
17 Reviews
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Eric (2024)
4 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I just completed watching this limited series and I'm left a bit confused. Most every character in this series is unlikable. The only likable characters are the cop who investigates the missing kids, the kid himself, and the homeless graffiti artist that helps the kid. Every other character in this series is either Bland or completely unlikable. The storyline also doesn't make sense where is the correlation between the two missing kids their stories are completely different and they don't disappear under similar circumstances at all. I don't understand how they tied these two stories together because there's no common thread. Only in the very last episode do we see any kind of redemption of one of the main characters other than that I find the writing to be kind of weak and disjointed and convoluted. Though I will say that the acting in this series is really good it's just the writing and the storyline that detracts.
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Outer Range (2022– )
Lots of swearing
24 May 2024
For me, personally, I was disappointed as the prime app lists this show as TV 14 which I expected to maybe have a few curse words in it but nothing major. But within the first 20 minutes of the show the F-bomb has already been dropped seven times. This is not TV 14. When you go to IMDb and read their reviews this show is rated as TV MA which is more in line with the language of the show. So if you're one of those people that doesn't want to sit through a show that uses lots of swearing to replace good writing then don't watch the show. Why is it that all of these writers have to use such foul language all the time. It seems to me this is used in place of good writing. There have been other shows without the foul language that have been extremely popular and extremely well received. For example the show night sky was awesome and Prime video canceled it but I have no idea why it seemed to get good reviews I really liked it and it left you on the cliffhanger.
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
Unrealistic and frustrating
22 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
When I started watching this, it seemed like it would be a really good show. Is each episode went on I got more and more frustrated with the writing and the actual storyline. If this was actually based on a real story and a person was an accused stalker of multiple people and started stalking you the cops would definitely be all over this but instead they ignore the situation they ignore the guy having the problem and even after he is physically assaulted by her nothing happens. It seems completely unrealistic. The main character is also frustrating in his weird obsession with his stalker and his laziness to do anything about it. I don't feel anything for this main character except apathy after watching every episode of this show. It also makes the police department in any country, look useless. For me this storyline while entertaining, is so unrealistic in this day and age.
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Home Economics (2021–2023)
Sweet typical sitcom
2 July 2023
I enjoyed watching this show, there are some funny parts there are some quirky parts and there are some definite Parts where people are extremely relatable and unrelatable. The only part I did not enjoy about this show was Topher grace. He is the exact same character in every sitcom he has ever played. It's so boring and it shows that he has no depth to his acting. To act like a dorky middle class white guy that is consistently insecure about himself is really boring. The rest of the cast was great really enjoyed their characters and some of the silly situations they get into but topher's Grace character could be written off the show and the show would even be better.
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Kinda doesnt add up
8 October 2022
People go into hospice as a last resort, usually when nothing more can be done medically snd/or when they cannit care for themselves, meds are stopped and people die in comfort. This show has a bunch of kids in a hospice but they all look healthy, act healthy, can move around freely and can care for themselves, and they claim to be on meds but we never see any plus a real hospice stops treatments and uses pain releivers, why are they really there, it makes no sense. This is more like a dorm and kids are up at all hours, sneaking around, snooping, and seem to have no ditection. None are exhibiting sickness or real life they would not be in hospice.
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Archive 81 (2022)
Boring and drawn out
20 July 2022
This show is trying really hard to be suspenseful but the acting is mediocre, the setup for the scenes is mediocre and the writing is not that good. For one the archivist who is hired to restore these fire damaged tapes is actually doing nothing. If you've noticed every tape he watches is in perfect condition the only thing that is damaged is the outside case and he removes that puts the video tape into a new case pops it in the machine and the film is in perfect watchable condition. Why would anybody pay $100,000 to have somebody do work that would literally take 30 minutes to complete? It's ridiculous and quite stupid he's not doing any kind of restoration. And it's clear everything is a complete setup in the show to make him go crazy. I'm really disappointed especially since another horror show Netflix release called Midnight Mass was actually pretty good and the acting was pretty good but this one is way below par.
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7 June 2022
This is a perfect example of Hollywood putting out movies just to make a buck. The writing in this movie is so horrendous. The acting is below par. One way to tell if a movie has poor writing is the number of times they have to use the F-word. I counted the f word being used 8 times within a 20 second period. This doesn't even make sense you do not have to create a high-velocity action movie with every other word being an obscenity. There's just no reason for it and it really detract from the movie. Don't waste your time watching this crap.
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The Gilded Age (2022– )
Not quite Downton Abby
2 March 2022
I was excited to see this show was written by the same people that did Downton Abbey. The issue with this show is that the settings seem very staged and not natural the cinematography is at Angles to always show the same view of things, like the street where these high society families live is very constructive. The acting is probably the worst part for me. Cynthia Nixon is absolutely horrible I don't know how she was cast in this role but every line she delivers seems like a rehearsal. Many of the conversations throughout the show do not flow very well there seems to be a stiffness to the acting and a natural quality that is missing in many scenes. Also it feels to me like with recent improvements in this country when it comes to race relations they have tried to include this in a historic period piece and it's just not believable. They have touched a little bit on how people of color suffered from being discriminated against but it is very very watered-down and I truly believe that back in those days the Discrimination was much more severe than it is being portrayed. I'm glad that we have advanced as a country but we still have a lot of work to do when it comes to equality for all.
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Three Months (2022)
Modern take
2 March 2022
This movie was a little bit on the sad side but it did clearly show a modern-day take on Hy-Vee. It was nice to see a show that provides some hope when it comes to dealing with HIV and AIDS. Some recent shows like it's a sin have concentrated more on the pandemic when it first came to light back in the 80s and 90s and how would that time it was viewed as a death sentence. Today there are some fantastic Pharmaceuticals out there that can lower your viral load to undetectable which also means untransmittable, and can allow for a long and prosperous life. Troye Sivan did a great job of acting especially for somebody who is relatively new to movies. I enjoyed the movie even though I was a little bit sad at the end but I won't give a spoiler.
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13 May 2021
Why in the heck does Hollywood continue to remake movies just to be viewed as inclusive?. Inclusivity is fantastic but when you take a classic movie and remake it with an all-female cast or an all white cast or an all-black cast just to be inclusive does not make sense. This was a horrible horrible reboot of the original movie The acting was horrible, the writing was horrible, the comedy was horrible, the whole movie was a waste of time. Go back and watch the original movie from the 80s it is 10 times better with a much better cast.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
Books were way better
25 April 2021
Why would the producers take Shsdow and Bone, which was a fun read, and merge it with a different book called Six of Crows? The stories are separate series by the same author. Very confusing and weird. I liked both series but not combined into one tv series. I'm disappointed.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
I have invalid feelings about this movie
22 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Part way through this movie I figured out what was going to happen between the Shady lawyer and the Russian mafia guy. It was pretty transparent that the ending was going to be written the way it was presented. I don't like when that happens because I want writers to be more clever and give us some twists and turns. But the movie was acted well and you really end up hating the shady b***h. In the end you finally feel like there's a little bit of justice for the innocent elderly people that were taken advantage of and their lives were ruined so at least for me it ended on an upward note
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Not nearly as good as Hill House
13 October 2020
This series, which I was very excited to watch after much anticipation, was a let-down for me. Knowing that the same Riders from The Haunting of Hill House worked on this series I expected it to be captivating and chilling but instead Bly Manor was a bit boring, to me and the story just did not come together very well. Some of the fake British accents were really irritating as well. This series was much more psychological and sad than scary. I've watched The Haunting of Hill House three times now since its initial release because it is so good and so creepy and this one not so much
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The Irishman (2019)
Rambling and boring
28 November 2019
This movie is boring and lacks direction. It skips around, introduces characters without truly identifying them, the movie has more f-bombs than Scareface. I watched it all but it was awful!
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Assimilate (I) (2019)
Remake of a 1950's era horror movie
23 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is just a remake and an updated version of the 1956 movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers. The special effects are okay but nothing special and the acting is also mediocre
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9 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie followed the exact same plot as movie 1. The only difference is this time it takes place in Thailand and not Vegas and they lose a different friend. Same antics as movie one: they have a bachelors party, they get drugged again by the same guy, wake up in a strange place, spend the movie backtracking, meeting weird people, getting in fights, shot at, and the whole time their friend is very close to where they woke up just like the first movie etc...It was horrible and totally hyped. I laughed maybe 3 times the whole movie. The Asian guy is even more annoying in this movie than the first. He, to me, is a horrible actor and not funny at all. Just annoying. Please skip this movie and save your money.
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Drive Angry (2011)
poor, poor , poor film
27 February 2011
it is horrible. painful to sit through and watch. 3D effects are minimal, no need to make this movie in 3D except to charge higher ticket prices. acting is really bad, story line is weak and never very clear, fight scenes are very unrealistic, no bruising or marks of any kind after horrendous fight sequences. Nicholas Cage must need money badly to be in such a poor production for someone of his talent and standing in Hollywood. do not waste your hard earned money on this film. we never understand why his grandchild is so special. some effects are cool and some great explosions but that's where the good stuff ends.
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