
13 Reviews
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24 (2001– )
After a couple seasons, the surprises just don't work as well.
26 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The 1st season got me hooked. Back when this series was on, rarely did we see any shows with 24 episodes with no interruptions week to week and the fact the show was in real time was completely different than we had ever seen. (Spoilers ahead) We also usually see a few immature characters doing stupid things in every drama show. Jack's daughter fills this role. The show switches so often between the current crisis and the personal problems, it gets old pretty quickly. It also proves internal personal relationships just don't work, not only Season 1 but throughout every season. The "moles" working on the good side, but secretly working for the bad guys lose their surprise after a few seasons. You know it's coming. Season 8 I believe had the most. Every season we're show the tears and concerns for Bauer by the women he gets involved with. How anything gets done at amazing, with all the watching all the characters do to see what others are doing. The seemingly non-stop revolving door who's the head boss at CTU is also overdone. By Season 5, the surprises were not really surprises. Pretty much expected.
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Rampage (2018)
When I think Dwayne Johnson + movie, I don't expect much.
15 April 2018
As my title says, I don't expect much. I wasn't disappointed. Predictable, a not very good supporting cast and bad dialogue. A bit like some of the older Schwarzenegger movies, only with 2018 special effects. Don't be put off with reviews that contain spoilers. They won't spoil much as it's all predictable what will happen next. Exciting? Not in my opinion. Worth the price of admission? Definitely not.
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Waste of time
25 January 2016
I didn't know this was based on a video game. Or was the video game based on this movie? Doesn't matter to me. I won't buy the video game and I also could not watch this movie all the way to the end. Yes, it was that bad.

What I did see was bad dialogue, decent makeup, lots of blood and acting like they did no retakes. I found myself skipping ahead several times to the action scenes. This was because what the main characters had to say wasn't important. Are they ever important in zombie movies?

Skip this farce and do something, anything else. Like read a book. NO zombies! :)
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2 hours? Seemed like maybe one hour. That's how fast paced it is.
17 October 2015
The first 30 minutes of this film, I wondered why so many men would be willing to die chasing this big vehicle. I gave up after an hour and just enjoyed the rest of it. A fast paced action movie with incredible stunts. That's basically what it is.

Entertainment wise, if you like lots of action, it's delivered here, a lot. If you want character development, forget it. Lots of people trying to compare this with the original Mad Max and Road Warrior movies. I can see why. It's a bit like those movies, x10 the action and a ton less of dialogue.

Got 2 hours to kill? (no pun intended) Worth a rental, but that's about it.
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San Andreas (2015)
What did everyone expect? It's a disaster movie!
11 October 2015
I read some of the reviews here and am wondering what all the negative reviewers expected. Who didn't know this was a huge, costly disaster movie? Who didn't know there were going to be many unbelievable scenes? Who didn't know there would be some cheesy dialogue?

Well, I, for one, enjoyed it. The last good disaster movie I saw was The Towering Inferno, and you know that was a long, long time ago. It's still my favorite disaster flick. San Andreas, of course, had much better special effects. (several decades later, better effects, right?) I thought the scenes of the destruction were amazing.

We all know disaster movies usually focus on a handful of people in it and this one was no different. The movie was entertaining for me. I hope it is for you, too. :)
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Special effects good, dialogue terrible, kid actors, even worse.
9 October 2015
After 20 minutes, I found myself skipping ahead every now and then until something happened. I did this because the writing/dialogue was so bad. There are enough spoiler reviews, so no need to go into what this is about. To me, it was about a movie that really didn't need to be made.

Let's hope this is the last one in the series. I didn't even bother to check if it is because I wouldn't watch it anyway.

Some scenes were awesome. Some, like when the birds escape, are moronic. The "hero" saves the day by shooting down a few birds. Then the kids just stand out in the open while other birds fly nearby. So stupid. This, despite several areas they could have run inside out of danger. Save your money on this, people. Not worth it. Especially if you have seen the other Jurassic movies.
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Lost (2004–2010)
Good TV series, but superb? No.
19 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Many have said this is the greatest series ever. I don't think so. It certainly had enough in the 1st episode to grab your attention. What WAS that in the jungle, making noises like a dinosaur and swatting tall trees to and fro? (SPOILER) We later learn, it's the smoke monster. And, after seeing how it moved around, easily missing and going around trees, I'm wondering why or how it could move trees like it did towards the beginning of the series.

The flashbacks soon start, and after seeing about 2 sets of them for every character in the show, they became tiresome, interrupting the main action. This continues into the rest of the seasons, as they added new characters. Sometimes, like when Locke opened a door and saw his father tied up, the scene didn't continue on until 2 more episodes.

(SPOILER) Then we get to seasons 4 and 5, where, in my opinion, it became downright silly. Moving the island by turning a wheel, moving forward and backwards in time, with even more flashbacks. No TV series should be this complicated. I think it went 2 seasons too long. The ending? Bah! Didn't like it, but if you were able to follow everything in previous seasons, it made sense.
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Let It Ride (1989)
Definitely worth your time.
30 May 2015
I used to bet the horses, so I related a bit to this movie. No, I never had a day like Trotter had, but how I wished. :)

This movie had lots of support in the comedy that ensues in the movie. "Cheeseburger" was so good, as was the cashier he returned to after every race he bet. Not a blockbuster, of course, but worth your time to view it.

One reviewer said he felt the tension as the last race started and I have to agree. It was rather predictable, but as the horse trainers told Trotter after he returned the audio tape, "You never know!"

Fun fun flick!Enjoy!
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Horrible - Part 2
13 February 2015
Totally agree with the previous reviewer. I'm surprised it's still on. Five minutes is all I could take on the first week it was on.

So, what to do to fill a hour of Prime Time television and you can't think of anything? Take some you tube videos, some unknown (to me) judges and throw in the commercials and you have filled that hour.

If you are a regular visitor to you tube, you probably have already seen a lot of these videos. I remember when TV networks used to yank shows after one show because it was so bad. Either this show barely had the viewer-ship or they now just let them stay on.

If they made a new show "World's Worse TV Fails", this show should be on it. Play Monopoly with the family during this hour. You'll have a much better time.
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Waste of talent?
9 December 2014
After twenty minutes of watching this, I am writing this review. I've yet too see anyone in it that I even care about. I wondered how long the actors in this were unemployed. They all must have been in need of the money.

Stephen Baldwin should go back on Celebrity Apprentice, but that show was canceled, wasn't it? Rutger Hauer (how old is he now?) did not fit any commander of anything, except maybe a leftover from the 60s hippie era. Whatever military organization he was in, apparently there isn't any dress codes. His hair is a dead giveaway.

It's no wonder on the first page here, you don't see the usual cost of the movie, or any goofs in it. Who, in their right mind, would watch this for any goofs when the whole thing is a goof? The ending? Not sure I'll even make it to that part.
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Don't read spoiler reviews before watching.
30 November 2014
I have not read through all the reviews, so I'm hoping no one spoils the ending. Read the ones marked spoiler after watching the movie.

Considering how long ago this was made, it was a very cool movie. Starts off a little slow, but once you see the bonfire start, things pick up.

Roger (Peter Fonda) and his buddy, Frank (Warren Oates) take their wives, Alice (Loretta Swit) and Kelly (Laura Parker) on a nice vacation in a large motor-home. There are some comical scenes, some sad scenes, some motorcycle action and, of course, some suspense and action. I have to agree with one reviewer about the women being in it to provide screaming and in fear of almost everyone else in the movie. The car chase scenes were very good. You won't see any gross scenes in this. I would recommend seeing the movie. Enjoy!
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What budget?
23 November 2014
Now in my top 20 worse movies ever made. The only person I recognized was the lady who played the Vice-President. She played the President in "24". Hard to believe. Was she that hard up for work?

If you do start to watch this terrible movie, you'll probably find yourself skipping ahead until you actually see something happening. Special effects looked like it was done by a few 12 years old. Avoid headaches by skipping this disaster.

A bit puzzled how this got even 3 stars. People could give all the spoilers they could and this still would not upset many people. Is the man in the bathrobe the hero? You won't care one bit.
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1313: UFO Invasion (2012 Video)
Now in my top 10 worse films
8 May 2013
Quite possibly the worse movie (if you can call it that) I have ever seen. No suspense, no drama, no anything really. One guy shows up at the pool and announces he is there, but no one else is around. Rather comical. Another scene, you see the shadow of the camera filming as it backed up from two of the characters walking. There must have been a house rule about wearing only underwear, too. I found myself skipping ahead every five minutes to see if anything exciting happened. Nope. I saw a budget amount of a million for this movie. I can't see how they could have spent over $10,000. Must have been spent only on salaries they paid these people who worked on it.
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