
108 Reviews
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Atlas (2024)
Just Jo-Lo tantrum and tears
29 May 2024
The initial promo's made out this to be an entertaining sci-fi movie, with Jo-Lo as the drawcard in an action thriller. Could and should have been a simple recipe for success, but unfortunately was never going to happen. The opening scene of Lopez waking up gave lots of hints away.

What was to emerge as a main theme was the constant and annoying tantrums and crying of Lopez. The first hour was dedicated to her never-ending emotional outbursts followed by the last hour of monotonous tearful regrets.(If anyone wants to watch a soapie, I would recommend Hallmark!)

I can only assume the writers believed the character was deeply entrenched in that monthly female issue every woman endures. By the middle of the movie, I was hoping the bad guy would finally appear, and win, just to shut her up.

Another disappointing movie and maybe a sign for her to stick to rom-coms rather than anything intelligent or entertaining, and one where female whining is deemed necessary.
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Mooned (2023)
Not really out of this world
26 May 2024
The fastest minion outting but realistically, a copy of any of the old coyote-road runner cartoons from the 1970's.

At 8 minutes long, it's a short cute comical view of a man and the minions on the moon. Nothing too deep or meaningful, just a fun few minutes of giggling gags.

Quite surprising that slap-stick humour and what's called 'violence' today would be acceptable in cartoons anymore, but nothing over the top. Unusual considering what can be labelled as politically incorrect today though.

Overall, would b a great little show for kids to watch and would guarantee giggles and laughs along the way even if it's a look from the old days.
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Civil War (2024)
Boring as !!!
26 May 2024
Lasted 39 minutes and was in danger of falling in a deep coma through boredom.

Talk, talk and more talk. And once that finished, it was more talk. And talk of nothing importance or informative towards the movie itself.

Production and everything which makes a movie was typically good, except the script. Have no idea why the war started, who initiated it or even when. The story is about a photographic reporter who want to interview the President and the journey from the Southern part of the US to Washington DC. A young impressionable girl tags along to add depth to the story. And that's it.

Maybe a movie just nice enough to watch with melted marshmallows and a hot mug of coffee only.
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Reunion (II) (2024)
Teenage reunion
26 May 2024
What in God's name was this!

Half a movie looking like a bad teenage movie with bad acting and childish humour. Jokes and gags about sex, drinking and more sex are about 20 years old. Arrogant characters putting down weak-willing ones with the odd crazed one making stupid comments is also 20 years old.

Then out of nowhere come the finale and the whole plot of the movie comes out. A crime solved with the motive and murderers blurted out l, with details only the writers knew about. Totally ridiculous and pointless ending. And no reason to care about any of the characters either.

Oh, and there's another black character who just rambles constantly and is incessantly annoying, while throwing in the odd curse like a "tru-bro" does. How unoriginal.

Basically a load of utter rubbish!
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Fallout (2024– )
LSD fallout
13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Should have been a classic show, but full of pointless holes in the storyline. Great cast and acting, well thought out plots and characters, but some things just made no sense, and remain unanswered.

How come Lucy had her finger cut off with no pain, and having an old one sown on quickly becoming a normal finger? How come the squire becomes a Ghoul, healing injuries immediately, yet the main ghoul, Cooper Howard, still doesn't have a nose? And many say the bombs were dropped 200 years ago, yet characters who were there on the day either look too young or say it was 20 years ago?

Its type of show made for acid users, where you just accept what you see without questioning what is actually happening or happened. Great if you like weird shows, not so great if logic and intellect is your thing.
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The 4400 (2004–2007)
4400 seconds wasted (73 minutes)
21 April 2024
Lasted just over an hour, realising that this show is going to end up as a soapie with little logic, common sense or direction.

We have 4400 people who've suddenly reappeared via a UFO, some decades after they've disappeared. The result, legal challenges mean they have to released.

Let's ignore everything which would represent a danger: social changes, language, money laws, politics, technology, and their family situations including g a sudden reappearance etc etc.... All this is ignored, but fills the first episode with the consequences of these issues. What were the writers thinking!

So, if you're into syfy-soapies, then maybe this will be just right for you. I prefer something a little more grounded and a little more intelligence.
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Captive State (2019)
A captivating state
19 April 2024
Lots of reviews are said to downplay this movie, but it is actually a very well made one. Maybe more well-known faces might have upped the profile, or lots of CGI , but nothing can be taken away from the story or production.

Aliens have taken over the planet and rebels are fighting back. It revolves around a particular group in Chicago, and those struggling to locate them before they attack. Lots of little ways in the plan and even more in the detection make the movie interesting. This is not a slow burner or action-paced movie, but one which chugs along enough to maintain entertainment.

The ending is clever and deceptive. If you like thrillers with a touch of ingenuity and the unknown, then watch this. You won't be disappointed.
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The other details make it deadly.
30 March 2024
Another murder mystery, but full of details to make the mystery sometimes a little too mysterious. A man who isn't what he appears to be, is murdered by someone on a cruise ship. Loads of red herrings, useless facts and tips to create a cauldron of confusing mystery.

No one will guess the murderer it's just that overly detailed, hence the appropriate title. Worthwhile watching for the various characters who all perform to a high standard. The script is also worthy of praise as are other production levels.

If there is anything to complain about, it's the ridiculous concept of multiple languages being used. Having to stare at subscripts at the lower parts of any screen is so old-fashioned and should be banned. Great idea in the seventies and eighties but not today.

A second series could be on the cards, but not sure if it has the power to succeed again.
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FBI: Creating a Monster (2024)
Season 6, Episode 4
The American Monster.
28 March 2024
Would have to be one of the flakiest episodes, easily displaying all the problems in the American world: racism, drug-use, politics, corrupt cops, feelgood TV and hollywood BS.

All of these elements are regularly splattered on TV screens around the world daily, making out they are natural as sunlight. Watch the news and see it daily just to confirm it.

It seems there is also, a neverending stereo-type addiction to terrorism in police shows, exploiting this fact in the same way as using Russian and Chinese as bad guys, believing everyone thinks its OK to do so and that it is true!

FBI is a grear show, but every once in a while, it slips in a bad one, like this full of hollywood BS.
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Constellation (2024)
Trying to explain confusion.
22 March 2024
An unusual show apparently attempting to show how quantum physics functions using a form of time overlap as examples. It can seem a bit confusing at times, but plays out quite well in the end. Worthy of a much higher rating if the concept was delved into a lot more.

If there is anything to pull it down is the characters and how they were developed. Exaggerated emotion responses in scenes basically pushed scenarios along. The most annoying character was the daughter of Noomi Rapace. Playing a ten year old, but acting like a 6 year old and talking like a 14 tear old teenager, she was allowed to dictate scenes where Rapace and her husband should have been the parents.

Professional Astronauts falling prey to uncontrolled emotional outbursts also seemed out of place.

If you can put up with the poor characteristic writing, then this is a show worth watching, as it does create a thought provoking storyline.
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Murder with an ending out of this world
11 March 2024
This show has the premise of something brilliant. A murder(s) in an isolated area, with multiple suspects with unknown motives. A perfect replica of any Agatha Christie show which should have sated the most ardent mystery lover but didn't really in the end.

A lack of character development failed to offer the mystery required for such a show. They are never truly revealed even at the end. A motive for suspects is always a compelling factor, but again, never developed or even really tempted to be known, not even at the end.

The murders are not deeply investigated, nor properly made to be indifferent. There are clues thrown in, namely obvious because of their obscure appearance, which mean something, but never expanded on, and end up as just a forgotten mention.

In the end, the killer and motive are revealed. But..... will it be enough to convince? A very mild, laid back finale ends the series almost quietly. Possibly disappointing to some, but expected these days as shows become less original in surprises.

Definitely worth watching, just for the thrills of guessing. Nothing too new but produced well enough to warrant watching 7 episodes.
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True Detective (2014– )
Season 4 - Cold Ending
23 February 2024
Haven't watched the first 3 seasons, but intrigued by season 4's 'sy-fy' element. Started off brilliantly, but slowly sunk into soap-opera and then a far-fetched ending trying to explain naturally everything which initially appeared to be supernatural. One of those shows which flopped heavily at its end.

The acting is top class, as was the script & production. Hard to fault in TV shows these days, and an expected level. Lots of mysteries offered, some which are never addressed (connection of one-eyed polar-bear as a real bear and as a toy) and a bag full of 'Eskimo' spirituality, but then comes the family-relational issues & arguments, plus the atheistic attitude, followed by what looked like an 'on-the-spot' idea of finding the killer.

Overall disappointing because of the end, but quite a ride in the beginning. 7 out of 10 for potential.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Bee -what???
5 February 2024
One of the worst things in Hollywood is to see a popular star relegate themselves to B-Grade movies, either due to finances or lack of opportunities. Jason Statham should not be one of those, but you have to wonder why he made this movie.

Basically, its absolute rubbish. Lets ignore that its an Australian movie, but considering some of the cast, the money on offer must have been good and included a free holiday on the Gold Coast.

Storyline is about as original as a loaf of bread, the script lines were obviously limited to a small number of letters because it lacked a quality barely above a kids show, and the guys Statham had to fight were nothing more than statues awaiting to be hit.

If you're a Statham worshipper, bored or low in IQ, its watchable, but be aware, you were warned.
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Masters of Hollywood
4 February 2024
The opening scene revolves around the main characters in a nightclub, drinking and dancing before their next assignment. Their girlfriends seem in awe of them as they waffle through a conversation on how Buck got his name. The American attitude glows like gold on an Oscar Award.

I couldn't stomach anymore as I could see that the 'stars-and-stripes' atmosphere was going to be the driving force of this series.

White teeth, cliched hairstyles and slick uniforms equalled a oncoming river of self-appreciation and praise.

America is a country who believes in their own publicity, and that every war they fight, is won before it starts. Unfortunately, this series appears to be written from that illusion and I for one, won't waste my time. Just another show hoping viewers will be believers.
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The Marvels (2023)
Hallmark Chick-Flick for Kids
26 January 2024
Sympathy to all those who paid to see this. Virtually a total embarrassment to sit through as well as being quite an amazement that it was released for public viewing.

First up, was that it resembled a child's movie, maybe early teenage. Add a few moments reminiscent of any Hallmark movie and a cast primarily female and you have probably, the first syfy chick-flick.

Production was as expected in the MCU world, but unfortunately the storyline was pretty cringeworthy. Wouldn't recommend enemies to watch it and even more unfortunately, is a spin-off series appears to be in the making.

Worse than Thor 3, and Ant-Man 2, if that's possible, but proof that miracles can happen as describing it as worse is being polite.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
Guess who it isn't
23 January 2024
Little swearing and no nudity or same-sex kisses, but a lot of intense, emotional possibilities. And apart from a few broad pommie accents, this show is just so damn good!

The storyline is simple once explained at hhe end, but seemingly so complex when viewed from the beginning. Excellent character development, and faultless acting, a show full of sub-plots, drama and a riveting theme that begs belief, that if you're a British crime lover you won't be able to look away. The reason belief is needed is that everything can't be what it seems, and because it isn't and sometimes is it's this illusion which makes the show so good.

Definitely a binge watching show, and another notch in UK TV stating who's the best in this genre.
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The Fixer (2015)
Totally fuxed
9 January 2024
Where do you start with a series like this? Could have been a interesting show had it been given 10 or so episodes. Instead we get 4 ending up like a C-grade mini-series produced by first year uni-students.

Story is about a corporation creating disasters to affect the stock-market. Simple it might sound, bit had no facts or evidence to show. Disasters made to look like accidents: again nothing to show in proof. Govt agent believes this fixer, even allowing him access to govt computers. WTF!!

Acting was barely acceptable, even from experienced Dane & Robertson. Storyline needed time to develop, but was rushed and watered down. CGI passable. And bad guys consisted of small group well short of appearing as an international threat.

Watchable if desperate, but realistically needed to be fixed.
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The Rising (2022)
Rising, but never raised fully.
6 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What a fantastic concept for a TV series: a dead person investigating their own death. Probably not an original when described, but all the same, you can have numerous variations on the idea to create something entertaining and memorable.

Cast is excellent, as is all production. Script is worthy of a mention too as is the storyline, nothing is really missed and should attract high ratings, but unfortunately doesn't. So why?

TV today is infatuated with emotional outbursts: anger, sadness, fear, paranoia..... all displayed here in a manner mimicking a 1920's silent movie. It seems as the world cannot control itself if we think everyone would react the way script-writers think. These constant pointless moments spoil the atmosphere.

Throw in the compulsory same-sex relationship because that's what all Brit-shows do to try to appease the 'woke-brigade'. Totally unnecessary and almost contrary to the characters condition. Anyone would think jumping sides is like changing socks.

And the ending - usually there's lots of red-herrings in UK shows where the viewer gets to guess the murderer. Not here. The killer is barely shown and their motive is well-stretched and barely believable.

Worthy of watching for its originality and acting, but you might feel a little let down in what it could have been.
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The Endgame (2022)
Ended the game too early
27 December 2023
Brilliant intriguing writing and acting. Only lasts one season, and apparently discarded after one season, the Endgame is one of those shows which makes you wonder if the streaming companies are actually interested in making shows or money.

Morena Baccarin is top-class here as the lead character Elena Federova. Comparisons to Blacklist are expected, but don't let this turn you away. Lots of twists and unexpected turns make this show a head spinner.

Baccarin drives the show despite top performances from the cast as a whole. If anything, the last episode might be lighter in content, but forming an enlightening and prospective ending for season 2, albeit never comes. But .. still worthy of viewing.
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Monster misses
27 December 2023
Another syfy show loaded with potential, yet weighed down with offbeat character issues. The idea of chasing the history of iconic characters is quite common these days, and seeking Godzilla's is enchanting enough to watch. Lots of unusual and new monsters here to challenge viewers imagination.

Using the Russell family is a masterpiece of casting, giving true credibility to the Shaw character. The 1950's era of the story is entertaining and worthy of watching. Maybe more time spent there would have been a bargain for viewers.

The fallout is the teenage characters; full of emotional outbursts, regretful decisions and pointless talk as is the common usage of directing storylines. Too much here though and becomes annoying in time. And maybe using 25+ year-olds as teenagers doesn't always gel if they talk & act like 30 year-olds all the time. (Time to ditch the Hollywood idea that teenagers are smarter than parents & 50+ year olds?)

Add the usual unnecessary same-sex lovers and throw in a few moments of unexpected foreign language, and you have the modern day package of a TV series.

With so much political correctness, its possible to consider than TV series are being made for the Producers and the minority rather than the viewer?
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Not rebellious enough
27 December 2023
Could have been a great movie, but never really entered into anything worthwhile. Snyder's reputation is much bigger and better than what this movie offered.

Storyline is nothing new, and neither are the characters. Actually, casting could be challenged regarding all the characters. As much as Sofia Boutella is accomplished, she seems to lack sincerity in her anger and desire as the lead character. Dijmon Hounsou, another very equipped actor had nothing to do as did Bee Doona and Charlie Hunnam. Maybe expected to be more involved in future sections of Rebel Moon.

Not much happens in the first hour or so, and then too much happens near the end. Too much time spent on the background and not enough on character development. Maybe would be better as a TV series rather than a movie.

Overall disappointing, but hopefully part 2+ will be better.
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Lola (2022)
Common Sy-Fy
14 October 2023
Syfy is probably the most adaptable genre there is and can be found is any setting, whether it be romance, war, comedy or drama. Most syfy genres utilize the culture or time period its placed in, most see this a totally factual importance. Unfortunately, LOLA doesn't and movies or shows which don't do this don't attract the attention it could.

The language of the day neds to be adhered to. You can't have 2023 lingo scattered throughout a script if the story is around 1940. There are words and concepts not used yet. Attitudes and actions can define an era. LOLA seems to ignore this.

Great concept and could have been a great little movie, but to me, failed in the most important area in defining its content; time.
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Into the Night (II) (2020–2021)
Unusually dark and enlightening
29 September 2023
Well put together show with lots of twists and turns outlining the quality of writing. Bit of an old storyline today, but its the stories which make the difference.

If there's any issues, it's the exaggerated emotional outbursts and lack of self-control by the characters. It's a common theme these days where professional solders cannot control their feeling under stress, for what they supposedly have been trained not to do. Unnecessary stories might arise, but do nothing more than create annoying moments.

Very creative characters and thoughtful events make the show worth viewing. Different perspectives than the usual corny American writings.
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11th commandment - don't watch rubbish
24 September 2023
Before watching this mini-series, I expected the usual British mystique, but ended up watching a show mimicking paint drying or grass growing. Slow and tedious is a total understatement.

As a 'true-story', you might expect to see the odd exaggerated scenes to try to spice up things and create a bit of excitement, but nothing of the sort here and resembled a snail-race over one metre.

The bad guy was bad and the victims innocent. The story didn't really convey the sinister motives or nature of the character Ben Field. He came across as a mild mannered creep with weird perversions, but never really portrayed as the cold-blooded killer he was.

A sedate, monotonous show with nothing to boast about.
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Blue Beetle (2023)
Blue rubbish
24 September 2023
Another DC failure. Thought I was hoodwinked into believing it was for adults when really the audience aimed at were 10-12 years of age. Childish, utterly child-like in its storyline.

Stereo-typed Mexicans made out to be annoying and stupid. Maybe while the US doesn't want them to be citizens if we go by this story. And having a 70+ years grannie wielding a modern sub-machine gun is old fashioned and cartoonish. Nothing new, original or funny in the movie.

There are way too many 'cartoon-hero' movies being released today and eventually they begin to repeat storylines and themes, as is the case here. Watch if you're a sci-fi addict. Bored with nothing else to do or forced to view, but can't see any real reason why anyone would want to waste 2 hours watching Blue Beetle.
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