
17 Reviews
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Don't care what people think this movie is the best
24 May 2021
Dax Sheppard has to be one of the most underrated comedic actors. His dry humor is so on point. This a movie I always come back too often. It's so funny and so fun to watch the leads interact with each other. Sure it may not be laugh out loud funny but it is so very very entertaining.
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24 May 2021
Shout out to Jeremy Jahn's his review is pretty on point. How do you make a sequel to a great thriller... Uh change the genre? It works. This movie gives you a lot of lore and cool scenarios for that same lore. A lot of what would happen if Blank. It takes itself a lot less seriously that the original but works very well for what it set out to achieve. The end was... Meh though not band but not great.. Solid sequel.
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Huh... That was interesting
24 May 2021
Heard this was a good slasher worth watching. It's not a good slasher but holy cow is this a good movie. It turns the "horror" genre upside down. Nad no it's not scary bet definitely has some blood and gore. But man it hits the mark it sets out to accomplish something and does it perfectly.
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Nerve (I) (2016)
Unrealstically a fun time
24 May 2021
Nerve. Great concept and has some fun with it. If you put aside the extremely laughable realism. I mean the internet would think of way worse and grosser dares then what's shown here. But what we get is a nonstap adrenaline rush of fun. A great time for those who love movies that know exactly what there trying to be.
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Love (II) (2015)
There's an amazing movie in here somewhere
24 May 2021
The plot was really really good it's emotional Complex and sad. Where this film fails is shockingly the sex. There's too much weird I know. But really it doesn't add a ton to the relationship especially with omni. There's definitely some uneeded scenes. I get that sex was important in there relationship and it would be fine to show that but Jesus christ does this movie spend a load of time with it. I found the interactions between characters much more interesting. Just too long and the payoff was.. OK I guess it's a tragedy piece in a lot of sense but the landing was meh. I would of preferred more time with omni and the aftermath of.what happend.. Still it's a solidd movie that depicts very real things and issues.
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24 May 2021
Could barely watch this one. It trys to tell a tale of a killer and it has some good points to make about turning a blind eye. Feels like an artsy version of American psycho but longer. The gore was even pretty meh.
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Insidious (I) (2010)
Finally watched this movie
19 April 2021
Honestly could be a lot scarier. It's scary enough for the general audience but I found the story is where it was at. I usually cringe at possession movies but this one has such a good backing behind it with a diffent take on the possession thing. James Wan once again solid directing and earns every scare. I feel like the tension was mediocre some ports near the end were good. I feel like Wan really goes for More of a thriller with his movies which is fine he created a very entertaining movie with some good scares and really freaking cool atmosphere. As a horror film it's 8 as a movie solid work Wan.
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Hereditary (2018)
Horror 101
19 April 2021
Gruesome scenes, Absolutely. High Tension, check. Terrifying atmosphere, you bet. A ending that changes perception absolutely. Some of the best horror film making of our time. And there's almost no jumpscares.
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Critics can burn
19 April 2021
This movie is awesome so badass. Is the story bad. I mean... Ive seen far worse in slashers. FAR WORSE. But we are here for Freddy vs Jason and man does it deliver. When we get to the fight it's so good. Fans of slashers rejoice this is a golden movie of two iconic slashers.
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1917 (2019)
Wow a war movie that doesn't rely on guns
19 April 2021
What a engaging movie from start to finish. A very real depictions of war with hardly any warfare scenes the most impact moment wasn't even on the Frontline and the directing was phenomenal all the way through. I didn't know what to expect going into this movie and was just such a thrill ride with Greta emotion thrown in. Stellar war movie not perfect as some realism is thrown out the window but still keeps you in the realm of war without straying off the path.
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Midsommar (2019)
Yes it's horror here why
19 April 2021
Midsommer to me is one of the scariest movies right next to asters other film hereditary. It preys on normal humans getting involved in a group an our desire to feel welcomed and liked. It's terrific how well Ari can put you in the characters shoes and get you to understand the reason we ended up where we ended up. And to me that's haunting it's scary to be able to justify what happens in your own mind knowing the horror happening on screen. Not every will appreciate the film sure. It's story isn't super thrilling and exciting there's no traditional scary things. But man did this movie leave me thinking a lot.
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Killer Sofa (2019)
Huh... It's decent
19 April 2021
For a movie about a sofa it's pretty gosh darn entertaining. It's got a not horrible plot. A actually clever way to portray a killer sofa. And it keeps you engaged I expected far worse. Pleasently surprised and memorable.
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Gutterballs (2008)
Solid slasher but...
19 April 2021
OK ok ok it's a slasher. It's got a throwaway plot straight for the 80's I can respect that. What I can't respect is the arcade scene. There is an uncomfortable borderline unnecessary scene in an arcade that goes on way to long. Minus that scene the movie is very very fun a great killer cheesy dialog all the likings of a great slasher. Just that arcade scene gah.
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What a let down
19 April 2021
Told I was in for a good slasher horror movie and sure it gets there eventually. For like 40 minutes ish. The setup is just way to long. I get it bad things need to happen to get to the point of the story. The set up scene just keeps going and going and yes it is uncomfortable but at a point it became miserable to sloggy. The second half of the movie picks up but also changes tone pretty quickly and doesn't provide a reason for doing so. Plot was OK. Kills were solid. That setup scene was long but good. Just feel like I don't know what the movie wants to be. A slow burn uncomfortable thriller or a gory slasher. Two movies it feels like.
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31 (2016)
Something is wrong
19 April 2021
The setup and idea is so good... But something I just didn't care about. I think it's the main characters I just didn't care for. The absolute best thing about this movie is doom head which is strange because Rob zombies cinematography and imagination are both there. Just a big ol meh. And I don't know why.
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Terrifier (2016)
Let me explain
19 April 2021
This movie sets out to be a gory slasher. What it accomplishes is exactly that with clever use of low budget gore and ideas for that matter. This movie is not for everyone it's specifically tailored to horror slashers gore fans. And succeeds in that regard as one of the best I've seen in recent years. Sure the plot is boring and forgettable but who cares I'm here for the blood and death and got all of it. And some fun little moments that poke fun of the slasher genre. Art the clown I want more!
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The Conjuring (2013)
Entertaining mildly scary
19 April 2021
James Wan is a great director and earns all his scares in the movie. And there are so e memorable moments of horror. But it's take a long time get to them and the tension isn't all that well developed. That said I found a lot of intrigue Warren's since I find there story fascinated. A good watch for fans of horror and definitely jumpscares will keep you very entertained. Ending falls short even funny to me. But enjoyable overall overhyped is best words. There are scarier movies that don't rely on jump scares. But for what's it is James Wan earns every bit of credit for the truly scary jumpscares he made. That door.... Eh creepy.
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