
4 Reviews
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Van Helsing (2004)
It was OK, I liked it, but it was a bit convenient....
19 September 2004
I liked the movie, but mostly for the costumes and the special effects.

I'm a huge Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale fan, so went to see them. Anything with Hugh in it, I'm going to like it. It's just that simple. And I gotta say it, it's getting that way with Kate. She's a terrific actress, and I really like her.

I loved the special effects and the costumes, but the plot line was very convenient, and there just didn't seem to be much there. My daughter hated the movie. Hated it.

I'd still like to own the DVD though, but will probably wait until it's in Hollywood Video's Previously Viewed pile. I'm sure the cast, once they saw the completed film, as it was released, probably felt the same about it. Which is too bad. Seems like someone had a great idea, but maybe all the good parts were left on the cutting room's floor.

Seem's like it was made for the much younger audience -- 10-12 yr olds, not an adult audience. With all those vampires, where was the blood????
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Paparazzi (2004)
Thumbs Up!!!
19 September 2004
I liked it. Ya, it's interesting that while it seems like minor stars are actually the stars of the movie, while the bigger names have cameos....... But I also find it interesting that most of the people starring or that have cameo's in the film, I think might have had negative run in's with the Paparazzi.

I have a very bad taste in my mouth about the actual Paparazzi. I suppose they do serve some purpose, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is. If I were somewhere, where a star was and these sleazy people were pursuing them like they did in the film to the Husband and Wife and their son, I would do anything I could to help the star!

It drives me nuts that there has already been a very high profile death caused by these sleazy people -- Princess Diana, and that it could, very easily happen again, I'm sure there are others that I've forgotten or don't know about. I try very hard not to buy or watch anything these people profit from.

I did see that MTV caught these jerks pursing Jessica Simpson and her friend in a car, and nearly causing an accident on the Newlywed's show. It really made me mad. And I do think that hireing Helicopter's or sneaking around in the bushes of some poor star's house is going too far. There should be better laws for the star's!!! They do deserve more privacy, lots more than that!!!

I like Cole Hauser. And I like seeing him in more things. Robin Tunney is a good little actress, and I liked her performance. I like Tom Sizemore, we need to see him in more films. This was a good performance by him. Daniel Baldwin, turned in a good performance as well. I'm sure the subject matter is near and dear to his heart, as it is to his brother's!!!!!!!!!!

Loved seeing Mel Gibson at the Anger Management Therapy session with his 4 or 5 notebooks of therapy!!!! Excellent touch. Loved seeing Matthew McConaughey, and Vince Vaughn, and Chris Rock. Oh ya, I am quite sure a number of stars wanted to put their 2 cents in, and should have. This MUST be a huge sore spot for most of them, bless their hearts. I can't imagine how horrible it must be to have these nutty people following everything they do, pepping in to their homes, their backyards, their lives like this -- GOING THROUGH THEIR TRASH, for Christ's sake!!! Can you imagine!!!!! It must be horrible, and no, no one deserves that!

Excellent movie. I liked it!
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Man on Fire (2004)
Excellent movie
19 September 2004
I loved it! Everything about the movie. I will definitely be buying this on DVD. This is an excellent movie. Denzil and Dakota are both excellent in it. The scenes of Mexico City are beautiful and ugly, and amazing and scary. I've never been there.

The thought that this kind of thing happens there is so horrible and terrible I can't bare it. God bless all the little children that have had this happen or that might have this happen. As a parent, I have to say that the possibility of something happening to my child, kept me awake nights. I was probably way too hard on my daughter while she was growing up, but nothing bad ever happened to her. I frightened her too much with, staying close to me. She's probably way too causious[sp] now because of my fears. Oh well, she's in her twenties and nothing bad ever happened, so there you go.

This was an excellent movie. The story line kept me on the edge of my seat.

Mark Anthony's conflicted performance, his business failure, and his guilt after admitting he went along with the kidnapping was really powerful. Mickey Rourke's performance is, as always, very strong. Mickey, I miss seeing him in more things. I really do, but he looks so different now -- so corrupt somehow. I know that's probably not what he intended, but that's how he looks. I wish he'd do more things where he's a conflicted good guy, instead of always the bad guy. He's been type-cast now as the villain and I'm sick of it. Mickey has the acting skills to do anything.

The mother -- Radha Mitchell -- this was a fine performance from her. I can't find any fault in it. Wish we'd seen a bit more from her. I loved her in Pitch Black. Rachel Ticotin is always a very strong actress -- I loved her in One Good Cop with Michael Keaton. But I adore that move, and own it on VHS and DVD -- "Don't worry Uncle Arty, this happens to me everyday!" Oh man!

Christopher Walken -- I loved it that he was a good guy in this film!!!!!!!!! Mr. Walken -- I'm a huge fan, and adore his work. This was an excellent example.

Wonderful movie, I highly recommend it. I'm an old softy, and it really touched me. I laughed, and I cried. You can't ask for better than that!
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One of my all time favorites!!!
19 September 2004
I love the movie, always have. But then, why wouldn't I? Brian Keith and Maureen O'Hara, and Hayley Mills? Excellent cast. My parents took me to see this movie when I was a kid -- [I was born in 1955] so I wasn't too old and I totally loved it. I own the VHS and will probably have to buy the DVD, if I can find it.

Joanna Barnes is the woman you love to hate -- god wasn't she just wicked and terrible in this movie? You just hate her!!! Calling Hayley - pet, in that exaggerated way. UGH!

Brian Keith, god I just loved this man! Loved him in Family Affair too! Always such a good actor. [Some other favorites; Those Calloways, The Pleasure Seekers, Nevada Smith, and especially, With Six you get Eggroll.] Maureen O'Hara, what a wonderful actress. I loved her in this movie, but then love her in any and everything she's done really [some other favorites are; McLintock! and Spencer's Mountain].

Cute, cute movie.
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