
22 Reviews
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The Acolyte (2024– )
Star Wars meets Shogun?
8 June 2024
This review is based strictly on the first 2 episodes since that is all we have so far. Mainly because I am not a fan of martial arts movies (except for Jackie Chan), I found this show dull, dragging out fight scenes needlessly.

The storyline so far has been vague at best. Maybe that is intentional but this show actually put me to sleep, something that no other Star Wars show or movie has ever done and I have watched some of the originals more than 20 times.

I have to agree with some others that the show seems tilted to a younger teen audience. But I have watched a lot of other YA shows on Disney and not been nearly as disappointed as I have with The Acolyte.
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Fallout (2024– )
Just a Ghoul and his dog
6 May 2024
Movies based on games just don't work out. They tried it with WOW and D&D and got a few die-hards to watch them once.

But Fallout has hit the JACKPOT! This is just such a well thought out story with just the right amount of flashbacks thrown in just when you need them so it doesn't give away too much of the plot.

And the acting is superb. Ella Purnell and Aaron Moten make a great team and lighten the mood when they aren't kicking butt. Walt Goggins is superb as usual with that smile that says trust me when you know you can't. And Leslie Uggams - perfect.

That said, it is not a show for everybody. If you are squeamish, find something else to watch. There are a LOT of gross scenes which you should expect after a nuclear holocaust has occurred. Human behavior hasn't changed much. The Haves want more and the Have-nots just want something but don't know what's there. Sort of a Mad Max meets The Walking Dead.

I never played any of the video games in the long storied franchise but others have said it has stayed true to the games in the feel and context so I'm guessing that some of the producers played or watched others play the game to capture that feeling.

Just be careful. You may want to binge watch the whole series at once and it is pretty intense.
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Damsel (2024)
A Millie Bobby Brown vehicle
16 March 2024
Yes, she carries this movie with some help from a pretty decent cast and a surprisingly good dragon for a streaming service (or any really). And we knew we knew the voice and were pleasantly surprised when we saw who did it.

It is a bit of a slow start but once the action gets going, the story flows much better, even if it is a bit predictable. The plot reminded me of an episode of the Original Star Trek (actually, a few episodes).

And there are other scenes that will bring a little deja vu from other movies and shows you may have seen over the years.

Give it a few minutes. Millie is worth the wait.
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Inspector Morse: Masonic Mysteries (1990)
Season 4, Episode 4
Most implausible Morse ever
16 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What should have been an excellent episode had the most implausible opening ever. The whole episode is based on Morse finding the dead body and clutching it AND picking up a knife next to the body! Really?! The rest of the setup is all based on this ridiculous opening.

And he conveniently forgets about the phone call? Too bad because Ian McDiarmid has his best turn since playing The Emperor in the Star Wars movies. The writers just couldn't think of a better way to have Morse as a suspect. Too bad.

Detective Bottomley was thoroughly unenjoyable as the investigating officer. Just unlikable enough to be a suspect. Until we discover what we knew from the time we heard about the most likely suspect to set him up.
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For film buffs only
15 April 2023
This is one of those depressing films with no likable characters to pull for that film critics and people in the business love. But personally I found it dull and depressing and the ignorance was on my part for sitting through the entire movie.

It was a good early role for Emma Stone to show her range but the story around her relationship with her father is a bit too Hollywood.

I actually like most of the actors in this movie, just not the characters they had to portray. If you don't find yourself drawn into the story in the first half hour you might as well give up, because it doesn't get better.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Finally something watchable
28 March 2023
Very entertaining conspiracy thriller in the same vein as Three Days Of The Condor. Yes he should have had more concussions in 10 episodes than a football player gets in a 20 year career, but we want our heroes to be tough and unstoppable. Plus it keeps the action moving since he doesn't waste time in the hospital every episode.

Cast has some young good actors mixed in with veterans and character actors that help keep us guessing who to trust and why maybe we shouldn't trust anyone.

Some of the NF series have been lagging behind the other streamers lately but this show is very bingeable. A solid thumbs up!
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Critics loved it, I didn't.
23 January 2023
It's one of those character study movies that critics love but the general population comes away wondering how they are going to get back those 2 hours they just lost.

Yes it has great actors and some brief laughs but mostly it is devoid of entertainment value. Had I paid to watch this in the theater I would be even more upset.

We don't get to watch the crumbling friendship because we never got to see what it was before the lightbulb turns off in Brendan Gleeson's head and he turns into a flaming idiot. Yes there has been a huge media blitz about Mental Illness, depression, etc and maybe this is trying to capitalize on that, but it just doesn't succeed.

If you enjoy watching grass grow or paint dry then enjoy this film. It will undoubtedly win a lot of awards which will cause even more head-scratching among film goers.
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Give it a chance
19 November 2022
It starts out slow as it tries to give a recap of how we got to this time and place. But about midway through, it breaks into a memorable movie with some laugh out loud moments and some very touching scenes. Obviously Peter Billingsley had a lot of input but Vince Vaughn also leaves his mark on the story. Might not be the classic that the original one is, but it is certainly a well executed sequel destined to someday run back-to-back with the original in an all day marathon.

Ralphie may not be screaming Bumpus! Every five minutes like Darren McGavin did but then he was never destined to have the same personality as his on screen dad. He's the character we all assumed he would grow up to be.
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
Should have been better
5 November 2022
Stanley Tucci and Atkins Estimond clearly had better characters to work with and the writing around them seems to be done by a completely different (and sub-standard) set of writers than that given to David Tennant.

Tucci's part seems to have been well thought out and knew where it was going from the beginning. The story around Tennant and his whole family was illogical and uneven. The dialog was crap. The ending was apparent from the beginning and it was like the writers were trying to figure out a way to get to that point and making stuff up as they went.

While the characters on the US side come across as likable (even though they are violent murderers), the same can not be said for the folks across the pond who we seem to dislike from the very beginning.

You'll find yourself drawn into the story but will probably feel unsatisfied by the end.
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What the **** did I just watch?
9 September 2022
Why did they make a PG-13 movie that was obviously aimed at the 13 and under crowd? The attempt at humor was poor and done way too often. The action was frequently lifeless. After 2 hours, you are left perplexed at what you just watched and why you bothered.

I think the problem comes from the Writer and Director being the same person and not wanting to admit any mistakes. Or maybe not being able to step back and see that what was written was not working. Producer Kevin Feige gave Waititi way too much leeway and not enough supervision even though financially this movie will be seen as a success.

Christian Bale was excellent but the rest of the cast seemed lifeless and uncomfortable with the characters they had to portray. As silly as Ragnarok was at times, it shined compared to this piece of drivel.

They should leave the comedy to the Guardians of the Galaxy who are much better equipped for it.
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Password (2022– )
It's a PASS
2 September 2022
Way too much background noise. As others have said, they need to tone it down A LOT! Allen Ludden is rolling over in his grave. The crowd noise is raised every time someone guesses right and everyone celebrates way too much. Way too much time after the clue so they can joke around. Too much time spent hugging just for guessing right. And of course in order to make it a big winner each show, if they don't win the full $25,000, they get an easy word to double their money. Just an annoying show to watch.

Keke gets a little boisterous but Jimmy is just plain over acting to the point of distraction. Just another cheap show to eat up prime time and make network profits. Not worth the time or aggravation to watch it.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Critics will hate this movie
31 July 2022
This movie was made for entertainment purposes and not for critical acclaim. Yes it has been done before and probably better, but Chris Evans, Ryan Gosling and Ana de Armas make this a very enjoyable watch. And Julia Butters is already a star at age 13 (12 when she filmed this movie). It has been and will continue to be a joy watching her grow up.

The back story is done in flashbacks which allows the movie to keep its frenetic pace. Yes, we know the good guys from the bad but that just makes it easier to sit back and enjoy the action. No more Captain America for Chris Evans.
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Tom Swift (2022)
Why Tom Swift?
21 June 2022
Why bother calling this Tom Swift when it has nothing to do with the original character created in the books. Lead character a genius - check. Anything else? Nope. What I got from the first episode was his first love is sex (gay but who cares at this point - seems everybody has to be these days). Second love is science and third is family.

The lead character is arrogant and totally unlikeable and unfortunately a caricature of what adults see the new generation becoming.

They should have come up with a different title for the show and maybe it wouldn't have attracted an audience that is totally disgusted by the end result.
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The Ice Road (2021)
Much better than it's overall score
15 August 2021
If you read some of the early 1-star reviews they called it a waste of time but then mention they couldn't get past the first 15 minutes. You shouldn't be rating a movie unless you watch the whole movie. Yes it took some time to lay down the backstory for the main characters but once they hit the road, this movie got going fast. Plenty of action and a conspiracy to boot (though they really didn't flesh that out as well as they could - might have made for an even better movie). Regardless of the role, Liam Neeson always gives it everything he's got. He never just mails in a performance so if you're a Neeson fan, you will like this movie.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
Tudyk's best work since Firefly
27 February 2021
Alan Tudyk gets a chance to be a lead character and he does not disappoint. While bringing mostly his brand of offbeat humor, he does an excellent job of blending in the pathos and his slow understanding of human emotions. His facial expressions, voice intonations, and perfect comedic timing have been a breath of fresh air compared to the somewhat stale new situation comedies that we have been bombarded with due to Covid. His interactions with the Mayor's son are very reminiscent of the old WC Fields battles with a the little kid. I keep waiting for him to say "Go away kid. You're bothering me" and then drop kick him across the room.

But on top of the humor he does get serious occasionally to note human sociological issues imperfections in our society. Nice blend and I hope the show gets a long run.
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Mr. Mayor (2021–2022)
Not a comedy
8 January 2021
It is supposed to be funny - it is not. Only watched one episode and flipped over to Wheel Of Fortune and laughed a lot. And that is mostly improv. Show needs better writers.
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Swamp Thing (2019)
19 October 2020
Okay, I'll admit to only watching the Pilot episode as it appeared on The CW network. Just unwatchable. Commercials every 8-10 minutes (31 minutes in all for a 60 minute episode). Even DVR'd, it interrupted the flow. Then, not only did they mute out the bad language but they fuzzed out the mouth of the speaker which was totally irritating.

They showed a preview of episode 2 before episode 1 had finished so we actually got a glimpse of the creature in that clip BEFORE we saw him in the pilot. Poor planning by the CW.

The writing is not great which is a shame because it has some very good actors who just seem to be wasted. The campy 1989 Return Of The Swamp Thing was much better, not pretending to be something else. Maybe the younger generation that watched this on the DC network got a better version but on The CW, it's a waste of time.
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Tommy (1975)
Thank God for DVR's
20 August 2019
After sitting through the entirety back when it first came out, I swore I would never watch it again. But 40 plus years dulls the memory and I decided to give it another try. I remember the weirdness because it was a Ken Russell movie but was expecting better music with Robert Stigwood attached to it. Somehow they were allowed to totally butcher the music. Except for one or two songs, the music is screeching psych which I would guess was Russell's idea.

Ann Margaret was gorgeous but had to overact in many scenes due to Russell's interpretation. Keith Moon was properly cast as Uncle Ernie and Jack Nicholson was the appropriate doctor analyzing Tommy while flashing seductive eyes at Ann Margaret (playing Tommy's mom).

I don't think I made the connection with all the religious overtones and hypocrisy back in my younger days but it was clearly evident. Still, if it weren't for the FF button, I would never have made it through this. Elton John's turn as the Pinball Wizard was probably the highlight.

All in all, better to just listen to the vinyl and remember it as it was. LEGENDARY!
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Pandora (2019–2020)
NO likable characters
28 July 2019
Yes, I only watched the first episode but believe me I wanted to delete it five minutes into the show. This is just another attempt at a money grab by someone who thinks that people that like sci-fi will watch anything with attractive people and special effects. The cast may be easy to look at but they are very hard to watch. None of them can act and none of them are likable. The script writing is atrocious. Why would anyone write a story about people that no one will like?

The (non)Special FX would have had Gene Roddenberry throwing a fit if they had appeared on the Original Star Trek in the 1960's. Did someone create them with their smart phone? There is plenty more wrong with this show but this should provide enough warning to avoid it at all costs.
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Superb acting
28 April 2019
Great movie but not perfect. I will say that ALL the actors took their roles seriously and no one just mailed in a performance. Story was excellent but somewhat predictable which actually it had to be to please the huge audience. We knew going in that there would be some slow spots in the beginning and scenes that would have us grabbing for the tissues just to set us up for all the adrenaline pumping action they could squeeze into 3 hours of film.

That said, they should have had some pull to cut down on the half hour of previews before the 3 hour marathon even got underway.

But the biggest flaw was not using that post-credits time to give us a quick retrospective of Stan Lee. Just a quick replay of his spots in some of the previous movies and a big THANK YOU STAN would have been sufficient and would have kept a few more people in their seats to watch the credits.
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Better than expected
8 March 2019
I'm really not sure what the young male audience was expecting for this movie that p**sed them off so much they had to write these nasty reviews, but I thoroughly enjoyed Brie Larson's take as Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel. Maybe they were expecting cleavage?

She was given a limited storyline to work with and ran with it. At least this story kept me awake after I fell asleep several times during Black Panther. Samuel L. Jackson was up to the task of playing a younger version of Fury but the CGI of Coulsen left a lot to be desired and I'm guessing many of the Coulsen scenes were left on the cutting room floor.

My biggest gripe was the music. I do remember the 90's as kind of a black hole for music in general, but there was some good stuff and NONE of it made into this movie.
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25 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Most TV shows that have children in the cast show them sparingly and use them for either a comedic purpose or a parallel to a problem the parents are having. Not this show. The spoiled brat gets more air time than the adults and is ten times more annoying. When she dies, you feel relieved instead of guilty. But then the Groundhog Day effect occurs and she's back to irritate us once again.

Spoiled brats like this are why I couldn't watch The Mysteries of Laura after watching the first episode. And I was really looking forward to that show.

And Paula Patton is easy on the eyes and prior to this I thought was a decent actress. Don't know if it is her fault or the Director and writers but she comes off as an amateur in this show.
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