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Lioness (2023– )
Interesting at first, but cannot help itself
1 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Don't be fooled by the hype from the early episodes. This is a preachy series about America Bad. Most of the storyline is actually contradictory to itself after a few episodes.

The first episode was heavy handed. A spy was discovered and killed by our forces before she could be killed by the enemy she had infiltrated. She made the mistake of having a Christian tattoo, which compromised her somehow in a Middle Eastern village where they kill people who have such tattoos, I guess.

The premise of the series main character is somewhat unbelievable, that a person who submits to a lifetime of serious abuse suddenly becomes the nation's greatest hope in the fight against 'something.' Mousy people often do not become, figuratively, the Rock of Gibraltar. And with each new episode it becomes obvious the that we are creating the people we are fighting, with completely irrelevant things thrown in, like date rape.

The number of extraneous felonies that go unreported in the series is very high; date rape, burglary, etc. This is in addition to a CIA kill team operating on U. S. soil, for our own good.

Also, this fight happens not in the trenches but on the beaches, country bars and expensive stores. The target of the story is literally a victim of her own culture, the poor little rich girl traveling the world before somehow being arrange-married and incarcerated in Riyadh to have babies, apparently never again to have freedom that she inexplicably has now. The message here seriously conflicts with itself, because she very much does not wear burkas with her friends on the beaches of the U. S.

I don't understand why the series devolves into sexuality, which has very little to do with terrorism or the Middle Eastern culture the Lioness is supposedly infiltrating. The story at first seemed interesting but devolved into a series of disconnected messes, almost as if each episode was created after the previous one was finished.

This isn't a Helen of Troy level love story, and so I don't understand the focus on an unlikely relationship between spy and spied-on. What are the chances of the romance developing as it does here? Considering the culture and demographics, pretty slim.

Besides, if the 'terrorist banker's' daughter was that easy to get someone next to, she'd be easy to track electronically as she spends her way across the U. S. and the world. We would have no need to become her bestie to find her dad. This scenario becomes more improbable each episode.

If you think this is a pro-America show, then apparently you have not seen episode 7. There were clear signs before that, but the anti-American speech by the husband at the end of that episode is very eye opening. We are getting blown up because we not only deserve it, but because we really are bad people who literally created the terrorists, who are just poor people trying to live their lives.

I resent that message, especially coming from Hollywood.

I thought episode 6 was silly, with the burglars being given a pocketful of cash each and a warning never to interfere with, what exactly? The entire scene was out of place and meaningless. If they were to write in about one of the CIA team stepping on gum that ultimately stopped their airplane cargo door from opening it would have had about the same effect.
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Black Bird (2022)
Slow, unbelievable descent into boredom
21 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is interesting, well acted and novel but tedious to the point of near unwatchability.

The bad guy is like a caricature of the author's belief system. Dumb, overweight southern male who has no friends and no redeeming qualities. Somehow the smart, handsome drug dealer will have to prevail.

So much of this movie could have been realistic and made a tremendous difference in the overall product. Believability is a key factor in this type of entertainment, and this one is too cute by far. Not sure what part is supposedly true here but it is not much. A guy confessed in federal prison and another guy used that to get early release. I am fairly sure that's happened thousands of times.

First, drug dealers are nothing like Jimmy. Not in the real world. They don't have impeccable apartments that easily cost ten thousand dollars per month. They aren't body builders, don't drive with clocklike precision, etc. If you don't get my point then you've never met a real drug dealer, most are brutes, some are likable.

Second, drug dealers do not interact like they did in the first episode. Completely stupid and ridiculous portrayal. When things get violent they don't get drawn back and civil in mere seconds, and violence as a negotiating tool typically would only work if you were a rapist or murderer, not a drug dealer who supposedly interacts with the same people in a routine.

The Feds would be barred by law from proposing an inmate work undercover for them in this type of circumstance. Federal and state law forbid just this specific circumstance. They can use you to gather evidence that might back up a case YOU are involved in, in exchange for leniency. But to go undercover as some crimefighter generally? No. Also, no female FBI agent would ever tell a convict to "cop a feel, grab her @** or do whatever" to make it believable they were boyfriend/girlfriend.

Everything else is just weird. Are they trying to make the audience feel sorry for the pedophile serial killer? Seems like it at times. When the guard jams up the undercover informant why would the informant not just tell the feds he is working for, they could easily have resolved the issue.

All in all, a waste of time.
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Elvis (2022)
Did not need to be made
21 August 2022
This is a technically perfect rendition of a movie that did not need to be made from a perspective no one cared about when Elvis was alive. If you had all the money in the world and your choice of talent but wanted to make a bad movie this is a perfect way to go about it.
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Insatiable (2018–2019)
Hilarious, dark comedy, ruined by wokeness
7 May 2022
This show was hilarious at first. It's actually fairly politically incorrect in the first few episodes. Some of the characters are really terrible people, in a hilarious way.

The problem I have with it is the anti-Christian slant, the wokeness weaved throughout. It get's pretty hateful towards Christians at times, and each successive episode becomes more and more woke. Episode 6 season 1 is probably my last episode, it's getting less and less funny.

The series seems to be trying to send a message, but if the message is to make fun of and be hateful to people you don't like, how are you the good guy?

Hating on Christians because you say they are hating on gay people seems an odd way to garner support. Besides, I have seen LOTS of shows where liberals bash Christians but have never seen a single show where Christians hate on gay people, other than ones made by liberals to "prove" it happens. Let me say clearly I have never seen an anti-gay movie on Netflix, Amazon, ABC, etc. That was made by Christians. The only evidence of hate I see goes one way, and is available for everyone to watch.

I really liked this show for the first three episodes, even though I knew that much of the cast were hard core liberals. I should have known what would come next. It's weird that television became so popular without all the wokeness but now considers being ultra-woke the way forward.

People can always get back into reading, I guess.
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Severance (2022– )
Mildly interesting
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show seems reductive of everything "new" in entertainment, very small drips of something, not sure what, held together by mildly interesting group of people doing mildly interesting things. The missing ingredient is entertainment.

The premise is flawed; "Why a company would have something so secret and so profitable that they would consider having employees undergo brain surgery designed to prevent them from knowing what they do at work"? Why would society allow the company to do such a thing?

I get that some people MIGHT have a personal life that compels them to undergo such surgery so they can forget a personal tragedy, at least part of each day. But it is unlikely that such a person WOULD ALSO have whatever skills the company was looking for to enter their program.

What about the other people in the program? They slowly reveal what is happening. Paint dries at about the same rate as the reveals come. That's not suspense, it is just irritating.

Now people want to undo the Severance procedure while the evil corporation wants to stop them. Opposition does not equal entertainment, and the two sides have so little known about them it is hard to care at all what happens.

I won't be interested in season 2.
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If you think America is inherently evil, you will love this movie
25 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The trope about America's inherent evil and greed is strong in this movie. Without getting into a scene by scene rerun, much of the plot is nonsensical and unreal, despite the attempt to make everything appear as if it is very real, conspiracy/espionage/mercenary type stuff.

The characters in the big battle at the research facility are acting in a strange way, and apparently trained by the Empire's Stormtroopers in the art of shooting. Despite having a tremendous firepower and terrain advantage over the responding police, the mercenaries somehow manage to miss police officers literally standing in front of them only yards away while the police, using largely pistols, pick them off despite their having trees as cover. The police officers don't even try hiding behind their vehicles, as they apparently are used to gunfights where the criminals have automatic weapons, night vision, body armor, etc.

Much of the movie involves Pine's escape from Europe, where the people he worked for now try to kill him, again in a very conspiratorial, secretive way. Perhaps they should have hired the kid from The Wire who killed Omar.

The worst parts, however, are the "reveal" scenes where Pine discovers that he is really working for evil American pharmaceutical interests who want to stop development of an H1N1 vaccine that would prevent "millions of deaths", because it would prevent the greedy from making profits, I assume from the dead people. Pine kills the creator of the vaccine, despite being begged not to do so. Later he watches a video by the scientist he killed to his child explaining why he might be killed and what he was doing, because apparently everyone developing vaccines understand that Big Pharma will kill you.

Finally, when Pine confronts his best friend and guilts him into confronting the evil Americans responsible, hilarity ensues, bad people are killed, and Pine is ultimately the only one who walks away alive. The movie kind of glosses over all the actual murders of innocent people by Pine; the scientist, police officers, etc. He is against Big Pharma so collateral damage is ok.

For some reason, these evil people won't go after Pine's wife and son, despite having been responsible for dozens of murders throughout the movie.

On the bright side, this movie seems to be well made.
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The Humans (2021)
Boring is the best thing I can say about this
14 April 2022
Lots of movies have been made about Thanksgiving get-togethers, but this one is so completely devoid of likable characters, plot, excitement and lighting. I hear people talk about a movie being a "real headscratcher" but I don't think they mean trying to figure out why anyone would make the movie as the mystery. The movie about the butt they watch in Idiocracy has a better plot and is more exciting.
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Saving My Tomorrow (2014– )
Using children to peddle propaganda
14 April 2022
If you look at the list of actors involved in the making of this it isn't hard to see that they have an agenda, and they have no problem in using children to promote it.

If all these people sold their homes and quit traveling the globe I would have more respect, but the fact is they only want everyone else to quit using fossil fuels, while they themselves consume numerous times the ordinary human. This is hypocrisy writ large.

If you are already part of the climate change choir this will inspire you to do the same thing you are doing now, consume fossil fuels during the time you are alive, because you cannot read this if you are living in a cave saving the planet.

Perhaps if people would live the way they demand of everyone else on the planet then their claims might seem sincere. This is a completely insincere "plea" for you to deny yourself those things in life they enjoy.
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Moonfall (2022)
This is pretty bad
11 April 2022
I put off watching this because it sounded stupid. Because of the actors involved, I ultimately gave in and watched. Big mistake. This movie is terrible, not quite so bad it deserves only one star, but bad enough it only gets 4 stars, and that's being kind.

The special effects are very good, the script is poor, the plot is rather silly, and the execution is pretty bad. If you watched it in a dollar theater, feel free to still be upset.
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The Adjuster (1991)
Entertaining and strange at the same time
3 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is entertaining, which is (supposed) to be the reason movies are made. It is that, and not bad.

The movie is also very, very strange. I don't understand the sexual inherency in almost every scene, and the "insurance adjuster" is just very creepy how he interacts with the people filing insurance claims. Having worked as an insurance estimator, I am sure that nothing even remotely similar has ever happened in real life, other than that people have to deal with adjusters to settle claims.

The scenes with the wealthy couple that sexually act out in public seem to be trying to say something, but I am not sure what, exactly. You can see the husband's pain, for example, at the football field when his wife is being "serviced" by a "football player" only moments after she tenderly touched his face and related how good he was to her. He and his wife are also apparently socially unaware of real people and how they react to others. I guess they remind me of a sexualized version of the wealthy couple on Gilligan's Island, unaware of how regular people think and feel. They do extravagant things to prevent being bored.

The adjuster's wife, who literally watches porn for a living, is very alluring, I keep expecting more meaning from each scene with her. The scenes of her at work, interacting with her coworkers, are interesting. Her lack of physical response to the graphic sex she watches is a nice contrast, an interesting character study. She asks her husband if he feels stupid in a way that is not even a little insulting, even though it should be.

Overall, I have seen far worse movies. This is certainly worth watching, if only as a study in how some people interpret life.
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Nightride (2021)
Suspenseful as ramen soup absorbing moisture
9 March 2022
I knew this movie was a dud when my girlfriend said it was boring. We kept waiting for some excitement, but no, just driving and talking on the phone. Occasionally getting out of the car for some more talking and phone calling. The ending was silly and uneventful.

All the criminals were honorable people abiding by the edicts of an unwritten code, despite the fact that they refuse to follow the laws of society.

The expression "snooze fest" was invented by someone watching a movie just like this.
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Asking for It (2021)
lol. This is terrible
9 March 2022
Wow! I read the reviews but still expected this to have something worthy of viewing. Was I ever wrong. This is one of the top three worst movies I have ever watched, despite having a decent cast. The story sucks, the directing sucks and the execution is pretty bad.
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I so wanted this to be great...
9 March 2022
I adore Elizabeth Rohm. Not because she is a great actress, because she probably isn't, but because she is so alluring and real. Danny and Angelica Huston have always been solid performers.

This movie has everything, a great plot, great actors and an adequate budget. Somehow the sum of its parts is less than expected. I assume the directing was poor, because all of these people have been much better in other roles.

It is worth watching, a great study in jealously and human emotion.
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Rise of the Nazis (2019–2023)
If you never read any history this show is for you
5 March 2022
This series leaves out a lot of actual history and spins what it does include in bizarre ways. It seems to have an agenda, spinning events today as if they are similar to what has happened in the past. This attempt at rewriting history does no one any favors, as a misinformed population does not a good society make.

If you think your party and your ideas are better than others, you should be able to truthfully and honestly demonstrate that, not having to lie about your opponent to demonize them in the minds of others.

As far as the intimation that similar events are happening today, neither Britain or America have been destroyed and severely punished by a world war they started a decade before. That was Germany circa 1930. Second, Hitler was a Socialist and the Nazi party literally has the German word for Socialist in the name.

This doesn't mean there are no marauding groups of partisan, violent thugs. That would be Antifa, who I think are fairly compared to Hitler's Brownshirts and Mussolini's Blackshirts. But this series seems to not see actual comparative similarities between then and now.

If you are telling people your show is about history then there should be a factual basis for what you claim. Here that basis is mostly opinion, supposition and plain old false presentation.
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Apex (2021)
This movie is terrible
26 February 2022
I generally like all the actors in this movie, but the movie itself is terrible, and they all apparently only participated for the paycheck involved. I don't blame them for taking the money, but I do blame them for calling this a movie.
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Van Halen: (Oh) Pretty Woman (1981 Music Video)
After 31 years, just saw this today by accident
5 February 2022
I cannot believe this video has never been reviewed. It is terrible, so terrible I could not stop watching it when I was flipping channels and happened upon VEVO 80's.

No way this video could be made today, and I imagine there were a lot of alcohol and drugs consumed during the scripting. I have no idea how anyone watched it, even back then, and said "Yes, this is something I want people to know I was a part of."

The song was mediocre, a big hit but never a favorite of mine, but the video is a true disasterpiece.
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Gold (I) (2022)
Not bad, a twist on Treasure of the Sierra Madre
5 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie wasn't bad, which is saying a lot considering the constant drip of terrible movies we get nowadays.

Zac Ephron can act; I'll give him his due credit. And whoever did the makeup was nothing short of brilliant. This seemed like a study in how much abuse a human can withstand and still care about living. The other characters were adequate but predictably so.

There are some plot holes, and it is a bit slow, but it is entertaining. At times, it even made me wonder what was coming next, although it seemed predictable enough.

The ending was okay. If the storyline had made more sense, I would have given it more stars. As it sits the rating is for pure acting and makeup.
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Interesting and funny
24 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I laughed out loud several times watching this, even though I am not sure I understood everything going on. I get that it is largely Anne Clark poking fun at herself, and that many of the people involved are friends in real life.

The parts I didn't get:

The running theme of Anne's father being in jail. True or not? It didn't add anything to the story nor was it blamed as anything causing Clark problems.

The "father" who has cancer and is dying but turns out to not be Brownstein's father but is dying. That seemed unnecessary and dark. I have no idea why that was in the story unless I missed a scene that made it make sense.

The scene where Brownstein finds out she was being manipulated (and about her not-father) made no sense to me. Who was behind it and why?

The ending. Totally did not think it was funny or expected.

However, I enjoyed it as a movie. The scene with Dakota Johnson was hilarious and unexpected. Clark seems to be genuinely funny.

I was expecting to see or hear "Los Ageless" but only caught part of it in the background. To be honest, I don't get a lot of St. Vincents music, but Los Ageless is an interesting tune, even if the lyrics are somewhat nonsensical.

Carrie Brownstein is funny in just about everything I have ever seen her in, Anne Clarke should probably look at more scripts, she is talented, and this movie is well worth watching.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Hollywood tells you how stupid you are, over and over
31 December 2021
If you enjoy people who won't take their own advice telling you to stop living in the 21st century, you will love this movie.

However, if hypocrisy is not your thing you probably won't want to watch these hypocrites make fun of you because you won't do things that they think you should do.

This is actually a long running episode based on the story of Chicken Little, actors cry about the sky falling. They think there's a problem and they have a "solution" that they won't participate in and that would not make any difference, anyway. China and India alone are building more coal power plants than currently exist in the rest of the world, and no one's "solution" involves actually stopping what they claim is the problem, they just want YOU to curb your energy use.

But, if you have private jets, multiple homes and lots of cars then you don't need to worry about it, somehow your lifestyle is exempt.
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CHiPs: Mitchell & Woods (1981)
Season 5, Episode 12
lol, this is hilarious
31 December 2021
Corny, terrible plot but hilariously entertaining.

If you like ironic comedy then you will have to watch this episode. These "detectives" commit so many crimes in almost every scene it would be hard to count them all.
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This is the bleak future of Hollywood...
12 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not good, despite having the funding, actors and everything else required to produce a good movie.

Everyone in this movie ultimately make the worst decisions possible for their specific circumstances. There really are no good guys or bad guys, just stupid people doing stupid things for stupid reasons. It is someone's fantasy about how they think situations would play out given certain circumstances. Unfortunately, this fantasy does not comport, in any way, with reality.

It checks off the boxes in the same way diet foods do, unsatisfying despite having all the "right" ingredients.

If you are upset about the recent Jussie Smollet conviction, then you probably will like this movie, because it makes claims that are false, are unsupported by the facts or reality but that comport with certain belief structures.

In today's world criminals are the real victims. This is also a wokefest at every opportunity, in completely unnecessary ways that add nothing to the story but present obvious virtue signaling. Yay, look at us with our contractually obligated equity. Who knew cop-killing prisoners come back into society sufficiently woke to navigate what are portrayed as "ordinary" situations while simultaneously being broodingly disrespectful to everyone they meet?

The main premise is ill-advised, but even worse is the storyline from that. How does one generate sympathy for a cop-killer? "I killed that police officer to protect my little sister, despite his being nice to me and even offering to let me and my family stay at his home after we lost the family farm." That's indefensible and makes the entire movie ridiculous. I feel as bad for her as the woman who microwaved her baby.

The storyline itself is pretty weird. A cop-killer who doesn't get life or death isn't a convicted cop-killer, they would have to be convicted of manslaughter or regular murder instead. Cop-killing is a capital offense. Also, her parole officer is completely unbelievable. They don't pick you up at prison and drive you around, explaining the rules while simultaneously ignoring your many, many screwups involving things they explicitly said would get you returned to prison.

And so the "good guys" in the movie, her victims, decide to commit murder to pay her back for what she did, planning to kill her completely innocent sister. Also, the fish packing plant where she works becomes a lawless, violent prison yard. Sure, that's possible in today's America, abject, unquestioned wokeness but also complete anarchy when it comes to violent crimes. It is fitting that much of it takes place in Seattle.

Meanwhile, an inexplicable love interest woos Bullock, despite her completely standoffish attitude and habit of not answering people who speak to her. He must have fallen in love from afar. He can't handle the revelation that she killed a cop, and so his interest wanes, leaving the impression the entire plotline was contrived to demonstrate how she is "unforgivable". Later he explains that he's a "convict" who served time in county. "County" typically means county jail, which is not the same thing as prison.

Well, she did kill a police officer who had done nothing wrong. She represents the purest sort of criminal, who's wrong has no moral component, no excuse can be made, either evil or terribly misinformed to the extent trust can never be achieved. She is truly dangerous to society.

Bullock looks rough, and I don't mean in a great makeup artist context. Surgery, botox, something makes her face look wrong in a structural way. Her acting, probably due to bad directing, is a little off, unrealistically attributable to her situation. She doesn't act like someone fresh out of prison but rather more like a brooding Goth teen who hates the world for not understanding her.

The other characters never really develop, being a mystery slowly revealed over the length of the movie. Too slowly and too mysteriously.

She does get a corporate attorney to represent her interests, in a way that has never happened in the real world. At least there's that. He helps her confront the people who cared for her sister while she was in prison, because they are the real problem, not her murdering a police officer. Even his wife is swayed to help her after being given no explanation other than that her sister was "5 years old" when she knowingly and willfully murdered an innocent police officer for no discernible reason.

By the end of the movie, I didn't really care what the endgame was supposed to be, there can be no moral to this other than the message to not waste time watching contrived situations, with added wokeness, and expect anything but disappointment.

The ending is truly stupid. I can't say enough bad things about this movie.
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It is time to die, so long James Bond
29 November 2021
This would be a good movie in the same universe as Without Remorse, The Many Saints of Newark and The Virtuoso. If you liked any or all of these then you will LOVE the new James Bond film.

Suspending reality has always been a hallmark of Bond films, but this one stretches the concept a bit too far. This isn't the first silly Bond film, but it is the first dumb one, at least that I have seen. I didn't watch the Timothy Dalton or Pierce Brosnan ones, so I could be wrong on this point.

The 007 franchise has been sufficiently killed, by silly plot and what seems like a contest at being more unrealistic and unhuman than previous. Most people enjoy a good stunt, but when there are 50 inhuman acts per minute it gets old and unentertaining.

Rami Malek as the villain is a tremendous letdown. After his great performance as Freddy Mercury, he does this? Wow. It must be what someone experiences having the lover of their dreams one night and then afterwards choosing a blow up doll. This will forever be a stain on his career, and some day he will publicly lament his involvement.
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Finch (2021)
Misses the mark
28 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There are many issues with this film. It's not the worst movie ever, but it is not a very good movie, either.

First, humans have not created sentient robots yet, and so for Hanks to create two robots capable of emotion is ridiculous, considering everything else is fairly modern-day. They drive an RV, not fly around.

Second, the global climate catastrophe is a bit much, and the way it is explained in the movie not actually possible. It seems to simply be Hollywood virtue signaling about how bad humans are, blah, blah, blah. Per capita, those with private jets do much more "climate damage" than the people they look down upon, so spare me the preachy subplot.

If you believe global warming is real, and have not eschewed everything you think contributes to global warming, such as fossil fuel, vehicles, homes, computers, etc., then you are simply a hypocrite and can go to the back of the line.

In all the interaction Hanks has with his robots are not funny, endearing or believable. The part of "Jeff" could have been written for a small child seeing the world for the first time, but doesn't seem to be what a sentient robot might do or say. Humanizing non-humans is not a strong point of this film, it fails miserably.

A crybaby robot here is out of place, where the sarcastic robot from Rogue One was at least funny.

If you hate money, and hate enjoying a good movie, then go watch Finch. Otherwise, there are probably any number of things a person might find more enjoyable than watching this movie, like washing dishes or cleaning the cat liiter from your cat's butt.
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The title is false and gets worse from there
2 November 2021
A "documentary" about German scientists after the war, not about secret American Nazis.

Wernher von Braun applied for membership of the Nazi Party on 12 November 1937, and was issued membership number 5,738,692. That doesn't mean he was a Nazi per se, but rather that he didn't want to be persecuted or killed.

Were it not for von Braun John F. Kennedy's space program would have had a much harder time reaching the moon, and NASA would maybe never have become what it is today. Or rather, what it used to be before the 2000's.

My point is that the documentary makes a click bait claim of "secret Nazis" when the subjects were not killing anyone or sending them to interment camps. Could they have resisted German aggression? Maybe, maybe not. Germans resisting Hitler and his minions did not fare well at all.
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Dune (2021)
Galactic drug war, spitting in cups...
25 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"You know what will happen if I don't get Spice production back on track!" could have been a line from Scarface.

I didn't read any of the books, but this seems somewhat simplistic for a sci-fi movie. Essentially it appears to be about a tremendously large-scale ware by drug dealers who mine something called Spice.

It seems odd to see a massive ship land and then people have to walk down a ramp that must be a few kilometers long. Same with the loading.

The strangest parts are the simplistic weapons and archaic fighting. We, as a nation, are hardly as advanced as those in the movie, but at least we have drones and other weapons which mean we don't have to engage in knife fights after traveling through space.

Spice must be very, very profitable considering the massive equipment used to transport the armies to their knife fights. Such spectacular battle scenes intermixed with people running to fight with knives. They should have invited William Wallace, he's pretty good with a sword, which is much bigger than their space knives.

The knife fighting scenes remind me of that movie where they did the gunplay like it was karate. I don't remember the name of it but ridiculous nonsense describes that pretty well.

I gave it four stars because the special effects are spectacular. Insect warcraft, however, not so much. Why the insect wing crafts if they have clearly mastered anti-gravity? The huge transport ships have no such wings and float effortlessly, as do the worm and battle droids. Also, the giant sandcrawlers will definitely make any Jawa envious. Too bad the sandworms eat them up. Also, the need for the insect wing crafts and others to have bright lights so the pilots can see is a big contrast to the advanced technology. Like the battle knives, it seems nonsensical for them to exist here.

Spice, spice, spice. It is interesting that the creator of this tale decided to use a drug for the reason everyone is fighting. The hero of the movie literally gets high on his own supply and almost gets killed by a sandworm.

They should have added a galactic police force with armies larger than those of the drug dealers, I mean "Spice" dealers.

This must have been one long, trippy book.

I read Star Wars at least ten times waiting for the movie to come out in '77, and loved it, at least until recently. I read all three Hobbit books in middle school, and can't say that was worthwhile. I probably would not have made the Dune book a priority, there is too much emotional nonsense, too much crap to keep track of and nothing to care enough about.

Oh, and the hero of this movie keeps getting high on Spice. Don't worry, though. His mommy helps him get back on track. The weirdo scene with everyone spitting in the glass was gross, space or no.

I won't spoil the ending though. It seemed dumb, but maybe the author had a thing for Moses.
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