
63 Reviews
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Started out weird but got good
12 May 2024
The starting was slow and kind of neither here nor there. It was a little confusing and nothing was explained that well, so I struggled to follow what was happening at first. Around the midway point when they finally revealed what was actually happening, things fell into place and I really enjoyed the last 2 to 3 episodes. There were some poignant parts about life and death which really hit me. There isn't really a "main character" in this series, which I quite enjoyed. You follow a bunch of different characters, all with their own stories and motivations, and they felt very real by the end of the series.
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One of the best marvel movies in recent times
15 May 2023
I went in without watching any trailers, because I wanted to experience it without any sort of spoilers. It exceeded my expectations completely! There was a nice blend of humour, sentiment, tragedy, love and I felt like every character got their time to shine. There were no cheap plot points and the action was well paced. Didn't feel any boredom unlike other recent marvel movies.

It was a little darker, especially with some mild gore, but it added to the weight and themes of the movie. The voice acting by Bradley Cooper was amazing. It was a bittersweet ending to the trilogy but somehow I feel a little excited for what's to come!
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Loving every bit of it
6 November 2022
It's such a fun and slightly whimsical watch with unexpected gravitas. I love all the characters and the actors are doing a phenomenal job; it's like I'm watching the books come to life.

Constance is such an adorable character! I especially love the scenes with Milligan, especially the monologue he gave in the second episode of S1. That very faint wiggle he did with his body while telling the story set me off laughing for ages. I like how the story doesn't seem childish, just kind of offbeat and lighthearted in a way both young and older audiences can enjoy the show. Very impressed so far! Can't wait for more of S2.
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Devil in Ohio (2022)
Not bad as a drama
21 September 2022
6.5 stars, really. I started watching this series without knowing it was supposed to be in the horror/thriller genre. To be honest, it doesn't come off as that. It is more like a family/ teen drama spiced up by throwing in a cult.

It started off great, and the actress who plays the cult member does a good job at appearing unnerving or creepy. I also liked the acting by the father and the middle daughter. The older daughter didn't have much screen time besides some teen drama, which was wasted potential.

The main problem of this show is that it starts threads off but fails to unravel or explore them. E.g. There was a part with thanksgiving dinner where it seemed like something was about to happen to the dad, then...nothing. Zilch. Nada. It felt ridiculous. It was a good premise but fails to follow through.

I only rated it a 6.5 because the acting/settings are good enough, and the twist at the end was nice. I just feel like there was so much wasted potential, they could have added a lot more thrill/horror and explored the threads they didn't unravel.
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Entertaining watch
18 September 2022
This was a great watch. The characters were entertaining and there was an offbeat tone to the show in general. There were tense moments and some genuinely humorous moments, a nice mix of both in my opinion! I liked that they explored the motivations behind all the parties, and why they did what they did; there's no faceless villain with mysterious motives for the heroes to face.

The dialogue and acting were both good, with cute interactions between the main characters. I like that the show didn't shy away from danger and violence, but it wasn't overboard or overdone. I hope they go ahead with season 2!
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
6 September 2022
The premise was unbelievable at first but kinda made sense once they explained it. I really enjoyed the performance of the actress and the general flow of the show. It was very entertaining to watch and the tense scenes did keep me at the edge of my seat. More engagement between the characters and showing more of the family's history/ back story about how the tradition started would have been good. The violence is rated R for good reason; it can get pretty gory and messy at some parts. I didn't find it gratuitous though. Overall an entertaining movie to watch, and you don't have to think too deeply into it (just take it as a darkly comedic ride!)
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Echoes (2022)
Confusing and draggy
6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I give it a 6 because the acting is pretty good, and the setting/ cinematography is nice. But the plot? It was a bit of a mess and hard to follow, especially at the start. It's like a decent Lifetime movie, a little cheesy and a little weird. I found myself forwarding towards the end. The twists were just too unrealistic. It might have been better if they showed more of their childhood and why Leni is the way she is, instead of portraying her as this manipulative character who was tough to sympathise for.

The whole premise was interesting but simply too unrealistic... how the heck could they switch for an entire year and no one noticed except for the obsessive husband? What about the family, the kid, the other husband? And how could a mother stay away from her child for an entire year? It just doesn't make sense. It would have been way better if they showed them switching at certain occasions or holidays, not an entire year.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
6 September 2022
I'm not American so I don't feel strongly either way about which type of American is being satirized. It was just an entertaining dark comedy and I loved the lead actress. I liked it because there wasn't really any way to tell what was going to happen, and most of it felt kind of random (not in a bad way). There's some poignant social commentary in there at times but nothing major or deep. Don't look too deeply into it and enjoy the craziness.

Main actress was awesome, and the character she was portraying was just so quirky and bad-ass. I enjoyed it overall, I felt there were some moments that could have been improved but still an entertaining watch.
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7.5 really, quite a good watch
27 August 2022
I would rate this 7.5 if i could. The show started off good and kept my attention most of the time. I enjoyed the twist, it wasn't something I expected. The overall atmosphere was well done and the horror elements were good in the first half. The crash scene was jarring in a good way, it kinda set the stage for the rest of the show. It did start to get draggy and I found myself forwarding repeatedly, but generally I liked the characters, they didn't feel empty or unreal. The show would be better if it was shortened and made more compact, or if they had more horror elements in the second half like they did in the first.
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So bad...
26 August 2022
Some genuinely offbeat moments but they were seconds in length. The movie is so bad. The alien invasion doesn't happen until over 1h into the movie. And the effects look terrible. I feel like I wasted so much time.
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Manifest: Duty Free (2021)
Season 3, Episode 11
Wtf was that about Singapore?
21 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why did they talk about a Korean passenger getting executed in Singapore, then the police chief said "this isn't Singapore, detective". Damn right it isn't, Singapore isn't North Korea lmao. What kind of backwards uninformed view about Singapore is this?
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Stay Close (2021)
Didn't expect the twists
6 January 2022
I liked it. A little slow at parts (that's what the fast forwarding button is for), but overall it was a bingeworthy watch. I like that I didn't expect the twists at the end. The detective was a good actor.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
Got better with each season
28 December 2021
Season 1 was great, Season 2 was great, Season 3 was freaking amazing! I got so invested in season 3, and I was thinking there's no way they could top this in S4. Sadly S4 didn't happen. The actor who plays Daredevil is Daredevil incarnate. He's the perfect person to play this character. I'm just so blown away but how good the sequences and fight scenes were in S3.
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Alice (2020)
Started great then got creepy and bad
23 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm currently on Episode 10. The series started out great, interesting premise, good acting, nice scenes. Then it started getting weird and creepy. The viewers know that Tae-I is Jin-gyeom's mom from the past. To play romantic music and suggest she has feelings for her own son got creepy and borderline incestuous. Imo those parts were totally unnecessary; they should have shown that she had a motherly/sisterly affection for him that she couldn't explain. Just gave me an icky feeling watching those few episodes.

Edit: Finished the series. Ending was terrible. The whole thing fell apart. This mother-son romance is just freaking weird. It's like the writers gave up halfway through.
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Really bad
22 July 2021
The characters were all so one dimensional and boring. The cliched rebellious daughter character was the most annoying of them all. It's as if she has no brain and acts purely on emotion. The anticlimactic moment with the smuggler lady was meaningless and left you with a huge question mark as to why you wasted even a bit of your life on watching this pile of crap.

The violence was extremely gratuitous for no reason; I'm fine with gore but there is a difference between story driven gore and gore just for the sake of it.

I only gave it a 2 for the one scene with the lady fighting zombies in an enclosed space. That was the only thing worth watching. The zombies don't even act like zombies, which is fine but then they didn't even delve into that part. It was all just meaningless drivel.
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Bitten (2014–2016)
Boring, okay time-filler
8 May 2020
I watched 2 seasons of it, so it isn't a review based on a few episodes. It's decently watchable, if you don't expect too much. The main actress is really unlikeable for some reason, as are most of the other characters. Come to think of it, I disliked all of them, except the older witch in the second season. Storyline is pretty cliched, nothing special. Characters are a little one-dimensional, though they should some depth at certain moments (but they were few and far between). I thought it was fine that they transformed into actual wolves; and the CGI wasn't as bad as other reviews suggest. Season 2 episode 1 felt very disjointed from the ending of the first season, which threw me off. Overall, don't watch this if you're looking for something entertaining or good. Watch it if you need a time filler and have low expectations.
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Never Have I Ever (2020–2023)
Well-written and very watchable
8 May 2020
The writing of this show was very well done, and the acting was great. The mom's acting in particular was superb. Nothing special about the plot, but somehow it didn't feel cliched. The moments felt realistic, instead of over-dramatized. There were some great scenes in particular which were like social commentaries, which I thought were well-done. The emotional scenes were done well, and I actually teared up at a few of them (I don't tear up easily). Overall a great watch.
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The Hustle (I) (2019)
Stale and cringy
14 November 2019
The plot was all over the place. So many things that made no sense, and there was no cohesive flow. Rebel Wilson plays the same disgusting slapstick character she always does, and her acting falls flat. Anne Hathaway's acting is way too big for this schtick of a role. The scenes were just stale at times, and unbearably boring!!! The characters had no development or background, and everything was just a huge waste of time.
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Coraline (2009)
Classic and eerie
4 May 2019
This was the first 3D movie I watched (never been much of a fan of those). It was a surreal and eerie experience. I didn't know what to expect going in, but man was I pleasantly surprised. The film starts with a girl moving to a new house, with odd neighbours and a myterious door to an alternate reality.

Coraline soon finds out that something is off about this alternate reality, despite how nicely she's treated and how much attention is fawned upon her. The entire story flows beautifully, and you really get drawn into the plot and Coraline's adventure. Her character as a preteen girl is realistic, and the imagery is very well done.

It will definitely leave you with a haunting feeling, and you won't forget this film anytime soon.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
S1 was okay, S2 was terrible
4 May 2019
This is a series that isn't linked to Z Nation (as in, no overlapping stories or characters), but it is set in the same universe. If you've watched Z Nation, you know what kind of zombies to expect. They're fast, they can jump and crawl. While I preferred Z Nation for the slight campy-ness and the plots, Black Summer feels more realistic. It's set not long after the outbreak starts, where towns have been evacuated and remaining survivors are trying desperately to get onto military convoys taking people to perceived safety.

S1: It's very early in the outbreak and characters are dumb. Most of them have never encountered zombies, let alone fought any. Of course they're not going to be adept warriors like the people in TWD/ Z Nation. They don't even know to go for the head, though they learn this during the series. The characters are realistic, too. Spears is enigmatic. The mother is hardy and determined; I like how she transforms slowly from scared to somewhat steely and decisive. Lance is a goon who's dumb and unprepared, but there are people like him in the world! Sun alternates between bad-ass and scared, which can get a little annoying.

S2: They killed off the most entertaining character in the first episode. The whole season was drab and dreary, and I lost my cool seeing people panicking over ONE DAMN ZOMBIE. Seriously, it looks like it's been a couple of years at least, dont tell me you're too scared to kill one zombie!! The disjointed timelines were okay at first but got kind of annoying. The characters were all unlikeable and the ending was just dumb. S2 was garbage compared to the fairly entertaining S1.
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Riverdale (2017–2023)
A well filmed, well-acted mess
3 May 2019
My title might contradict the rating, but the acting and the cinematography really elevate the mess of a plot. I grew up reading Archie Comics. They were my favourite light-hearted thing to read. Riverdale (the series) is nothing like that. It's dark, twisted, quite violent, gritty and everyone's unrealistically attractive.

To be honest, comic fans probably wouldn't enjoy this show. But at the same time, ask yourself, would a series about the Archie Comics really hold your interest in the same way? It would just be typical teenage drama. Riverdale takes a darker, more convoluted and more murder-y route, but it's interesting, at least. I wish they would have created a series like this without using the Archie Comics characters; it would have been less distracting that way.

The characters aren't very cliched. There are no stupid blondes, or dumb jocks. Every character has a certain depth to them. But in the latest season, it's like some characters threw away their brains and independence of thought??? That frustrated me the most. Strong characters got sucked into a cult??? That's why Betty is my favourite character. She sticks to her guns, and I like her dark side. She's a compelling character, smart, strong, and driven to find the truth. Veronica is a typical SJW who often overestimates herself, Archie is a hothead, and Jughead alternates between smart and hothead-y.

TL;DR it's an entertaining enough watch with convoluted and sometimes messy mysteries and not-bad characters. A show you can watch in your free time, but don't carve out time just to watch it.
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Dismissed (2017)
6.5, really
30 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Some parts were done well. I found Dylan's acting perfect for the role; that quiet, calm demeanour with psychopathic tendencies under the surface. That calm anger he had when he realized the teacher had bested him. His subtle expressions really sold it for me.

The first half was good. But it started escalating beyond reality and felt like a cheesy Lifetime movie in the second half.

I felt that it could have been a better movie had they had a slightly wider cast, or more focus on Lucas's character. e.g.
  • Show his interactions with his classmates beyond that weird girl. Show how he's able to maintain a calm, friendly facade with no one suspecting he's a pscyhopath. That's how the most unsuspecting killers portray themselves.
  • Show maybe a bit more about that weird girl (Becca?). Show how she's a little shunned by her classmates, that makes sense for her to latch on to this new, good-looking kid who deigns to give her attention.
  • The teacher's character is fine, they showed enough of his family life to humanize him. His acting was good too, but the wife's acting was a tad off-putting.

Just my two cents, but I felt it could have been better if they'd fleshed the characters out a bit more. Still, I liked the acting overall and it was an interesting premise!
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#Realityhigh (2017)
Boring and predictable
29 April 2019
Just another 'realistic' high school movie full of insanely gorgeous high school kids having first world problems. The protagonist is already gorgeous dressed as a nerd, so her 'transition' is laughable. The conflict, climax and resolution were all tried tropes and were incredibly boring. The only reason this gets a 3 is because the acting wasn't bad, and I liked the random weird dude who kept antagonizing the principal.
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Travelers (2016–2018)
Really compelling
25 March 2019
Oh man, the characters made this show. They're all so great! The premise itself is refreshing and interesting, and the story kept you wondering what's going to happen next. All the characters were very well done, relatable, flawed and complex. I loved their team dynamic! The latest season ended with such a bang, and I really hope there will be a next one because that is some ending.
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Safe (2018)
25 March 2019
It was predictable, quite draggy, and the characters weren't compelling. The characters felt thin and his accent was very off-putting for some reason (even though it sounded technically okay). I just couldn't be interested in it. Broadchurch was tons better.
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