
3 Reviews
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Smallville (2001–2017)
"Somebody saaaaaaavvve meeee!! Don't care how you do it!"
3 January 2005
I cannot believe that I didn't catch this outstanding show when it first aired, I am really disappointed in myself for that.

About 16 months ago a friend of mine lent me his copy of the first season to check out, he told me he had watched it already and that I could take my time with it. I had it for a week without touching it, then I decided to pop it in and watch the first episode, I was thrilled! When I first heard that the WB was doing a teen drama about the young life of Clark Kent, I thought "Hell No!!" they wouldn't dare take a legend like Superman and cross it with Dawson's Creek! How wrong I was. This show is intelligent, moving, intriguing and just plain fun to watch!

I am also in the fortunate position to have only experienced the show on DVD on my 96" front projection system, so the show has taken on a cinematic element for me that most people won't get. Because of this, I do not watch the show on television at all, it's strictly a DVD event for me. This of course means that I cannot catch up with the show as it run's on the WB, but i'm committed to watching it only on DVD. For wide-screen purists like myself, the show being open matted from 1.78:1 is the only deterrent I need to abstain from the WB runs of the show.

Sadly, Tom Welling will not be Superman in the up-coming film, that's a real shame, he embodies that character so much. The episode entitled 'Rosetta' with the late Christopher Reeve is perhaps one of the most riveting hours i've witnessed on television since 'The Body' episode of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'. Clark's struggle against the wishes of his birth father Jor-El are very mysterious and somewhat disturbing to watch.

Micheal Rosenbaum as Lex Luther brings so many multi-dimensional elements to this iconic (eventual) villain that he even manages to make Gene Hackman's Lex seem downright flat and cardboard-ish. We all know that he will become Superman's arch-enemy, but how and why? This show dares to explore those questions with surprising freshness and intrigue. Though I suspect that he will be Superman's enemy, not Clark's. They have a brotherly bond that I would hate to see broken, but have prepared myself for that.

John Shneider and Annette O'Toole as Clark's Earth-bound parents are so warm and caring that it creates a strong emotional foundation for the show. The Kent farm is ground zero for the show and for Clark's eventual life as Superman. All of his values begin their, the man of steel we all come to know was forged with the guidance of two simple farm folk in Kansas. This show captures that so richly that it makes the short 10 minute sequence in Richard Donner's film seem woefully insufficient.

Yes, the weakest character is Lana, but it's not the fault of Kristin Kreuk (she's so hot, I could stare into those gorgeous eyes of hers all day), it's in our knowledge that she WILL be cast aside, we know this to be true, we have seen Clark's future and Lana has no place in it. So all of their scene's together have an undercurrent of futility about them. Although to Clark and Lana, at those moment's, they don't know what tomorrow brings for them, so I can tolerate them pursuing their relationship.

I read one very distressful thing in one of the user comments, it said that Tom Welling only agreed to play Clark Kent, not Superman. We NEED to see him become Superman on or about the last episode of the series, it is CRUCIAL! That, after all, is the payoff, to see him in the suit and ready to tackle the world and embrace the destiny we have all seen him struggle to realize and reach. Without that moment, the series will seem anti-climatic with no payoff.

I give this show 10 out of 10 stars. If your a Superman fan, you must see this show!
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Short Time (1990)
"You missed me again you idiot!!"
21 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start out by repeating what has been stated before, it is very much Dabney Coleman who single handedly saves this film from mediocrity. He is truly an actor to pay attention to whenever he utters anything in his films, no matter what it is he's saying, you care. He's a decent, morally strong gentleman, and that's rare, folks.

Here, he plays laid back and up-tight police detective Burt Simpson, only days away from retiring. He's paranoid about taking risks and doing anything to risk being killed. When he goes to the doctor for a routine examination, a complication arises that leads him to believe he only has about 2 or 3 weeks to live. Then, as he's getting his final affairs in order, he finds out that his wife (Terry Garr) and young son can only collect on his insurance if he gets killed in the line of duty.

He hasn't got much time to waste, so Burt requests double duty in the worst part of the city, much to the dismay of his wiseass partner Ernie (pitch-perfectly played by Matt Frewer) who doesn't know what the hell is going on with his partner. Burt spends the next few days acting like a supercop, trying desperately to get killed by any means necessary! The show stopper, hands down, is an extended car chase through Seattle with Burt in relentless hot pursuit of another car carrying a couple of real scumbags. Burt comes after them with the determination of Robocop, and what ensues is the fastest, funniest and most frantic car chase ever captured on film! Indeed, when it's all over, their is nothing left of Burt's car but four wheels, a steering column, the engine and a seat! And of course, Burt himself with only a few minor scratches, why? Because he neglected to un-buckle his seat belt! DOAH!! Now, this isn't to say that the film is all fun and games, their are a few very poignant scenes with Burt that might bring a tear to your eye, especially the confessions he makes to his estranged wife about how he feels about her. Another is a scene in a convenience store where a man has taken hostages, Burt strolls in wearing only his boxer shorts and t-shirt and proceeds to have a truly moving heart to heart chat with the disturbed gunman.

Deftly mixing action, humor, drama and a serious message about taking stock in one's life before it's to late, Short Time delivers. It's a simple little film that got no attention, but in my experience, those often are the one's that stay with you. See it.

And BTW, where the hell is this film on DVD!?
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Sleepwalkers (1992)
I can buy into the craziest of ideas except one...
19 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
It is absolutely impossible for me to believe that a girl who looks like Madchen Amick could be a virgin! Sorry, can't do it.

The rest of the film however is decent enough I suppose, very inconsistent at times, but decent. I would have liked to find out more about the origin of the sleepwalker species though.

I'm a sucker for Madchen Amick, her impossibly gorgeous face just wins me over every time and i'll see anything with her in it. 'Charmed' star Brian Krause does a good job, although his shift from nice guy to evil jerk in the 'Homeland' scene is a bit jarring, very jarring actually. I guess in the end I was applying my own set of can someone/something be so mean to someone so sweet and innocent. Madchen's performance here is world's away from her role in 'Dream Lover' that's for damn sure.

The kills were inventive, i'll say that much, I don't think i've ever seen a guy get stabbed in the back with a corn-on-the-Cobb before and I don't expect I will again. The one character that I wish had lived was the cop, the owner of the cat 'Clovis', it sucked when he bought it.

Overall, if the video store has nothing A-list left and your stuck with what to rent, this one will do just fine.
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