
23 Reviews
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Up there with Best Action Movies Ever
17 June 2019
This has to go on the list of the Best Action Movies of All Time.

This is the first JOHN WICK I've seen in theaters, and boy was that a fun experience. The audience loved it - whooping for every cool kill, gasping at every horrible detail, and laughing at Wick's ridiculously simple dialogue.

While I give it a lot of credit for not suffering from 3rd-film-fatigue, it does nothing to elevate the franchise to another level. I give all 3 films the exact same score. But that said - if John Wick 4 is as good as the first 3, I am IN.

NOTE: I strongly suggest watching the first two films before enjoying this one.
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Entertaining enough...but why?
17 June 2019
This was fine, but not sure what the point was.

Good casting but total waste of John Malkovitch, whose character has no relevance to the plot.
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Not terrible, but entertaining enough
17 June 2019
I went in fearing the worst, so was pleased to find that this wasn't an absolute trainwreck.

I like the casting. Chris Hemsworth gets to have all the fun with his cocky "Agent H", while Tessa Thompson is forced to play the "straight man" throughout. Kumail Nanjiani's "Pawny" is really what makes this watchable.

The supporting cast is largely stale, and I can guarantee you that anyone over the age of 6 can guess who the mole is in MIB. While it does nothing to elevate the genre or give me any interest in seeing a sequel, it felt very much like an early-2000's action comedy and very much felt like it took place in the MIB world. So for those craving MIB nostalgia, this is good enough.
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Plus One (I) (2019)
Blew Me Away
17 June 2019
I read somewhere that this could very well be our generation's "When Harry Met Sally" and I really think there's a lot of truth in that. Maya Erskine and Jack Quaid are extremely likable, both individually and as a couple. The movie makes sure to put the "com" in "romcom" and is both hilarious and also heartfelt. Extremely well-done. I'm already looking forward to rewatching this again. A+
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Aquaman (2018)
A Visual Marvel
4 January 2019
This film is worth watching for the remarkable production design alone. It is not an easy feat to make a film where half of the action takes place underwater, but here Aquaman excels. Gorgeous visuals, incredible underwater battle sequences, and well-choreographed fights make this film impossible to look away from.

That said, the plot is fairly basic. Reluctant hero, doomed mentor, unexpected love interest, bad guy who wants to take over the world, etc. Aquaman is surprisingly likable, much different from his closed-off Justice League persona, but he's not particularly clever. He kind of just goes with the flow, punching bad guys as he goes. There are various attempts at injecting humor into the script, but its not very smart - especially compared with the witty comic brilliance of the recent Deadpool, Guardians and Ant-Man films.

One aspect of the film that was done surprisingly well was Black Manta's origin story. Not that he has much competition, but he's the best DCEU villain we've met thus far.
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Will Blow You Away
28 December 2018
Wow. This was a feat on multiple levels. (1) The animation style - I've never seen anything like it. While it takes a bit getting used to, the animation makes you feel like you're reading a comic book. (2) The story - My biggest concern going in was how the filmmakers would explain the concept of multiple parallel universes to audiences without bogging down the plot. Somehow...they did it (3) Honoring Spider-Man - despite none of the spider-people being the Peter Parker shown in other films, there was an element to each character that made one feel that they were, indeed a Spider-person. The cameos and references to Spider-Man canon made the film especially fun for longtime fans. (4) A Good Movie - It's a refreshing take on not only Spider-Man, but the superhero genre as a whole. It's got comedy, drama, action and heart.

Lord & Miller have done it again!
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Rust Creek (2018)
A Unique & Entertaining Indie Gem!
28 December 2018
I came in expecting the stereotypical "damsel in distress" horror movie, but it turns out Rust Creek is not that. At all. Anchored by the impressive performances of Hermione Corfield and Jay Paulson, Rust Creek is a unique little tale that offers both entertainment and food for thought. All the supporting performances were excellent and I liked the fact that it was filmed in the Kentucky woods, something rarely seen in cinema. Always great to find an indie gem & this one checks all the boxes!
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The Mummy (2017)
A Below-Average TV Pilot
28 December 2018
This wasn't boring, but felt more like the pilot of a new CW show destined to cancellation than an epic monster movie. Throughout the film, it almost feels like Tom Cruise is anxious for the movie to end. However, I've read that he seized control of the creative process, which might explain the inconsistent tone.
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Great Premise, Average Film
15 December 2018
Despite the wacky poster, no one kills anyone with a scotch tape dispenser, which is representative of the missed opportunities for humor and creativity in this film.
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No Chemistry Between Leads, but Entertaining Watch
15 December 2018
Like any rom-com, it's got some cheesy parts and more than a few larger-than-life situations. And while well-acted, the chemistry between the leads leaves something to be desired. Still, it's a gorgeous film that's a fresh take on a long-dormant genre.
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Best Agatha Christie in Years
15 December 2018
This three-part series is the best-adapted Agatha Christie mystery in recent memory. A well-casted character study of a family full of secrets, the series will have you fooled until the shocking reveal...
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A good find!
15 December 2018
Surprisingly funny and heartfelt, this is a nice story about two people who've lost faith in love. The rom-com is set in Kentucky, a refreshing change from the seemingly endless New York- and LA-based films of the same genre. Despite my unfamiliarity with the cast, I thought they were all very strong. A good find!
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Cute Setup, Nice Lesson, but Somehow Forgettable
15 December 2018
The way the filmmakers create the world of the internet is brilliant - on par with how "Inside Out" explained emotions. Of course, there are tons of cameos and jokes and puns. And there's a nice lesson at the end - one I don't believe I've ever seen before in a film. But the Ralph franchise suffers from shallow and uncompelling characters, all of whom are forgettable.
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McCarthy & Grant Are Perfectly Cast
15 December 2018
While she's known for playing wacky characters, Melissa McCarthy is at her best when she's playing the downtrodden normal woman thrown into a crazy situation. (See "Spy".) "Can You Ever Forgive Me?" further illustrates the point. But it's Richard E. Grant who steals the show as the charming Jack, and the duo plays off each other perfectly. A fascinating story told with humor and heart, this is an excellent film that doesn't try to be too political or preachy.
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
Funny, Relatable, but Weak Antagonist
29 November 2018
The second installment of The Incredibles is full of the laughs and relatable moments which made the first so good, but struggles to find a worthy antagonist.
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Entertaining, but Too Scary for Kids, Too Goofy for Adults.
29 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's not a bad film, but I'm not exactly sure for who the movie was intended. It's a movie that has a scene where a corpse climbs out of a coffin but also a slapsticky scene where Jack Black gets covered in pumpkin goo and the juxtaposition is, frankly, jarring. Bottom line: This film is too scary for kids but too childish for adults.

That said, it's a lot more successful than most childrens-books-turned-movies (see the disastrous "A Wrinkle In Time"). There's a lot to like, from the excellent production design, wry humor from Cate Blanchett and surprise twists toward the end. Here's hoping for a sequel where they can learn from the mistakes of the first installment.
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Searching (III) (2018)
A Fresh Take on the Mystery Genre
29 November 2018
While the "whole film takes place on computer screens" gimmick could have easily turned this into a tacky C-film, "Searching" instantly uses the device to its advantage with one of the best opening film montages since "Up". And it only gets better from there.

The film is incredibly well-thought-out and on so many levels. Not only do writers Aneesh Chaganty and Sev Ohanian impeccably plan out David's detective work, but they do so in a way that the various computer screens we see don't seem like they're forced, but logical next steps.

Thrilling from start to finish, "Searching" leaves "Gone Girl" in the dust.

With a big twist you won't see coming, this film is the fresh take on mystery that you've been "Searching" for.
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Great in All Aspects...Except the One That Really Matters...
28 November 2018
Great acting. Great directing. Great cinematography. Great editing. BUT! (Deep breath...) A movie can only be as good as it's story. I don't buy their initial flirtation. I don't feel that they learn anything or grow as people. There are a few logic issues as well. Furthermore, I find that the film leans too heavily on music for manipulating audiences emotions. Put a powerful Lady Gaga song at the end of any film and people will be moved to tears, regardless of genre.
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First Man (2018)
Intense and Dark, but a Solid Period Piece
28 November 2018
A dark and gritty look at the lives of the men and women behind NASA during the space race and what they sacrificed in the name of space travel. Shot on film and with sound design so carefully crafted that you feel the rocket will fall apart at any second, it's an intense experience that truly makes you feel like you're a witness to these event. It's not as "fun" as I think audiences expected, but it will stand the test of time as a classic period piece.
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Westworld (1973)
Great Concept, Mediocre Execution
27 November 2018
Like so many films, the set-up of "Westworld" is excellent - we establish the rules of this strange and exciting theme park. But the shallow characters, lack of twists and unsatisfying ending make this an entertaining yet hollow entry in Crichton lore.
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Instant Classic! A Treat for sure!
16 November 2018
Like a full trick-or-treat pillowcase, this film offers an assortment of unique and engaging stories, each with scares, laughs, twists and screams.

As the stories start to intertwine, you will slowly start to realize the genius behind the camera.

Features an all-star cast, including Anna Paquin, Dylan Baker and Bryan Cox!
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Se7en (1995)
No Masterpiece, But a Good Ol'-fashioned Mystery
16 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The mystery genre has died out of late, so "Se7en" remains unchallenged as one of the top mystery films of the last 25 years.

Its twist is good, but does not rank amongst cinema's best (where I would place "Ghost" and "The Usual Suspects").

My biggest qualm is that Pitt and Freeman are terrible detectives! They fail to accomplish anything of note in the film, which makes one wonder why they are being given the hardest case in the precinct.
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An Expertly-Crafted Okay Story.
16 November 2018
The directing, cinematography, music, and, especially, acting are flawless in this modern update of the classic story. There's a nice infusion of humor in there as well. But a movie can only be as good as its script.

And therein lies the problem: the story isn't very good. It's engaging and fast-paced, but one question lingers in the mind of the viewer once the credits roll: "What was the point?"

Nobody learns anything in this film. No one grows as a character. Is there commentary on society? Yeah, a little bit.

The ending is emotional, but I believe the overabundance of music is manipulative in that sense. I would have preferred stronger character arcs.
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