
17 Reviews
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Sleeping Dogs (2024)
Gripping thriller
12 April 2024
I'm not going to give anything away- the reviews don't do it justice. This movie is a lot better than the low score rating it has.

I'd say this is one of Crowe's best films he's been in.

The film is gripping, twists and turns, stories that intertwine and I really enjoyed it.

Follow the storyline of Crowe's character who is living with Alzheimer's due to an accident . He is requested to see a prisoner he got placed into jail before the prisoner is sent to death - he wants the truth to be found out.

The movie retells the whole ordeal.

Just because it's not all gun hoe means some won't like it but if you like physiological thrillers then you'll enjoy this.

Acting is on par, you do have to sit and watch the movie as you'll lose the plot line.
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Superbly acted film
17 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Caine and Glenda Jackson deserve gongs fir this. To end their careers in this touching and poignant film is perfect. You giggle and cry and it's like watching your grandparents/great grandparents discuss about a time many of us will never understand what they went through. Bringing in the PTSD soldier and having Caine explain he needs help was perfect. At a time when we're going through wars in many countries this shows how serving soldiers cope. Don't expect war scenes and/or love scenes, this is a story of one hero's mission to put his mind enemies into their place. Left in the battlefield and try to not relive.
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Strays (2023)
Not as good as I hoped it would be
18 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you're into toilet humour, dogs jumping anything and everything, peeing, pooping, vomit, lots of swearing then you'll love it.

Shame wasn't what I thought it would be, it could of been so much better than it is.

Typical Will Ferrell type of humour in this, Jamie Foxx's dog is funny at times and Isla Fisher's dog pees like a boy!

Trailers are funnier than the whole film .

Make sure you stay through the credits or you'll loose the outcome of what happens to Doug, Reggie's owner.

Read the rest of the reviews, go into the movie theatre with an open mind and you might enjoy it more than I did.
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A Good Year (2006)
Nicely surprised by this movie
25 August 2021
Thought I'd watch this even though it's an 'oldie'.

Crowe is at his best in this movie, funny, charming, stubborn.

The movie is a lot better than what the original critics said about it. For some light hearted fun give this movie a go.

Best line ' I drink cognac not wine, I want to get plastered quickly'. Superb!
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Joe Bell (2020)
12 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The story of real life events shows you the upset a father has after his son hangs himself due to the bullying from school bullies, for being gay! This movie had me in tears, the reviews were all negative so I watched with no hope for it. I'm so glad I did. Mark Wahlberg's acting is in par to his 'perfect storm' movie. He shows great understanding of a father that tries to cope and deal with a homosexual son, he gets over that fact and then has to face the dying of his boy. The sadness of what happens at the end is the bitterness of him finally coping with the fact that his son has gone, he can now move on. Have tissues at the ready for the last 10 minutes.

Watch this knowing that this happens in schools across the globe, boys and girls having to face the ignorance of others and families having to face the sadness of losing a child.

Watch and learn.
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Weak performances
27 June 2021
The plot of this is of a high budget movie however the production and acting is of a high school production.
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Greyhound (2020)
11 July 2020
Really good. Based on C.S Forester's novel 'The Good Shepard'.

It's not a long film so it's action packed, Hanks is his usual great self with great pose and action from him throughout. The character he plays has to deal with his faith as well as his role of a Naval Commander.

Stephen Graham is his 2nd in command, apart from the not so good American accent, he performs fantastic in this.

Don't get up at the end, watch the closing credits, these men from the Allies were ones to be proud of.

Only things is it tells you on the Allies loses, could do with the fact that 9 out of the 10 German U boats were sunk, Shame that's not written at the end to show what the Allies did, a triumph.
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5 February 2020
A gripping tale of one family who life just won't cut a break for. This is a story that many can and will be able to relate to. A story of how no matter how you try, nothing changes.

Ken loach at his best like normal.
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Worth the watch...
23 October 2019
Anamzong true story of one woman's life. When her daughter goes missing she has to raise her grandson whilst looking for her. The ups and downs and men in her life don't make it easy for her.

Sienna Miller is superb in this. Her best piece to date.
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Gloria Bell (2018)
Pleasantly surprised
31 May 2019
After seeing the negative reviews and dismal rating I decided to watch.

I was surprised that it actually had me gripped, I enjoyed it.

I thunk you need to be able to pls e yourself in her shoes, see life at her angle to understand what she is going through. As a woman near her age I could. The long less of losing your children to life and you being 'left behind' will resonate with people that have been through it.

Love the soundtrack and will be downloading it too.

Enjoy Julianne Moore's superb acting skills instead of looking for a deeper meaning to the movie. It's a true case of how life will bite you when you don't want it to.
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Pet Sematary (2019)
Don't watch it alone
10 May 2019
Nothing kid the book or the 80's film. I never watch remakes but glad I watched this one. I don't scare or jump easily but this got me on numerous occasions. Watch it and see what you think don't go by just these reviews. I liked it.
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Ocean's Eight (2018)
I liked it, don't compare to others
25 August 2018
Think I'm the only person on here that liked this film.

I haven't seen any of the other in the Oceans franchise so can't compare it to the others. I enjoyed this, it's sleek, fast pacing (other films have dragged on for nearly 2 hours) twists and some good old fashion stuff going on.

Don't compare it to the others. Keep an open mind and I'm sure you'll enjoy the movie.
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Usual suspect feel
20 August 2018
I really enjoyed this and loved seeing Kevin Soacey in a film again.

Superbly acted by all involved. It's a shame it's been slated at the box office.

Go see it
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Bad Samaritan (2018)
Not as good as I hoped
19 August 2018
Tennet excels in this playing the main nutter. The film lacks something but luckily it's not too long. It's entertaining enough.
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You need tissues
26 July 2018
A true love film including; love, lust, anguish and sadness.

Superbly acted by all involved.
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The Escape (II) (2017)
Women will relate to this
29 May 2018
Artherton plays a mum, daughter and wife going through depression and wanting more. Most women will be able to relate to her situation and how she feels. Trying to keep a smile on her face through her every day but feeling exceptionally unhappy, she runs away to France to seek a new life whilst still living with the depression and guilt of leaving her life behind. Will she return to her unhappy life or start over again elsewhere?

This is a poignant film that leave you feeling sorry for all involved.
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Submergence (2017)
Not your usual love story.
19 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The storyline makes you wish that the two new lovers will be reunited, that Hollywood for you, this doesn't happen. James and Dani are two people that fall in love and then are apart due to work. The desperation Dani shows to hear from James is touching and you really feel for her. James' desperation to ' just want to go home and see my family' pulls at your heart strings.

If you are expecting a Hollywood love story, don't watch this film. The real life grisly realisation of what happens out of our 'world' may startle and anger you. This is about 2 people meeting, falling in love and then having an evil twist of fate of not seeing each other again.
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