
8 Reviews
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Vivarium (2019)
Unique, wonderfully crafted nightmare.
1 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this film when I first saw it.

But after a couple of days of recalling moments I realised how much I actually loved it.

The performances were excellent, particularly Poots and Eisenberg who again, after both also starting in the great The Art Of Self Defence, seem to be choosing challenging, unique projects to work on.

Also the direction and writing is brilliant. In one of the most frightening scenes we watch how Gemma cunningly gains information about their captors from 'the boy' .'Pretend to be the person that you saw today'. Seeing her get the upper hand is soon torn away by the boys interpretation. I think this might be one of my favourite scenes in any film now, but its one of many beautifully crafted moments in this film.

I loved the visual style and art direction. From the oddly rendered clouds and the model house designs complete with off-green colour scheme, the boys disturbing pitchshifted tone and dress, to the wonderful mesmerising 'language' on the television. The main characters look completely out of place in it, in their imperfection and increased ill and scruffy appearance.

Its a original, well made and terrifying film, while barely showing a drop of blood and ( I believe) zero jump scares, its a cerebral story. The kind of horror that great playwrights like Pinter or Beckett might concoct... But alas, it seems its mostly lost on much if the IMDB crowd.

Its seems most people disliked this film, or at least were dissatisfied because they wanted answers. Some claiming these are 'plot holes', like they wanted to see the alien spacecraft flying off in the end or some derivative explanation of some inter-dimensional creatures that co-exist (or parasitically at least) with mankind, without our knowledge... or something.

I love that I dont know. Thats whats terrifying and thats why (or at least a major reason) that my mind keeps wandering back to it. These creatures are just there and they are completely alien to us as Im sure most parasitic creatures are to other animal hosts. 'Why?' isnt important, its how the protagonists cope and survive. We reflect on how the humans react to the hopelessness of the situation, their motives and decisions seemed pretty accurate to how we would act (I saw The Blair Witch Project (1999) again recently, its a good film... but someone really should have started a fire as early as Tom had decided to) and, Im pretty sure if they had killed the child, they would have been presented with a new one the next day, no love lost on these creatures.

Sometimes I feel people 'hate' films because they feel cheated by the horribleness of the subject matter, there is no winning for the victims dragged into this world, as its established in the beginning scene, the world can be terrible. I believe if a film affects you on an emotional level, they've probably done something right.

Ill be keen to see more of Lorcan Finnegans work.
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Fortitude: Episode #3.3 (2018)
Season 3, Episode 3
What the hell happened?
10 January 2021
3 stars as I would have given the show 9-10 if it were just the first season but 2 and 3 completely ruined the show.

Some spoilers. The first season is well written, great characters, never overstated. It sits somewhere between genres and is rooted in science and plausible character motivation. I was watching, glued thinking "Why havet more people spoken of this show!" It isnt perfect, but it almost is. Great performances and cine and score, there are a few plot holes, but I was eager to jump into the second season to see how they were to be filled and the last scene set us up for a greater expansion on what I felt they had probably rushed a little to get to.

The first scene in season 2 they literally destroy the setup the entire first season had built to and it was all down hill from here. Characters vanished with no explanation new ones came a went, often without any relevance to the story. Performances became cartoonish and logic goes out the window... I dont get it!? They set up this amazing world in season one and I thought, wow, this is something really to build on! But then they completely changed course, the horror, nudity and violence was now gratuitous and the characters were idiotic. Why didnt they use the Tusks on the boat? The cave with all the mammoth corpses? Why not explain why Dan was at the first victims house? What was the set up "More will come?" none did. There was so much to work with. Instead we get something about people with superpowers, and voodoo. Its just awful

So, we watched season 3, it was only 4 eps (no idea why) so how bad it could it be. In fact it was much worse. Dennis Quaid, whom I have been a fan of, has been completely wrong and lost in this show, his story gets so much worse. New characters are added, that again serve no purpose to the story more pointless violence, and the acting gets even more atrocious. Dont get me wrong they are not bad actors, they just directionless.

So what happened? It seems it was the same writing/creative team throughout. How did one of the best first seasons of TV turn into the most disappointing? Not enough time? Interference from studios? I dont get it! Such a lost opportunity, make me terribly sad for all involved
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Everything wrong with Netflix docos
18 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Star Treks prime directive comes to mind 'Dont interfere with anything... unless it makes for a good story'.

Cry me a crocodile tear river! My Octopus Teacher really bugged me. I thought the filmmakers motivations were totally insincere and selfish. He goes into the octos territory, constantly. Stalks it after he forces it to move habitat, then plays with it, completely interfering with it and the organisms around it that it relies on to survive... but then says 'I can't interfere' when a shark attacks it or whatever. Seems like he was just doing whatever possible make a dramatic story at any cost. Not only that but he projects all of of his own issues on the octo, spend all his time anthropomorphizing it when he know little about them, and begins the film by talking about how his son needs his father then escapes into the ocean everyday!

Netflix seems to be changing the definition of what a 'documentary' is and a lot of what they produce is exploitative, tabloidesque and (in the case of rubbish like Gwyneth Paltrows awful Goop series) dangerous.

It looked nice tho, 3 stars for that. I would have been satisfied just watching the kelp forest washing about. Thankfully there are still filmmakers like David Attenborough out there.
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Noise (I) (2007)
Not what I had hoped
18 June 2007
I'm afraid to say this was a real disappointment. I had high hopes from the director/writer of "Roy Hollsdotter Live" which was nothing short of fantastic; well understood characters and a strong narrative. But Matthew Saville's work of a longer format was not successful. Don't get me wrong, there is some great stuff here; some good performances (particularly chemistry between Cowell and Nixon whose shared scenes are brilliant) and nice dialogue. The music was well conceived, using constant pitches to replicate the discomfort of Tinnitus. But this is mixed with some very weak dialogue and performance, scenes that go nowhere or drag on, sapping any inertia initially built. The problem it seems is there is too much meandering and pondering, too many unnecessary characters and what seemed to be a central element to the main characters discomfort (Tinnitus) ended up fading to very little. Other characters have equally pointless conditions and illnesses that just don't have enough reason to be there. It's a mess. The material just doesn't seem to sustain a feature length film and is filled with stuff that is irrelevant to the core story. I'm sure if this was cut to a short it would be intense. I really wanted to enjoy this film but it just felt directionless. I will be looking forward to Saville's next film. There is something there, it just needs to grow.
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Seventeen (2003)
beautiful, dark
25 October 2004
I saw this film recently as part of the best of the Brisbane International Animation Festival (or BIAF) and in my opinion it was the best film shown out of the selection. Many beautiful sweeping images, more likely to be caught by a cinematographer working for Polanski. Lots of twisted, surreal imagery, all witnessed by the innocent (perhaps a little warped) eyes of the main character as his fantasies grow out of control.

Great animation and nicely paced. Definitely recommended for those who dig dark tales... not for littl'ns.

check it out
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Lucia (2004)
Really beautiful
29 July 2004
This is about as good as this style of animated short gets. That sounds negative but it really isn't meant to, just isn't, generally, my type of film.

All aspects of the story come together perfectly. Its a very simple story of a little girl, alone in hospital and how she uses her imagination to deal with her problem.

Great characters, beautifully animated, textured and written.

9/10 very well worth seeing, and remember, this isn't normally my kind of film

(I am required to write more for this review to be posted, but I really don't think its necessary, particularly for a short... wonder if I've written enough now)
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The Panel (1998–2007)
Pretentious and generally sickening
5 July 2004
Gone are the days of the 'D-Gen', 'Mud', 'Bargearse'. This is the gang, mature and discussing politics, art, film and other current events… and they've turned into a bunch of snobs.

I used to be a huge fan of these guys (what Working Dog became, a very unsuitable title now), particularly of 'The Late Show' where they would make fun of a show like 'The Panel'. I guess after all their success they have become the people they used to make fun of.

Rob is the worst offender, rolling his eyes, at anything out of his comfort zone and flirting obscenely with any attractive female. Kate seems to be there only to be the token female, and to give Rob someone to make fun of. Tom's just a time keeper. I'm glad Glen and Santo are there still, even if Glen seems to be a rare show, and Santo is soccer obsessive.

It's a shame that a show like this can run so long, further evidence of how little Australian TV has changed in the last 20 years, and worse, how little the audience has changed.
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Denton (1994–1995)
Great show
21 January 2004
Denton is still one of the best interviewers there is, and here he was at his peek. Along with the sharp humour of Denton, and mate Keller, and often seemingly drunk Morgan, this was a lot of fun.

It's a shame 'Denton' ended when 'Rove' goes on and on.
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