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Rain (IV) (2001)
Good story but bad delivery......
30 December 2006
It is a good change to see a war movie which depicts an aspect of the war which is rarely talked or heard about. Rather than show full-blown action sequences with gung-ho soldiers ready to give it to the enemy, we see a side of the war that shows that it is not only humans that face the prospect of sacrificing their lives for a particular cause.

Before this film I had no idea that dogs played such a large role in what was the longest war to have been fought in the 20th century. Of the 4,500 German shepherds that travelled to Vietnam only 1 in 10 survived to return home. A fact which is very duanting I agree.

The delivery of the story was very poor however. As much as the director tried to be original in depicting how he would have seen the war we see many stereotypes brought out in a very cheap sense with your "hard-core" group of soldiers which found it hard to accept Rain's help early in the film which ended up with the "oh I owe my life to that dog" type of relationship.

The production company could have also made a bigger effort in using actual weapons and equipment that were actually used in the time. The rifles used by the soldiers for example was the "M16A2" (first issued to American troops in 1985)is actually an upgraded version of the original "M16A1" used during the Vietnam war. The helicopters used during the Vietnam war were of course the Bell UH-1 helicopter, not the Bell 206- B3 as shown in the movie because it was designed primarily for civilian use not military.

But I guess the movie could have been worst had they not salvaged it by adding that typical "war-time romance" into the story to give the movie some sort of lift (not much of it though).

Overall a 2/5 stars from me.
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So Very Touching.................
5 March 2006
I have always enjoyed watching films that are quite, soft and touching to the heart and in a way "old fashioned" to enjoy a Saturday afternoon and this film fits the bill exceptionally.

The use of classic black and white images to convey the mood and atmosphere of the story was wonderfully done and as short as the story was it wasn't necessary to go any further because it had already left a life long impression on me.

The woman referred to as only "she" by the cat wasn't always on screen but when she was you could see just how beautiful she was by the way her hair and and body was shown in each of the frames in the screen shots.

A very moving short film that is highly recommended for a lazy Saturday afternoon in the suburbs.
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Round the Twist (1989–2001)
Great Aussie Classic........
16 January 2006
Like many Aussie kids of my generation, I grew up with Round The Twist.

I was in Kindergarten when it was first made and the first series as well as the second were the ones that contained the most memorable stories and characters. The abandoned room with the soothing sounds of music coming from the old instruments is still playing in my ears till this day.

Every part of each story was very original and the third and fourth series were a very big disappointment considering the weak cast and the stories were an absolute let down due to the fact that a lot of it came straight out of fairy tales.

The actors who played each of the Twist children in the first two series did an excellent job compared to anything the actors of the third and fourth series could have delivered.

I hope that the Round The Twist series will always remain an Aussie classic to be watched by many generations to come.
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Forget about communist brainwashing..........
28 November 2005
Wow, I was channel surfing when I hit this this documentary and can I say that I wish I had watched the beginning of this wonderfully directed and choreographed documentary. It was a real shame that I only got to watch the second half of this film and I cannot stop kicking myself for missing so much.

I had always heard and seen some footages of what they refer to as the "lavish Mass Games" in North Korea but never really quite understood what the purpose of the whole event was. It was this documentary that opened my eyes to the world and life that the North Koreans close off to the rest of the world.

I'll admit there was quite a lot of North Korean propaganda involved in the content of this film such as the comments they make about the "Great General", but most most importantly I got to see what life must be like for ordinary North Koreans due to restrictions with what foreign broadcasters could show the outside world.

Of course this film doesn't show to the full extent of what other North Koreans have to live through, but the story of two North Korean girls was a very touching story of their determination and will to contribute to their nations greatness and power.

If I could get another chance to see this film I will watch it in a flash.
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The Ferals (1994–1995)
A Classic Australian kids show...........
5 November 2005
Wow, its been so long since I saw that show and really wish that it was still on the air.

I was about 8 years old when this show started and it has always left an impression on me. The Ferals epitomised all that was Australian in my view. Their happy go lucky attitude and their accent and of course the yard they lived in with the corragated iron fences and shed to the Hills Hoist.

The live cast was also fantastic and added a little bit of live comical theatrics to the show, not that it was needed of course. If anything I wish that it could be shown to younger generation Australians and give them a sense of identity because it would be ashame if many kids miss out on the fun and the joy it gave me and many others my age at the time had when we watched it.
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The Invisible (2002)
A very powerful story of friendship and betrayal....
28 September 2005
One feature that can make or break a movie is the director's ability bring the movie to life, while the other is the actors ability to portray the character in order to bring life to the movie.

This story is a mix of both emotion and drama and the greatest quality of any movie is how the director can effectively change the way you may see a character whereby one minute a character can be so hated and despised while the next you may feel a bit of sympathy for them, which in this case is the character Annalie played by Tuva Novotny.

Gustaf Skarsgard who plays Niklas is also another actor that also be respected and admired for his strong performance which really brings out the best in this movie.

This is the first and probably the only Swedish movie I have seen to date and it was a worth while experience, a highly recommended movie that I think everybody should see.
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Silent Fall (1994)
Very Intriguing.......
4 April 2005
This film has received very little recognition and I guess that is why I never heard of it till I saw it despite the fact that it had quite a few big stars in it.

Liv Tyler stars in one of earliest film roles in this movie and has made quite an impression, which is no wonder why she is as famous as she is now.

Judging by the name I thought that this was a thriller or horror movie, however I was pleasantly surprised by the plot and the depth of the story. Autism isn't something that we are all familiar with but like "Mercury Rising" this film shows the audience what autism can seriously do to those unfortunate enough to live with it.

A murder mystery and drama this film does start out slow but do not hesitate because it does eventually become quite intriguing to watch just how the story unfolds, so if anyone likes a good mystery detective movie this is the one for you.
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What were they thinking.......
1 April 2005
I only watched the first twenty minutes of this movie and personally I think that this is the worst movie to be made in the recent years.

The plot was so bad that it might have been possible that a 10 year old kid wrote it. The acting was also sloppy with pretty much an unknown cast and not only that the action sequences especially at the first half of the film were so terrible it was unbelievable.

I don't know how the producers obtained the budget to film this movie but the production company must be regretting it by now.

To anyone who may come across this film in the near future, I advise you to steer clear of this joke of a movie.
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Now this is a romantic comedy.....
7 March 2005
When I saw the cover I thought that it was just another cheesy love story between a girl and an older guy.

But as soon as I started watching I couldn't turn away...not for a second. Although the story is not very original, the comedy sure was with an excellent cast and humorous antics that will make you laugh and cry.

Although this may sound clichéd, Seo Bo-eun and Park Sang-min do really make a nice couple. Miss Kim was also another cast member who should receive some recognition for her great acting talent, even though she wasn't a main character.

To all those yet to decide whether to go and borrow or rent this I would really recommend it.
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The atmosphere has disappeared....
29 December 2004
What happened? I don't understand how such a beautiful anime could be ruined by such a short and meaningless sequel.

What was the director thinking when he directed this follow-up series. Not only was it hard to understand at time, it had way to much of a sexual theme to make the viewing a little bit awkward if there were any kids watching.

Some of the content in it may even force censorship laws to rate it for adult viewing only, like as if it was a Japanese Hentai.

To the writers and director, I say you ruined one of the best animes there was.
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Love Hina (2000–2001)
One of the most beautiful animes I have ever seen....
29 December 2004
Before I saw this anime I thought it was another attempt by an anime director to make people laugh, but after watching the first episode alone I could not turn away.

This anime series is a beautiful adaptation of the original manga, although the characters all look slightly different to the way they were portrayed in the manga I must say they do look a bit batter in the series than in the manga.

I particularly enjoyed episode 20 (the episode that featured the doll Moe)which made me realise just how important it is to keep the promises you make to friends and to keep them.

The series also has a fantastic soundtrack which really broadens the atmosphere of the series and makes you feel part of the show.

To those who have not yet seen it, you don't know what you are really missing out on. So go out and buy it or rent it if you can.
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Simply mind blowing......
8 December 2004
It is hard to believe that this alternative ending only came into existence as result of death threats made to Hideaki Anno. Then that would explain its dark nature.

After watching this film I could not sleep after seeing images of people dying by popping into pools of LCL. The references to religion were so numerous that I only found out about their meaning through a catholic friend.

To know that everyone died in the end because of Shinji disappointed me and it kind of ruins the characters image. The scene where Shinji is masturebating in front of Asuka kind of also ruins the atmosphere for everyone as well.

If only the ending was as cheerful as many of the earlier episodes in the series so that everyone can enjoy it.

Personally I would like to say shame on you Mr Anno, its no wonder you received death threats.
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Old Fashion mystery is back....
8 December 2004
Wow, its been quite a while since I've watched anything so mysterious in the way it is portrayed.

A Detective Story uses old fashioned black and white images to portray a private investigator who dresses in an old fashioned trench coat and hat. The theme of this animation is reminiscent of that of Sam Spayed which was briefly mentioned by Ash.

Sick of spying on cheating house wives because of his clients, Ash was offered a chance to track down a "computer hacker" which he thought was a worthwhile chance for a four figure sum he could not turn down and the rest is history.

The ending was a little bit bland but still okay. For those out there who like old fashion stories this is the one for you.
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The Animatrix (2003 Video)
Absolutely Stunning.....
7 December 2004
After watching the animatrix (particularly - The Second Renaissance, Parts 1 & 2) I was left stunned. These two animations were in one word gruesome.

The other animations however were much more lighter as compared to the first three animations. Personally it was "A Detective Story" that possessed some class with the story portrayed as an old fashioned black and white detective mystery. "Beyond" was also a very interesting story of a young girl looking for her cat and running into a glitch in the matrix.

The remaining animations were not particularly as impressive in the way they were portrayed and much can be said about the originality of these stories.

To those who have not seen The Matrix, this movie might seem a bit confusing and hard to understand so make sure you watch it first before watching the Animatrix.
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One of the most original films for quite a while....
18 November 2004
This is one of Stephen Chow's funniest and most memorable movies to date and hopefully we will see much more of his works like this in the near future.

The comedic ideas in this movie is as original as you can get such as their attempt to sell Shaolin Martial arts through singing at a nightclub and being abused for it.

The visual grphics can be sketchy at times but still visually mesmorising such as the final match with the cheating team taking drugs and developing soccer skills to match that of the Shaolin soccer team.

Although many scenes were cut out in recent versions, for those who can get their hands on the full and uncut version will enjoy this movie to its full extent.
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The Twins are at it again....
17 November 2004
Like in many of their previous movies twins again failed at their latest attempt to portray themselves as serious actors.

Like many of their past movies only true twins fans can really enjoy this movie that lacks a decent plot line. Jaycee Chan (son of Jackie Chan) makes his first and only appearance to date in a film and after seeing his poor performance I recommend that he stick with music.

The only bright part to this poorly made movie is the small appearance of Jackie Chan to add some flavour to this movie.

To all the twins fans out their you would probably enjoy this but to all the other serious movie goers I would not really recommend it.
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Hyperspace (2001)
Absolutely Stunning
30 August 2004
Sam Neill continues to stun audiences again after "Jurassic Park" in this beautifully directed and presented documentary. Like Stanley Kubrick's movie "2001, A Space Odyssey", the vastness of space shows just how truly amazing our universe really is and just how insignificant mankind is on Earth.

The computer graphics are terrific and anyone who criticizes about how boring this documentary is because of the lack of action, obviously need to get out more and experience the world.

After watching this documentary series I have developed a new appreciation for life on Earth and in the universe, and maybe like Sam Neill suggests we might one day be able to travel to new exotic locations in this awesome universe.
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Predator 2 (1990)
Too much action, not enough plot.
25 July 2004
Although there is no emphasis on the origins of the predator in both films, at least the first one had a reasonable plot.

This sequel had way too much gun fights especially in the films intention of portraying the future(filmed in 1990 but story based in 1997).

The actors were okay however with Danny Glover playing the main role as a cop trying to avenge his friend. There were scenes where the predator strikes at a group of seven armed drugdealers and a train full of armed passengers to one where it is running away from one person which was a bit unreasonable I believe.

Though I wouldn't recommend it, everybody is entitled to their own opinion.
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