
16 Reviews
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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Dead Doll (2007)
Season 8, Episode 1
23 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
1. The sequence of flashbacks inadvertently causes loss of suspense. 2. The trapped arm changes from one to the other. 3. The once brilliant serial killer turned catatonic vegetable did not a memorable villain make. 4. Very little forensics were performed or tech used to find Sara when lots of forensic science and technology were used in previous episodes when finding other victims in the desert. 5. It was raining for the majority of the episode, the news called it the heaviest storm of the year, warnings of flooding. However, as soon as the sun came up, all the water was gone! Dust clouds forming behind vehicles, car tires and shoes were sinking in 4 inches of dry sand. It was evident the area hadn't seen rain in weeks, yet we're supposed to believe that it's the next morning after the storm of the year was dumping rain all night? Sure. This inconsistency causes confusion about what the threat was. Because it was supposed to be the likelihood of drowning face down in water and mud. But now a few hours later the water is gone and the threat is now supposedly dehydration and sun stroke. So either the rain must not have been that heavy or the desert was not very hot and dry. In mere hours both of these threats are impossible. It would have taken days for all that water to dissipate. She was missing for less than 24 hours.
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1883 (2021–2022)
5 September 2022
My mostly negative review I wrote 5 months ago was deleted without notice or reason. So I'm posting another. There are plenty of negative reviews still visible so I'm not sure if they did it to boost ratings in the positive direction or if there was something wrong with the review itself, which doesn't seem probable either. I was simply pointing out the problems with the show, of which there are plenty.

I'm not going to try to attempt to rewrite the whole thing but I definitely pointed out the historical inaccuracies in the way that they depicted pioneer life. And that modern day first world problems were not even close to what pioneers and cowboys were thinking about. I don't understand why they would interject today's issues into pioneer life, lord knows they had enough of their own problems that it would have been entertaining and maybe even meaningful to watch them overcome.

I find it suspicious that a negative review can be deleted from the list without notice or reason given. Makes a little more sense why they have such a high score for this teenage western soap opera if they have the option to get negative reviews deleted. I had given a 2 star rating before but now I'm giving 1 star since the first was deleted.

Wonder what the going rate is to get negative reviews to disappear...

It's all smoke and mirrors. It's all rigged.
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CSI: NY: The Real McCoy (2012)
Season 9, Episode 10
Old skeletons and baggage
11 July 2022
I think this is my favorite episode of CSI:NY. I enjoy the romance of the nostalgic speak-easy. The story is enjoyable to follow as the detectives track their man. But I especially love that we get to know Adam a little better, some painful history and some positive progression for his character. AJ Buckley showed some real acting chops that I'm not sure I've seen from him yet on this show, at least to this extent, but that I have seen him pull out on different projects after CSI:NY. And a nice tender moment with Mac to round it out. Good episode all around but Buckley real stole the show.
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CSI: Miami: If Looks Could Kill (2006)
Season 5, Episode 4
Ignorant, lazy writing.
11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the story line of the modeling agency it fell in line with the rest of the series and had a nice poetic justice kinda feel.

However, Boa Vista's story line with her abusive ex husband was poorly thought out. The ex husband trespassed into an active crime scene(officers are usually guarding but are suspiciously absent), was ordered to leave then Boa Vista gets understandably emotional and mildly threatening(only after he subtly threatened her livelihood and well-being) which somehow causes a judge to approve a restraining order favoring the ex? No judge would sign off on that! And even if they were possibly drunk and actually did approve such an asinine request, then an appeal would be in order immediately! It's so reprehensible that all the characters just accept it and they all act like it was normal for that to happen. He's a known criminal and abuser fresh out of prison! And a judge approves a restraining order against the woman for which he went to prison for beating?!? Which, by the way, would hinder investigations and process of justice, because of Boa Vista being constantly removed from her own crime scenes because he somehow now has control over the CSI's and can show up to crime scenes early if he wishes and force her to leave! As though the RO gave him(a felon!) seniority over the CSI's! And it's somehow overlooked that he trespassed and possibly contaminated TWO crime scenes and yet he's somehow given a job cleaning them up? Also, I'm sure they run a background check for a job in crime scene cleanup as well. So even if he did happen to commit fraud to get the job he'd be caught almost immediately, working closely with law enforcement and past acquaintances. The stupidity of this story line is inexcusable and the reason for my 1 star rating. The episode would have gotten a 7 from me if it wasn't for the lazy, ignorant and boorish writing in Boa Vista's story line.

I know I'm ranting, but I was enjoying the series, overall, and I'm angry that I might have to stop watching if this isn't rectified in future episodes or if such idiotic writing is getting past the other writers, producers, directors. I mean, they also have advisors and readers on set who are supposed to catch that sort of thing, and nobody thought that it was even a little sketchy! It blows my mind. Granted, as with most TV shows, you have to get used to suspending your belief a bit. But this is just ridiculous. If they don't clean this up, I'm probably done. Yes, I realize the show has been over for years but I only discovered the CSI franchise a few years back and am slowly making my way through. So their money has been made and my opinion of this and any other episode doesn't really matter anyway, unless you're a late comer like myself and also found this episode to be written by a high schooler, you're in good company. :)
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Cry Macho (2021)
3 October 2021
I don't understand how people can go into this movie expecting Dirty Harry 6. He's 91 people! If you gave it no more thought than, "It's Clint Eastwood's new movie! Whooo! Let's grab a pack of Red Bull on the way and strap in for a wild ride!" then I have no sympathy for you. If you're that mindless then God help you. For me, it was so refreshing to watch a new movie that doesn't have political, preachy garbage. Those are few and far between nowadays. I don't believe this movie has been touted as anything but what it is, a mild mannered drama with a little romance. Give it a chance.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Not the dialogue I was hoping for.
22 August 2021
Dialogue was amateur compared to Ritchie's other projects. This kinda felt like a weekend project. Like it came together because everyone was just sitting around because of Covid and decided to throw a movie together so as to not be bored. The acting was decent, because it has a lot of good actors, but nothing exceptional. Same with every other aspect of the movie, except for the writing. Very rough. Statham's hand to hand skills were very underutilized and focused mostly on the characters shooting abilities, which had holes ;)pun intended. Overall it's an okay action flick, nothing to write home about. Makes me glad I waited till the price dropped to spend money on it.
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Decent action flic
11 July 2021
The aliens were cool and quite terrifying. Human CGI was a tad glitchy but still quite believable for the most part. I liked the fast pace and the tension. Felt like World War Z in places, which I liked. Acting from the leads was solid, I thought. Supporting cast had a few weak spots, but overall I think the acting was good. Plot was good. Nothing new in time travel but there is an original caveat to how the time travel works that I found interesting. A good entertaining film.
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Modern Family: The Escape (2018)
Season 9, Episode 21
Mediocre episode becomes a Toyota commercial
19 April 2021
Didn't love that a tired episode spiraled into a lame Toyota commercial. Art is when you start creating something without knowing the end product. Propaganda is when you know the end product and base the beginning of your creation to fit the end. MF is quickly becoming propaganda.
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I Am That Man (2019)
Fun ride
4 October 2020
Good movie. Solid acting from the main players, little shaky from the supporting cast. I enjoyed the story line.
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The Happening (2008)
It's better to think of this as a comedy, you'll have a better time.
15 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Making the plants and trees the antagonists, hmmm. At least its original thought. But thats its only redeeming quality. Once it was revealed that it was the plants that is causing the panic it became a comedy for me and I had a pretty good time laughing at all the ridiculous attempts at creating fear. Its especially funny when Mark starts talking to the ficus tree like its going to suddenly jump at him! The isolated old woman actually did a good job at being creepy and made me jump. Oh, and no ending. It weirdly just stops. Three stars because of the score, it's the best part of the film.
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Noelle (2019)
Woke commercial
15 December 2019
An hour and forty minute IPad commercial with other endorsements and a couple chuckles. Woke propaganda.
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9-1-1: Rage (2019)
Season 3, Episode 5
Ridiculous plot lines
31 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So much wrong with this episode. Bucks plot line made him look like a naive 15 year old. Lena's character is going downhill fast. Started out promising. Her stature, build and strength is exactly the type of women who are firefighters. But then they put her in a fight ring with a dude with at least 6 inches on her and he never even got in one punch. BS! I'm not saying she couldn't take a man down. She'd give any dude a run for his money. But a huge dude who has trained for a fight? Nope, not happening. And definitely not like that! If she's fast she'll hold her own for a few minutes. But he's going to get in some punches, guaranteed! And in the end he'd have her KO'd. That is proven by the men who are currently participating in women's athletics/fighting and breaking records, and faces LITERALLY. Women are actually getting the s#*+ kicked out of them by men in the fighting ring because those dudes feel like women, total garbage. Stop trying to pretend that women are the same as men. They're not. And that's a good thing. Women are absolutely strong, but in different ways. Whatever happened to women being proud of their uniqueness? I'm disappointed Rousy herself didn't call out the writers on this bogus plot line. She should know better than try to perpetuate this lie that a ripped woman could take down a ripped dude and no punches landing from him. I guess if people want to see that then more power to you. But I'm done. I'm fine going somewhere else for entertainment. Have fun in fantasy world.
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Great show
13 August 2019
Family friendly fun. Always a good theme, story and usually some good laughs along the way. Apparently it doesn't follow the books to the letter and failed to be as detailed and enthralling as the books but cmon, what else is new? Cinematic representations rarely live up to the book- especially to die hard fans. But take it for what it was, a wholesome family show. In that sense it nails it. Even in the 70's the TV selection wasn't great and I believe Landon needed to make some production choices in order to appease the higher ups and keep it going. Which is why we get the extra story arcs of Albert and Mary & Adam. Better LHOP gets renewed than CHiPs or Facts Of Life get more seasons.
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Chalet Girl (2011)
Unrealistic plot lines
22 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently, in Austria they close ski resorts if it's snowing. I live in Utah with some of the best snow on earth and have snowboarded most of my life. I've never seen a resort closed for snowing. It's a ridiculous, flimsy plot line to say that a ski resort closed for snow. If they shut down a ski resort for snowy conditions then they must also close their hiking trails for having too many wild flowers or for being too beautiful outside! Also, nobody puts a massive, air cushion at the end of a jump! Learning to land the jump is 99% of it. Why put a big pillow at the landing? Yeah, you wouldn't. I guarantee you that the ski resort didn't have that huge air cushion on hand. The movie crew had to actually request a movie-stunt grade air cushion brought in just for that scene. Then they moved it so real people could go off the jump like real people would. Unrealistic plot lines.
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Hellboy (2019)
These 10s and 9s were paid off
19 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There's no way a sane person who paid $13 would rate this above a 4. Terrible script, mediocre acting, unnecessary gore. Decent soundtrack. Had all the amblings of a bad Disney movie. The Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense. Let's talk about this unprepared Mickey Mouse operation. What do you think they'd use for weapons in apprehending paranormal beings? Some kind of energy sucker like Ghostbusters, maybe? Or some new, state of the art plasma gun introduced to us specifically for this movie? Nope. Regular guns. That's right. They have billions of dollars for high tech facilities in the Colorado mountains and London and plenty of manpower but nothing in the way of taking down a particularly nasty apparition. You'd think they could be a little imaginative in their writing and give the BPRD a weapon that could at least plausibly kill a spirit. That is their business after all. Then again, maybe the writers were trying to give us the feeling that the BPRD was an overfunded government program that blew all its cash on expensive buildings(Winston Churchill's desk??), locations and transportation then had nothing left for what they actually needed the money for -which is the very definition of today's government! If that was the case then they hit the nail right on the head!
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The Ranch: When It All Goes South (2018)
Season 3, Episode 11
Still worth it
8 December 2018
True, Rooster was a dynamic character. Even though his thought process was stereotypically basic. But the heart of the show is still here. Which is the Bennetts working as a somewhat dysfunctional unit to make the ranch successful. I think it's still a quality show IMHO.
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