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Stargate: Atlantis: Sateda (2006)
Season 3, Episode 4
For the meatheads
19 October 2022
When comparing this epi8sode with the next (Progeny), it fails miserably. In fact, they don't even look like the same show. This episode focuses on Ronan. Unfortunately, Since the character Ronan is a caveman meathead,,,, it can't do anything but be mindless action. Some like that. To each his own. Me?, not so much.

There is a reason Rodney called Ronan a caveman,, and in this ridiculous mind knumbing episode, it is in full display.

Yet, I have no problem understanding it is needed for the Ronan worshipers. I may not be one of them, but I know their out there.

Although some say differently, sadly, we didn't learn anything new. Ronan had a wife. So? What does that change? Nothing. Just an excuse to have an action episode. And a poor one at that.

Atlantis is at it's best when they combine action, story, and character development.

This only does one.

Although the villein Wriath was pretty cool looking, it can't make up for the airhead that is Ronan.argg arggg.
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Lost: The Man Behind the Curtain (2007)
Season 3, Episode 20
What are you watching?
5 August 2022
Review after review of people saying how great Locke is?

Wtf are you watching? Yes, the character is great. But Locke is NOT a good guy. He is NOT a hero. How many people have been killed for his quest? How many people does he use to get what HE wants? Every episode. Like the last one. He makes Sawyer kill his father, then takes the credit. 2 episodes ago, he blows up the submarine killing everyone's only chance to get off the island, because HE wants to stay. Boone died because Locke used him for another quest of his. Everything is always about Locke.

Sorry folks, you need to stop sticking up for this horrible character. Stop defending his self centered actions. Maybe look up what the writers knew that you don't seem to comprehend. Locke was never supposed to be a hero. Or the good guy. Does that make for a great character? Great drama? Yes. But thinking he ids the good guy doesn't say much for your morals. Jack should have killed him the second he admitted to blowing up the submarine I know I would have.. Get your head out of your ..., and stop defending a guy simply because he killed a boar. Big whoopie.
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Lost: Adrift (2005)
Season 2, Episode 2
Smoke monster ain't got nothing on Susan
26 July 2022
One of the reasons Lost was such a hit, was in their ability to create characters with more than one dimension. Real people aren't any one thing. We're a combination of many different things. This is what Lost does best. No character, no matter how beloved, is always right. Not one. Even our favorites act like complete idiots sometimes. Just like real people do. And I love that. Unfortunately, the dislike for a character can sometimes over shadow an amazing performance. Harold Perrineau is a great example. He's brilliant as the tortured Michael. And we see why in the flashbacks. That Susan character ain't got nuthin on the smoke monster. She might be the only purely evil character Lost has created. Everything is always about her. And then to use that disgusting line,'what's best for the child',, Ick,, can't stand those scenes she's in. Although once again, Tamara Taylor played the scenes with perfect blank eyed innocence. Why characters act the way they do is revealed in the flashbacks. We either relate, or we don't. But I for one can sympathize with Michael. No, I don't agree with a lot of his quick to judgement type actions. But Lost always does a great job at allowing the viewer to see how and why the characters are what they are. Not usually a fan of back stories, but Lost usually does them so well.
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Horrible episode
1 July 2022
Too many Snappy quirky comebacks get old really fast. Buffy not acting like a teenager but a 12-year-old that's boy crazy. Ick, just ick Terrible writing terrible story thank God the rest of the episodes are better.
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Night Sky (2022)
J. K. Simmons REFUSES to come back for season two
4 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'll save you the trouble of sitting through this terribly disappointing series.

You don't get any answers. Ever. They want you to watch season two for answers. I will not.

Every single character was despicable. I've never seen a series that literally went nowhere, with such disgusting people as the main characters.

Want to know how truly bad and boring this is?

J. K. Simmons REFUSES to come back for season two.

Backing up everything I've just said. He was replaced with Ed O'Neil. I am so angry that this stupid series kept me with just enough interest to keep me watching. Only to be let down at the end, realizing nothing was explained.

Yes, the acting is very good. But what good is that, if there is no story?

Worse thing I've ever sat through.

By far...................
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Star Trek: Discovery: Unification III (2020)
Season 3, Episode 7
Acting chops
10 May 2022
I take no joy in pointing out others flaws.

When I first heard who got the lead in Discovery,, I was dumbfounded. The Walking Dead was on my dvr list every week. So I knew instantly, it was the wrong choice. Some blame the writers. And although they have made some sketchy decisions, the inability of Sonequa Martin-Green's acting, is what my tired eyes focus on.

One of the biggest problems we the viewer have, is her (Burnham) constant need to be the only one qualified to fix or solve a problem.

But I think in the hands of a skilled actress, this would have come across completely different. Since Green doesn't have the ability to portray confidence, without coming across as arrogant and superior, she fails as the lead. Using whispering to add emphasis is just one more proof, she's out of her league.

If you have ever read behind the scene articles about Discovery,, she is often the brunt of good natured ribbing by the other actors. They see what only some of us choose to see. A very poor choice by the casting dept. But since the choice can't be taken back now, we are forced to suffer through her inabilities. Since sci-fi is my favorite genre, I will take even the most mediocre, before American Idol, and other shows that are popular now a days.

The look of Discovery is amazing. Seasons 1&2 were good enough for me to watch.

But I can only wonder, for how long?..........................
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1883: Lightning Yellow Hair (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Seires turn
9 March 2022
In a series that I've really enjoyed, this episode is a huge let down.

Do I have a problem with Elsa making goo goo eyes with an American Indian? Nope.

But doing it so quickly after her loss? Yup I also don't have a problem with her narration like some others do.

Until this episode.

The idea of the Europeans having to deal with a massive and brutal storm could have been really cool. But for some reason, it seemed to be put in the background for another chance for Elsa to kiss someone.

No. In a series I've genuinely liked, this was a series turn for me.

Hope they get back on track with the next one.
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Star Trek: Discovery: The Examples (2021)
Season 4, Episode 5
Burnham knows best
30 January 2022
How does Star Trek get away with human characters constantly FORCING their values and beliefs on an alien species?

Burnham once again to the rescue.


Cause Burnham knows best................

Hi Hoi Burnham,,,,, Away.
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For All Mankind: Rupture (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
Your turn for a bike ride Mom
17 January 2022
But It's sad that don't feel one drop of sympathy for that disgusting woman. For Ed? Yes.

I understand people handle grief differently.

But she's like that ALL THE TIME.

Ick, if only she could have died, (she's a fictional character) instead of her son.

Here's to hoping mom/Karen hops on a bicycle soon.
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The Morning Show: Laura (2021)
Season 2, Episode 3
Role reversal
24 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was definitely better then the previous.

More like the first season.

It seems they did a role reversal.

Bradley is now acting like A pampered, arrogant and self centered diva. You know, just like Alex last season.

Which is fine. Alex was never written as a role model to be looked up to. And definitely not a strong powerful woman like so many confused people think she is.

In fact, when Jennifer Aniston was asked why she took the role, she responded, 'because I've never gotten a chance to play a character like her." Interviewer, 'Why, what's she like?" Oh, shes a train wreck. A fun train wreck, but a train wreck nonetheless'. Then when asked if she had anything in common with her character Jennifer responded, quote "She's everything I never wanted to be.' So, still think she's a role model?

Then you are confusing power with strength.

They are NOT the same.
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The Morning Show: My Least Favorite Year (2021)
Season 2, Episode 1
Not the same show
23 October 2021
I don't consider myself a harsh reviewer. I think I'm always looking for something good in what I'm watching. That's why it's hard to review this episode for me. Because I absolutely loved the 1st season.

But this is not the same show I watched last year.

I haven't figured out if it's the writing, the acting, or the over all ambiance. But something is very different.

Is it bad? No. Just different. I don't know. Maybe it's all of the above.

But since I don't watch a lot of tv, I'll continue watching in the hopes it recaptures some of the magic that we all loved from last season.
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The Walking Dead: World Beyond: Foothold (2021)
Season 2, Episode 2
Hard to like...
12 October 2021
Scene; Hope outside, walks towards door.

Girl (16 to 18?) opens door from inside.

Holds door open for Hope.

Does Hope say thank you? No Does she maybe give a nod? No Don't like the CRM? Fine.

Why take it out on a girl who she's never seen?

Lack of common courtesy shows who you are.

Saw her on talking dead. Omg, I've met tree frogs with more personality.

When one of the leads is hard to like, you probably aren't going to like the show.

Hope/Alexa Mansour; Teen angst, followed by some teen angst, and to mix it up a little, she adds a little teen angst.

Don't think the casting director should ever work again. I don't mind the 3 dudes, but the 3 girls?

Wow, just bad.... The community is semi entertaining.

Silas gets a new job.. Poker thing was kinda cool/funny.
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Archive (2020)
George was kind of a dick
31 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Yes it had a good/great look.

Yes, the acting was also good.

But the twist at the end, (which I didn't see coming) made the other sub plots 100% meaningless. (Poor J1 and J2) And on top of that, George was kind of a dick.

Made it hard to empathize or even like his character.

Not a bad movie, just a confusing one. Why distract us with the robot jealousy angle?
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Chaos Walking (2021)
Books vs movies
13 July 2021
Book readers will not like what I'm about to say.

But seriously, do they like anything?

But before you jump all over my review, please know, I'm one of you. (kinda) I used to be a book snob. Instantly criticizing any book adaption to the screen. Why did they leave out that character ? Why didn't they explore this plot/topic more? Etc.

For the past 30yrs, I've read every night until I fall asleep.

I love a good book. But I also really enjoy a good flick.

I always found myself unsatisfied when the movie I watched didn't live up to my love for the book.

You can read review after review from any movie that was taken from a book. And you will see the constant battle between, 'i read the books and this movie sucks' 'Since I didn't read the book, I really liked the movie'.

Then one day I saw a video clip of a director being interviewed, and it changed how I think about adaptions.

He was asked how he decided what to use from the book, and what to leave out. His answer blew me away. He said, 'These characters are know and loved by so many people, I was literally having panic attacks during the script writing. And then, someone told me to stop worrying about the book, and make the best movie I can. You see, with the exception of Harry Potter, even with the most popular books, the percentage of people who come to a movie who actually read the book is still under 10%. And you simply can't make a movie for the 10%. It will always fail. You have to make a movie knowing that 90% of the people have no idea who these characters are. It's really all about the numbers'.

So, knowing this, does this still make you angry?

I didn't say it was fair. But it is what it is. Once you accept this, you'll see how much more enjoyable movies can be.

There will always be book snobs. That's just life. But if you read their reviews, you'll see a pattern. Look, everyone who enjoys a book has their favorite character. And every one of them has characters they dislike/hate. And trust me, they will tell you. They will let you know what the movie 'did wrong'. And again, it's always different. So my question is, 'how in Gods name can they please every book reader?

The answer is simple,,,,Obviously, they can't.

So. Did I like this movie? Yes. But were their things I wish were done differently? Of course.

But I'm not going to list them. Because I'd rather be happy that one of my favorite books (trilogies), got some national attention.

So if you read the books and are upset with the movie, I'm sorry. I know how you feel. But if you haven't read any of the books, but enjoyed the movie , that makes me happy.
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House M.D.: Body and Soul (2012)
Season 8, Episode 18
Bombshell pt 2
11 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I would have rated this a 6 or 7 if it wasn't for the last 3 minutes.

The Hmong story was ok. But the last 3 minutes put a lump in my throat.

1st) -Dominika was cute, goofy, smart, and most of all, she seemed flat out nice. Did House help her out? Absolutely. But when she found out he was hiding her immigration mail, she didn't get angry or yell at him, but she was still kind enough to give him a hug goodbye.

Wow, that was sad. Wish we had more people on the planet like her.

2nd) The obvious. Bombshell 2.0 -Wilson reveling has has cancer.

I didn't see that coming. And the lost look on House's face crushed me. Also very sad.
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House M.D.: Unplanned Parenthood (2010)
Season 7, Episode 5
Didn't dislike, but...
4 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Every episode of House has always had something I enjoyed.

Funny, or smart, or intriguing etc.. But until the last word of the episode, when the little girl says House, I was kinda bored.

I didn't dislike it, but It didn't do any of the things every other House episode has done. Keep me interested.

But since this is season 7, and this is the first time it happened, I'm ok with that.

Not many shows score a hit on every episode.

For me, this was THAT episode. The one I'd skip if I were re-watching.

On the up side, I kinda liked Dr Cheng. She was cool.
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House M.D.: Simple Explanation (2009)
Season 5, Episode 20
'You only care about the puzzle'
26 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When one of our favorite characters in a show leaves, we get pissed.

Was I pissed? Yup. Kutner was a great character. Lovable, funny, smart etc...But do I think in this instance it made for great cinema? Yup again.

As others have said. The writing was top notch. The acting was top notch. And how can we not love Meatloaf?

Another underlying theme in the show House is, he doesn't care about people, only in 'solving the puzzle'.

Wilson say's, 'you don't care about Kutner, you only care about solving the puzzle'. But I think this episode proves, House only cares about the puzzle, BECAUSE he cares. And this is why he obsesses about the puzzle. It's his way of showing he does care. Not with words, but with his actions.

All in all I'm sad to see Kutner go, but at the same time, I loved how they handled it.
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House M.D.: Fools for Love (2006)
Season 3, Episode 5
18 June 2021
Binge watching from Prime a show I haven't seen since it's original airing was one of my smarter moves. I love this show.

But after reading reviews, I was genuinely confused by how many people watch the show regularly, but hate the character House.

I can't relate to them. It's House's flaws that make him interesting. And different then most tv shows.

Every other show has a perfect lead character. And that's why I don't watch those shows. They're boring.

House may be a lot of things, but he's never boring.

This episode introduces Detective Tritter, a character that I love/hate. Love because he's played brilliantly by David Morse.

Hate because I think he's more of a bully then House ever was. And if I remember correctly, this is proven within the next few episodes.

No, I don't think House was at fault. Not even a little. Watching that David Morse stare, told me he was a hypocrite. . That's not easy as an actor. To come off as the victim, while being a bully himself. And he was definitely showing his character usually gets his way.

Some say House caused the ensuing dust up between the two.

Again, I don't. Maybe it's because Hugh is so amazing as House, I feel like I know the guy. But who knows?.

The other story line about a young couple was interesting, and had a surprising finish. No, I didn't see that coming.
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B movie
21 May 2021
On a day off from work, I decided to watch the trilogy back to back to back.

That was a mistake. Because starting this one immediately after Dragon, you can't help but notice the difference in quality. It had a B-movie feel to it, where the first did not.

Not in any way.

Sure, the characters are still awesome. The actors are still great, but the way it was filmed made me think it was done by a student trying to learn on the fly.

My advice? Put some time between watching this and Dragon.

Maybe the massive decline in quality will be 'less' noticeable.

Who am I kidding?.... You'll know immediately.
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Sex Education: Episode 5 (2020)
Season 2, Episode 5
One of my favs
28 April 2021
One of the reasons I love this show so much, is the balance between comedy and heart.

They do it well. This episode covered a lot of bases.

Although it had less 'comedy' than most, it had many nice touching moments to make up for it.

But Ola breaking up with Otis wasn't one of them.

See ya, don't let the door.....
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Star Trek: Discovery: Su'Kal (2020)
Season 3, Episode 11
Can't be objective?
5 April 2021
Book says, 'You're worried'?

Burnham, 'I don't think Saru can be objective'.

What? Are you freakin kidding me?

HE can't be objective?

When every single thing out of your mouth is some form of you being unable to be objective. kettle.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Scavengers (2020)
Season 3, Episode 6
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, we're hunting wabbits
3 April 2021
OMG. Please stop with all this whispering!!!

There is no one else in the room.

There is no one who really cares enough about you to eavesdrop.

What the hell is going on?

Are you really that much of an idiot?
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Star Trek: Discovery: Die Trying (2020)
Season 3, Episode 5
What caused the 'Burn'?
3 April 2021
3 guesses.

Michael Burn(ham) Michael Burn(ham) Michael Burn(ham) Well duh... Why do you think its called the burn.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Forget Me Not (2020)
Season 3, Episode 4
'Forget Me'
2 April 2021
All the momentum built from the previous episodes, gets lost in this emotional mess of an episode.

For 55yrs, we the viewer/fans, have been told that Starfleet only uses the best of the best of the best.

That means these highly trained individuals are far and above the most qualified to get an assignment on a Starship.

And yet, Discovery shows us episode after episode that this is simply not true.

Everyone is an emotional mess, and look like they received NO training at all.

It's ok to explore subjects that were taboo in the 60's 70's and 80's.

I actually like that. But for whatever reason, it seems forced. Like the show makers are telling us, (See how hip we are? See how woke we are?). And boy does it show. These 'woke' subjects aren't the problem.

It's the WAY they choose to explore them that makes them fall flat for so many.

Most Trek fans want to like everything Trek. And so do I.

But if this 'forgettable' episode is any indication for the rest of the season, I guess I'll be highly disappointed.

Because it just isn't Trek.
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The Expanse: Oyedeng (2021)
Season 5, Episode 7
I'm angry
20 March 2021
That a show I absolutely love, focused on the only story/plot line I don't care one bit for. We all have our story/plot lines we'd like to see more of. Me, I was hoping season 5 would explore the rings a bit more. But was still surprised how much I enjoyed this season. Until this episode. Naomi grunting. Message repeating for 20 mins straight. Ugghh. Down right annoying. I don't care about this plot line at all. A big NO for me.
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