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Netflix does cheesy true-crime for bored subscribers - time waster
10 April 2024
If I say what the outcome s I'll have to use the spoiler button and then none of it will display for the casual viewer.

So I can write that this has as much twist as a bit of 4x2.

It's a cheap 'documentary' of a boring relationship issue where one of the parties commits a murder.

You can find lots of such mindless drivel on Youtube.

I watched as I was expecting something interesting. Maybe not to the level of The Jinx but at least something to make me consider I hadn't completely wasted my time watching.

So save your own time and watch some paint dry or a rerun of something that was good first time around.
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Retelling of epsiode S01E01
6 March 2024
Maybe it's a reflection of how safe air travel is that a series with only 10 episodes per season has to start off with another retelling of a story previously covered.

The update here is that the door that came off had been finally found on the ocean bed and it told a greater story of what had occurred for the tragic event to unfold. You could skip to the last part of the program to see just that if you are familiar with the wider story.

Unfortunately the episode appears to have been made with little budget. There is cheesy acting by a pair in a studio. The whole story of the couple who had lost a son and who doggedly pursued the truth is absent.

Let's hope the rest of the season returns to the high standard we had gotten used to in this enthralling series.
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The trick with these sorts of things ...
7 January 2024
... is to make them interesting.

Unfortunately this one fails. It is a complete flop.

It is made even worse by the awful drowning soundtrack.

People won't care about this movie and in that way it mirrors how people don't care about what happened.

The story could have been told in 15-30 mins.

Here we just get endless padding of mournful soundtrack and people making comments which don't add to the story.

I'd suggest you just use Google to get a summary of events and save yourself the time to watch it. Certainly.don't extend the financial losses by spending money on a ticket.

The long list of people who chose not to participate - did so wisely.
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The Cheap Seats (2021– )
28 September 2023
I recently watched a program showing clips from Russel Brand shows where he just talks loudly and quickly while putting himself to the front of everything.

I then tuned in to find this show where there is constant noise, with two hosts yelling banalities with a seemingly endless laugh track forced over everything.

Obviously there is a market for such pathetic shows, but you really wouldn't want to be stuck on a cruise ship or even an elevator with those for whom this is fun.

Thankfully I watched it as a recorded items so I could skip forward o see if there were any better segments. None were on display.

Presumably it is something to only watch if drunk - very.
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Dead Man (1995)
stupid rubbish
17 September 2023
Made in black and white with violence and swearing.

Other than that there isn't much to say other than it is stupid rubbish.

This movie could have been a good movie. Cast was good, but the directing, and acting as a whole was terrible. The hideous music choices and placements was just not needed and made bad film worse.

Made in black and white with violence and swearing.

Other than that there isn't much to say other than it is stupid rubbish.

This movie could have been a good movie. Cast was good, but the directing, and acting as a whole was terrible. The hideous music choices and placements was just not needed and made bad film worse.
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A spaghetti western
27 August 2023
There was a time when I enjoyed westerns and even the spaghetti variety with their cardboard characters, shooting sprees, minimal dialogue and tropes.

Even when the 'cavalry arrive' it is just the same way as in a low budget cowboy movie with the ranchers and their families surrounded by Indians and with their six-shooters plumb empty.

I tried to like this movie as it is made in the same way, but I think the problem is that there were more stories to be told here that got lost in the poor telling.

Perhaps there was also a desire to have this feel like a bigger win for America(ns) with the Afghanistan venture having turned out, in reality, much the same as Vietnam.

Maybe in time the movie will get remade. Properly.
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Yelling without timing
18 July 2023
In standup comedy there are some performers who have to resort to profanity or shouting to make their material work with an audience.

In this movie the profanity is limited but everyone is shouting. They shout continuously and there is no room for pacing or timing which are essential for comedy.

The mother is played by a man whose inability makes the movie look daft from the start.

I don't know how it ends and frankly I don't care.

A short review is not accepted here so people have to add more and more just to reach the number that the people here think makes for good content - but they are wrong.
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Inside No. 9 (2014–2024)
Even Apollo missions were ended.
22 June 2023
They were exciting and new at first, then became repetitive and ran out of ideas until finally someone in authority decided that the missions should be halted.

It would be good if that person, or their equivalent, could put an end to this series. They have run out of ideas and we are just left with the presentation.

And to make up the count:

They were exciting and new at first, then became repetitive and ran out of ideas until finally someone in authority decided that the missions should be halted.

It would be good if that person, or their equivalent, could put an end to this series. They have run out of ideas and we are just left with the presentation.
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A surprisingly short film ....
30 March 2023
... because after a few minutes you'll be using the skip and fast-forward options.

The story is just your routine - 'they' come back and are nasty but our simple heroes do what's right.

The graphics are like any other animation that floods the cinemas these days.

The soul that made Titanic a classic - is nowhere to be seen.

The quality of acting that made Titanic a classic - is nowhere to be seen.

The emotional attachment that made Titanic a classic - is nowhere to be seen.

What more needs to be said? Just some rambling to keep the technical requirements of the hosts happy. Sixteen to go.
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Cardinal (2017–2020)
Routine and annoying
14 March 2023
It would be interesting to see a Venn diagram between people who enjoy this series and, women who own cats.

I imagine that the cat has the sense to go out hunting when this show is on.

A man with a troubled soul who speaks in whispers is the hero. Women are in other important roles.

It has the production values of an afternoon soap.

Scripts are of the cut and paste variety and all of the usual cliches are patched together.

It's bubble-gum for the mind for the intended audience after a hard day at work - or child care.

Seventy two additional characters required and then it is finally done.
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Poker Face (2023– )
Sillier and sillier ...
6 March 2023
... and now she is coming back from the dead. Repeatedly. Or is she?

You can watch episode 9 to see what I mean.

But I've had enough. I did try to like it as it is a riff on old times. But is has gone from cute to stupid inside the first season.

They have some familiar faces turn up, just like in Columbo. They show a crime being committed and then the show's hero comes in to the story and solves the crime. But, with no flair, and lazy stories.

There really isn't much more to be said but there is a problem whereby more writing is required before an otherwise succinct summary can be posted. Silly.
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Slow Horses (2022– )
Dumb fun
23 January 2023
Tongue is firmly in cheek with this piece of black humour.

It's sort of like Le Carre meets Callan played and plotted like a computer game

Most of the British spy story tropes are here, and anyone familiar with the old books and TV series will be spotting one every few minutes.

Thankfully the story (Series 1) runs with a similar vibe to.the TV series The Outlaws.

There aren't any twists that aren't quite obvious to anyone familiar with the genre, but it is sufficiently well made to just chuckle along and be amused by it's passing.

Ideal fodder for binge watching - in a window.

Just skipped through season 2 with a story that gets sillier - more 'twists' and more Punch and Judy level of action (look behind you sort of thing). A season 3 is in the can so they must have rushed a bulk deal.
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Tár (2022)
There's a good movie lost in the mess
22 January 2023
My thoughts, the day after, is that a different director should have made this.

The material is good, but someone needed to trim and rewrite this to run for under two hours and to hold the audience's attention.

The opening of the movie drags and I had lost interest so that when quick flashes of a cell phone were shown you have to be able to 'rewind' to catch what's happening.

Good actors but nothing great. Even Cate is overdoing it a bit. A better director could have helped all around.

Like the movie being too long, it seems that it is also necessary to make this review too long to meet the word count.
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Black Snow (2022– )
Woke melodrama
10 January 2023
Fimmel plays a policeman in much the same way he played a Viking - and it looks silly and unprofessional. Perhaps that is fine for the intended audience.

We then meet his boss who is both a woman and Asian. Tick, tick, And, as expected, doesn't act well. Unplanned but usual - tick.

The rest of the cast are from an amateur dramatics class.

I started watching the first episode and soon started skipping bits and then decided that, given the formula, the bad 'guy' (is this ever a time for the woke to be gender neutral?) would be revealed at the end of the last episode so why endure more.

Skipping through the final episode showed ever more melodrama layered on thick and cheesy.

And the ending? Well, it's woke melodrama.
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The Offer (2022)
Dumbed down for a modern binge audience?
9 January 2023
An endless number of animation movies are turned out these days and the mannerisms of the characters are repeated over and over again. Those really are computer generated.

There is also large demand for 'drama' series to be made by, or for, the competing outlets, and in a manner that is comfortable for the audience..

Here. The story is fed to the viewer in bite-sized pieces requiring little grey matter. It's easily consumed by the binging market, given a 10 rating, and then forgotten about.

I made it three quarters of the way through the first episode. The full-screen turned to a window and finally my head hurt with the banality of what was being rolled out.
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No subtlety.
9 January 2023
A movie for viewers who need to be hit over the head with direct pointers to social issues, and where setting the movie in a remote location passes for profundity.

The two leads clod-hop through the weak script like they are doing an Abbott and Costello performance. Cliches abound and the story plods along telegraphing each coming scene.

The setting is picturesque - but it is even when a film crew is not there, so the movie isn't adding to but rather is just stealing from the natural beauty.

One Hundred and two more letter are required to make this available. It seems that more effort is required than for the script. But the film didn't need more words, just better ones.
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Staid and lacking in suspense
4 December 2022
A group of wooden characters appear in a low budget movie.

If you are interested in what London looked like in those latter years of WWII then there is plenty to watch out for.

Unfortunately this is a movie where we know 'whodunnit' early on and the police chase is no Columbo.

It does portray that stiff-upper lip and 'keep calm and carry on' persona that the British of the era so valued. That also means that the acting is rather wooden, apart from the Mother who perhaps was used to making silent movies.

If you watch to the end your mind will have wandered off to think of something exciting such as what to have on that piece of toast.

All in all an interesting idea buried within a limited budget.
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The Practice (1997–2004)
One episode was enough - syrup laden bilge
18 November 2022
Perhaps viewing the show so long after it was made helps with perspective.

We now know with a brief viewing what the 'agenda' of a show is and what roles and tropes are being used.

This show is so left wing it makes Pelosi look like Trump by comparison.

But it is made for people who want difficult subjects presented and resolved in neat little packages that they can feel good about, all while watching people smothered in facial creams. Nothing really offensive is allowed here. All emotions are clearly telegraphed, and reinforced by the supporting cast, so that even the laziest viewer can pick them up and know what they are expected to feel.

Mind numbing.
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Ho hum
17 November 2022
A vibrant and exciting country is visited by a dull foreigner.

That's really all that needs to be said. Six hundred characters are needed to meet some quota for verbosity. That might make for a longer script than is used in the show.. It certainly is more exciting and interesting.

That's really all that needs to be said. Six hundred characters are needed to meet some quota for verbosity. That might make for a longer script than is used in the show.. It certainly is more exciting and interesting.

That's really all that needs to be said. Six hundred characters are needed to meet some quota for verbosity. That might make for a longer script than is used in the show.. It certainly is more exciting and interesting.
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Darby and Joan (2022– )
Bubblegum for people with dentures
21 September 2022
This sits in that category of inoffensive viewing where everyone is 'nice' and comfortably off.

It's also another variation of the odd couple who come together, complete with involved back stories, to solve assorted mysteries they chance upon.

A photoshop'ed Queensland acts as the backdrop.

Think of Death In Paradise as a reference.

The two leads are familiar faces for the target audience. I found their van to be more interesting.

We get an insight in to the campervan culture in Australia - which is sort of a land based cruising; continually being forced in to close proximity with total strangers while traveling far.

Silly stories with timely resolutions and those backstories running across the series.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
A guy's rating
22 August 2022
Well to be fair the intended audience appears to be young women and girls so my rating probably doesn't count with them. I assume that, other than those with financial attachments, they are the ones rating this higher.

Everything about the show felt cheap, like in an afternoon 'kidult' show. Poor acting, cheap props, dire script, routine plot - or at least one where we can see the whole thing before it happens.

One episode was more than enough for me.
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The Sandman (2022– )
graphics and correctness aimed at teens?
6 August 2022
As an adult I found it silly and boring and awash with box ticking.

Perhaps the target audience is teens. It once was clear by the time of day it showed on television.

Not for me.
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Two epsiodes out but that's already one too many
29 May 2022
Six episodes of Ewan looking out for a boy would require some quality writing and gifted actors to make interesting.

Well they don't have either so it's cheesy acting and stupid stories involving girls running and men falling over.

Well that was the first episode and there is no way I'll be watching any more.
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Murder in Provence (2022– )
Goodbye, goodbye
28 May 2022
'Allo, 'Allo had funny french accents and was entertaining.

Everyone in this light piece of work has a funny British accent. And it's not entertaining unless you want something made for mildly (dis)interested older folk while also being woke.

I skipped through to the silly end of the first episode, and will skip it all from here.
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Prehistoric Planet (2022–2023)
Blade runner without feeling
24 May 2022
In this fantasy based on some possibilities we get very pretty visuals and 'the voice'

Unfortunately we get less of the boring stuff that is so important - the actual science and analysis of what is known, what is surmised and what is just filled in to make it pretty.

A pretty introduction for those who know little about the subject.
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