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The Pretender: Corn Man (2000)
Season 4, Episode 18
Did we just meet a relative of Broots
22 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First I have to say that I was originally going to only give this episode a 7 but the twist turned that around, but still not its strongest episode of the series. Anyways the primary reason for me to review a show/series/episode that has been off air foe almost 20 years is because I am finally able to binge watch all the episodes and with this one I noticed that a character was named Newt....could this be the "Cousin Newt" Broots mentioned going to church with in S4E14?
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See: Message in a Bottle (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
Conan meets The Triffids meets The Postman
3 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Okay folks first off I have to say that I watch this series primarily to see truly unbelievable, (and I literally mean unbelievable), action sequences and to see what new methods of prayer the Queen--or anyone else may come up with. John Wyndham must be spinning in his tomb, but of course instead of meteors it was a virus and luckily for the human race there are no man eating planets to add to the list of things that cannot be seen, of course ala Wyndham the Witch hunters turn every village into a 'Village of the Damned'. I promised myself not to even review this series because I noticed it was either getting a 1 or a 10, Well for me I give it the same thought process as I did when I looked at the Matrix movies, just sit back and do not take it as serious as it takes itself. To begin with I love the action but as I stated it is unbelievable, as someone reviewed earlier how can you not hit any of your friends while lashing out at your friends??? Put 2 teams of (2) blind men into a boxing ring armed with broomsticks and tell them to gain superiority and before any of them could say Marco or Polo one of them will bounce a stick off his buddy, training Marines I have seen them with sight whack away mistakenly at their friends. And just one more thing, EXPLAIN to me how that 'ninja' blind gal or the group of them got the title "SHADOW" ...where does a society that has never seen light develop even the thought process to even know what a shadow is, let alone give the abstract title of it to a super sneaky gal that seems to have Daredevil powers. Someone looked at The Bird Box while stoned and then rambled on with his fellow stoner friend how GOT would have been cool with everyone blind and now we have this thing. And like so many others I truly look at the episodes telling myself over and over that if I was living on the world I would be King and moving the furniture on them ....(don't get me started on the shower and bath time frolics that would have occured during my youth). Just enjoy this series, it won't last long and will be forgotten but in the meantime just keep asking yourself what would it be like if Aquaman was also blind.
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Will & Grace: 11 Years Later (2017)
Season 9, Episode 1
Trying way too hard
29 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
....I loved the show when it initially started, when it hard that fast pace banter between Will and Grace, sharp and quick barbs from Karen and whats not to love about the semi boy-man Jack who seems wise and yet so lost.

Like so many good shows as it started to go on it even became a bit stale and was trying to hard...almost like a best friend who over stays a party when they get to much to drink, the banter becomes boring and the timing just seems pushy almost forcing a joke down someones throat.

Sorry to say the 'first' episode of this once upon a time iconic and "new" series was just trying entirely too hard and was falling flat with the constant barrage of political jokes, (they may have to be reminded that not all their audience voted for Hillary and like CNN may be getting tuned out by them if they keep alienated them by making them seem like the butt end of a bad joke).

Okay, okay, okay I get it already not only are the characters liberal and anti-trump but the actors and actresses are...guys the jokes have all been done before on any number of talk shows, late night shows and SNL too the point where we have grown calluses to them.

I am so sorry to say that this episode reminded me of when i had seen Bob Hope during Desert Storm when he came to different compounds to entertain us...we were grateful beyond belief to see him up and about but when he told jokes his once great timing was off and when we laughed it was sadly forced in order not to insult an old beloved friend.

The biggest thing though that really bothered me was when Grace was trying to shut Karen's political views down but then the rest of the episode was "in your face" as far as hers.
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The Cul De Sac (2016– )
Just Heard About This Series
13 July 2017
It is just by chance that I had just heard of this series mere moments ago and will now scramble to find where I can watch rating will remain neutral for the time being, until I can give a fair and balance review after actually watching it-----but I had to come online and ask and state that when I heard of this show the first thing I thought of was "The Tribe", it sounds so similar with the young coping in a world where the adults have become a non entity, (and also from New Zealand).I got hooked on "The Tribe" while overseas with the Marines during the nineties and it looks like this just might be a re- fit.
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Haven't seen this yet,,,,,or have I ?
12 March 2015
Just picked this up at Wal-mart and thought before looking at the feature I'd get a heads up on it.....won't stop me from watching it but sounds exactly like another remake of the Blob.

Person infected by meteor bearing space yuck, runs into lovelorn youngsters, they bring him to the sheriff....blah blah blah.

I may be entirely wrong but of course if it worked for Steve McQueen then why the hell not try it out...the not as popular Dillon brother was in the 80's version and it was not half bad.

Of course we live now in the world of remakes and it seems that half the movies sold direct to DVD are either remakes or sequels rushed to the shelves.
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movie for the true Marine
30 December 2004
Great movie for the true Marines that want to see what it was like when Smedley Butler, Dan Dailey, and 'Chesty' were hooking and jabbing.... made at the times when they served in their glory and in the places they were. Check out the period uniforms and the Springfield rifles, which when the movie was being shown weren't period at all but were the actual equipment used by the leathernecks of the time. Most amazing thing i seen from a Marine's point of view was the buildings at MCRD San Diego that were shown throughout the first portion/training phase of the movie, made me feel more a part of history and movie folk lore. And then the gruff sergeant that Chaney portrayed is certainly the kind we all had in boot camp and later in our tour of duty, (or we wished we had....... or sometimes wished we never met up with).
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