
32 Reviews
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Krisha (2015)
Reasonably well acted but I didn't connect with the story
16 June 2024
It's a well put together independent film. The main actress Keisha does a good job. However I didn't connect with the story. It didn't seem realistic to me as a non American. How can family be that intolerant and cold with each other? I think this was supposed film mimicking reality but it seemed a bit fake to me. People weren't very real with one another and from the first frame, everyone seems to put on a facade. In saying that, every family has a black sheep and I can relate to that part of it. I would hate to be part of the family in the film. They all just want to out compete and out do one another. The characters would have been better to give Keisha a bit of a break and everyone would be better to try and be a bit more understanding of one another. That's perhaps the real real message of America thanksgiving I suppose. Although it's interesting as a non American because thanksgiving often seems to gets overshadowed by gun violence and mass shootings in recent years. Perhaps there is meaning in that at some level in this film. The family in the film seems to overreact to some fairly trivial indiscretions which makes the problems bigger. To err is to be human as they say. The characters in the story just need to get on with life.
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Nostalgic Kabuki-cho noir
29 April 2024
This film was made right before the lost decade began in Japan. It's beautifully shot and well acted by the two famous leads. For me it serves as a nostalgic snapshot of Tokyo pre 2000 and the years before Japanese decline. This film has perhaps aged well and is better now 30 years later than when it was released because China has grown to become the world's factory and Japan has declined. This juxtaposes with the dual language speaking characters with familial histories from China and Japan beginning with World War 2. Additionally I've come to really appreciate late 1990s movies shot on 35mm with a soft and grainy image. I appreciate film making was different when film stock was very expensive and directors couldn't view what they shot immediately on a 4K studio monitor. 1990s directors couldn't rely on as much post processing either. The story in this film isn't the most amazing but it's good enough and it's worth revisiting the world it takes place in.
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Snack Shack (2024)
A mixed up mess
11 April 2024
Not horrible but the dialogue and characters are a bit all over the place. Teenagers didn't talk and act like that in 1991. The two main characters deliver dialogue like they have no time to breathe. To me the teenagers seemed to be modern teenagers just pretending to be in the 1990's and kind of trying to wear 90's clothes. Kids in 1991 were into video games and playing sport like basketball, neither of which happen in this film. Where's the slap bands, cabbage patch dolls, roller blades, skateboards, Nintendo, Sega, video arcades, multiplex cinemas, model cars, fast food etc? These things were popular for 14 year olds in 1991. There's more 1990's culture in Terminator 2 than in this film. The early 1990's were much grungier. RayBans weren't 1991, Oakleys were early 1990's sunglasses in the US. The story is kind of ok I suppose but this film is no Napoleon Dynamite. This film needed less dialogue and more time to breathe. More actual acting, smart jokes and character development would have helped.
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Smart, sexy fairly realistic love story.
3 April 2024
Well acted and interesting story. A couple of scenes present dreamlike sequences of romance which gave the film a fantasy like quality. This was unique to this film. I found the story a bit formulaic, especially the second act into the ending. I won't spoil it but the plot was similar to Elegy. I would have liked it if it had taken a different turn and presented something more unique. Therefore I think the metacritic score of 91 is a bit too high for this film. The viewer rating is currently 7.7 which seems fairer given the usual tropes presented at the end. The story reminded me of some older films like Sliding Doors and Closer because of the contrast depicted between different lovers dating a central character however this film was a bit more cerebral which I really liked. The writing and acting were great as they really pulled me into the story. I felt like I wanted to discuss the characters like they were really people. Bravo!
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Barbie (I) (2023)
I didn't laugh once
8 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I had trouble following this story. I got the general idea but the dialog seemed to be all over the place. In a nutshell the story is as follows. Barbie senses someone is feeling bad in the real world then leaves Barbieland to try to make the person feel better about themselves. Meanwhile Ken discovers that men have more power in the real world than in Barbieland so when he goes back he rallies the other Ken dolls to take power by force. Meanwhile the Barbie's decide to stand up for themselves and take Barbieland back. Somehow there's some middle ground resolution which didn't seem to make sense. The end. I didn't laugh once so I'm not sure where the comedy aspects were. I was also disappointed when Ken and Barbie broke out into song in the final act. It seems that whenever Hollywood has a bad story then they turn it into a musical. This film was as shallow and one dimensional as a plastic doll who can't bend their knees. The characters were so boring. Nothing much happens and then I was just left waiting for the film to finish. I don't expect this film to win many awards. It was more of an idea than a film with substance. I suppose it's one saving grace was that it's very much in line with American consumerism and patriotic to the 1980's American ideals of beach culture and beauty. The film manages to capitalise and celebrate the bright 1980's fluorescent colour palette that was shovelled at teenage girls in the era, ala slap bands, rollerblades, Alf and fruity loops cereal. However, Barbie as a character seems to be stuck in the 1980's and is really outdated and boring in the 2020's. Some things should be left to age gracefully into history. Especially, a stiff plastic doll without much personality.
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Infinity Pool (2023)
All shook up but left wanting some more
13 April 2023
Infinity Pool was better than I expected. The film has the markings of a bad trip is more reminiscent of a film such as Fear and Loathing than a holiday thriller. This film has scenes where we get to see Mia Goth stretch herself as an actor more than in her previous films, including her recent work in Pearl. I think this is her best work so far, she has lots of dialogue and long shots where we get to see her expressions. This film toys with us the viewer and the horror that we feel inside. Infinity Pool asks the viewer what exactly is horror? One might say, horror is a genre which is supposed to elicit a scared response. As viewers we experience an emotional response through watching or experiencing something that scares us. The fight or flight mechanism is such an integral part of being human or animal and Infinity Pool has some scenarios which which explore whether we are able to remain in control of our responses in "horrific" situations or whether we lose control of ourselves and become slaves to our emotions. Does our imagination take over? I was surprised a horror film can be an existential study of human emotions. There's a lot to unpack as watching this film and I think it is much better than recent attempts at horror films such as The Menu. The film could have been a little bit better with some more sub-plots and exploring the story from some different angles and a bit more building of suspense but overall it's worth a watch. I would liked to have seen some additional story points involving some of the other reincarnate characters as well. If the film had a bit more and possibly shortened some of the lengthy sex and gore then I would have given it a higher rating.
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Aftersun (II) (2022)
Conflicted about this film
8 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's a well made film with great acting by both main leads but I was kind of left feeling empty at the end. The story slowly built for two hours then we see the father at a nightclub never to be seen again. Did he die? Did he leave on purpose? Did Sophie actually push him away. We don't know and the writer/director doesn't really show us. The holiday seemed a bit surreal because it was almost too perfect, like all the best moments of summer holidays rolled into one. My upbringing was never so rosy. Why is Sophie now so many years later going through the memories of this holiday? The focus of the film is on the holiday and then also on the reality that a relationship can end. I think we all know this as friends and family come into and often leave our lives over time. I'm not really sure what the film is trying to say. Enjoy the moments while they last? It's not clear. I'd like to rate this film more highly but the ending or lack of one was frustrating more than anything.
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Road to Perth (2021)
Natural pace of life on the road
1 December 2022
Many people have said this film is boring and too slow paced. I disagree. To me it felt the natural pace of travelling by car across Australia. Long periods of empty vast land bookended by quick stops at quirky and colourful country towns. It's well shot and the acting is believable. There is chemistry between the two main characters and that lingering distance of two people getting to know one another at a deep level while also being aware of the lie Kelly expiration date of their romance. This film reminded me of my time vagabonding abroad In Europe. The film is very poignant and reminds us of the importance of time out to recharge and recover.
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Character (2021)
Great film
21 August 2022
I wasn't expecting much and hadn't heard anything about this film before watching it. It surpassed my expectations. It wasn't the best film ever but probably the best thriller to come out of Japan in the last five years.
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The Matrix made for TV on a TV budget
23 December 2021
It was so obvious this film was created on a low budget: I'm really confused why someone would shoot a Matrix movie on cheap TV cameras, like the RED Komodo which cost a few thousand dollars. Recent big budget films such as James Bond - Time to Die have delivered a beautiful cinema look by shooting on actual film. The Matrix films were lauded for pushing the art of special effects forward yet this new film looks like a made for TV affair. Horrible overuse of poor quality juddering motion blur wrecked the movie for me. The colour grading is also very cheap, gone is the lovely dual colour palette of the reds of the machine world and the green subdued hues of the matrix. Now there is nothing much separating the two worlds. I suspect this was done on purpose but now we are left with a bland visual movie. The matrix films were all big budget special effects movies and this new film is a low budget drama affair. I don't think I've seen a film where Keanu Reeves talks more than in this film. It's heavy on the dialog with a few crappy fights thrown in. The saddest thing is many people will pay good money to see this film at the cinema where it just looks and feels like a low budget made for TV affair. Hugo Weaving and Lawrence Fishburne were right to give it a miss though what's left is a total mess.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Nothing like the TV show. Don't watch this.
30 November 2021
This series is nothing like the original Tv show or film. The Faye character in the show is a totally different character than in the original series. The new one is just your typical modern PC blah character that seems to be there to meet some diversity quota or something.

The style of dialog is completely different in the Netflix series. The dialog in this new series is really unrealistic. I find the characters are just talking to fill in the minutes. I seem to get bored with every episode and zone out whereas this was not an issue for me with the original TV show at all.

The comedy is way better in the original. There is banter, a battle of the sexes, and inner conflict in the original show and all of it, all of it which made Cowboy Bebop so great is missing in this re-imagining. As a result the pacing of each episode just feels off and boring.

I could not recommend anyone watch this, especially if they've seen the original series. This ruins the original Animated series entirely for me. I just feel this live action series is try hard but a huge disappointment.
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Nitram (2021)
Chilling, scary and very realistic.
27 November 2021
I think all Australian's of a certain age remember where they were when they heard the news of the horrible Porthole Arthur massacre. I remember being in the car with my Mum trying to understand what was happening during australia's currently only mass murder event. I will remember that moment for the rest of my life. This film tells the back story of the perpetrator. It's a slow burn film that is extremely dark. The film is beautifully shot with many wide angle shots of the actors with the camera positioned at fly on the wall positions that assist the viewer keep their distance from this tale. These shots are contrasted with first person and very tight close up shots that show all the emotions on the faces of those around Nitram. The film takes us back to a place and time many of us would rather forget. It's a truly horrific movie that is well acted by arguably some of Australia's best actors. When I heard Caleb Landry Jones was acting in this I new it would be great. This role was almost made for him to flex his muscles as an actor. I found this film hard to watch but that's because it's so good. I can understand why many people didn't want this movie to be made though it doesn't glorify the horror this young man perpetrated.
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Black Bear (I) (2020)
Unconvincing, confusing and contrived. Time I can never get back.
24 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Did I miss something for this to make sense? The first half supposedly shows a relationship between a couple and their guest, a film director. The relationship between these people felt so contrived. The acting was bad and it made them all seem extremely rude to one another. The second half is a play on the first half of the film with role reversals. The acting in the second half was more realistic but then totally over the top. Lot's of crying and screaming when in reality nothing happens in the second half. Again people emotions out of control. I was left wondering why I'd kept watching after the first 30 minutes. The film succeeds at one thing and that is sucking you in.
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29 August 2021
What a swan song. I've been a fan for 30 years. Through all of his perfectionism and intellectualism Hideaki Anno has delivered something very down to earth and human. It's well edited, well paced, well scripted and very modern without being too sharp or difficult to comprehend. Not only was this an opportunity to end the story but it was a chance to explore the motivations driving the central characters. This warmth and tone ties the story in a nice red bow that creates an arc to the manga and original TV series as well. The first three movies go for about 90 minutes but this finale goes for over 2 hours.
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Saint Maud (2019)
13 February 2021
Yes religion can be compared to mental illness. So deep, if you are a child and lack critical judgement of the world around you. This film didn't really add anything to this topic. As Mao said, religion is poison for the mind. However as we know for the believer it is Medicine. Well this film doesn't really add anything to that historical quote from Mao. Very cliched and lacklustre plot. Not much happens in this one and a quarter hour film because the director and writer have not much to say.
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On the Rocks (2020)
Technically beautiful
25 November 2020
It's such a delight to watch a film shot on 35mm. The 4K intermediate also makes sense to keep the dynamic colour range and the properties of the film intact. The shots driving in the red car have natural motion blur. The film has that natural processed film look that is wonderful. Watching it took me back to Tokyo with Murray. The film doesn't quite hit the high notes of Lost in Translation but it's still definitely worth a watch
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Kind of interesting
4 November 2020
I'm not a big fan of this film. It just feels really small and the actors don't seem very believable. I kept waiting for more to happen and nothing really ever did. Just a silly glowing spaceship in the sky. Running around a neighbourhood at night carrying a tape recorder. I'm not even sure what the point of the film is. It's a throwback to early sci fi films but I don't think it really works today. Also the image was very dark and grainy. I feel like the director was trying to hide bad sets or costumes or something.
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I think it's supposed to be funny
25 July 2020
There's a couple of amusing one liners. I drifted between being interested and bored while watching this. The story isn't bad but not great. It's a fairly simple story and the film only goes for 1.5 hours so not too long to really lose interest. If it was any longer I might have turned it off. This films feels like a Mel Brooks film such as Spaceballs. It's kind of a spoof fantasy film. It would have been better with some better music and if it was a bit more realistic. The fights were a bit boring and not very dramatic. The female lead was pretty one dimensional. Andre the giant is very hard to understand and I had to turn on subtitles. Billy crystal was a nice surprise.
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An interesting look at youth from a time now passed
23 July 2020
Interesting film told from the perspective of a young rebellious teenage girl. The protagonists want glitz and glam and are learning the value of their youth and beauty. A hedonistic window into Hong Kong before it was handed back to China. It's a shame that the film stock and cameras used were of pretty low quality. Even so, it's easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of 1980's Hong Kong. Not a pleasant film but engrossing due to the myriad of close up shots and fresh faced acting by the main cast.
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The transition to the dark side is complete
26 March 2020
Most of the plot in this film makes little sense if you think a bit about it. The characters have lost any sense of edginess or originality. The good guys win, hardly anyone dies, the story jumps around the universe without purpose. the special effects are bad because every scene looks fake. The toughness of the original sets is gone. It's become a mindless kids film by Disney. The transition to the dark side is complete. What utter rubbish!
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Fracture (2007)
11 March 2020
This film was pretty annoying. If like me you can work out what happened early on in the film then the story drags on waiting for the resolution. At two hours when the plot can be solved at 30 minutes in then this was tedious. Having one main plot twist isn't enough for a two hour movie. Also the romantic side story was very unrealistic. What sort of boss throws themselves at the new hire and risks their whole career? It really felt tacked on to try and fill out an otherwise simple story. Generally well acted but the characters and plot was substandard. I also felt that the actors themselves didn't really believe in the plot so seemed distanced from the story a little bit.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Leave your PC shoes at the door end enjoy it!
22 February 2020
The films doesn't celebrate nazism any more than Indiana Jones does. It's escapism and it's done for comedic effect like Monty Python and many other films have done before with the crusades etc. It's almost a kids movie with a few laughs. I don't think the death of one of the characters was really explained properly though. If you are happy to separate the film from the horrors of reality then you will probably enjoy it. Hollywood asks you to do this all the time for murder investigation films, violent action films, comedy films. These films don't get marked down because people "could" find them offensive. Viewers are conditioned all the time to accept things in films that wouldn't be excepted in real life. JoJo Rabbit is an extension of that. Nobody ever said it's supposed to be real. I applaud Scarlett Johansson for taking the role.
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Terminators in the age of mobile Internet
21 January 2020
Linda Hamilton is great in this. A strong presence like in T2 where she helps to hold the story together. Dark Fate film is about passing the batten and also about a new beginning. I liked it with some reservations. Mackenzie shows her dynamism as an actor in her role. Her character combines many of the different qualities she demonstrated in Halt and Catch Fire packaged together, except for maybe a romantic element which would not have suited this 2 hour film.I actually think it took too long since T2 to make a Terminator movie that has tried to explore some of deeper topics such as Man's destructiveness, technological development without restriction and what it means to be human. This film tries to renew some of the hard science fiction that T2 touched on which made it a great movie. If Dark Fate was made 20 years earlier then the franchise could have been saved. Unfortunately T2 is now a classic film and Dark Fate is mainly cashing in this late in the game. Cinema going tastes worldwide have changed with most new releases trying to get tickets sales in China and India which have massive new middle classes to bring in. Unfortunately those viewers would not have experienced T1 or T2 as Western audiences did on the big screen - with their celebrated special effects and breakout actors. The differences in audiences tastes today seemed to have made Dark Fate a difficult movie to make, needing to meet today's expectations of Political correctness and instant gratification. Arnie's T101 mixed with Kindergarten Cop. Interestingly, the idea of a terminator with Internet access pops up though I'm not really sure why a Terminator needs to visit a data centre to gain access to some photos. An example of an inconsistency where this film is desperately trying to stay relevant. This film, like a few others released lately such as Blade Runner 2049 and Rambo: Last Blood serve as elegies to the actors and the characters that were created in another time. This is perhaps the best way to view Dark Fate, without expecting it to deliver too much that is new but rather help you to remember and celebrate what is old.
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Gabriel fell off a mountain
30 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The main character is very annoying. He pretends to be a local while believing himself to be superior to everyone around him. I hate western travellers who adopt a bohemian lifestyle for what seems to be vanity. Gabriel doesn't really care about his other people. His journey is all for his benefit. The director ponders his life and why his friend died and I think the truth is that Gabriel was selfish and arrogant and killed himself. I was so pleased when his girlfriend woke up to how annoying he is, and left knowing she didn't want to see him again. Her acting was very natural. Well acted but a very annoying film. Wealthy white arrogant immature boy goes to Africa to take selfies. One takeaway for me is that I hope I don't fall into this cliche if I partake in further extended travels.
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Midsommar (2019)
Building building building to not much at all
12 November 2019
I am a film buff. I usually watch on average one film per day from all types of genres. This film starts off well but it kind of gets lost in the middle. It's a long film at over 2 hours and after the first 45 minutes it settles into a suspenseful middle section. The way it build reminds me of old horror films like Texas Chainsaw or The Cabin in the Woods where there is something out there just beyond view but as a viewer you aren't exposed to exactly what it is. Unfortunately for this film, it's ultimately not much out there hiding. It's as it seems at the 1 hour mark that the villagers are bonkers and we could have got to that conclusion much quicker than dragging out the suspense for an hour and a half. The film also reminds me of the shining in it's pacing. The supporting male characters don't really develop and kind of goof along stupidly. I was hoping for some decent action at the end but it's fairly tame. The ending just kind of goes up in smoke. The film tries to open up some discussion on mental illness, death, grieving, puritanism and paganism but ultimately fails because although we are shown these things they aren't explored deeply or with any sense of conclusion. It's a very well graded and shot film and the visuals help keep the viewer interested over the long film duration. As a viewer I stayed to the end with this slow story but ultimately I wasn't rewarded as a viewer for my attention and the ending fell short. If the director cut 40 minutes from this film then I think it would have been better. There's a lot of repeated dialog, shots and plot points that could be removed. If you are aiming at a slow burn horror like the Shining then there better be blood streaming down the walls and a psycho with a knife. There's no real action or much excitement except for dancing around the may pole high on hallucinogens.
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