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Very much surface deep...
14 June 2024
Well... This biopic lacked what a good biopic needs to succeed, humanity. The struggles were very flippent and depth of what whitney woukd have endured was glazed over. I really struggled with seeing the directors choice of playing Whitney's live performances in full with the. Naomi Ackie lip syncing the whole thing. It didn't feel real and no shade on Naomi but it would be near impossible to.emote what Whitney woukd have done during the live performances.

The choice of just glazing over Robin / Dad / Mum And whitney ans Bobby'a relationship was disappointing. Im.not sure how this movie long where it lacks real grit.
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Poor Things (2023)
Not for everyone....
12 April 2024
So if ur a fan of the fast and the furious franchise.... This isn't for you. Granted this is an dd film but art is odd! It's experimental. Well crafted and very well executed. Acting is great, art direction is superb and writing is delightful.

It's not a movie I would watch again and again but it certainly kept me engaged as iit was unexpected storyline kept me engaged. It's a wild question if we start over again with no inhabition what would we do? How would we see thr world. Bella is that. She sees things as extreme black and white. Syas how she feels and isn't shy to give into her animalistic urges.

I would say watch this of your feeling a little bored of the usual. Can I just say I loved the way the end credits rolled as well. This movie is a pure example of would happen f a group of artistic bendy minds get together and willing to take a risk.
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Lightyear (2022)
It's not Toy Story.... What's wrong with that??
27 January 2024
So I seems a lot of reviews here that criticise this movie has not been part of toy story and I don't see why that should be the case. This movie is a standalone fictional work of art that explore a movie that toys were made from and for that reason, I really enjoyed it. It has touches of modernism that perhaps were not going to be relatable for a 90s movie however this is not the 90s and the movie needs reflect, the progression in society in the past 30 years. The character development, the animation is superb, and the injection of humour is well received. To dismiss this movie because it's not toy story 5 is small minded.

I do believe that perhaps one needs to review this movie as a standalone project and not get bogged into what it's not trying to be. Anything I find the way that this whole work was conceived quite clever. So what's this movie for what it is and what is not trying to be unappreciated the work and the craft that went into it to create it.
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Stayed at the fair for the exact time
15 January 2024
So, beside getting engorged over anything that is a period peice, the 5 seasons that is The Marvellous Mrs Maisel, is relevant and entertaining great television.

Brilliant casting, humorous and dramatic writing to the graat production value and not to mention song choices makes this TV show a class of its own.

There's no exasperation of dramatic story line, or over indulgence of messaging. Some might say it's way too mundane and normal, which goes to show how realistic this show is.

I laughed and cried and really saw something special in these characters. The artist trying to be heard and being met with so much obsticles but yet still trusting your gut feeling and backing yourself.

It goes to show.have the right support around you and trust your own voice. I highly recommend this Amazon Original show that will leave you well satisfied until it's last moment.
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Why only 4 stars???
13 January 2024
Well let's review this film for what it is.

It's an over indulgence of actors and director. Sure they are all good but I can't help but feel it's stale and a little bit done so many times.

So I'm going to deduct points for things the movie that annoyed me and these are :

1. It's over acted for sure. Unnecessary too. Sure they are all good but somehow I can sense that everyone is trying f to out do one another. Lily was probably the most outstanding I could really see the pain of the character but even she had to over do it as the script just allowed her such a small window of reality.

2. Over told and over directed. It almost felt like spoonfeeding the audience and literally spelling everything out. Over dialogued. Over written and over directed.

3. Way too long. I know this is an important story but it is still a movie and 3 and half hour is way too long. There were certainly scenes that could have easily been removed and woudknt have lost too much. Pace was off and I found the entire thing not well edited down.

4. Weird ending. I liked the fact of how it was finished but felt like we spend Sooooo long getting to get the story and suddenly it's all wrapped up in 3 minutes over dialogue and little thiught was given to the pace at the end.

5. Going to deduct again another 2 points for the length. Honestly way too long. I had to watch this over two sittings.

6. See the point above.

So gotta give credit where it's due. It's an important story that really sheds light on the horrors that USA a Had endured and still implicats to this day. The lack of human dignity and all money and profit is why we are where we are. It was well coasted well shot and beautifully told minues the length. Clearly I'm not dealing with the fact that this movie is way way way too long.

So watch it but be aware it's long and boring most of it.
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The Crown (2016–2023)
Brilliant. One star loss for a bit too much Diana
23 December 2023
So.... Controversial or not season 6 was the best and the worst of the whole 6 season. In contrast to its start, finished brilliantly with great writing and acting. I respect the choice of having Diana a big part of the past few season but I thought the first half of this season was way too Diana heavy. I get she still draws in a certain mystic, but I feel like it didn't need to be so much.

This felt a little departure from interesting back stories of the royal family and the UK to a tabloid driven romance. However this was quickly rectified by bringing it back on track and making it about the "Crown"

The light touching subject of the apparent wedge between the 2 princes was briefly addressed and left to be resolved by the audience when this becomes reality.

Going backwards from season 1 up until 6 this is a great semi realistic account of what one can't deny to be the world most talked about and well known family of all time. Felt genuine and realistic and good to see some humanity to the institution that even the ones inside are subjugated to.

I would dare to say it even merits a second watch at some future point. Great British story told by great British cast.
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Very much face value....
16 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You would be amiss to think this documentary is going to actually tell an unbiased well researched work tbat is deserving of it's 2023 release. I guess the way they getting away from it is by giving first hand account of people that were there on the day. However feels like these people have not questioned anything to do with any real motive behind this day.

It feels a little too propoganda-esque and missing real grit. Not to draw any conclusion but feels like the main parts of this dark chapter of American history is left untouched and we are told that "Oswald was killed cause his shooter was revengjng thr Kennedys" no reason why Oswald did it or real reason a person known that well to the Dallas police and a clear underground persona was just there. Kinda wish I walked away from this knowing something I wasn't forcefully sold for the past 60 years.
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Do it right or don't do it at all
8 September 2023
I'm so confused as to why they created this spin off?? Is it showcasing great talent? No! Is it a man amazing production .. NO! Is Ru slaying it. NO! Fr the budgeted week room to the 3 meter runway to the queens who deuces to go to GOLO and grab what was left at the bargain bin this spin of hasn't got anything. I would strongly suggest actually spending the $$$ and give these queens the chance to shine. I would hope we have better talent than these 3 seasons have showcased.

I'm guessing that Ru and Michelle haven't watched back a single episode so far otherwise they would have stepped in and made some changes.

The challenges are dart the talent shows are talentless the whole thing is a let down. When other smaller countries such as Sweden and holland can produce a better production we know something is wrong fix it or can it. Stop the massacre!!!
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But why?????
9 August 2023
Come on. We have so many seasons and so much to pull from.. The editing is terrible. The lighting is terrible. The stage is terrible. Ru looks terrible. No one stands a chance with this lighting and this level of production. There's good stuff here but there is no improvement in 3 seasons. Get a decent budget behind this or don't do it at all. I wanna love it but I keep not liking it.

When they cut to the judges even they are confused as to what's going on. I was looking forward this this season ans I'm left wanting more and doubt I will get it. It's a travesty they treating the talent on this production.
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Devil (2010)
Middle or the road.
22 September 2022
It's not bad. It's bit good. It's a tad predictable.

The characters all seem sooooo obvious and the human condition is really simplified. I get it's a movie but I feel like lot of things are spoon fed to the audience and perhaps that's the audience they are aiming for. I gather it's the same crowd that get a rush out of seeing WWE and Monster truck shows.

Um I have nothing else to add except that apparently I need to have 500 characters. To be fair the layers that was the sixth sense movie is what I'm always hoping to find in his movies but seem to keep failing eveytkme. Still need to see old.
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The Princess (II) (2022)
Tragedy told well...
31 August 2022
It's such an irony to watch this documentary and not realize it only exists because of the footage that was made during Dana's life. The obsession over her every move is still baffling to me. Why chase her in the most mundane places and occasions?! She's by the pool! So what?!? But the sadness that she was used by an institution at such a young age and not approximated by the ones she was seeking validation from is evident in this well put together work. No narration but archive historical footage and audio is used to peice together a 2hr summer of a figure that has affected the history of the world.

I do wonder if she lived how she would have been treated or if this story happened now how the public would treat her. Alas reality is she's not. It's amazing one lift, trusted under pressure has resulted in a figure that might not be matched in decades and centuries to come.
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Should be called something else....
28 August 2022
Where this movie fails in my opinion is the title of it. It automatically puts a pre conception of what to expect and I feel like this story is so far removed from the past two renditions that it should have been called something else. The pony similarity is that a father is coming to grips to his daughter's marriage....which feels like he gets over pretty quickly and it's a self journey to self awareness of what it have in front of you.

Glória is glorious and Garcia is gracious in their acting and delivery. Yes some cheese is there but over all enjoyable and entertaining. Plus the soundtrack is pretty good.
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Redundant murder mystery
17 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So......if your a fan of anything mystry you see the plot from about 10mins in this movie! The fact that the lead is really obviously distressed about being stalked by her new husband's ex fiance and that her husbad is just "oh let's just risk your life" makes it pretty clear where this is going! I guess these novels and stories might have been a revelation back when they were written, however it does not stand in today's cinema. Sure there are great moment of cinematography, some decent CGI and some grsat acting and costumes, but if your after a "wow" moment this movie will not deliver.
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The accents killed it for me.
9 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm stilled baffled of some of the choices made by R. Scott! Having been a huge fan of his works this movie just fell short. I've read on so many reviews that expected more.... I can see that but let's judge this movie as if it was directed by any director! It sucks!

The choice of having really terrible accents in such a dramatic movie is a choice I'm grappling to understand. Why? It really takes you out of the story and all you can think is "why are these ppl speaking with such terrible accents?" The pace is odd, the music choice even odder! I'm baffled to understand why the song "faith" by George Michael was played so loudly during the marriage scene taking place in late 70's (early 80s) when the song was released in late 80s?

There was a lack of opportunity to bring some retro Italian music in well as fashion.

For me personally I felt this was way too much of a caricature of some real people and this put me off. There would be so much depth to explore and as a movie about such a gripping story and a famous brand failed to deliver.

Some of the acting was good if you can see past the "mama mia" accent choice. Some of the scenes were shot beautifully but I would say don't expect much and maybe read about the story on wiki, might save over 2hrs of your life.
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But why????
24 March 2022
I'm struggling to undrestand why this movie was made? It literally adds nothing extra from the original! It's set in the 50s and had the same dancing and music as the original. Nothing was new for me. Also isn't me or was the whole thing trying to oooo hard to be arty? Now don't get me wrong I weep at a sight of a musical. I see everything I can live and watch any movie that comes out but this I felt, Spielberg tried toooo hard or maybe his style is just a bit old now. I could tell where the camera was set up for a shot, I could foresee shots coming before they did. There was no element of surprise or anything updated for a remake. Just a bit of a waste of time. Now for positives I think the cast did great and surreal to see Rita as a whole new character. Overall good but unnecessary.... Just average.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Could have told it faster!
7 March 2022
If you don't get the sarcasm and humor then clearly you haven't been living in our world over the past 6 years. This story puts how we have all been acting and reacting as humans and our demise is our own stupidity. I enjoyed it. I got the point, I do.wish that it was made shorter though. You can see how easily people are manipulated and don't even know it. Good job. It's a movie, but a documentary!!!
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Spencer (2021)
Anything but Spencer!
5 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Really really awful. There was nothing here that would be considered a biopic! It's a new genre on its own; Horrid! Every person chose to over act their role and te worst was the Queen! That was honestly one of the worst depiction I've seen. Hardly any dialogue between the main characters. Diana os portrayed as an unhinged psychotic woman with no real explainable reason as to why she acted that way. Is she unhappy? Why? It honestly felt like a bad b grade horror movie. Just awful.
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A lost opportunity....
8 February 2022
Let me start by saying that this could have been a LOT better! I feel like the idea was there and yes it was ridiculous at times but it should have been done a tad better. I think the title worked to set this up and made me laugh in a few places but wish it was better.
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An intimate portrait of a very underrated artist.
3 February 2022
So full disclosure I'm a huge fan so she can do no wrong by me. I really hope this doco brings to lights how interesting and resilient this woman is. One thing I love about Janet is the fact that she flies under the radar at times and marches to her own drum and you see it here. I wish there were some more meat for fans to sink their teeth into.

You get a sense of struggle she has gone through and how she keeps her sweet nature.

We tend to forget the artist that are around today wouldn't be here if it wasn't for likes of Janet and Madonna. What makes the two wildly different is Janet never sold her sexuality. She let her lyrics and melodies do the work. You see the growth from her being a baby to a mother and an icon. Loved it. Wish it was even longer.
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Queens (2021–2022)
Why and I watching this???
18 January 2022
OMG so much potential so little effort! With talent like EVE and Brandy and the rest of the cast I was really hoping for something good! This show is sooooooo badly written. It will hurt your head. I think they tried too hard and failed. I guess better to try and fail than to not to try at all. Just expected better.
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Encanto (2021)
A little too obvious!
9 January 2022
Sure the animation and technical aspect is 10/10 but I guess you have to rate a movie based in the "movie" part of it. What lacked for me was the surprise. Feels like you know the ending from the start and the journey to get thee is a little too forces. The music is nice but sometimes a little out of place and almost it's there so the sake of it being there. LMM music is great but here it lacks to gel with the story. Maybe a little too targeted at kids.
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Contex is important
26 December 2021
Is this the best movie.....NO! Is it corny and cheesy.....YES! Is it worth a watch? Yes. No only a decade ago would you ever get a movie with well known actors playing a normalised homossexual relationship and this needs to be acknowledged! For so many decades the christmas movie genre has been filled with heteronormal plot and actors and this is one of the Omg few movies where the plot isn't about coming out and drama but above love and families being family! Wanting the best for each other and being somewhat bland! I guess the only problem with this movie is that it's too mature and grown up and doesn't rely on shock to produce a story. If you like wholesome holiday movie this is the one for your!
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Drag Race Italia (2021– )
24 December 2021
So let's start with positives. They showcase a new culture of drag and LGBTQ+ community. We get to hear some italian music. They crowned the right queen. Now for negativas. This show needs an editor! Seriously waaaaay too long they could have had a few more queens ans episodes instead of dragging these 6 out so much. Very boring at times ans went no where.

Also the quality of the runways were a little basic and so were the categories. The judges waaaaay too many cooks in the kitchen. Made it extremely disorganised and hard to follow. Overall worst of the franchise so far.
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Queen of the Universe (2021–2023)
Really quick!
21 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm loving this show but hating how quickly they get rid of queens. I get budget and episodes that was bought out but still. For 250k prize we should get a 8 episodes not 6! I mean we have 14 queens and by episode 4 we are down to 5! We don't get to really see range or growth. It's like you have to be almost at a winning stage when you come in. Also Ada is way too good. Might as well give her the prize now. Lol.
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Invasion: First Day (2021)
Season 1, Episode 10
10 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
58 minutes of nothing! Then a predictable cliffhanger. Terrible. I feel bad for the actors. I guess they can only do with what they are given but wow. I don't understand what's the point of a show when nothing makes sense or happens. It's lazy and stupid. Don't pretend this is arty. This is just terrible. I can't believe I watched all 10 eps in a hope something would happens. Spoiler alert. NOTHING happens. EVER! Period.
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