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This is 100% REAL & LEGIT !!!
27 August 2023
The 1% reviews..... these people have no idea what they are talking about! My wife, sister, and myself called in an object 1/2 to 1/3 the size of the moon last night, which came to commune with us & it was 100% REAL WITH 0% DOUBT!


This topic is so paradigm shifting it seems crazy, I know, but it's legitimate.

There is no way to know if everything Dr. Greer says is true, but CE-5 Protocal is 100% functional.

My wife didn't believe after the first meditation, so we all focused our meditation on calming our 6 month old puppy who was fighting with our other dog and disrupting the meditation. It seemed to work immediately, which gave her confidence the technique had power. So we began again. 20 minutes later we stopped meditating and began to look around. A giant orb or energy ship appeared to materialize through dimensions, move slowly across the sky, turn into a backlit type of light, then reappear and turn into a oval shape and disappeared. No clouds in the sky whatsoever, but it looked as though the light was coming from behind a hazy lens.

No clouds in the sky, and we have a mountain about 2-3 miles away. It was in front of the mountain, between us and the mountain. It seemed to be 1/8th of a mile away or so, but also had no distance as if it were being pushed through from another dimension in space. It lasted about 30 seconds.

You can think whatever you like about Dr Greer, but this is a new era in human existence and the protocol works. The show maybe slow and seem odd, but the magnitude of what this means for our consciousness and understanding of reality cannot be understated!
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Mutafukaz (2017)
"a-grown-up review" Good animation, but........
29 December 2022
Japanese animation in this super intricate style is the best of the best entertainment, aside from a few of my person style preferences.

The term, "wretched" is used by the bad guy in part of the film. I think that's my problem and explanation for my review. I lived in Los Angeles ,in the middle of Los Angeles, it is frequently "wretched" unless you're wealthy. Although this is an exaggeration by the Japanese producers, as an American I want you to think if you're OK with this depiction? Maybe we need to see this? But... if you watch this movie, I'd ask you have you seen how the Japanese treat each other, treat their own belongings, and towns and cities? We need to take seeing this well made animation as an opportunity to get better, and be better than others see us, particularly if your A native Angelino, a transplant there, or anyone in California...... unless your life aspirations are to live in a cardboard box, surrounded by roaches on the streets of some city in California!
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Australia (2008)
Beautiful Australian WW2 Epic
26 December 2022
This movie is an "Easy 8" Currently, IMDb has this movie rated at a 6.6, which is an absolute travesty. Whether you dislike the actors or the Content, the movie has a brilliance that's very seldom paralleled in films nowadays. Nicole Kidman & Hugh Jackman are both larger than life in all their films, and shine throughout. I Am not a Kidman fan, but she fits the bill well in "Australia." I hate to pick any movie apart. The basic questions about media are whether or not the films, whether movies or tv, are entertaining. There is no question this movie is something like a new age cross of "Gone With the Wind" and "Indiana Jones." I guess if you dislike Indiana Jones, love stories, epics, adventures, and war movies...... you might think this is a 6.6.... But I urge you to open your heart to some adventure in a little bit of love!
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Atsuko Okatsuka: The Intruder (2022 TV Special)
Disciplined Comedian (but waste of time)
25 December 2022
I don't want to have to say negative things, but HBO gets worse and worse. The idea that no one can offend anyone "ever" in anything they do..... Leaves a washed out thin framework of what comedy, tv, or movies used to be. Atsuko is disciplined and practiced, but limited depth to the work / show. I'm watching it now. I remember what comedy used to be like. If you're not considered an oppressed group the material is muffled and shunted by use of fear!

I literally can't believe how men in cities have become only followers. Women can be leaders, but men need to really make sure they learn leadership skills. Just simple jokes, with a bit of modern day vanity and a few curse words.

I live in the actual world, doing real things.

The audience for this type of show, and this show, particularly, is some type of intercity yuppie type who punches buttons like George Jetson did on the Jetsons. No personality depth, sorry!

I'd hire Atsuko for a lot of jobs, she seems quite competent, but I would never watch one of these shows again, ever!
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Intergalactic (2021)
Ladies in Space "Looking for a way out!"
16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
130 years into the future, New London.... 99.95% of normal men have been killed or deleted. Only women and Common World beta-male scientists exists. Everyone is pretty much enslaved, except for the ARC, who is led by the last real man. A rag-tag group of single mothers, fem-assassins, and lesbians fights to get out from under the thumb of the Common World. The common world is an Earth based government ruled by beta-male scientists trying to fight climate change they likely created by being betas, of whom only a beta-male scientist can be a leader by law. Out of the beta-males, gay couples raising children, lesbians, and single mother "Arch-Chancellor" ; who will wrestle control of the future?

Our rag-tag group made up of junky snake doctor, single mother who abuses her daughter, beta jail guard, lesbians, and super human phd..... try to not die I just saw that the last episode has no resolution, so I'm dropping it a star rating. It was ok, and I was going to give it a 7, I am a huge scifi lover and I'm ok with someone's vision of the future being radically different from mine, but it needed a bit more believability and the last episode needs to offer more looking forward. I would be good with another season, but I fear whoever made this didn't understand what I'm saying in my review! Out of a society made of only Beta-males, gay, lesbian, mostly weak of character humans and changing of gender roles..... people don't see leadership or future in that. It's a fad now if you live in London , NY, or Los Angeles. It's likely not the future, and it shows through the show, even with the high production value.

Once again, I'd love to see another season !
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The Curse (2022– )
I can't buy in
8 November 2022
The very first part of the intro is telling us how Margaret Thatcher ruined everything for everyone and destroyer everyone's ethics. This is such nonsense. She ruined the economy as well they say. This is like saying Joe Biden is the best US president ever, and saved us all. I don't get the idea they are joking either, I think it's supposed to be the serious part. I rather think that's my issue really; that I can't take the part seriously that's meant to be serious, and if I can't take the serious part serious then it's hard to understand hard supposed to be funny. It's like Jerry Lewis and Jerry Lewis, instead of Jerry and Dean.

The Prime Minister sucks, so I had to steal and thrive! Good on you.
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Love "Weird Al"
4 November 2022
I used to love Weird Al, and would buy all his tapes when they came out. He has a childish inventiveness that even though often aggravating, is a wonderful thing.

He has to fake these bad habits in the movie because in reality he's been such an anti-pop star, as far as being responsible goes. He was quite famous in the 80's and early 90's.

Daniel Radcliffe is amazing as Al, it's one of the best roles I've seen him in. The movie is very good. Al's humor shows through the ridiculous storyline, and Radcliffe seems to understand his humor.

You have to give Weird Al Yankovich props just for keeping the mustache and halfro/jerry curl

Overall, I just love Weird Al and the movie because he's so absurd.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Anomaly (2021)
Season 4, Episode 2
Space Travel?
17 August 2022
Humans will not be traveling in space if they are humans like this! Hands downs Short tempered, heavies, more concerned about how they feel than the mission, rude, etc...... Why do they think all this Scientific advancement, and someone still flies every ship basically manually. Where is the computer?

What happened to the computer helping? You can't have the computer talking or communicating with all the soap opera dialogue.
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Black Bird (2022)
One Problem
9 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"What's going to happen if I don't do it?" "He may get out on an Appeal."

This kills the whole story, and makes you realize this is a story by a morally bankrupt drug dealer; working as a self serving snitch. If you take a half second to realize how rare appeals are. They could have said it was about finding the bodies and giving families peace.
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The Sandman (2022– )
On Episode 7... Dropping.... Dropping .....
8 August 2022
I've never seen a show or movie with such a high production level fall so precipitously!

My review after 1-2 episodes was a 7, it's a 5 now but only because of the production value and a couple actors.

This is such nonsense. It's getting unwatchable. I literally have had to stop watching, build up strength and begin again. Starting Episode 7 and it's my 3rd or 4th time having to stop. I don't see think i'll be able to finish this show. I'd rather be told what happens at this point.
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Dalziel and Pascoe: Guardian Angel: Part 1 (2006)
Season 10, Episode 7
Pascoe's Daughter
8 August 2022
Pascoe's Daughter would be back with her communist mother if she went back home. This time period is maybe the beginning of the "world changing" socialist/communist shift. I can see it now. Pascoe explains to his daughter that he can't be a father because of his work. She had to go home to her communist mother. If you want match the show from the beginning you know she is a communist / socialist academic. She'd be a "defund the police" activist in the USA, no doubt. He can't be bothered to change because of his job.

Everyone thinks what i'm saying is nonsense, and it's just a show...... but seriously. They are just acting, we are real people. "Life Imitates Art" however, and visa versa.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
New Star Trek Sucks....
26 June 2022
Seth MacFarlane constantly insulted George Bush the Junior back in the day. He seems like a super Democrat.... but his show the Orville is somehow the least politically infused space exploration show on TV these days.

The Orville tries to do with other shows used to do, which is tell a story with some type of moral behind it. The story doesn't have to directly apply to current day politics, just a belief that can be applied in different situations.

The show is still walking a tightrope on these political issues, but will continue to succeed on its merits, unless they join others in forcing current day politics done our throats.

Which would be absurd that a show based in the future somehow has the same odd political issues we have now. This is the current failure of Star Trek Discovery, which is a totally unwatchable Tv show.
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The Offer (2022)
Best Show about a Movie... Ever!
11 June 2022
In the end, this show is a masterpiece unto itself. There is some amazing talent in this show, and the production showed a reverence for the original movie that I have rarely seen in any parallel.

It's an easy 8 - 10.
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Funny at first, then....... White men ->bad 100%
6 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had to write this, feeling obligated. The show is relatively funny, until it slowly creeps into talking about how old white men that have money shouldn't be in charge or have money. It ends with a strong message of the same theme.

Firstly, most people are white or part white in the West, men are in the workplace without leaving longer than woman (babies), and a person takes a lifetime to build his wealth if he is smart..... So, old / wealthy / white men are going to be more common than other old "Others" Are we going to tear down society because of this?

This is not humorous at all. I don't understand why they took that direction, maybe to make Netflix happy. I will be canceling soon, quite likely.

(and guess what Netflix, I am a middle aged white man & I pay for my adult children's netflix watching! I've had a hard life of service and toil, and I'm not going to feel poorly trying to build wealth)
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The Boys: Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker (2020)
Season 2, Episode 7
Jumped the Political Shark
27 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The show is good underneath, but openly saying fox news caused a guy to become a murderer, and saying some new york congresswoman /senator that looks like AOC is the savior...... It is nonsense! It's a slow brainwashing, and isn't helping things. Stop, you're going to lose a lot of viewership!!
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Top Gun (1986)
You Always Liked it
22 May 2022
I always disliked this movie. I was 7 when it came out. I'm retired from the military now, and Tom Cruise is in a new "Top Gun" at 60?

Everyon always loved this, through the 2000's.

It's a 6 maybe, just because of the story and production value.

Tom Cruise has always been terrible though. They just won't stop using him to ruin movies. "Harvey Weinstein-types" and Scientology force him down out throats. He s kind of the Joe Biden of action movies. He the old actor the studios love because people know him so well, but he's not really that great.

Enough said, enjoy.
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Kate & Koji (2020–2022)
Good actors, with liberal propaganda
21 May 2022
I couldn't get past the first 10 minutes of episode #1. And I'll watch most anything on the treadmill. They use the first 5 to 10 minutes to use anecdotal evidence of one person to persuade you to be a Liberal, and show why Brexit is terrible. This is just garbage really, and political propaganda. It's not funny, using media power to try to convert people.

This is my one issue with British TV. Super Liberal propaganda. We have it in the US, but people are cancelling Netflix.... quickly!
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C.B. Strike (2017– )
For the "Formula" reviewer
21 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Real people have bad habits, that's why they write characters that smoke and are "unkempt." It's beyond some, I guess, that it's about the characters and their relationships as much as the plot. You have to feel like you could know them. They characters in this show are amazing, likable, and knowable.

Secondly, they guys is missing a leg he lost in a war, going through a breakup, drinking, sleeping in his office..... and you think he should care more about his assistant's personal life?

I can't even get into the disused female underling aspect of the review.

This type of view of a beautiful show like this is the reason most US productions have the fake stories, with plastic surgeried actors and actresses, with big whitened fake teeth, and dialogue that doesn't help you identify with them.

Personally, I think this show is a gem. I'm waiting for the next season to drop.
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Star Trek: Picard: Monsters (2022)
Season 2, Episode 7
I was holding on...... until now...
1 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The long form season is not right for Star Trek. 90 minute episode would be fine, but a season long event / quest doesn't work! Finish a quest each episode please God!

Also, stuck in the mind, monologue, hour-long conversations don't do it for me either. I'm sure the actors love this stuff..... we do not!

We want quests, events, sci-fi, and exploration. We are getting monologues, action scenes, and soap-drama.
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Van der Valk (2020–2023)
Same Review as "Slow Horses"
17 April 2022
Stop with all the plots being about a "Right Wing" takeover, attack or conspiracy. Everything in the US and UK seems to be like this.

It's like Hillary Clinton, Jack Dorsey, and/or Jeremy Corbyn (Bernie Sanders) are writing the screenplays.

In Hollywood, all the bad guys are mostly (%99) young white guys with motorcycle jackets or the equivalent.

All the bad organizations are "Right Wing". In the US that is mostly Christians and Veterans.

The Chinese are locking people inside, and putting people in all types of camps, etc... The Venezuelans are starving, the Russians are causing mass bloodshed led by a communist KGB leader..... and Joe Biden, the BBC, and Hillary Clinton think it's all "Right Wing Conspiracy" by Christians and Veterans.

Stop, please!!!!

My only addition to my "slow horses" review is the inclusion of the "cool" Che Guevara wallpaper in the gay couples apartment. I'm sure they were very likable communists, but I couldn't keep watching.
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Frontline (1983– )
I used to enjoy this show...
12 April 2022
The extreme leftists bias has become a burden Frontline may be destroyed by. This show had a high production value, and looked deep into things.... until Trump ran for the Presidency. After that, almost everything has become propaganda tightly connected to the Democrat party. It's sad that I cannot watch or trust a show I loved anymore. Almost every show from 2020-2022 is political propaganda. It's extreme, to say the least. The topics seem to have the same political agenda as the Democrat party.
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The Bubble (2022)
Hollywood is more neurotic than this!
3 April 2022
The movie is some type of production to show hollywood folks less neurotic, control freakish, and all around less crazy than we have actually seen them in real life.

You get the sense they can't really make fun of themselves.
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I can't follow it!
9 March 2022
Short review-

The storyline has sucked badly, the end is no different. The actors are all pros, and the acting good. Everything is good except the storyline. It doesn't seem very "Doctor Who" to me, but who am I to judge that.

I just can't follow it, it's so convoluted. It's like the new "Star Trek Discovery." I see Woke-Harry Potter in Space-and-Time, like I see Woke-Harry Potter in Space with "Discovery.

Enough said!
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4 February 2022
The subject matter is propaganda by its nature!

1. Find one example of something, 2. Use the media to act like everyone is doing it 3. Media groups like A&E pick it up and spread it further.
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The Long Call (2021)
Too Woke for this Bloke
30 January 2022
I give it a 5 because I like the type of movie, and for 'Bill' from Doctor Who, although Doctor Who is super woke nowadays too!

Ladies and gents, please stop!!!!!

My neighbors growing up were gay, and I grew up in a city where I was a minority. Still, gay, multiple 'minorities' & internationals, learning disabled, and 'Evil straight white christians' in the first 1 minute believe. It's unbelievable, and it has the smell of upperclass white guilt, and their suck-up young want to be hip producer types.

The sad thing is that the producers thought anyone could get through the first episode.
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