
4 Reviews
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Betty Blue (1986)
Must see the Uncut version
18 February 2008
I saw this movie when I was a dorky NJ girl who just so happened to walk into a theater in NYC and caught Betty Blue. I remember being shocked and a little annoyed that I had to read the whole movie, I almost walked out (typical idiot!).. When it was over, I could barely get up and leave. When I did, I saw that it was going to play again in another 20 minutes so I went back and saw it again. I didn't want to read it that time, I just wanted to soak up the colors and the music.

I had ever seen anything like it before.

I saw Betty Blue many years and many European movies later and thought it was disjointed, seemingly jumping around; I never got really got their 'love' - his love especially. You sort of wondered why he was so nuts for her. The ending didn't really make sense to me either.

I just rented it from Netflix and didn't know it was the director's cut. 3 hours 5 minutes later I was sitting in a puddle of tears (& I'm no pus$y) so incredibly fulfilled and satisfied was I. Yes it's a bit long and it could use a couple of little cuts here and there.. but it's something to savor. Like a novel - which is perfect of course as Zorg is a writer and you imagine that he could have easily written it - no doubt the whole point.

This movie is spectacular and I can't think of a movie that moves likes this. The nudity is delicious and natural, the lovemaking is breathless and makes you squirm a little from the intimacy of it. The photography is straightforward, the sets and settings are very unforced parisian. The car is a bit precious perhaps.. scene with Bob and the liquid coming out of the truck is forced comedy.. but the rest is natural.

There's a reason there is so much chemistry between these two.. they made a massive film together full of a complex love and it's wonderful to watch the way the director intended.. It would be better if they offered both versions for discussion. I would love to see a very talented editor get his hands on this film, just for fun.

It's a complete love story. It fills you up. Worth every minute.
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Great Idea, Great Actors, Formulaic Hollywood Movie
22 January 2006
What a hilarious idea!! Guys who crash weddings to get laid! The stories they have to make up to get the women! The Rules created by their mentor that they follow by the number! The montage in the beginning is So funny and SO energetic that the movie basically shoots its wad within the first 15 minutes. Then it becomes a mainstream love story with Owen Wilson as his usual casually corny self and an admittedly adorable Rachel McAdams (this girl is going places since her twin, Jennifer Garner is out of commission). Isla Fisher, the wacky sister is absolutely amazing. She was also in "the Swimming Pool" for you movie hounds. The writing is so mainstream and so pedestrian that I am left fantasizing about all the missed opportunities - which creative types could conjure simply from reading the 100 rules of crashing a wedding. Christopher Walken's serious Dad here has a hint of humor behind his eyes which is so fun to watch. But then his role is smooshed down with the rest of the mainstream Hollywood movie ending. Corny, formulaic; you see the next scene around just about every corner and laugh only because the actors are so good. I gave this a bad rating because I'm surprised that this movie has such high votes.It's funny but could have been so much better if it went the "indie" route and not the 'hollywood' sidewalk.
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An Amazing Film
6 January 2006
This has got to be one of the most basically amazing films out there. Eastwood is brilliant in his direction having captured a city and a people eccentric and captivating while staying true to a wonderful book. The feelings the textures.. And Kevin Spacey. He is one of our best actors and his job here - although not understated, is convincing. The underlying message of a society's acceptance - or not - of homosexuals (and cross dressers..) was seamless. I cannot imagine someone not appreciating this film. Maybe one doesn't like the material.. but the quality of the film. The cast, the script, the acting, the flavor, the music. It's flawless.
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Pretty Things (2005 TV Movie)
Egomaniac "Director" ruins the movie
11 August 2005
Immediately you are drawn in by the brilliant opening graphics, by the collections of photographs and the history that these women can share. You think "Wow, this is going to be great.. how fascinating!" you put down the clicker and get ready for wonderful entertainment and a new understanding of these women. Then you realize that there is this irritating girl in her own world who keeps appearing in every single scene.. you ask 'who is this idiot?" only to realize that she is the director and you will be forced to see her - and hear her - the whole time. The only way to describe her is .. well, a drippy and passive aggressive self centered bore.. watch as she tries on clothes and/or give lifeless, one dimensional personal comments on what was happening in these women's lives. This 'director' obviously loves herself on film more than her subjects, missing almost every single opportunity to explore and enrich the viewer with what is absolutely interesting and full of potential. This is not a documentary so much as a self serving masturbation. Very Film School. Meanwhile, there are these missed stories.. these women who spent their lives as sex objects during a very weird time in our country's history.. sexuality and independence were both just peeking out from under the oppression and denial of the 50's ... how did these ladies get started, what did they dealt with, how did their families deal with it? .. we lose most of this while we blink in distraction watching this 'director' gratiate herself into every nook possible starting with her childish costume obsession.. Watch the strain on the dancer's faces - now in their 70's - as the 'director' asks to try on their clothing: fragile, precious relics and trophies from their career. Who would even THINK to ask to try this stuff on?! Who? A self centered, clueless, disrespectful ego maniac whose eyes are open only to see herself.. "oh yes that's very interesting.. oooh.. can I try THAT on?" These dresses are sacred to these women, left in zipped hangers for the past 40 years and some twit is going to turn on a camera and ask to try it on?.. Leave them alone - the clothes and the women! These ladies have an amazing life story, they are amazing now..

It turned out to be SO DISAPPOINTING!! You cannot help but ask yourself who this girl knew to get this movie made and presented to HBO.. Meanwhile, Pretty Things could almost be a segment on Saturday Night Live.. But seriously, It's a wonderful film to watch and learn how NOT to make a documentary.. compare this with something like Grey Gardens where the directors allowed their subject to blossom. Not to watch the director plant herself into the subject and kill it all.
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