7 Reviews
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A "slap" in the face
13 May 2023
Jada Smith yet again is going full throttle with the non-sense. Wrong accents, wrong names, everything about this "documentary" is false.

If you are so supportive of Africans, why did you not go and hire true Africans for the roles instead of British actors with a dark skin tone? Because it's the dark skin tone you're after, not the truth.

You could have hired real African men and women, gave them an opportunity, and the show would have had, maybe, a chance. But I guess we're all here following what "her grandma told her"

The name of the show tells you everything about what's going on in Jada's isolated head... African - Queens. That's all she's trying to prove, one way or another, and she's failing. Miserably.

Way to go dumping your money down the drain... again.

Way to go showing your, and your grandma's ignorance to the world.

This time, Will can't stop keeping your name and your failures apart.
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Yeeeea, no
28 December 2020
This is what woke and pc culture gets you. I am truly happy and honored to be a part of making this movie's rating low.
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For kids, not the pokémon generation
19 June 2019
Let the downvoting begins... honestly, as one of the pokemon generation, i was looking forward to this, but what can I say.... lead actor is terrible as mentioned here, story, well... a thick piece of cheese. That's how cheesy it is. Definitley predicitive. Every part of the movie, you can see where it's going a mile away. Very cliché too. Basically, they messed it up, like the new trend of everything getting messed up in 2019
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Grey's Anatomy (2005– )
Liberal drama
16 May 2019
Enough already... your views and ratings are in constant decline... doesn't that say something? Everything about doctors is portrayed wrong.. if you don't think so, you have no idea what it really is in real life... every other job is portrayed wrong and as being a "lesser" job. The amount of drama is outstanding, which as another review here said, explains why this show is popular between lonely liberal women. Some will dislike my review, some will get triggered... won't change the fact that this show is utter bull
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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
Why did you do this to it?
10 May 2019
So this was good. Until as everyone else said, they started mixing relationship drama, then turning full drama. Then it dragged on for years and years. Tried watching again from the final seasons... and I couldn't stay in for 5 minutes. Wow. It's trying so hard to make you laugh now. It wasn't like that in the beginning. It's kinda dragging like what's happening with Grey's Anatomy. In fact there is no different. Doctors and Scientists that got nothing to do with science or medicine. Just relationship bull... this trend is getting old
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Spoiled Brats
8 August 2018
In short, as the other reviews 10 years ago said, still the same to this date. So I'm just gonna copy paste the part I agree the most with... An experiment in how NOT to run a family - What about this show that people find so appealing that it warrants 12 seasons over the course of 9 years escapes me. Kim and her gang of Botox-abusing clowns have no talent to speak of. All the ""drama"" on the show is so obviously scripted and so cringe worthily executed by a bunch of talent-less hacks that it is impossible to get invested at all in their lives.

This family of liberal trash is hated by almost 90% of global population, yet this show goes on about their lives for 10+ years. I truly hope one of them sees this while they search up their names (which i'm sure they do)... you're hated globally, your family reality show is trash. stop. get some dignity if you know what that means
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The Last Ship (2014–2018)
From perfection to... well, downhill
4 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Many shows start perfectly then go downhill after a couple of seasons, and this one is no different. But the way it goes downhill is really depressing. I like the show, and it's sad to see these mistakes compelling me to give it a 7 instead of 10. Season 4 gets a 1/10 from me.

What really got me to write my first review ever, was episode 3. It started in Algeria, with these 'evil' people wearing black Bedouin clothes and carrying swords. Then the Nathan James team on the ground have a clear shot on the target. The boss. The man who if killed, everything starts to get better. But no, they don't take the shot.

I have a clear shot... wait (seriously? if you need that man alive for the next episode, don't give a clear shot on him in the first place)

Again, I have a clear shot, and again wait. Then, green light, take the shot, but the man moves out of sight (come on, are we in the 1990s?)

The he gets out of the house, towards his helicopter, and they have a clear shot on him, and FIRE! oh no, wait... random kids start running towards him for some mysterious reason (he was walking the streets of the village before, but apparently the kids didn't know he was there until now)

OK OK, take the shot before the kids get close and save humanity (maybe not, kids feelings and etc...)

So he carries a kid right next to his head all the way to his helicopter. Only for the team leader to put a tracking device on his helicopter without them noticing.

Also, a military hero like Tom who literally saved the world and all humanity from absolute death, is not known to a Spanish billionaire crime boss? All while he's walking around in his mansion and sleeping with his women to get scarab shaped magnetic keys to super secret chambers, sneaking in and out not noticed and slipping it back on her neck?

This show never treated its viewers like dumb viewers before. This season is the start of it and i'm already contemplating the idea of killing my love for The Last Ship, simply because it apparently is dead. What we're watching now, is something else.

10/10 for the first 2 seasons 8.5/10 for the 3rd 1/10 for the 4th

Edit: Watched episode 4 of the 4th season, and they got a party girl in heels giving orders to a Greek Hellenic Navy Officer about where to go, what to do and when to fire. Nop, i'm out!

Oh yea, forgot, Giorgio gets to shoot the bad guy, but it happens to be in the back, and right when he's about to shoot him in the head again, he gets a call, and happens to give up on that 2nd shot. Surprise! He's wearing a bulletproof vest... now i'm really out
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