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The Hunt (2012)
An incredible cautionary tale
19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is quite an astonishing film on so many levels, the direction by Vinterberg is pitch perfect, the soundtrack is outstanding, the cinematography is great, and the always amazing Mads Mickkelson really shined.

This is a very powerful and a very dark story, and I saw it as a cautionary tale that worked on so many levels. First of all it is about the art of parenting, the ability for parents to determine whether or not their child is a sadistic, and mentally unstable person which this gal was in this film, the amount of harm that she caused through her neurosis and instability was unfathomable, and the fact that she never truly paid a price for her evil is unspeakable. She should have been held to account, she should have been punished severely, she should have been made to acknowledge her evil ways, and forced to deal with evil and her perverted mind.

Society is way too accepting of children, and they're misdeeds, and that has a lot to do with the lost art parenting.

On so many levels this film had a lot in common with Me Too. One false statement without any proof, by someone with bad intentions, can literally ruin somebody's life. Society has to be more accountable than that.
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Challengers (2024)
Could have been excellent. It wasn't.
8 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has a lot of potential and I really wanted to like it, it just seemed like it pandered too much to Gen Z, and it felt like it was trying too hard to appeal to kind of an Uber PC crowd.

The homoerotic storyline just didn't work for me at all. I don't have any issue with people of any persuasion, but it just didn't feel to me like it belonged in this film, it felt out of place. Also I found it objectionable that there was plenty of male nudity, but no female nudity. That to me is just pureile, and somewhat of a puritanistic streak on the part of Hollywood. Very fake morality.

The film was decent, but it was a little difficult to understand her character and her motivations, especially towards the end when she felt the need to get with Patrick, who was a homeless, broke, wannabe tennis star. That just didn't work for me at all. I had multiple issues with this film, the soundtrack was marginal, the camera shots were good at times and completely zany and bizarre at other times, and the film felt like it could have been great had it been in the hands of a more appropriate director.

There's nothing wrong with the work of Gaudagnino, he's done some great work, but this didn't seem like the right project for him. Overall I would say if you have a couple hours to spare and you can stream it for free, it's probably worth your time, other than that I wouldn't go out of my way unless you're big Zendaya fan, which I'm not.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Could have been great. It wasn't.
6 May 2024
From what I've read about the books this series is dramatically dumbed down from what was a great series of books, with a lot of fascinating science. This show ended up with a lot of hocus pocus and a lot of bizarre Ness for it's own sake, that did not really work, and implausibility and silliness. Some of the characters bordered on comical, though admittedly it was nothing as atrocious as a Marvel series.

It could have been great the concept was good the costumes were great but it seemed like the director and the writer just didn't have the gravitas to pull it off.

Alpha Centauri is indeed a triple system, which has two bright stars, Alpha Centauri A and B, and a tiny star, Proxima Centauri, which is closest to us (at 1.3 parsecs away) . In fact, it was not clear for a long time if the third star, Proxima, was bound to the system - because it's very, very far away, really at the limit of the system. The gravitational interaction of Proxima on the two main stars is extremely small. So what they've shown in the show - you have all this instability due to the third body - in reality, it doesn't happen in this system. Good try guys.
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The Tourist (2022–2024)
Very poorly written
3 May 2024
You ever find yourself liking a concept and looking forward to seeing the results of that concept being put to use, and then realizing that every single minute that you're watching the show is an effort? Hoping that you'll eventually get into the story, and start to find some enjoyment, and yet episode after episode realizing that this show is just boring you to tears?

That's exactly what I experienced with this show. I'm through the end of the third episode and I just don't think I can watch it anymore. I've watched paint drying that was more interesting. I just can't get into the characters. The hapless cop is so over done, and not done well here. The amnesia thing is so over played. There's really not much about this show that's entertaining, and that's really what it boils down to isn't it? Don't we all just want to be entertained?
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Wahlberg. You know what will take place already.
2 May 2024
There is something very cliche about Walhberg. He has done some good film, and he can act. But, at this point in his career, safety is paramount for him. He refuses to take any risks. The movie was entertaining. It could have been great. The constant "are you ok" from him was annoying. Is it possible to care too much, is what I would have to ask of him?

Arthur the King's real issue, is it's wafer-thin plot that works wonders until it starts getting predictable. After a rough season, Michael (Mark Wahlberg) turns into the Lewis Hamilton of expedition racing and goes as he puts together a team with its own challenges for a new race. Along with him is social media junkie Leo (Simu Liu), Chik (Ali Suliman), who has got a bad knee and Olivia (Nathalie Emmanuel), whose father is fighting cancer. We are finally introduced to Arthur, a stray, injured dog making his way through the streets of the Dominican Republic. Why are they continuing to focus on this dog, some will ask? Well, it is answered in spades later on. When Michael and his team befriend Arthur during the race, the cute. But very rough dog accompanies the team on a gruelling endurance race. I can imagine dog lovers all over the world weeping. For me, it was meh. So predictable. So mediocre. But, for an afternoon of light entertainment, not a bad film.
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Very poorly helmed
29 April 2024
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The cast in this movie was good, Kristen Stewart can act, and Katy O'Brien was a real presence. Harris of course is amazing but the real issue with this film was the direction. The direction was just absolutely awful. Unfortunately they create these projects and then they give the film to someone like Rose Glass, who's done one terrible film previously and she just has no idea how to structure the story, how to direct the actors, how to create any sense of rhythm and mood. This movie started well, I loved the lesbian love story theme, and it looked like it had some potential, and then it very quickly spun off the rails once the action started happening.

These guys need to stick with directors that have demonstrated talent, and handing a project like this to a neophyte with one terrible film to their credit is just not smart. It might save alot of money, but what's the point if the film becomes nearly unwatchable?
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Monkey Man (2024)
A big hot mess of a film
27 April 2024
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This film really could have been outstanding it has a lot of elements of Indian mythology, Indian culture and had it been done with a more reasonable pace, and a more skilled director it could have been a lot of fun to watch. But as it was rendered by Patel it was just a bloody mess.

The hand held camera shots were dreadful. The frenetic pacing was all wrong. There was nothing to indicate that the Monkey Man was skilled in multiple martial arts, prior to the final scene.

I have seen many comparisons to John Wick. Perhaps the last one, which was bad. The action is extremely important in the John Wick films and the various other movies influenced and inspired by them. It's presented in ever-more creative and exciting ways.

Monkey Man doesn't do this. The action is shot incoherently, with the camera spinning all over the place and plenty of hand-to-hand fights where the camera is overly focused on the characters' feet for long stretches. On top of that, while going for "gritty," the word that comes to mind with Monkey Man is "cruddy." And Monkey Man is undercooked regarding another defining thing about John Wick- worldbuilding.

There are a couple of memorable moments, especially one scene in an elevator in which Patel employs a knife in an exceptionally creative way. But that's one of the only times the film stops to breathe. Many elements of the story were incomprehensible, and the film tried too hard to incorporate politics, history, and mythology, into a tale of vengeance.

Ultimately, the film fails. Patel needs alot more experience to learn how to direct a film. He can act, but he can't direct. Not yet.
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Departures (2008)
A stunning film
18 April 2024
I didn't know too much about this film going into it, other than the fact that it had won an Academy Award for best foreign film. But despite that I did not expect this film to deliver on the level that it did. The writing, the direction, the soundtrack the cinematography, and the performances were absolutely astounding. I rarely ever see a film that is as powerful, as moving and as profound as this movie. A very poetic and deep movie this was.

It was such a achievement in filmmaking and the entire crew deserves great props. Masahiro Motoki as Diago and Ryoko Hirosue as his wife delivered absolutely gorgeous performances. As well as the funeral home director and his assistant. So touching, so sincere, and so soulful.

I really wish more films like this were getting made. I absolutely loved this film.
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Very well done
16 April 2024
I would have to say I found this movie quite enjoyable, I think Michael Keaton brings a level of sincerity and intensity that is hard to beat, and he's obviously a very competent director. The pacing was great, the story was quite credible, and Al Pacino as a supporting actor was really fun, playing a really enjoyable and eccentric character. Marsden was also quite good, as well as Suzy Nakamura as Detective Ikari. She was a very entertaining character.

The cinematography was good, without that handheld camera nonsense, and the soundtrack was quite decent too. It was a slick production.

Overall it was well done, it was a good movie. Kudos to Keaton and the crew.
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Poor Things (2023)
A magical ride into darkness
5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie left me quite astonished for a number of reasons, first of all I wonder how this film ever got made. Considering the extent Hollywood pretends to be liberal and open-minded, but in reality they're very, very prudish when it comes to sex. This movie was very open when it came to sexual themes and nudity. Which was great. My guess is that it must have been an independent production that somehow secured Hollywood distribution.

Emma Stone's performance was astonishing, Mark Ruffalo, Willem Dafoe and right on down the line this movie contained a lot of great performances. The production was gorgeous, the cinematography was outstanding, and the soundtrack was compelling. There were so many things about this film that I found really stimulating and outstanding.

My guess is that there are a lot of Americans that will be turned off by the content and there will be a lot of women that will be put off by the way the sexuality is handled. There's nothing American about this movie, it was magical, it was surreal, it was gorgeous to look at and the story was wonderful. I really loved this movie but I'm not a normal person, and I think people who consider themselves normal (and pure) might have a hard time with the content.
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Quite good, but not an easy watch
28 March 2024
This movie is only for those who are very patient and willing to take a rather long journey through a slice of British history this appears to be a somewhat nebulous territory of the empire, more than likely North Africa. Which was ruled by the UK for quite some time. The film is very well done, beautifully staged, a very touching performance by Mark Rylance, though he seemed a bit of a naive character considering that he worked for one of the most cruel empires in the history of mankind. The British were responsible for a level of cruelty and barbarism that was nearly unmatched, in their desperate bid for power, wealth and control.

They're probably can't be too many stories told about the dark centuries of British rule, and this one was told with a good deal of skill.
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Road House (2024)
Could have been pretty good
28 March 2024
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The saving grace of this film is Jake Gyllenhaal. He brings a certain amount of charm, swagger and a lot of screen presence to the role. Other than that there's really not much else to like about this movie. McGregor was entertaining, but super annoying. Had they been reasonable with the violence it would have been a lot more believable, but there's only so many times a man can get run over by fast-moving motor vehicles and get up and walk away.

That kind of thing is so Hollywood right now, it's so Marvel, it's so cartoonish, it's so childlike, it's so juvenile, it's so infantile, it's so unbelievable, and it takes away any shred of credibility that the movie might have had.

Shame on Hollywood for turning out such garbage, month after month.
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Watch this at your own peril
13 March 2024
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I really don't know what to say about this movie that I just watched. I was reading a critical review on the movie and they were suggesting that this is the kind of movie that has to be viewed two or three times for one to be able to begin to understand the story, and the allegorical nature of the film.

Ultimately I think this movie was about a man who was so severely emasculated by such a horrific version of mom, that he ended up nursing mental issues that were beyond comprehension.

But if I think about the possibility of watching this film again I think that I would rather eat dirt, or go 10 days without food. This was a hallucinogenic nightmare and though I got some of the symbology behind it, I can't say that I really got the film. I can't say I derived much pleasure out of it, and I can't possibly describe it as any form of entertainment. I've heard it described as a comedy and there were a couple of moments that were funny, but really?
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Bones and All (2022)
Very moving. A different kind of road film.
12 March 2024
I must admit I always liked movies with the bloodsucker theme, but there was something about this movie that was exceptional. It was poetic, it was very well shot, the performances were wonderful, and it was profound, on a certain level. Quite moving at times, and very well done. Not at all what I expected, well beyond my expectations, and quite poignant.

The locations were really exquisite giving these Midwestern settings a rather rare beauty.

I give a lot of credit to the writer, the director and the entire crew who put this film together. It's one of the deepest bloodsucker films I've ever seen.
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Dark Money (2018)
Outstanding and a real revelation
12 March 2024
There is no doubt these are very scary times that we're living in, and this movie is certainly proof of that. I've been interested in campaign financing reform for a long time now and this movie does a really good job of getting to the heart of how horrific and heinous that influence this is on American politics. For anyone who has spent a lot of time overseas in third world countries, you see that the corruption tends to be fairly transparent. However in America the corruption is equal to or greater than that which you see in the third world, but it's very well hidden, and it's hidden with a great degree of skill and craftsmanship by criminals organizations like American Citizens for Prosperity, the Koch brothers (who appear to be satanic, lol) and so many other interest groups that fund campaigns in a very dark manner.

This has to stop and the only way it can be stopped as they said in the film, is if we as Americans get angry enough to take things into our own hands like the brave people of Montana have done.

This film is very well done, it's very engaging, the people who are interviewed are real salt of the earth people who are genuine and sincere and concerned about the direction things are moving. This is a very cautionary tale, kudos to the filmmakers.
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Astonishing, brilliant, a must see
27 February 2024
It is rare that I watch a show that has as much raw power and impact as this show had. All eight episodes were absolutely sublime, the writing was at such a spectacular level that I found myself having to pause and rewind several times to repeat the speeches. The lemon speech was unbelievably good, the direction was pitch perfect, the soundtrack was great, the sets were wonderful, the performances were fantastic, all across the board. All the children, Greenwood, Thomas, and everyone else really shined and I think that's a great tribute to the director.

What a wonderful production, what a fantastic show, what a revelation what a surprise, what a vision. So much ugly truth, in such a poetic form. The entire crew has created what has got to go right up there in the top five shows I've seen in the last 5 or 10 years. A great satirical indictment of the evil Purdue clan.

This is stunning and brilliant work. Not to be missed except by the most timid or politically correct.
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One Life (2023)
Moving, heartfelt and powerful. A must see.
25 February 2024
Over the last decade or so I've grown tired of Anthony Hopkins as he seems to repeat himself quite often. This was truly an exception to that rule, he gave a brilliant and heartfelt performance, capturing an exquisite, humble man of great kindness and decency. Lena Olin was also superb as his compassionate and highly supportive mother. The story is quite inspiring and it's wonderful to relate to the possibility of an ordinary person doing something completely extraordinary with their life.

It tells the story of a young man who, when faced with the horrors of the Nazi regime does everything in his power save hundreds of lives. At this point in history it's a story we need to hear, and it's a story we can learn from. In this day and age we don't hear too much about heroic lives, and this is quite refreshing.

I found most of the performances in the film to be excellent, and the latter part of the film was an absolutely brilliant conclusion to the story. Kudos to the entire crew for doing wonderful work on this film.
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
An abysmal failure of a show
25 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am sitting here quite astonished at how terrible this series is. I sure expected more from Glover. First of all the writing is really poor, there's nothing intriguing about either of the main characters, there is no story development in terms of the progression from normal people to spies, they don't behave like spies, they don't have any tradecraft, nobody knows why they would have been selected, and the entire spy businesses is completely and utterly unexplained.

The series is not funny, and most of all I don't understand why Maya Erskine was cast as the female lead. She's not sexy, she's barely pretty, and it's impossible to relate to her as the seductress that they portray her to be. What does Hollywood have against casting attractive and sexy women? I know a lot of women aren't going to want to hear this but she was terribly miscast for this part, and there's no chemistry between them.

I just don't get the vast majority of what this film and these filmmakers are trying to convey for me. For me this is a total failure.
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Land of Bad (2024)
The writing was the worst part
20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If you're a pure action freak and you have absolutely no qualms about believability, feasibility, or realism you might get a kick out of this movie. Hemsworth was given a really lame script and he was asked to pretend that he's some sort of operator with absolutely no experience, yet he manages to be the hero nonetheless. It's a very cliche story, very poorly written by a hack writer who probably got $5,000 for the script. Somehow the project got two big stars, and got green lit. It was a fairly large production but the feasibility aspect of it was just ridiculous.

There are far better action films out there and the only saving grace about this film was Russell Crowe. He was great as usual, other than that better to take a pass.
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Quite a great ride
11 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is an utterly fascinating film, and is very well written. There is a level of surrealism that is rare in film these days. Nicolas Cage is definitely back to his old form, and bringing alot to the table these days. The film asks a lot of questions of its audience, what I got out of it was the extreme level of weakness that society is engaging in and allowing, by embracing woke culture, Uber PC and allowing cancel culture to happen, especially at the university level, where it's rampant.

The secondary message that I got from the film is that Gen Z is likely the weakest generation in the history of mankind, and some of the things that we need to be asking ourselves are how prepared we for any sort of disaster, a great war, or famine and such. Would the current generation of youth simply crumble under such pressure?

For me this movie asked all those questions, in a very abstract manner and Illustrated the extreme danger that we're all in, by embracing woke culture and victimhood, fake terror and massive self delusion.

Ultimately it's important to acknowledge that dreams are ridiculous, they are a form of mental diarrhea, and absolute garbage. They mean nothing and they simply must be dismissed.
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Walden (2023)
A really good film
10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I live in a world where I often dream about being a vigilante. I sometimes wonder if an opportunity will ever come along, where I can eliminate really bad monsters, who prey on humanity. Especially children, there's never any excuse for that kind of behavior on any level, so when a film like this comes along I find it very refreshing.

I never was a huge fan of Emile Hirsch, though he is a good actor. I consider this to be a truly outstanding performance, he really nailed the nuance, he was able to build a really fascinating and believable character, who was quirky. The script was funny and smart, but at the same time sincere and compassionate.

I really enjoy this film well beyond what I expected going into it. I highly recommend this film for people who don't take themselves too seriously, and understand the potential value of setting limits, and crossing the line if that line needs to be crossed.
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The Beasts (2022)
A story or tribalism and narrow minded folks
7 February 2024
I guess this film was very well done, but I had a hard time getting into the story, as it's a story about incredibly small-minded, incredibly provincial people, who are bordering on the expression of tribalism in their way of life. Small town minds, small town folks, engaging in conflicts that are completely unnecessary, and I guess I just wasn't in the mood for such trite, silly, ridiculous behavior on the part of people who call themselves adults.

I just don't like tribalism, I barely like tradition, and I don't think that spending 2 hours of my life in the sewer of convention was something I was willing to do.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
A poor substitute for an action film
16 January 2024
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The film started out quite well and the very first action scene was excellent, though it was a bit of an exaggeration, however with a fairly minor leap of faith it was somewhat believable. From there it just went downhill, there was that Hollywood tendency to over blow everything and to stretch every premise to the absolute limit of implausibility, which just gets old after a while. You just you want to see some good action, you want to see a good story and you don't want to see a story stretched to the absolute end of what is physically possible in the known universe. However, if you like Marvel type films, silly stories made for kids, or cartoons, you will likely enjoy this drivel.

After about 45 minutes, the film got very tiresome. I also thought the female FBI agent (Lampman) was very poorly miscast, and written, and the South African bad guy was just a ridiculous cartoon.

It could have been a decent movie but it wasn't.
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Ferrari (2023)
A very boring racing film
11 January 2024
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I had a considerable number of issues with this film, the primary one was the fact that they spent way too much time dwelling on the relationship between the Enzo and his wife, in addition to the relationship between Enzo and his mistress (played by a tragically miscast Shaileen Woodley) neither of which were particularly interesting, as relationships, as characters, or as stories.

We went into this film assuming it was going to be a movie about the evolution of Ferrari as a car, as a company, and as a legend, and it ended up being more or less a melodrama about failed relationships. Michael Mann, who is quite an accomplished director, failed on his part to not discern the fact that audiences wanted to see more about the company, and more about the car, and less about these relationships, which I don't think we're all that interesting.

Enzo's first wife, played by the talented Penelope Cruz certainly had reason to be miserable, but her character just possessed this black cloud everywhere she went, and every scene that she was in was difficult to watch.

This was the most boring racing film I've ever seen in my life and I just can't recommend it. It had an incredibly somber tone to it that just didn't work. Very little about this film worked and I was very very happy when it was finally over.
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The Baker (II) (2022)
Fairly entertaining stuff
27 December 2023
This film was fun. Perlman was a joy to watch, as usual. Though the plot may have been a little bit formulaic, it still worked.

In director Jonathan Sobol's "The Baker", Ron Perlman plays the title role. Donald Gilroy (Perlman) owns Pappi's Bake Shop, and Sobol's camera captures our culinary hero kneading dough quite serenely.

However, Don has a secret, violent past, where he was surrounded by enough guns to recognize when a .38 caliber is fired just by listening to the shot. Well, his peaceful existence in the food industry is disrupted when his son Pete (Joel David Moore) witnesses a bloody and lethal clash between drug dealers. Pete leaves with a gym back full of drugs, the latest rage called Pink, but the head dealers want the sack of narcotics back. Pete is an absolute idiot. The son is sketched out as an total moron. I can see why dad abandoned him. I would too.

Perlman's presence was really all you need, he plays a bad ass very well. That face alone convinces us. The direction was decent, the girl was cute, and the plot was good enough. Not a great film but not a bad film, fairly entertaining.
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