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Terrible for the adults, fine for the kids
13 April 2024
My little boy is five, he thinks this movie is great. Which is good for him and me. Unfortunately, this isn't one of those movies that caters for adults too. You will likely only find it funny or entertaining if you are five (or near five).

On a side note, I noticed a couple people voted this movie as a seven. I worry for these people. How are you scaling this stuff? This is why IMDB has to be taken with a pinch of salt these days, since streaming, the scores are not good.

Anyway, this is a movie with woody woodpecker and the chick you used to be hot in 'Weeds'. She's sixty now you know? Still looks pretty good.

Am I at the limt yet? Oh yeah, there now - bye!

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FUBAR (2023– )
Classic Arnie.
25 May 2023
Need to 'let off some steam Bennett?' Then 'come with me if you want to live' and 'get to the choppa' and watch Fubar.

This is actually good and I'm so glad. It's Arnie. On TV. Being Arnie, on TV. It's as you think it will be but actually better. Nobody is more surprised than me, I can tell ya. I'm only a couple episodes in, so it may well go south but so far its actually good!

Yep, there's a barely believable back story but that's ok.

Yep, Arnie still can't act but that's always been ok hasn't it?

And yep, he's old, but who cares?

Give it a go, you'll like it. If you don't - 'consider that a divorce'.
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Evil Dead has indeed risen - a quick review.
20 April 2023
Yes, its not in a cabin. Yes, its not the mighty BC. I know, I know, I understand, its hard. But, do we want more Evil Dead movies in the future? Yes. We do. So, at some point, we need to let go and this, in my opinion, is us letting go....and they did a good job.

Now, this is an Evil Dead movie. So, when you watch it, watch it like its an Evil Dead movie. In other words, know it'll be outrageous, hold on tight, leave your brain at the door, don't over think it, have fun and try to forget about the 'good ol' days'.

If you do all these things and you love horror - you'll dig every blood soaked second for sure - 6.5.
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Good. Like, really good.
10 December 2021
I'm so happy to say that they have nailed this. Just the right mix of a cool new story while acknowledging the old. Lots of nostalgic stuff but not too much. The comedy is actually funny, the effects are in keeping with the originals. I could go on.

If you love ghostbusters, I'm sure you will love this - go watch it!
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21 March 2021
Let's face it, the theatrical version was just not good enough. As much as I tried to like it, it was just hard to watch.

This, however, is brilliant. Four hours? Absolutely! Loved every second.

Great work Snyder.
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Tenet (2020)
Good, I think?
27 January 2021
I have absolutly no idea what happened in this movie but I still really enjoyed it. How can this be? Well, I'm assuming i'm just not quite bright enough to get whats happening on the first time around. Now, i'm not a complete Muppet but there is a ton to take in and its pretty fast paced at times. If however, after another watch, I dont get it, then I will be a little annoyed to have to google what the hell is going on.

My advice, If you want to understannd this film at all, whatever you do, don't watch it while doing anything else e.g looking at social media, doing your online grocery shop, talking to anybody, eating, looking anywhere other than the screen, blinking, breathing etc.
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Underwater (2020)
Its a creature feature and its pretty good.
28 November 2020
I do like a creature feature, i'll be honest. I also like underwater type movies, but, there are a lot of rubbish ones. This, is not one of them. It's a pretty good solid sci-fi movie and definitely worth a watch.

Its not the Godfather. Its a monster sci-fi movie, enjoy it as such.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
The Invisible storyline.
7 May 2020
I actually really enjoyed the first ten minutes of this movie and was looking forward to seeing how it developed

And then it didn't really.

Elisabeth Moss did a really good job with the character, she was great to watch. But really, the entire movie is things being moved around by an invisible man and Elisabeth trying to convince people there is an invisible man. That's about it.

The real issue in my opinion is that once you know there is an invisible man (before the film started), then things moving on their own isn't particularly interesting, because you know there's just a guy there that you can't see? So, you need a good storyline to carry the film. And there wasn't one.

Anyway, it was alright but don't pay for it :)
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1917 (2019)
Sensational film making.
29 January 2020
This is a beautifully shot movie. So much so that if everything else about the movie was a little mediocre, it wouldnt actually matter very much.

This of course is not the case though. 1917 delivers on every level and is a wonderful piece of film making. If you don't know the detail about how it was made, look it up, it is massively impressive.

Technical stuff aside though, in a time where we are saturated with remakes, sequeals and spin offs, it's refreshing to see a good original story and get taken on a real journey by a great movie again.

Do yourself a favour and watch it at the flicks, you will not regret it :)
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Todd got fat.
11 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was very good, of course, it was always going to be. It was cool to see what happened to Jesse and also really good to see some old characters. The trouble was, Todd got fat and I couldn't get past it. I lost whole scenes thinking why couldn't he just go on a diet for like a month?

Anyway, it was cool and fun to go back to BB - not quite worth all the hype though unfortunately.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
A great solid show
30 August 2018
This is for me, the best Netflix show to date. Well written, wonderfully acted, nicely paced, gritty and funny. Can't wait for season 2.
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Jaws (1975)
22 November 2010
Jaws is, without doubt, one of the most entertaining movies ever made. It is near on perfect in every way.

The plot, casting, direction, production, acting and set pieces are just amazing. We could all pick holes in scenes and compare it to more widely accepted 'classics' but at the end of the day, as far as good old fashioned 'lets watch a good movie' films go, Jaws is up there with the best.

Sit down on a Sunday, turn down the lights and let this movie into your life - We are gonna need a bigger boat.
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