
32 Reviews
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Civil War (2024)
Apart from a few decent actions scenes at the end, this movie is terrible
29 May 2024
How can anyone give this a 9 or 10 out of 10?

This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

There is a civil war and.... California and Texas has joined forces?

Uhhh... Ok... That's plausible. NOT!

Kirsten dunst looks like she's been out through the ringer, the years have not been kind. So much so that it's hard to discerne who the hot one is between her and her husband/co-star Jesse plemons. Tho, thankfully, he has a very minor role.

This movie is boring and lacks any kind of story telling. I still don't really know who's fighting and why, tho I made it all the way through this mess of a film (in two sittings I might add). Movie has about 10 minutes of excitement at the very end, otherwise its 4 press members talking about nothing for 2 hours. Save yourself some time and skip it.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
2023 version of commando.
26 May 2024
The Beekeeper is 2023s version of commando. Ridiculous action where one guy rakes on like 100 people and beats them all with ease. The fbi agent is terrible, way worse than the woman in commando. Bad acting, bad look, bad attitude. Typical Statham movie with not much talking from him except random thoughts about bees, and him wailing on people. The writing is pretty brutal, especially the over the top reference to the "queen killer". The bee metaphors never stop. Jeremy irons us Jeremy irons in every other role he's been in. And Josh Hutchinson stands 5'7" tall as a spoiled miscreants. It's watchable, but in the end it's no commando.
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I knew it was going to and it did
4 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers

Yup, they managed to make a worse Indy movie than crystal skull. That in itself is a feat. Indy is old, his goddaughter is ugly and annoying. The story is mediocre, which everyone should expect from Disney in 2023. Indy is of course, divorced, because all old men should be according to Disney. His goddaughter is as masculine as a woman can get, because all women should be according to Disney and feminism. After the first hour I was completely bored out of my mind. Isn't it great that these writers and actors are striking? If it stops more terrible junk like this it's definitely a net positive situation.

If you liked the original Indy movies, just accept that there are only 3.
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Riverdale (2017–2023)
Ummm..... What?
2 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show is odd. It feels like it's written by 6 year olds most of the time. The writing is so juvenile I'm surprised this made it past the dreadful season 3. High school kids get addicted to d&d? Sure, the nerds might, but the hot people that are always banging each other? Doubt it. Then you've got the goblin king and the farm.... Like what? Like most teen dramas, you have old pretty people playing high school students (think 90210 levels of old people playing kids), the acting is mediocre. The characters aren't believable outside of Luke Perry as Archie's dad and it definitely takes nothing but the names from the comics. The forced diversity and alphabet mafia garbage is typical for this era and needs no more discussion. And the singing, wow is it bad. Sorry, I doubt believe these kids are running around the halls yet sound like they're being overproduced in some boy band studio. Stop the singing, write believable stories. Or rockos diner (the restaurant in mission bc that becomes pop tates) will have to go back to selling greasy slop 24 hours a day to survive.
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Wow. My low expectations were not low enough.
14 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is getting comical. Now fast and furious comical, comically bad (yes, f&f is comically bad, but it's actually funny.) this has to be the worst transformers yet. Optimus doesn't like people? Odd. 2 diversity hires for the human protagonists, not odd. Poor acting and a weak story that steals a few aspects of the original cartoon, ie unicron and the girl car, not odd (hello force awakens). Even the cgi was rather mediocre. Which is usually all a transformers movie has to offer. At least we had king Kong and his animal friends to contribute to the abortion that was the script. Please stop making these. My childhood has had enough of hollyweird. Y'all destroy everything.
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Cameron had 13 years to write this story, instead he did it half awake in 11 minutes
25 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry, but wow. I went into this expecting very little and still walked away feeling underwhelmed. This movie is beyond tedious and the pretty visuals only distract you for so long.

The runtime is beyond 3 hours, and it is readily apparent throughout the movie. Everything is dragged out except for the story, which is a distant second on the priority list behind visual effects. Our power couple has a bunch of kids who never do what they're told, ever. Angry soldier man is back in an avatar because Cameron couldn't think of a different antagonist, so he implanted soldier guys memories into an avatar to keep him alive. Humans returned to Pandora to kill Jake and extract goo from whales. I'm sure the goo had a name but I don't recall what it was, hopefully it was more thought inducing than..... Unobtainium. Sigh.

This movie was to the original avatar, what "the force awakens" was to "a new hope". Same story, new names.

The children were mediocre characters that were more annoying than necessary. The new tribe were a slightly greener color, otherwise they were the same as the tree tribes. Some new animals that were virtually the same as the last one, just water based.


Special effects - 9 (3d in the Imax version was pretty meh, but the movie is very visually attractive).

Story&characters - 1 (both give mediocre a bad name) Plot - 1 (there isn't one) Ending - 1 (There isn't one, this feels like an episode, not a movie)

Overall - 4/10. 1 star removed due to the runtime which shouldn't have cracked 1.5 hours but is more than double the length, mostly to add more special effects to distract you from the lack of story/plot = 3/10.
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The 7 is for the visuals. The story is complete crap
14 October 2022
As a BC resident who's spent countless hours in our lavish nature wonderland, it's nice to see the area getting a bit of a spotlught. The visuals in this 3 part series are outstanding. The 4k (well, as much of 4k as you get get via WiFi Netflix) is great and very sharp. That's the series high point.

No shade to will Arnett, but the dialogue is just awful. These are animals, stop anthropomorphizing them. Stop giving them names and treating them as though they are humans. They are not. It's cringy and completely unnecessary. It would help if the dialogue was also correct. Incorrectly naming both plants and animals is bush league. Storms have not increased in frequency or in stature here in BC. Keep your climate alarmism to yourself, we don't deal in fallacies here, just facts.

All in all its good, even better if you can throw your favorite album on and turn this joke of an audio track off.
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Monster (2022– )
Really good.... But....
5 October 2022
This is a very well done series, great sets, great acting. Quite a few changes from the factual story, but they make it work. They lead is great, he really gets across Dahmers strangeness well and definitely paints an accurate picture of a creepy weirdo. The rest of the actors do quite well, with what they're given.

Now the bad. There is a lot of inaccurate portrails of law enforcement. Especially the award scene. Didn't happen.

The language used on many occasions did not fit the time period, no one in the 70s said anything ridiculous like "my truth".

But the worst part, and I've heard it from a few others as well, is that the series creates sympathy for Dahmer. I felt like I was cheering for him at quite a few points in the show. I don't think enough emphasis was put on how brutal his crimes were, a lot of stuff wasn't shown but implied, which would push the viewer away from sympathizing with him. Tbh I found the sexual stuff far more disturbing than the murders.

But overall it is very good, despite the terrible subject matter.
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Heh Heh Heh heh
5 July 2022
This might be the best sequal ever. It's paced identically to the original, and brought back that delicious 90s nostalgia. Mike judge stays true to his roots and delivers yet again. The ending gets a little tedious, but it's def worth the laugh, if you have a sense of humour.
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Fast and the furious 47: Steven Strange Drift
28 June 2022
This movie had all the story and acting of a fast and furious movie and none of the family. But in typical marvel fashion it was loaded with cgi and bright colors. Is this the end? Is the marvel the latest thing Disney destroys? Where do I get my refund for both cost and time?
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The Batman (2022)
Why did they make a batman movie that hates batman?
6 April 2022
I don't get the high praise, this batman movie hates batman, so let's turn batman into a guy who can only help old ladies cross the street. All the white people are evil, all the black people are good, and batman realizes that fighting crime is bad half way through. It looks nice, but has little to no substance.
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Death to 2020 (2020 TV Special)
Watching this in 2022, it's remarkable what people believed when making this.
15 January 2022
It's 2022, most of the opinions here are based on what we now know are lies lol. There are some funny jokes, but the wokeness shines through. 3 stars for inaccuracy, some good jokes/satire.
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It was better than the friends reunion, but then so was sharknado....
8 January 2022
This is a waste of life. The ostracized JK Rowling, who created the entire world, for believing in scientific fact. She is the only reason you know any of these younger actors names. The rest is a recap where abunch of celebrities fawn over each other and talk about how great everyone is. Kind of like an award show not mc'd by Bill burr.

Basically pointless unless you're a fanboy/girl. But then if you are you've seen 80% of this through the special features of each release. One thing is for sure, Emma Watson is a truly terrible actress. She comes off incredibly fake, but she did that in the movies and in beauty and the beast with her "singing".
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Santa Inc. (2021)
If I could rate this in the negatives, I would.
5 January 2022
I gave this abomination of a show a 1 star because that's as low as IMDb will allow. There is nothing redeemable about this woke trash. Seth Rogan has officially ended his career with absolute garbage, then blamed the ratings on white supremacy? Typical lefty logic, if someone doesn't like my woke trash, blame it on racism. That take is as weak as this shows script. I feel sorry for you if you think this is good.
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Z Nation: Party with the Zeros (2015)
Season 2, Episode 12
Well, that was mediocre....
27 December 2021
Gina Gershon proves that accents aren't for everyone.

Forgettable episode.

This series is running out of ideas.....

I hope they introduce some direction. I always hated how twd had no ultimate purpose after the first season, this show has the purpose and has no idea how to get there.
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3 star is for footage only.
12 October 2021
Some alright footage but loads of misinformation in this mockumentary. Put it on mute and sing the Russian national anthem in your head and you'll be better off.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
It sure starts out well....
26 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first 4 seasons are some of the best television has to offer. They are ruined because a little girl has a tantrum that her nephew won't engage in intercourse with her.
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Not good....
28 February 2020
It's not a one, but wow was this bad. We get it, girls can do it all. Now can we get back to good movies instead of woke movies? Like even the soundtrack is entire female. Men are bad. So bad that they must have wrote the story to thus flick. Lol, story....
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Danny devito's character ruins entire movie
28 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Whether it's the awful attempts at new York accents by the rock and awkward-Fina, Danny devito's character destroys this movie. It's an average action comedy movie anyways. Super forced storyline "I missed being bravestone" being the reason the kid puts the game back together, after it almost killed them all..... Stupid. Mediocrity at its finest.
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Thank you for pissing all over one of the best movies of all time.
16 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This piece of trash basically spits in the face of every fan of "The Terminator" and "T2: Judgement Day" when John Connor dies 13 seconds into the movie..... Thanks for basically making those two masterpieces worthless. Wtf? This is just another in a long line of pc bs movies that didn't need to be made at all. Next time write a good story, instead of focusing all your efforts on inclusion and girl power. The 4 stars are for the effects crew, everyone else associated with the movie can feel free to go play on the highway..... Go dump on someone else's childhood with your liberal trash.
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9 January 2020
This is awful. The story - brutal. The acting - brutal. I gave it 3 stars for the visuals. I want my 2+ hours back......
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Why do people like this crap?
29 November 2019
Mediocre story Ridiculous special effects Over the top fight scenes that do not seem realistic at all Jason Statham has the personality of a wet, dirty dish rag The rock makes some truly awful films (rampage, skyscraper ect) If you like 2 hours of ridiculousness you'll like this film. I've seen worse, I guess, that's my only compliment to this
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
So far, it looks like star wars but is boooooooring.
15 November 2019
I dunno how people are giving tens to this one episode, I was bored by the 10 minute mark. Hopefully then develop some kind of a story in the following episodes....
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Nothing in this movie could ever happen.
26 October 2019
Continues on from the wildly fictitious fast and furious series. Mediocre story, mediocre acting, completely unbelievable in every way. Please ditch the fast motion/slow motion fight cams, it's irritating, and it looks bad. This movie was a tough watch, because virtually ever scene is beyond the relms of reality. This movie made commando look possible.....
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Good extra episode but fat Todd kinda killed it.
13 October 2019
Cool to see what happened with Jesse after and before walts death, but fat Todd and his buddy (both from Friday night lights) weight gain was way too distracting. Too hard to get over to think that that happened before the final show episode. Should have gotten him a trainer a few months before filming. Still a good watch, but had the potential for more.
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