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The Twilight Zone: The Blue Scorpion (2019)
Season 1, Episode 9
The supernatural/cursed gun
22 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Here we go again. A familiar and political constant liberal bias, involving a story about a supernatural/cursed handgun. Hollywood writers for many, many years, have used many a TV series to tell a tale of a supernatural/cursed gun, that goes through a chain of people who are affected, in mostly bad ways. This story, incredibly only used one. The message the writer's hope to imply is, guns are bad, guns are evil, to anyone that comes into possession of a gun. There was even a TV series once called "The Dead Man's Gun" where a single handgun, went from person to person, with an evil curse, that involves death. Nine times, out of ten, it winds up in a child's hand, to show how evil the gun is, and this one too. Of course! This story was better acted, but the same old trick, to try to influence viewers minds subliminally to push an anti-Second Amendment bias, and agenda. Really, really pathetic.
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Finally, the real story
2 April 2019
Finally, a much more accurate account, of the take down of Bonnie and Clyde, from a more truthful, realistic point of view. The two retired Texas Rangers, Hamer and Gualt, were the real deal, played well by Kevin Costner, and Woody Harrelson. A little long, and tighter script, might of been better, however, the film does a great job of educating us, on the two lawman, what they were about, and some scenes where they shared their brief experiences, and some of the gray lines between black and white. Frank Hamer especially, in real life, was I believe, the greatest lawman in Texas, AND USA history. Bass Reeves, a famed U.S. Marshal, is second. His story needs telling too, but I digress. Hamer was a quiet unassuming man, who never wanted attention. I am glad Hollywood finally brought out a more realistic account. Bonnie and Clyde, in real life, nothing more than sociopathic murderers, who enjoyed their brief sadistic fame.
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True Detective: Now Am Found (2019)
Season 3, Episode 8
Great Mystery, disappointing finale
26 February 2019
This type of show, with it's deep disturbing mystery, especially when it involves, the kidnapping, and possible murder of young children, with excellent writing and character study, that shows how frustrating an investigation can be for two determined cops. Showing them, as they are, as human beings, that learn that sometimes doing the wrong thing, to learn the truth, is not always the right thing either, but somewhere in between. Some cases, involving kids, consume detectives. To the point of failed marriages, alcoholism, and suicide. The show was written well, and show some of those realisms. The three timelines were a little overdone, but told the story well. The mystery gets solved, but not by a crescendo of events, but as a matter of the last pieces of a puzzle just falling in place. The Last fifteen minutes was a bittersweet ending, however, many a case ends just that way.
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Designated Survivor: Line of Fire (2017)
Season 2, Episode 10
Show has potential, but.......
15 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was interesting, with the lady FBI agent trying to weed out a double agent, President Kirkman trying to save a religious group from a fire, who are protesting a member's infant child under going a court ordered medical procedure, because of blood transfusions. The writers walk a fine line with the characters, of the religious group, but I think they were fair in presentation, even though I don't agree with it. After all it is a work of fiction. Too often Hollywood portrays Christians with sincere religious beliefs, as uneducated loons, or Bible quoting insane killers. I know this may be nitpicking, but the traffic accident with the large truck, T boning a the First Lady's SUV, was unrealistic. Every time the First Lady is in her motorcade, she is escorted by local motorcycle traffic cops, who block all cross streets, along the route, in a rolling fashion. No traffic cops seen in this scene, so they could kill off the First Lady, I guess.
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Blue Bloods: Disrupted (2019)
Season 9, Episode 11
A little PC.
10 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A good episode, but not without it's bad moments. I know Hollywood, or New York, in this case, make fantasy tv, but the trying to make anyone believe a Texan would move to NYC, is lunacy. It is the other way around. Trying to make a Texas father look naive and stupid, making snarky remarks about stand your ground laws, was a veiled slice of bigotry from left wing writers. Also, making retired NYC retired cop and cab driver an irresponsible , over the edge concealed carrier, who shoots and apparent unarmed man, is possible, I suppose, but not likely. The Police Sergeant Jamie Reagan ,chides him, for not having his " License" to Carry with him, Retired cops in real life are not required to get State issued concealed carry permits. They can get authorization to conceal carry anywhere in the United States, and territories, on the Federal level, under The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act, of 2004. Retire in good standing, carry a Department retired ID card, and qualify with their handgun, at least one a year. Keep it real.
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Timeless (2016– )
Highly rated show, cancelled?
22 December 2018
Just finished watching the last episode of the series, which was a good satisfying ending..The question, I keep scratching my head about, is why was the show cancelled? It sure as heck wasn't the ratings. I checked several sources, including IMDB. The ratings were high, which mirrored IMDB's 7.7 rating. Most of the shows in the last season were around 8.5. The finale was 8.9! So what gives? The time traveling show, that follows a college professor, a high tech pilot, and an Army Delta Force soldier through time. They travel in a prototype time travel ship, shaped in a sphere, called the "Lifeboat". A newer time travel ship, known as "The Mothership" is stolen by agents of a secret society organization, known as " Rittenhouse," who try to change history, in a quest to have complete power over the Earth. The Lifeboat team, chase Rittenhouse through time, to stop them. There are subplots involving the team members that give the storyline it's emotional lifts. This combination works well. Maybe NBC, or Netflix, will reboot the series with a new cast. Wish they would. Will see.
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Blindspot (2015– )
Fun action series, but..?..
8 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Been watching this show a long time. Just finished with the first half of season four. A real fantasy though, solving crimes from tattoos on a girls body, who later joins the FBI assigned to solve the tattoo crimes, that are coded messages in the tattoos. Not very realistic, but most of the writing is passable, and the gun handling is good. The making of Jane a FBI agent is hard to believe, but it works somehow. The FBI team learns in season four, that Jane's memory wipe drug is fatal, and causes delusions, and turns her to her former self, Remi, who is evil. Guess what? They still let her work in field duty. Not realistic at all, and is silly. The one thing that this show does, like many other shows do now, is there are homosexual characters, who have to be in lust for one another. Does nothing for the plot and storyline. Just another in your face homosexuality agenda. Even though the USA has a population, with an estimated 2-3 percent that engage regularly in homosexual behavior, watching American TV, makes it look like much, much more, which it is NOT. I like action TV, without the radical left Hollywood propoganda . Entertain us, not indoctrinate.
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W. (I) (2008)
Typical hollywood bashing
21 October 2018
One star. Why? Well, for one thing, the motivation to make this movie, by Hollywood liberal hypocrites, was to show George W. Bush in a negative light, to brainwash the public. The Movie depicts Bush, as a stupid, arrogant, slob, who eats like pig, and is a card carrying redneck. Why do I say hypocritical? Seen a movie about Bill Clinton, and all his youthful, and life long sexual predatorial behavoir? Yeah. See what I mean? You will never see it.
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Chilling and thought provoking
20 October 2018
I have watched all three seasons. The first two seasons were outstanding. Season 3 was okay ,and I particularly thought the last two episodes were very good. It is very chilling and thought provoking, to imagine what if America had lost the war, and Americans had to live under Nazi or brutal Japanese rule. I haven't read the book, by Phillip K. Sick yet, so I know some changes were made for television. Juliana Crane our heroine,is a young woman, living in Japanese occupied San Franciso. The part of America, West of the Rockies in the story are the Japanese Pacific States. A Neutral zone runs through the Rockies , and the Greater Nazi Reich, occupies all the land east. The story centers around Juliana Crane, who is given a 16mm film by her sister. The film depicts the allies winning the war, suggesting an alternate reality. This theory progresses through each season. Action slows down in season 3, and drags little until the last two episodes. The most disappointment, was the writers putting in a lot of sex, and not one, but two sets of homosexual couples, in season 3. One original cast character, suddenly comes out, which in a story based in 1962, is too much. Hollywood political correctness put it into the story, that does nothing or makes any sense of the main plot. I won't spoil the plot, but the ending to season 3, finally reaches a threshold fans have been waiting for. Enjoy.

3rd to
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Magnum P.I. (2018–2024)
Bad. Really bad.
26 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Like others, I was willing to give this reboot a try. What a huge disappointment. I tried to separate myself from the original, and look at the show objectively. Problem is, the show has bad acting, bad writing, bad plot, and NO realism. Actor Jay Hernandez , a small man, just has no screen presence, which the lead actor must have. There is an old saying. Never follow a legend, Tom Selleck was legendary. Now really, a Hispanic dude, with the name Thomas Magnum? The rest of the PC silliness, is Higgins is a 110lbs woman, who beats the crap out of two bad former Marines, both around 200lbs. each. When they fight little Navy Seal Thomas Magnum, the beat the crap out of him! Please! This won't last one season.
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Homeland: Paean to the People (2018)
Season 7, Episode 12
Homeland season 7
3 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This not for just this episode, but the whole season 7. In one word- disappointing. Ever since the show's main character, Brodie,(Damien Lewis) was killed off, a few seasons back, the show has been slowly getting less appealing, every season. This season has been about Carrie's struggle with her responsibility as a parent to her daughter, and her obsession of stopping all threats to the United States. The show, this season has lost It's balance too. Having woven into the plot, a ultra right wing character made to sound like the real life Alex Jones, complete with government conspiracies , and turning out to be a coward in the end. What is really disturbing, was a Ruby Ridge type shooting of a young boy and his dog, which is exactly what happened at the actual Ruby Ridge incident. All the characters in the siege at the house were stereotypically portrayed as ultra right wing white male militia gun nuts, and separatists. The Russian and American conspiracy to bring down President Keane, was interesting, but had a silly unbelievable ending, that made no sense.The main characters played by Clair Daines, and Mandy Patinkin, were good, but the writing and the plot line, took away from their otherwise fine performance. I think the only thing that will save this show next season, is to go back to more realistic scenarios, involving threats from middle eastern terrorists. At least that would be more believable.
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The Brave: Moscow Rules (2017)
Season 1, Episode 2
Good action TV show
24 January 2018
Exciting and action packed. The Special ops team actors do their action scenes well. The characters however don't give enough depth. I know this is Hollywood fantasy, but women aren't on special ops teams for obvious physical limitations which are ignored as you see one hundred pound women beating and killing men twice their size and strength. Pretty silly. Political correctness of course. Otherwise this episode is good.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
Starts strong, but fades quickly..
27 October 2017
This show starts out strong, with the bombing of the capitol during the State Union speech. Keffer Sutherland, a low ranking cabinet member, is the "Designated Survivor", who is sworn in as the new President. The first season concentrates on the conspiracy and trying to solve who is responsible for the terrorist attack. Unfortunately, as the season progressives, the show's writers, alienate half it's viewers, with preachy Marxist left wing politics and propaganda. Conservatives are portrayed in the story line, as heartless jerks, that care for no one. PRESIDENT Kirkman (Sutherland) a Democrat of course, is portrayed as being a knight in shining armor, with perfect honesty and integrity. The show gravitates toward government programs that will take care of everones needs, if those nasty conservatives, would go away. As far as the acting itself goes, it is done well, especially Sutherland's Kirkman. His character is cleaner than Randolph Scott in a western. There is no balance. It is like the Marxist socialist progressives of the democrat party is writing the scripts. The last episode I will ever watch featured a character, a British diplomat jogging in wooded area park, dictating on a recording device about gun violence, ranting about stopping it. First of all, who the heck tries to dictate while jogging? Ear phone's, and a listening device maybe, but dictating? Just an opportunity to put some nice Hollywood propaganda in the show. If the show doesn't try to at least have some balance, and tone down the left wing only scripts, it won't last long. I will no longer watch it.
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Designated Survivor: Brace for Impact (2017)
Season 1, Episode 21
Good, and very politically correct
22 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Designated Survivor this first season was good, but a one sided Hollywood bias throughout the entire fabric of the show. Sure it is all fantasy, however very predictable in several ways. The President played well by Kiefer Sutherland is a true honorable and likable man. The hero is a liberal democrat naturally. The Republican leader is a Senator Bowman, complete with a southern accent, and heartless demeanor. Naturally. Gun control gets passed, and other liberal fantasies in this Hollywood fantasy. In the midst of all this, is a decent thriller, with different turns, but of course follow the recent political correct PlayBook to the end. A female FBI agent who discovers the conspiracy to bomb the Capitol and leads the charge of solving it, and catching the bad guys responsible. Here is where the eye roll starts. The people responsible are not radical Islamic, or eastern Eropean terrorists. No it is the evil right wing white Americans. This has been the Hollywood theme lately in shows like Quantico, and this past season of Homeland. Political correct? You bet. Watcher beware.
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Entertaining show
26 April 2017
A Texas Ranger arrives in Hawaii to find his daughter (played well by Tim Daly) This new version of Five 0 IS usually very good in it's technology and firearms. The only disappointment is showing a Texas Ranger in a non modern way. Too stereotypical. For instance, Tim Daly's Texas Ranger character carried supposedly,carries a Colt .45 Peacemaker. (Actually a Ruger) Texas Rangers haven't carried a Colt peacemaker, since the early twentieth century. Today,and when this show aired, Rangers carry a Sig Sauer p229, or p226 in .357 Sig caliber. Some still carry the Colt 1911 .45ACP semiautomatic pistol. Hollywood has been pretty detailed oriented about firearms in the last twenty years or more. Really looked silly with a single action revolver, on a modern Texas Ranger.
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24: Legacy: 11:00 p.m.-12:00 p.m. (2017)
Season 1, Episode 12
Entertaining show
18 April 2017
After watching each episode, the ending was somewhat predictable, but if your a 24 fan, you enjoy the format and fast paced action. This is a good show. The only problem with it is that it follows the ground breaking original hit show. Corey Hawkins as Eric Carter is very good. However he is not Keifer Sutherland's Jack Bauer. There is an old saying. Never follow a legend. If you never have seen the original show, you will enjoy 24 Legacy. Old fans should enjoy it as well, but will always see 24 Legacy as not nearly as good as the original 24. I agree, but 24 Legacy will be back for another season, I am sure. One good thing, is by producing only twelve shows, the story line and plot was tighter, and not nearly as convoluted with too many sub plots, that some were just stupid, and did not add to the story line in the original 24, that had twenty-four episodes.
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Homeland: Casus Belli (2017)
Season 6, Episode 5
Entertaining show
23 February 2017
Very thrilling episode that keeps you on the edge of your seat, as events take an interesting turn for Carrie and Peter Quinn. Some fans may be surprised to see a more left wing sympathetic view in the story line, than in past seasons but there are always good guys, bad guys, and the innocent sometimes caught up in the middle. Unfortunately one the reviews here,took to questioning the intelligence of some fans of the show who are pro- American and patriotic. Very condescending, arrogant, and actually quite ignorant to say something as pathetically narrow minded. This show is Hollywood fantasy. Yes, art sometimes imitates life, but this is Hollywood fiction. The freedom we have has been written on the tombstones of many patriotic Americans. Unfortunately not everyone appreciates it.
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