking for an easy to digest sitcom.
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Alone (2015– )
Interesting study in human behavior
23 January 2023
Alone is probably the closest thing to a real reality show there is. Ten contestants are dropped off at various parts of an unpopulated area, miles apart from one another. The person who ensures the wildness the longest wins $500,000. That's a decent pay day but not enough for most people to attempt what these survivalists do. They are given some basic items then bring only 10 extra items (from a pre approved list) from home. The players must live off the land for as long as they can. If they want to leave they have satellite phones they send a signal to "tap out". They need to find food, build shelter, fires (no lighters or matches), and protect themselves from weather and the predators in the area. The places they live have a lot of rain and cold so hunting and building a fire isn't always a given. Oh, they are also provided with 4 cameras to set up and film themselves through it all. That part I question a bit as it seems some of the camera work is too perfect for the novice person to use and the camera "follows" the person from a fourth wall point of view. I wonder if when they receive mandatory wellness checks that the team then creates added footage to use. It's a little too slick to believe the contestant did all of it on their own. Like I said, they receive medical exams throughout the competition so that probably helps break up the monotony but all complain of loneliness. What is interesting is the psychological impact being removed from all the comforts of home does to the mind. Their expressions literally change from bright eyed to crazy eyes after some time in the woods. I hope they receive therapy after is all said and done. Some tap out almost immediately when they realize they are in way over their head. I would be one of those persons. Some make it for several months but in return they lose a ton of weight, are destitute, and their inner self is unstable. This is where I think the prize money is not enough. I would be very curious to see the winners and runner ups today to see how they fared afterwards. I personally think they would never want to be outside again. What gets most of the contestants is the wildlife. They don't carry weapons (except a knife and an axe) so defense against the predator is weak. Starvation is also another reason to leave. If you like watching psychological dramas you may like this show. I like it for the study in human behavior. I also watch it to learn just in case I'm ever lost and need to survive (which really happened to me in the mountains for 3 days). WARNING: this show can be triggering as they show a dark side of mental health and many fish are slaughtered on camera. Just letting you know.
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This is not your father's meta verse story.
19 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First and foremost, you won't see a more original movie this year, or many years following. The story is not straightforward and requires several viewings to pick up on all the nuances of what is being told here. It literally is Everything Everywhere All at Once. In no way is this film meant to be serious though it does touch upon existentialism. Ok, more than touch it. It's the theme of the whole movie. In a nutshell (from what I understood) the movie shows us that every choice we make in our life creates a new alternative universe we can choose to live. Therefore we have hundreds of "lives" we live with regrets. How we live those lives is up to us.

This is definitely a comedy more than science fiction. If you go into it with that in mind you can allow your mind to wrap around that concept. I give a ton of credit to the actors as this had to be a very hard script to put together. On top of the layers, movies are shot out of order so having to jump into the characters at random times would be a mind meld. The actors did an outstanding job with their portrayals of the layers of their life without being too much "in" on the joke. EEA doesn't assume we follow the plot anymore than the characters do. It doesn't insult our intelligence at the same time. Follow? Of course not. It's not meant to make complete sense. There are many stories within a story. So much of it is so outlandish that we cannot assume to take everything so seriously.

There are a lot of serious tones in the film as well. Divorce, parenting mistakes, tax problems, success or the lack of it, love, and death are all there. But so are bagels, butt plugs, dogs being swung around as a weapon, hot dog fingers (I hope Dwight Shrute takes credit for that gag), and googly eyes to name a few.

In the (real) end, (there is a false ending in the middle of the film) we are left wondering, " what the hell did I just watch?", feeling but we also can't stop thinking about "what the hell? Did I just just watch that?"

I recommend EEA based on the themes, the acting, and originality. When someone complains there are no original ideas in Hollywood any longer, turn them on to this movie.

If you like The Matrix, Kill Bill, Being John Malkovich, and Into the Spider-verse you will probably enjoy EEAAO. If you like romantic comedies and straight forward movies that walk you through every plot line then you will not get through this film.

Side note: Kudos to Jamie Lee Curtis for her outlandish comedic acting. She is hardly recognizable and very funny here. Michelle Yeoh channels her Crouching Tiger...role and that's fun to watch. I also didn't realize that Short Round played her husband. He's all grown up (like we do as we age). All of them did an excellent job and we should see their names on the Oscar nomination lists soon.
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The Office (2005–2013)
This is a real office
13 January 2023
What can I write that hasn't already been said about The Office? It's timeless and funny upon each viewing. This show is comfort food for the soul. When I watched this show upon its first showing on NBC, I immediately loved it. I loved it because this is as true to life as any show. I used to work at a mid sized cable company in the early 90s and we had all the same characters as Dunder Mifflin: The boss who wanted to be friends with everyone, the office prankster, the couple who met and got married, the kiss ass, the tightly wound prude, the office floozie, the creepy old man, and more. We even had the party planning committee! I swore some of the storylines were taken from the place I worked. I rewatch The Office all the way through probably a few times a year. I catch something new each time I do. There is no better writing (other than maybe Arrested Development) for any comedy ever produced. The one issue I have is how in the world did Steve Carrell not win an Emmy for his portrayal of Michael Scott?!? That is criminal in my opinion. I highly recommend listening to The Office Ladies podcast as well. That is probably the best rewatch podcast available. Well back to my season 4 rewatch!
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Aubrey Plaza's best work to date.
7 January 2023
I enjoyed this movie quite a bit due to Audrey Plaza's solid performance. It's not the strongest story as we don't see a lot of "the Criminal" parts as you would think by the title but this is Ms. Plaza's best work yet. She has just enough grit to be believable yet through that grit we can see her venerability. Her character, Emily, is thrown into the adult world without a security blanket and she is just trying to find her way. She owes a lot of money to a school loan debt company for a degree she didn't finish. She is stuck at a dead end job and she is unable to work her way out of that hole due to a minor blip on her permanent record. She is failing to find the work needed to pay off the loan. Plaza shows us the frustration with all of this without throwing it in our faces. Though she accepts a"job" doing credit card fraud we still root for her to find her way back to a more mundane line of work as her savior. Well that just isn't in the cards for her so she continues to get deeper into her criminal life.

It is there we see how smart Emily truly is and we never doubt she is actually good at her new job. It's not easy to pull off the sympathetic criminal role. Other lesser actors wouldn't be able to convince the audience to feel her struggle every step of the way.

This movie is an easy watch as it's very straightforward. It even has a satisfying ending which is not very common with female led crime dramas. We usually end with a soft landing for the lead but this movie doesn't follow that rule. I liked the ending though it was somewhat foreshadowed about 2/3 the way into the movie. I didn't mind that as stated previously, when we have a complex character such as Emily we should be allowed into her complex world.
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The Bear (2022– )
THIS is the Chicago (fill in the blank) show you should be watching!
22 August 2022
The Bear is NOT about football nor does it have anything to do with the stereotyped Bears fans we've come to know from SNL. This is a show for people who have ever lived in Chicago and worked the blue collar side of things there. The show captures the feeling of being in Chicago better than any other Chicago locale show I've watched. It's gritty, raw, and real. Just like the city and its people. I love the nicknames people are given because that is something Chicagoans do a lot. Never hear these types of monikers where I live now (a very homogeneous state and town on the other side of the Mississippi) and I miss it. The writers and directors nailed what it's like to work in a family owned restaurant business that struggles to make the daily cut. The soundtrack backs it up with Wilco and other adult alternative bands that are only played on WXRT. In fact one of the episodes opens with a sound clip of their morning drive show with the song, Chicago, by Sufjan Stevens. That shows that the people who make this show know the city well.

The characters are real. They are funny while being raw. I wouldn't call this a comedy as there are dark themes woven through the main plot but it has many funny lines. Most of them are in the background so listen carefully. The acting is well done without being too sappy when it gets dark. Can't wait for season 2 to see where they take this show. As long as it stays true to its roots and location, it will be another great season.
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Old (2021)
So dumb
25 May 2022
This has got to be the stupidest movie I have ever watched. The dialogue and acting is horrible. The story is uninteresting as there is little character development. Everyone just cries and screams and overacts their way through this film. What a waste of time.
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Finding Nemo (2003)
Classic fish in a water story
4 March 2022
This is my favorite Pixar movie. It's become a classic due to its incredible writing and beautiful animation. I was awe struck when I saw this on the big screen. The colors and depth of the animation is pure art. Funny for both adults and children. I never tire of watching this movie. In my top 10 of my all time favorites.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Worth every second of your time
2 March 2022
This show is so good that I named a pair of dogs I adopted after the two main characters (Walter and Jesse). My son and I are rewatching it along with listening to a podcast that breaks down each episode. I guess you can say I can't get enough of BB. There is no better writing for a tv show than this one. Each episode is its own mini movie. The production values are equal to any high dollar movie being made today. The acting is award worthy every episode from every person on screen. I'm telling you, if you miss out watching this show you are missing out on something that will be remembered as one of the most influential shows in history.
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Where was this show and why didn't I know about it?
30 December 2021
I had never heard of this little gem until it popped up on my Netflix page. Seeing it starred Bo Burnham I was intrigued. I had no idea this was something he did almost a decade ago.

I loved this show so much. Seeing a young, semi-manic Bo allows the viewer into his head somewhat. ZSIGTBF shows the beginnings of the genius he becomes in his stand up and specials. He's a genius to say the least. This show could have been made today and it would be relevant. A teen who wants to be famous but has nothing to offer for that to happen is literally the Instagram and TikTok of today. The difference is that this show is funny, smart, and tender at times. It looks like MTV did a poor job of promoting this show when they had it. Ironic since the theme is insta-fame via in your face media.
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Annette (2021)
Who doesn't love a murderous musical featuring a puppet?
30 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Formulaic isn't what I would call this movie. It's a musical thriller featuring a singing baby puppet. It took me two sittings to get through this movie. The second and third acts are better than the first so if you can get behind the premise and unique style of this movie then you should be able to watch it without too many pauses to say, "huh?".

Adam Driver once again shows us why he is the most versatile actor of today. He plays a blue comedian whose star falls quickly after a dark and ominous performance. He portrays this all while singing monotone lyrics about love, death, and depression. (What, that old trope?)

The songs are repetitive and drag on at times. They repeat their lyrics over and over without moving the story along. The cinematography is the true winner here. I haven't seen anything quite like this on the screen. I would recommend this movie to those who like to watch art house films or who are in need of watching something that would disgust their in-laws.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
I don't care a lot (about this movie)
3 March 2021
It's very hard to watch a movie that doesn't have one character you are rooting for through the whole thing. These are awful people. I was hoping to be surprised by at least one character here but alas, I wasn't. This is a predictable and dark movie. I don't mind dark but I Care a Lot (stupid title imho) offered nothing to cling on to. If a movie makes Dianne Wiest unsympathetic then you know something is way off here. The writing is cliche and tired. Direction is lazy. I kept hoping for a big surprise at the end but it never came. Don't waste your time on this movie.
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Nurses (2020–2021)
Time of death: 1 episode
14 February 2021
I am not a nurse but I am married to an ICU nurse. I also have been spending a lot of time in hospitals lately (due to my son being in a serious accident) so I feel I at least have a decent idea of what nurses do. The writers of this show haven't ever made it to a hospital gift shop let alone an actual hospital room. This show is laughable at how it portrays nurses. As far as I know nurses are hired for a specific department and have skills that pertain to what is required for that department. Nurses don't just float around looking for patients to help. They don't administer ultrasounds on their first day and diagnose. In fact I don't think any nurse just pulls up the ultrasound machine and goes at it. They have people for that. Nurses are the glue that holds the hospital together. They aren't scotch tape that is pulled off a roll to put any old place. Eating in the patient's room? Yeah, no. Person to person blood transfer? Seriously? In this day and age? Carrying around severed fingers in a cooler that doesn't have ice all day? Where are the doctors and other nurses? The specialist? Even the janitor from Scrubs knows more about nursing than these idiots who wrote this crap.

I feel for nurses because they thought they were finally going to get a show portraying how hard they work. This is not that show.
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Mr. Mayor (2021–2022)
Gets better after the first episode
15 January 2021
I watched the first episode and was kind of disappointed as I loved 30 Rock and Kimmy Schmidt. But I gave Mr. Mayor another chance and it got better in the next two episodes. The pacing and humor was more Kimmy Schmidt than 30 Rock but it is funny. There is some meta humor I appreciate and the puns are shining through. Give this series a chance. Even The Office needed 6 episodes or so to find its footing. I think this could be the same case.
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Soul (2020)
The movie 2020 needed.
30 December 2020
Holy moly. Wow. I'm at a loss for words. How an animated movie should be written, scored, and acted. This movie comes at the end of one of the worst years in history and it is just what this year needed. For those of us who forgot how to live, Soul reminds us that not everything is on the surface. It reminds us to take a good look at the people we love, live around, and pass by daily. I'm really at a loss for words on how to describe how I felt after watching this. What I do know though is that I will no longer think it's just me out there.
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Valley Girl (2020)
Where's the Beef?
29 December 2020
I wasn't expecting anything out of this movie but I wasn't expecting it to be THIS bad. I turned it off after the first 12-15 minutes but then gave in to my Hulu account telling me to finish it. Good thing I'm not working much because I would be angry if I wasted time finishing it. Oh wait, I AM angry.

This has to be the most vapid movie of the year. There is nothing redeeming about it. My biggest complaint is that it did not capture the essence of the 80s. The style portrayed here was nothing more than a few Party America costumes and accessories. Where were the mullets?? Not one person had a mullet or teased bangs. The "punk rock" look was even worse. The person playing the male lead had a hairstyle akin to a mid to late 90s soft grunge band member. I didn't see any shaved heads, bleach, and/or piercings. I mean, at least try a little bit when making a movie set during a certain era.

The actors look like they haven't seen a high school in a decade or longer. This especially applies to Logan Paul (super ick. Can we stop making these no talent viral hacks famous??) who looks like he is balding and well into his mid 30s.

I'm old but I remember the 80s well. If you want to watch a movie that portrays the essence and style of the day then watch the original Valley Girl. Please.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Eye Candy
26 December 2020
I'm giving this a higher rating than I should, not because of the storylines (predictable) but because of the lead actor. I'm a 56 year old white woman and all I can say is yum-ee!
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On the Rocks (2020)
Bill Murray doing Bill Murray
7 November 2020
On the Rocks doesn't have a lot of teeth. I love Bill Murray in most of his work but this felt more like him showcasing some "bits". From his first scene I felt like he was rehashing his old lounge singer character from SNL and his smarminess from those days made an appearance as well. We don't get to see a lot of depth from him which is a shame because some of his recent work has shown he has the acting chops to show us multi dimensional characters. In fact this movie didn't flesh out the characters at all. I like Rashida Jones enough but she seemed as if she was here just to be an audience for Bill while he hammed it up. I wouldn't call this a bittersweet comedy because it was far too predictable to elicit such feelings. It was flat and underwhelming in my opinion. If you are looking for a good Bill Murray movie that shows off his talent I would just rewatch St. Vincent.
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Emma. (2020)
Made me want to revisit Clueless
26 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, I have never read Jane Austin's Emma and I had never watched any version of the novel except for Clueless which is loosely based on Austin's book. It's not that I don't read but the book never interested me at all. When I saw the trailer for this, the most recent version, I was interested in finally learning why there are soooooo many adaptations of this story. Let me tell you, I wasn't impressed.

If I had never seen Clueless I would have a very hard time understanding the plot line. There are so many characters thrown at you during this 2 hour rom-com that I couldn't keep track of all the names. I felt like not one was fleshed out very well. I also had a hard time trying to see the attraction between Emma and Mr. Knightly for whom she ends up loving in the end. There were too many characters with similar names and styles that I never felt connected to any of them. The only reason I knew that Emma was in love with Mr. Knightly is because, again, I watched Clueless and I figured out that Knightly was the Paul Rudd character because they casually mention not being real brother and sister.

I found the actress playing Emma didn't embody the energy that I would assume Austin gave her to show why we care about Emma. I really didn't empathize with her at all. Her looks are a bit sallow to show charm. I love Miranda Hart as Miss Bates but that was about it. The other actors were just playing it for genteel laughs. I like the idea of this story as it was written during a time when women were expected to fill a certain role and nothing more. If the character of Emma found herself in 2020, she probably wouldn't find it hard to find her way but I digress. The visuals were wonderful and I love the costuming though I felt some of Emma's clothing choices were a bit underwhelming for someone who is supposed to display wealth. Also the music choices are very odd. I felt like the director wanted a little Wes Anderson vibe but didn't hit the mark.

So now I find myself wanting to do a deep dive and find a better version of this story as I am wondering why so many versions have been attempted. I'll start by rewatching Clueless then try to watch the Gwyneth Paltrow version but that may be impossible as I really can't stomach her. Or maybe I'll just do the old fashioned method and read a book.
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A Mighty Wind (2003)
This movie doesn't blow.
25 August 2020
A fun little ditty to watch when you need a chuckle or two. Not laugh out loud funny but it wasn't written to be a farce. In fact I feel this is folk comedy. Easy to watch (listen) while not breaking any rules. Much like folk music does for, well, music. My favorite is Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara as former lovers and folk music duo from the 60s. I swear those two are nothing short of genius when they get together. I like the music (all original) enough to keep it in my head for a day later. I watch this movie at least once a year as one of my comfort go-to movies. A Mighty Wind, Best in Show, and Waiting for Guffman would make a wonderful afternoon of movie watching for fans of Schitt's Creek.
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