
6 Reviews
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29 Needles (2019)
My favorite indie horror film of the last 10 years
26 March 2022
Truthfully a masterpiece of independent filmmaking. The cinematography, acting, writing, and soundtrack are absolutely fantastic. Brooke Berry really threw himself into a very physically demanding role and embraced the character fully. An excellent and fascinating look into a man's descent into a hellish new reality through sex and violence. Highly recommended.
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Legitimately the worst movie I have ever seen
24 March 2022
The positive reviews on here have to be either from the creators of the film or their friends, because this is truthfully the worst film I've ever seen. The acting is abysmal, the characters are unlikeable to the point that the film is unwatchable, and there is fake film grain and effects added to make it look like a found footage film when it is clearly added post production and is filmed on a modern camera. The film contains real gore and shock footage from various shock websites, which I suppose is the selling point here. Even in that regard, the film fails. It's a cheap way to shock the viewer, and the people that are going to watch this movie to see the footage have probably already seen everything in it or similar so I truly don't know who the audience for this is. Truthfully a waste of time, and begs the question if video cameras should be as widely available as they are. Yes, this film is this bad. This film doesn't deserve the amount of time I've spent on this review, and it doesn't deserve your time or money. Truthfully, the filmmakers should be ashamed for making something that is this bad. Boring, annoying, poorly produced, poorly lit, poor sound editing, poor acting, poor me. I would rather get repeatedly kicked in the genitals than watch this again.
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Pig (2010)
A massive disappointment
16 March 2022
As you will read in many other reviews here, the fact that the film is filmed in one continuous shot is very impressive, and Adam Mason should be applauded for this fact alone. The fact that he was able to get the film to run smoothly and all the special effects still worked is a marvel. However, that's where my appreciation ends. You see, Pig is an incredibly dull and boring film. It was marketed as being this incredibly disturbing and filthy movie with sadistic violence and deplorable scenes throughout. What we get is a whole lot of sub par acting, particularly that of the female antagonist in the movie. The film's portrayal of her being mentally disabled is extremely over the top, annoying, and frankly an offensive portrayal. The hur-dur dialogue and sounds that come out of her mouth are absolutely insufferable. The male antagonist is better, but it's like comparing excrement to expired food. One is clearly better but both are pretty awful. His performance is over the top, and not in a fun way. More of an embarrassingly amateurish way. The film is also an absolute bore, with there not being much of a plot at all outside of the 2 antagonists torturing a few people mentally in physically. Don't get me wrong either, I am a fan of movies such as the Guinea Pig franchise and other extreme cinema but here it is just dull. Nothing you see on screen isn't something you haven't seen before in countless other extreme horror films, or even many mainstream horror films. By nature, the fact that the film is shot in one take means that there are going to be some scenes where the actors do things that allow the special effects or set pieces to be set up while they talk or do something in the forefront. However, as I said before the acting is atrocious so really the only draw for the movie is the torturous acts commuted. And those aren't interesting either. So what we're left with is a movie that was shot in a cool way, but what is happening on screen is mediocre at best and unbearably annoying at its worst. A real shame.
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Decent cannibal film, if unoriginal and a little boring
15 March 2022
Cannibal Ferox is a fairly infamous movie. Real animal violence, a fair amount of gore, etc. However, for extreme horror, grindhouse, and exploitation film fans this film probably won't surprise you. First off, the story itself is fairly unoriginal, and the acting ranges from horrible to mediocre. The social commentary present in a film like Cannibal Holocaust is completely absent here, with the film focusing on shock value and exploitation. However, the film even falls flat in this regard. The overall slow pacing and poor acting really hurt this film, and the scenes of violence or the more "extreme" parts are not something that you can't find in other better films, such as Cannibal Holocaust or Eaten Alive. It's worth a watch for hardcore jungle cannibal film fans, but for everyone else I'd give this one a pass.
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Deserves to be seen by more people
26 March 2016
OK, first things first, this movie was not seen by enough people. It bombed at the box office and was not given the recognition deserved. However, if you give this fantastic movie a chance you will be treated to one of the most surprising and hilarious movies of the last decade. I won't spoil it here, but the casting and story are fantastic. Everything about this movie is fantastic. If you're a fan of Tarantino or movies with great dialogue and humor you should check this movie out. Definitely in my top 5 favorite movies of all time, and I've seen A lot of movies. I can not recommend this movie enough. Go in with an open mind. Don't watch the trailers. You'll be in for the surprise of your life.
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Tales from the Crypt (1989–1996)
Absolutely brilliant
4 August 2015
This is my absolute favorite show of all time. It is the best horror show ever! Every episode is fantastic in its own way. I do not write reviews but I made an exception this time. I can not overstate just how fantastic this show is. The cryptkeeper is surprisingly enduring as well, somehow the little guy grows on you like an infectious disease. However, this is not a show for small children or young teens. Though the show is based off of horror comics from the 50s, the content is that of an HBO show. However, it is the tamest hbo show ever, and most kids 14 and up should be allowed, but each parent is different as well as each child. Well I guess I'll end this review here...JUST WATCH THE ShOW. Both funny and scary do yourself a service and give this a try boils and ghouls.
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