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This came across as no stranger to me
16 May 2024
While this is not terrible, In fact it is beautifully shot and has a score that harkens back to 80s video shelf choices and along with two pretty good set pieces, one involving a crawl space, the other in the woods there is very little that distinguishes this movie from the very very suspenseful and dark original.

The set up is different, In this version a couple have their car breakdown under dubious circumstances and are directed by locals in a small town to a (surprise!) Cabin in the Woods(Insert trademark symbol) and for the next hour or so carbon copy of the original film, with a few exceptions that reeked of writers saying " look how clever we are, we reference this and did the opposite" which truth be told makes no difference here nor there to the film.

The leads here also are no where near as likable as Liv Tyler or Scott Speedman and in fact come off as whiney hipsters who make you root for the killers.. this leads me to the other problem almost everything the killers do is mirroring the original it's hard to build suspense when it's been done before and better.

The ending is frustrating as well, we know it is a chapter one but even so should have a definitive conclusion, not a cut to To be continued card

Yeah watch the original it's really scary.
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Elvis (2022)
Baz was the perfect director for this
11 July 2022
This film is not so much an in depth bio pic as much as it is a tribute to the King of Rock and Roll. Although Moulin Rouge is my favourite movie of all time, I will freely admit on Elvis Baz has found the perfect balance of style and substance. Austin Butler is astounding as Elvis, channeling Presley like no other actor(Even more so than Kurt Russell) and if this kid (The reciting Tex from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood) does not get an Oscar for this there is no justice in Hollywood. As someone who cannot stand Tom Hanks, I loved watching him as the manipulative Col. Tom Parker, and Kudos to Baz for playing this story from his point of view, allowing the audience to detach and see the story objectively.

I really loved this, I wish there was an IMAX in Sydney to see this on.

I can honestly say that the only reason I saw this was the Baz factor.. As much as I liked Gatsby, the mix of hip hop and 20's aesthetic threw me off and even though I saw it theatrically and own the blu ray the above elements have meant I have not watched it again (Baz if you read this I paid extra for the champagne coloured case edition) but I think maybe someone bent Baz's ear on this and he blends musical styles perfectly here... BAZ...PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER MOVIE SOON!! It would be interesting tonsee you tackle a remake of Barberella or Flash Gordon.
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To Hell with Josstice League
2 December 2021
All I can say is watch this if you are a true fan. IF you are someone who thinks that because you can quote an ugly tree monster or knows what a Hobbit is... or wants to praise the Potter MOVIES over the books (yes the lunch room crowd who loved this week's releases will talk to you when they will normally ignore you) Then you are not the target audience for this movie, go watch Josstice League and have fun quoting Groot. For those who take the subject matter seriously this is cinematic gold.
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Gunn, you've sold out sorry mate
13 August 2021
Mate, you've basically made GOTG for the DCEU with a slight edge, plentiful violence and language, complete with shark cries (sorry catch cries) to attract the MCU tragics who think they will have another "I Am Groot" to quote to those who would never have anything to do with them outside of this forced conversation in the lunchroom. Super and Slither were pretty good.
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Why can't I get this time back?
25 June 2021
The Spierig brothers have proven themselves, hell they even got to direct a half decent Saw film(Jigsaw).. having been recommended this... this piece of excrement by the boyfriend of the filmmakers colleague fr ion the Sydney Opera House, I have to question as to whether not these people expect an A+ Pass because of the fact that is is Australian?

I mentions the Spierig brothers because they actually make inventive unpretentious horror films with an sense of humour and premise, this just plays out like a mismatch of cliches from the greats AND NOW THERE IS A FOLLOW UP ON THE WAY.. I hope the sequel gets pirated as much as the original so that the real horror film goers don't have to put up with more trash like this.
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Trying to find something nice to write
12 June 2021
Salma Hayek is great.... that's the best I can do.

No way of getting this time and it seemed like an eternity back.
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Halloween (2007)
So most people prefer the endless clones over an engaging albeit far more violent remake?
25 May 2021
Looking at a lot of the reviews here it is apparent that people seem to not like Rob Zombies Halloween remake (And I think that is an understatement) however I get the feeling that no matter what this film turned out to be it was going to have it's staunch critics. If Rob Zombie had not stuck to the original plot points and ideas he would have been blasted for being too different from the source material, here I felt he found a good balance in that he he told a backstory which was the part that he made his own (as John Carpenter hoped he would) right up to the point wjere Michael breaks out of the asylum, which in the original Halloween is the point we pick up the story after Michael being put away.

If you saw House of 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects then you know the stylistic choices that Rob Zombie is going to make walking into the film so I have to wonder why all the negative reviews?

The second half of the story plays out like a straight remake of Carpenters classic albeit with the aforementioned stylistic choices in that it is a million times more violent than the restrained original, but again you knew that when you walked in. My thing is that I feel that Zombie made Halloween for a modern audience brought up on ultra violent films from that Friday the 13th and Texas Chainsaw franchises and had he not he would have come under massive criticism for it.

I am a massive fan of this movie and Rob Zombie as a film maker and some may think that may influence my opinion and that is fine. (I can tell you that his seque l to this as a Halloween film I am not a fan of, but as a slash and dice film it isn't bad but I digress) True horror fans should have a less prejudiced re-viewing of this (And I will admit that I have only seen the work print and the director's cut) because this is a truly great rendition turning a great 1978 thriller into a brilliant modern horror classic to be.
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Come on people, what were you expecting? Honestly?
21 May 2021
Looking at all these negative reviews makes me wonder what, exactly people expect, walking into a sequel to a movie(yes, movie not film) that can best be described as Godzilla vs Transformers?

Looking back at the first movie, Charlie Hunnam was stiff, Idris did not look like he wanted to be there, in fact the only people who looked like they were having fun were Gorman, Day and Perlman .

This sequel is exactly what you think it is going to be nothing more, nothing less. Yeah it mostly involves new recruits who end up down the paths you expect, Boyega's character is contrived but yeah so??? Given the pass that so many here have given the likes of Force Awakens and it's mostly garbage follow ups I can't believe how pretentious some of the reviews for Uprising have been... Just walk expecting mindless fun and that is what you will get.
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Yes Minister (1980–1984)
I am a massive snob
4 May 2021
When I say I am a massive snob I mean towards DVD's after moving to blu ray and having a compatible sound system going backwards is a hard thing to do... however when I found Yes, Minister and Yes, Prime Minister on DVD I did not hesitate to purchase both on DVD, as an Australian in 2021 I can see so many similarities and read between the lines of points especially since the election of political morons like Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison this show and it successor have become essential viewing for anyone who wants a view into how politics work. Read between the lines and the humour is hysterical because it is clear that there is no exaggeration, a we can do as people is have a giggle and vote with our conscience.
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Dexter: Remember the Monsters? (2013)
Season 8, Episode 12
Should have stopped at the end of Season 4
23 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
From season 5 onwards this show and it's showrunners have been treating a loyal audience with nothing but disdain, season 5 had the chance to be special, with the death of (SPOILERS) Rita and the fallout from it hardly explored in which key characters such as Deb could have been exploring her feelings over the death and Dexter's guilt over Rita's murder would have made for amazing character arcs and development this didn't happen and this represents what the remaining seasons would become, lazy and generic This series finale though may go down as one of the worst in television history. The final season should have been one of comeuppance (of course with a clever out for our favourite anti hero Dexter) instead it's just drab and this finale just consolidates how bad this show became since Melissa Rosenberg left to make sparkle vampire movies. Compare this with the Breaking Bad finale which beautifully and brilliantly tied up all it's loose ends, stayed consistant with the high quality that it was known for, and you know that it seems clear the writers room were too busy doing lines than writing them.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
22 April 2021
Okay so as I start a lot of reviews (for better or for worse) if you are walking into this expecting Shakespeare or anything resembling a critique of the human condition you are deluding yourself. If you are walking in expecting a balls to the wall adaptation of a video game primarily about a fighting tournament with all the promised gore and even some clever nods to fight conclusions from the game you, my friend are in luck because this movie is great fun and really does it's best o bring the world of the games to life.

There are no surprises in the pacing, you are basically introduced to the main players as basically as possible, but this is fine because it's all just set up to incredible fight sequences and a decent little revenge plot This earns it's R18+ rating(here in Australia it's akin to the NC-17 In the U. S.) to the film maker's credit the fatalities are graphic and unlike other films the bloodshed is gruesome and graphic Here's hoping that the box office is set alight for this and this will pave the way for big budget game adaptations by high profile quality film makers... I'm looking at you BioShock All in all this is a funviole t and beautifully shot film.
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The Unholy (2021)
An unholy good time
17 April 2021
So if you are walking into this expecting a scarefest on the same level as Stigmata, The Exorcist or Evil Dead you may as well not bother If you want to see an atmospheric dramatic suspenser then this is your movie. What could have been ridiculous in lesser hands is really effective and thought provoking with an interesting commentary on the media and the influence it has over so many. The scares are good and not over bearing and the performances are great.

This being Executive Produced by Sam Raimi my expectations were high and easily met. Give it a go.
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Subsequently high achievement for make benefit boring politically correct times
23 October 2020
The thing to know going into this is if you are not a fan of Sascha Baron Cohen and his style of humour you should not bother watching this And I imagine that the negative reviews will be from either people who don't him and his style or from the PC police who will be upset that the politically correct agenda they want everyone to adhere to so they can feel like good people is tossed out the window tongive a few good old fashioned laughs... That out of the way... Is this belated sequel (one that I personally never thought would get made) any good??? HELL YES!!!! It's not as candid or as raw as the original film, but with Mr Baron Cohen not being able to dupe because he is recognised by so many now this film still has the power to make you fall off your seat laughing, cringe at what is happening and be shocked (in at least two scenes all of these at once)

Thank you Sascha Baron for bringing back yoir most endearing character... Special mention to the lady who plays his daughter her portrayal is brave and hilarious and ultimately is what makes the scripted story part of this movie both hilarious and heart warming... Oh and there is a brilliant twist In my humble opinion along with The Gentlemen the best movie of 2020 so far
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Not as clever as it thinks it is
5 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I had friends who raved over this, literally telling me how this is SO ORIGINAL and SO CLEVER.... I sat down expecting just that, instead it just felt like hipster woke propaganda... even the so called originality is just a Mashup of Office Space, Spike Lee anti white rants and a dash of Island of Dr Moreau. It takes a lot to offend me, having grown up with Kevin Smith, South Park, Family Guy etc and by no means do I conform to the politically correct fad but even on second viewing this movie felt offensive and divisive especially in this day and age where surely we should be aiming for equality and not not divisive race baiting
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Deep Blue Sea 2 (2018 Video)
If you were expecting Shakespeare then you didn't see Deep Blue Sea
7 June 2019
By no means is this Jaws, or even Pirahna 3D, but as far as DTV sequels go, it does the job. There's gore, there's supposedly smart characters making dumb decisions at the worst times... Yes the original was far superior, however it had a mega budget compared to this. I can honestly say that Deep Blue Sea is one of my favorite shark films, but I can also say I have seen Deep Blue Sea 2 more times than I have seen the original (OK, so I had a flu and it was the only disc in the PS3) I still accepted as a dumb fun shark film... Give it a go in that mindframe and it I'd what it is... Enjoy folks
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Quite Simply...
30 November 2018
The Happiest movie of all time... Everything that needs to be said about it has been said... To the kids of today who are doubtful, watch it in secret and be amazed at what real film making is
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The Dish (2000)
Rare... Thank you Working Dog
1 November 2018
This is a perfect movie, like The Castle before it, Working Dog have produced the perfect movie, you could watch it with your Grandmother or your teenager and it would still impress.. All the while without having to resort to profanity or bad taste jokes. I saw this on the first session at the old Hoyt's cinemas the day it came out and to this day nearly 20 years later I can honestly say it's amongst the best films Australia has ever had the privilege of gifting to the world. Thank you Rob, Santo, Jane, Tom and everyone at Working Dog for this masterpiece
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Twin Peaks (2017)
Thank you, and welcome back Mr. Lynch
23 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So after waiting 27 years and being absolutely mystified by the mythology and THAT ending, I was understandably both excited and apprehensive about season 3. About three minutes in and my wife and I were spellbound!! David Lynch has returned to the world he created with Mark Frost and WOW(Bob Wow) he exceeded all my expectations and although it goes without saying that no matter what Mr Lynch did with Season 3 it was never going to make everyone happy. With that said anyone who is a fan of Lynch will have an absolute ball here, it truly feels like Lynch has mined his back catalogue and taken some of the best parts of his films and amplified them. I could prattle on and on (but I can see that others already have and I don't really want to bore you) All I can say is I hope the first 4 episodes are only a precursor to what is going to be an amazing trip back into the mind of David Lynch (refereed by Mark Frost) Anyways, Thank you Mr Lynch
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