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Civil War (2024)
This isn't a civil war movie, it's a movie about a photographer
12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the trailer in the cinema a few months back, I was really excited to see this movie. Yes, there are a few issues with the premise, the idea that California and Texas would team up against other parts of the US - having lived in Texas and Cali I know they're two very different states.

However, the real problem with this movie is that the title is really click bait. I was expecting a film about a civil war in the US, but what I got was a really really slow movie about a war photographer and an aspiring war photographer on a road trip that happen to bump into a few looney rednecks.

All in, I was genuinely bored through most of this movie. I remember looking around the cinema thinking how many empty seats there were and, ah so that's where the speakers are!

The movie only really becomes more action packed toward the last quarter. The ending scene is pretty good, there are some excellent battle scenes, and it's more shocking that it's blue on blue. In fairness the last 20 minutes has some of the best battle scenes I've seen, hence I gave this movie a 6 as the last 20 minutes literally saved this film from being a solid 2.

So, other than the last 20 minutes battle, what is this movie really about? Well, it's about a seasoned war photographer who encounters some new 'kid' photographer that wants to learn the craft. The backdrop of the civil war is never explained. You have no idea who is the 'good side' and who is the 'bad side'. You don't know why it happened, who to root for, how big the sides are. Because of that, this literally could have been a movie about a war photographer in Rwanda or Serbia. It's also very slow imo. It's largely a road trip across parts of the US in which the photographers and journalists drive through towns and meet small numbers of looney people with guns - think The Walking Dead on a slow episode.

The worst thing about it is the story arc is predictable. You can pretty much guess where this is going to lead, spoiler, the old veteran photographer who won't risk anything to help the young upstart risks everything I was pretty much eye rolling in the final moments because it was very obvious what was going to happen.

Overall, I felt cheated - it was bait and switch. I thought I was getting something intense, some deeply thought out civil war in the US movie, characters on either side you could root for, but no, just a bit silly road trip, with the last 20 minutes giving the movie a very visually impactful battle scene.
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The Gentlemen (2024)
Guy Ritchie Plays Fonzi and Jumps the Shark.
18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Gentlemen - It start and droops very quickly from there.

I think Ritchie is re-releasing his greatest hits album again, but shot in a pub using only a banjo. This series features the usual suspects of Ritchie character - yes, the scousers, the gypsies, the London gangsters, the Americans, Russians etc. In the midst of this is the Duke and his family. It's basically the same caper set up from past movies in which they find themselves in a woven predictament they must unpick. However, the clock on this never feels pressing. Further, the reveal at the end is such a let down. The last quarter of the series really just bumbles toward a deflated narrated conclusion, it's closer to Scooby doo as an ending where Velma gets to explain how it was the caretaker all along and here's how she figured it all out.

Expect lots of what appear to be plot gaps, pieces that remain unexplained. Why does the Duke want out? What is his plan to make the Glass family richer? Why does he decide to stay in on something he was so opposed to? Why do the Scouse Gospel crew withdraw from the murder of their brother based on nothing more than a phone call? It assumes lots going on behind the scenes that you're not told about.

It tries to bring an almost Ocean's Eleven style climax, but the reveal is weak, really weak. I struggled through the last episode because nothing was happening, it degenerated from a show to a narrated story.

There's nothing new in this. Ritchie was quite original in a revival of ideas way back in the 90s, but now this is just rehashed to a lower standard.
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Yellowstone: Watch 'Em Ride Away (2022)
Season 5, Episode 5
The excessive Beth stupidity is killing this show
30 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love Yellowstone, but this episode was just nonsense. I'm on Season 5 Episode 5 and the overall show is great. But, the Beth character is so out of control, never ending moaning and whining and basically she's weak and uses aggression because she can't handle her life. But this is over the top now.

The fight - Beth vs Summer - the writers need to do some research here. Apparently Summer has 9 years of Jiu Jitsu training. I have circa 30 years of it. At 9 years of training, a woman of Summer's build would mangle most men in a one on one. In fact, the degree of control she'd exert over Beth would be exactly the wake up call Beth needs in this show to shut up the constant vitriol and rage against life she puts out.

All the other characters work. John, Rip, Jamie sort of works but he's the antithesis of Beth, she's ridiculous in how aggressive she is in the writing, Jamie is ridiculous in how weak he is.

A bit more balance in Beth and Jamie would really help the show. I literally want to fast forward through the Beth scenes now.

Let's see how the season plays out, but please, Beth is a character that could be strong, instead she's written as an angry smoking drunkard.
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Not Scary, Hard to Like, Very Disappointing
14 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For clarity, I liked the first Bird Box movie. Yes, it didn't give you closure. You never found out what the 'creatures' were. But, it had enough in it that gave a sense of tension and intrigue to draw you in and keep you with it. Bird Box '1' wasn't amazing, but it was ok.

So, on to Bird Box Barcelona...

Set wise, really good. Scores well on costume, FX, locations. But pretty much that's it.

On the downside, the lead character is very unlikeable by nature of his choices in the first 2/3rds of the movie. As a result you can empathise with him or feel anything for him other than hoping he dies soon.

The movie potters on and provides slightly more reveals demonstrating a link between whatever the creatures are, and some humans that see them. It also reveals more about why some people appear crazy and intent on harming others and getting them to see the creatures and die.

However, it doesn't explain what the creatures are, where they're from, or how they're doing any of this - which is ok, it's not essential. But, what is essential is a lead that we can relate to, that we feel aligned with on his journey, and that person doesn't really emerge until the very end of the movie. By then you're past caring. The rest of the movie doesn't make of for the lack of a lead and a story you can relate to. Thus by the end I stayed with it just to cross the finish line but no because I cared at all about the characters.

Basically, it's the story that lets this film down. They execute it well, the acting is pretty good from everyone. But, because you can't care for the lead and find him dislikable, it kind of kills the movie journey.
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Tall stack of stink
21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Dark, blurry, jerky, noisy, yelling, screaming, unclear, spinning cameras, but no real reason why. The Deep House is a movie that takes the premise of a house in a lake and blends it with something akin to SAW. Problem is, other than the diving, it's really a series of jump scares strung together that are pulled off in the dark, blurry, spinning, barely able to see but dealing yelling of "Ben, Ben, Ben where are you" over and over. In the end, it just wasn't a pleasant experience.

The foreshadowing is awful = "Hey, I can hold my breath underwater for 3 minutes" then they go diving. Hmmm

One large problem with horrors like this is, we live in a scientific era, people don't die and remain alive underwater in a house hanging for chains for a generation, it's a concept that might have worked 100 years ago, but today, it's BS. If you decide to go down the supernatural route, you ought to offer some explanation that makes it plausible, especially when all the actors visibly look like they're holding their breath underwater so the dead down drown again (I'd roll my eyes here if I could).

In totality, I found it both boring, annoying (camera work and shouting), unoriginal (other than the diving), pointless.
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Outlast (2023– )
A Hands Tied Behind Your Back 'Reality' show.
13 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This drew my attention since I loved Alone. However, it quickly went sideways when it turned out that two of the female characters in it were psychopaths - so much so that they actually thought they were the good guys.

This show descends into a sort of evil but it never allows the participants to act like real survivors would. For example, Jill and her friend steal peoples stuff, try to destroy camps, smash up a teams raft and that team (Javier) can only really watch on.

This isn't reality. Reality is, a 215 lb guy kills the two females in a rage and eats them. If you want reality in survival, that is what would happen. However, with the cameras and crew there, what we get is these weak protected people able to do stuff they'd never be able to get rid of in a real situation.

It's sickening watching such spiteful people act like this and there be no societal recourse. In the real world, either society (the police) step in, or in a genuine survival place, these crooks would be killed by stronger people.

Watching them prosper made me realise I didn't want to watch any more of this. It's like one of those sick serial killer shows that people fawn over.

Netflix, if you read reviews, don't do this again.
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White Noise (I) (2022)
Empty movie attempts to reflect the emptiness of life
1 January 2023
If you're looking for depth, for answers, even for entertainment, this movie isn't for you. It isn't a comedy, it isn't profound, it isn't gripping. The set, the cast, the music are all pretty good, but, at that point the upsides end.

This movie was likely written by an AI tasked with blending a poor summary of Nietzsche's work read aloud by someone on LSD and throwing in a partial episode of Stranger Things. It meanders, crossing from one theme to another but never concluding any with a significant story. In the end, over 2 hours pass and you've gained nothing. Literally, the best thing about this movie is the supermarket the character visit, that's about it.

Definitely a swerve, if you've started, stop. Instead, invest your time more wisely, stare at a blank piece of paper, or listen to an audio book in reverse, you'll gain more value.
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Outside of 1 & 2, this is the best Halloween they've done.
22 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've read the naysayers reviews and I disagree. I watched the first Halloween as a teenager and was terrified and entertained and amazed all at once. It was a spectacular horror for the time. Part 2 was good and added, but after that we drifted in the slasher rinse repeat. Since this, the movies have become more ridiculous with Michael surviving because every other human is so incredibly dumb - and when the plot depends on how dumb every other character is for it to carry on, then the story is done.

This, however, was a really refreshing end. They were brave to do this, but, despite the mess in the interim years with all the movies that occurred in-between, this movie reversed that. It was in some respects a great tribute to Jamie-Lee Curtis who was the star alongside Michael in these films, and it marked the passage of a lifetime fighting 'the evil inside' and finally putting it to rest.

I loved this ending. It is a complete break from the never ending need to milk a story to death. It is a brave ending and a pleasing one. Really enjoyed it. Well done.
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10 for entertainment, 2 for genuine evaluation of the facts.
13 November 2022
As far as evidence goes, this show is nonsense. Hancock witters on about some 'advanced' civilisation from ancient history, yet there is no evidence for this at all. Stone buildings are not advanced. Pyramids are the most basic structural forms (think wigwams). There is a reason myths around the world are similar, it's the evolution of ideas - we develop on a sequential path. There is no evidence of an actually advanced civilisation, no electronic devices, no door handles, no metal ships, no engines, his idea of advanced is actually very basic. It's poor to no science at all followed by leaping fanciful conclusions.
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28 Days Haunted (2022– )
Clinton Baptiste is a more credible researcher than this twaddle.
5 November 2022
This show has the uncanny ability to have you rolling your eyes almost from the get go. 10 minutes in and they'll be rolling like a gambling machine.

There is no research in this show. It's just mentally unstable people or actors coming out with all the clichés but presenting no evidence of anything.

Some parts are embarrassing. Cringe inducing. It's a pity this 'experiment' wasn't a set up. Ie the clairvoyants and demon hunters were taken to movie set type places that were recently built so as to out them as full of delusional nonsense.

Netflix, you lose credibility allowing nonsense like this to be presented as documentary or research based.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Nothing Original - relies on the same old horror cliches
23 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's definitely an ok movie if you find yourself with your partner on a Friday night and want a bit of a spook but don't hope for too much. Spoilers in here so consider before reading further.

The premise is simple enough, it's a chain of 'suicides' in which some evil entity haunts a person to near total insanity, then possesses them at the end and causes them to commit suicide in front of another person, a witness, thereby traumatising the witness and creating some type of link through the trauma that allows the entity to attach to the witness and repeat the haunting with them culminating in the same result over and over and over.

So, what are the issues:

1. Nothing new is introduced here - nothing ground break or original - it doesn't matter whether it's the exorcist, Michael Myers, Jason, Freddie, Byebye man, slender man, or whatever, there's always some inexplicable evil force that has no explained origin or motive that simply hunts and haunts. This is more of the same only this time in the end you see something that looks like a super tall skinny/lanky American Indian type thing with bad teeth.

2. The premise - a chain of suicides - does a reasonable job of presenting tension, since you learn quickly that each time it happens the witness survives 4-7 days, and the haunting gets worse. However, much of what happened was predictable, everything from the fate of the cat - which I guessed quickly, to the therapist etc. You could kind of work out the rhythm of the haunting. It's not bad, but again, it's not original or amazing.

3. The big issue - nobody ever seems capable of explaining what is going on in these types of movies - despite the fact that she has collected evidence, has a therapist, works with therapists, she can't seem to clearly articulate what is happening and that there is a train of evidence that points to some pretty unusual coincidences that might be worth some consideration by these people, if only as part of learning about her situation so as to offer counselling. Yep, this is one of those movies where the dumbness of the protagonist is what drives the possibility of the horror. She can't seem to make sane explanations to anyone and decides to manage most of it alone.

4. The ending was hugely predictable - you realise quite quickly that, if you are going to commit suicide in 4-7 days in front of a single witness then the best hopeful way of postponing or preventing that is going somewhere so remote that there is no one around to see you. Let's at least explore what might happen then, you ask yourself. But no. It was obvious when we saw the cop ex phone her as she headed to the old cabin that the GPS in her phone would send him to her and the chain cycles again. I was literally eye rolling at this point.

Rather than consider new ground, 'what happens if she does successfully lock herself away', instead, the writers go for the super easy option so that they can come out with Smile 2 next year. I'm just waiting to see if they try to launch this evil entity by giving it a cool name and making it sound ominous. It wasn't ominious, I wasn't afraid, personally I felt like if it was after me I'd be very capable of rationally explaining what was happening to my friends, family, and medical professionals, asking them to consider that I'm ill and challenging them to test it by observing me in a lab or some such in a group on camera whilst restrained for days on end to see what happens. Aside from that, the evil entity wasn't scary, it's simply trying to possess the person, so I'd equally be inclined to tell it to F off. I just didn't feel intimidated, I'd be more concerned about being cornered by 5 drunk homeless people on a Friday at 3 am.

Anyhow, as I said at the opening, if you want some horror candy to watch, this does the job. It's vanilla flavour with no hidden inner delight, but it will get you by.
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Lore (2017)
If you feel asleep watching this, then you got the better ending.
4 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Slow. Slow. Let me say that again, Slow.

The budget looks like a local theatre group got together and felt they'd have a punt at making a sort of horror flick about some American Indian spirit that lives in the nearby mountains.

Parents go looking for their missing son. What follows is all the stuff that happens in a Scooby Doo episode...let's split up. Let's go off in different directions in the dark. It's night time and there's a noise, you wait here, I'll wander into the woods and check it out.

Gradually, as the cast of 3 get bumped off down to 1, the ploy crawls like slow turd into a cave, you never really see much, the 'monster' looks something like a faded out American Indian in a covid mask.

I'm not sure if this was filmed on an iPhone or a Samsung, but it doesn't really matter much as it's all so basic. Long moments were nothing really happens indisposed with gross stupidity that gets no explanation.

The ending is brief. There is no happy ever after, it's a but of a let down. But, at least we didn't have far to fall because watching the film, you realise it doesn't lift your expectations above the level of a school play.
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Very realistic portrayal of deep belief and how it can be used to rationalise anything
17 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I spent most of my life as LDS, so watching this was a considerable flashback to me of the culture and world I came from. I've read many of the comments on here, some from LDS members saying that it inaccurately portrays early LDS history etc, I can assure readers than it doesn't. I studied early LDS history, and in doing so I realised that we, as Mormon's we constantly lied to and that the modern history of the LDS church is largely a fabrication and rewriting to try to sanitise some of the obvious insanity that existed in the past.

That ^ sets the scene for this dramatic portray of brutal and evil murders. It shows how oridinary people can grow to believe that God speaks to them through some spirit and how they interpret that inner voice of their own desires and unconscious thinking as what God is trying to tell them. This is becomes essential for them to follow it since not doing so jeopardises their chance of eternal life.

I saw so many times in my LDS life how members stated irrational things in the defence of their belief. There was certainly a cabal type of mentality in which members would cover each others back. Putting the church above the law, above anything if required to protect it.

This belief led to these men believing they were prophets and that God instructed them to kill. I believe now that such a belief guides people to the insanity spectrum. When you look back at LDS history, you can see this gradual slip into selfish delusion in it. How the founder Joseph Smith went from farm boy to calling himself General and the Mayor and chief judge in the town of Nauvoo, to having 34 wives, to having members build him a big house.

The brutal scene with Mountain's meadow massacre was also pretty realistic. The murder of innocent pioneers by the LDS under John Dee Lee. Although reasonable questions exist as to how much Brigham Young himself knew and ordered, it was certainly the case that Bishops and Stake Presidents were involved. The church then lied about the story and tried to bury it.

This show portrays the same kind of religious insanity that drove men to fly planes into the World Trade Centre. It's a great show, worth watching, but it's more than just a detective drama, it's a lesson in how idea can be dangerous and lead ordinary people to do crazy thing.
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Constant Flashbacks Kills the Show
8 August 2022
Flashbacks are used to inform us about a character or as less expensive filler by TV production companies. In this case, it's definitely the latter.

Constant flashbacks that provide little insight, it's like you're reading someones diary, but the pages have been distributed in the phone book, so you make little progress and could've learned all you needed to know far more concisely.

Let's face simple facts. Nobody watched this show to see the flashback - nobody cared or thought, hey, the trials of this corporate lawyer look fascinating. NO. We wanted to watch the survival show, something gritty, something with real tension, a battle to survive.

What we get is a woman by a lake spending 55% of the show in flashback mode. All that did was kill the momentum and make the show boring. I'd rather have commercials we could fast forwards through thanks.

Learn a lesson producers - flashbacks kill shows. If you can't write the core content enough to deliver the pace and depth, then you're in the wrong business.
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Spiral (2021)
Rock is brilliant but the storyline is typical SAW garbage.
28 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As noted above, Rock does a great job. Him in this a, a serious role, he's superb. However, the shame of it is that this is the typical totally stupid SAW nonsense, where one guy has Ninja like powers and can sneak up on anyone and take them prisoner and yada yada yada roll on to some silly mechanical torture contraption along with the cliche dichotomies of what choices to make.

These films were junk after the first. Beyond number 1 they were just rinse repeat rubbish, trying for every more ridiculous death scenes.

Further, the ending to this is the usual - set up for the next one, total crap. It just takes the viewer for a mug. I won't be watching any sequel.
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Interceptor (2022)
This is actually a great comedy, unfortunately the cast don't know that.
10 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's good to know that nepotism is alive and well in Hollyweird. Well, if you hadn't spotted that the Gyllenhaals and Nick Cage etc, you can certainly see it here with Chris Hemsworth's wife getting the leading role in this stunning clown script of a production. Some treasures to watch out for:

1. The terrorists get onto one of the highest security US bases as cleaners?

2. The terrorists decide to try to cut through a muiti-inch thick steel blast door using a blow torch, to access the control room, despite the blast door having a plastic window in it that would simply melt.

3. The near impenitrable control room happens to have a wide hatch in the door that can simply be popped open, and worse, a ladder leader up to two doos that are about as heavy as those on the top of a typical household washing machine, with NO LOCKS that simply open on to the helicopter landing deck!

4. Mrs Hemworth, having been shot through the arm, decides she can swing across the monkey bars that oddly seem to exist on the under side of the oil rig style platform, and she manages to perform this amazing and impossible feat, not only swinging from one bar to the next with just one arm, but also making it across a large 6ft gap - I'm pretty sure there isn't a gymnast alive that could do this.

5. It turns out that the US's most advanced missile defence system can simply be connected to a local personal laptop and all of the code downloaded to it so you can then launch the entire missile defence system from it. Yep, no real security protocols, you just plug and play and fire missiles into space.

6. The terrorist leader loves monologues.

7. Motivation, now label me excessively critical, but if you land 15 nukes on the US and wipe out major US cities, then the value of the US dollar will drop through the floor. SO why are the terrorists boasting about getting paid in dollars if they pull the heist off? The idiocy level here is huge.

8. The baddies want to transmit all of their evil doing around the world onto every TV screen possible letting everyone watch as they launch nukes to destroy the US, at no point are they concerned that they might become wanted by any other part of NATO.

9. Mrs Hermsworths grand plan to thwart the terrorists is to let them get in and take over the control room then take them out. The Nerd Game modelling mathematician assisting the president gives this just a 14% chance of success - really? He did that in his head? A plan that makes no sense at all. But, tied up and unarmed Mrs Hemsworth basically beats up and shoots everybody dead.

In sum, if a movie this bad had been proposed in the 1980s even Steven Seagal and Van Dam would have turned it down as a joke. This movie is so silly it makes TEAM America World Police look like a documentary.

There are simply no redeeming elements to this movie. The script is so bad It takes a dump in your brain. The acting looks like they simply filmed the first script read through rehearsal.

After this, I just don't think there is any future for Mrs Hemsworth on either the big or small screen. Interceptors is pretty much the Armageddon of her career.

My advice, watch this movie when you are high or drunk and just imagine it's a Monty Python film, you'll enjoy it more that way.
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Narcos: Mexico (2018–2021)
Pretty decent show overall, but constant subtitles are annoying.
26 December 2021
Why is it, shows set in certain countries now seem to have to use that language as well?

There was a time when you watched a spy movie but the Russian's spoke English because hey, the audience is English and the channel paying for it is making it for English speaking viewers. Today however, we get the half baked subtitles. I say half baked because they're not even an accurate translation of what is being said.

Everything about this show aside from the subtitles is pretty well done. Yet if you've kids around or can't focus 100% on the show, you'll miss what flashes up on the screen. In this age of text messaging and multi-tasking it made watching much harder. There's no reason this wasn't filmed in English, it doesn't make it more authentic with the constant spanish with subtitles.
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Halloween Kills The Franchise
23 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the original Halloween movies. This is awful. Bad acting bad concept, silly script, Michael capable of taking on teams of people, it's just an empty slasher flick, the sense of trepidation has long since left this franchise. This isn't even a decent late friday night date movie, as the first half is pretty much boring.

Sadly, the most significant murder in this film is the franchise itself. It was butchered. Please don't make any more. The standard or originality is just too low. It's over. As a longstanding Halloween fan, this movie should never have been made. It should have ended with the last film and Michael's death.
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When Your School Does A Gangster Movie
25 September 2021
It's pretty obvious from the start this is either a low budget movie, or the money was spent badly. The story is ok, i mean, it's based on things that happened so that means it doesn't require a really creative mind. So, all they really need to get right are the other parts, the acting, the script, the costume, set, and filming. Sadly, it's the acting that lets it down, which is really rooted in the casting.

The guy playing Ronnie - wow - a skinny and weedy looking guy trying to talk like a ganger (and it sounds like a bad impersonation) and act tough, he just wasn't credible. Not at any point. He never oozed any sense of the ominous. It was like a parody at times.

Reggie - They could have simply used a mannequin for the range of facial expressions and amount of dialogue he delivers.

This movie very literally is at the level of post high school production. It's a straight to YouTube product.
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Done to death garbage
15 August 2021
There's nothing original in this movie. The premise is silly. It leads through to a ridiculous ending. Typical lazy idea of a village of halfwits that capture passers by and kill them as part of a backwoods ritual but with a twist. In fairness, the twist is the best part that recovers the movie a bit, but overall, it's still like a rehash college project. There's just no originality left in horror.
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How To Destroy History.
20 June 2021
The history of African slavery in the west is both fascinating and tragic. This show, based on the book, manages to take that history - which is already an immensely powerful story - and turn it into some nonsense narrative about stuff that never happened.

This show has amazing set, costume, casting, acting. What it doesn't have is a genuinely historic story to base itself on. This also happened recently with another show about the French Revolution - which is also an amazing and fascinating period in history, yet the producers decided to take all of the set, costume, cast, (which was superb) and then cast the aristocrats as some form of zombie flesh eaters and attributed the revolution to that.

There are real stories and people in both the African Slave era and the French Revolution, far more compelling than the nonsense The Underground Railroad turned out to be. Hugely disappointed. I grew bored of it quickly as it just appeared to be a mix of fantasy and race baiting. It ignored the nuances of real people across the south and north, and turned into a silly TV show founded in a genuinely tragic subject.
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We need a part 3
6 June 2021
Loved it. 8 out of 10. It had great tension, acting, set, script, it delivered so much, i just wanted another few hours of it.

It didn't need amping up, the level of action was plentiful. All if needed was to be a lot longer, to keep me as a viewer in that state of pre-orgasmic suspense a bit longer. The end came too fast, and i was still ready to enjoy another hour at least.

I'd definitely pay again to see the next part (3) if they hopefully make one.

This movie gets it right. It's not overloaded with CGI and too many action scenes. It allows the build ups, the character development, the set and scenery to do the work. It uses the silence beautifully. You find yourself breathing quietly as the scenes draw you in. The jump scares are very well executed.

I'd love to see this as a TV show, BUT, whenever that happens they tend to turn into soap operas - like that garbage walking dead. Such a great job from everyone involved in this. It really was superb but too short. Loved it. Thank you!
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The Hunted (2013)
Judge the two halves
5 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first half of this movie is really solid. The script, costume, acting. The lead characters both do an excellent job and they get the perfect balance with the hunting discussion, movement, and then the slightly isolated setting. It sets such a great foundation and i can't over emphasise how the two leads deliver really credible dialogue - it just feels real. Genuinely impressed with their acting. Also, don't worry about the camera footage - it being a sort of found footage movie. It's not like the Blair Witch nonsense shaking until you're nauseous.

However, the last third of the movie falls into cliche. Suddenly they're running blindly, the screaming is hunting them, and predictable silly actions that are found in most poor horror movies become the norm (Spoiler warning) like walking into the river where the woman killed herself - failing to be aware that it can drag you under water and drown you. At this point the acting slips a little. It's still ok, but it's no longer as believable as in the first half. The plot originality has gone. One good part was Josh viewing the footage and seeing his buddy being dragged away. Aside from that it was very much a rehash of all the usual ghost/poltergeist nonsense.

In sum, LOVED the first half, the tail end lost that genuine feel. Pretty good overall, but with an original ending this could've been awesome - i'd prefer to have seen it go low and not kill the leads, just let them walk out and do some interview about their experience. You don't need a murderous close to deliver the spookiness - sometimes less is more. Leave it open for a potential part 2.
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The Divide (2011)
Utter Meandering Garbage
14 February 2021
Not much more to say. Illogical, unexplained, random, wavering everywhere, pointless, excessive, boring. It's literally on my list of the worst movies i've ever seen. It's not an acting or set or costume, camera or lighting thing. It's the storyline is so crap, so go nowhere but weird. Anyhow, enough said, you've been warned.
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Vikings (2013–2020)
When the History Channel decides to lie
2 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show was really entertaining, but as far as accuracy goes it's complete nonsense.

Seasons 6 - WTF? The Russians never invaded Norway. Alfred the great was never run through with a sword as vikings attempted to kidnap his wife. We have more than enough historic information to put together what did happen, so why lie and fabricate an already good story?

History Channel needs to be renamed. In this modern age it's fueled the reasons to be skeptical about media, because it appears the media has simply given up on ever attempting the truth.

As for a good drama, this is pretty decent entertainment. Although that said, Season 6 is a real mash up of stories that pull the draw of the show all over the place.
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