
6 Reviews
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Aftermath: World Without Oil (2010)
Season 1, Episode 1
Embarrassingly bad
6 October 2013
This "documentary" is laden in half-truths, unlikely events and ridiculous stupidity. Every single bit of information is either greatly exaggerated or pure speculation. It claims to tell the story of what will happen after our oil reserves run out but is really a sensationalist piece of speculative fiction not in any way based in reality. The only real part of this "documentary" are the statistics about current oil usage. Please, whatever you do, do not watch this. And if you do decide to watch it, please put more thought into it than the - not particularly bright - makers. You did it again National Geographic, you produced another "documentary" entirely based on fiction.
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A hypnotic journey between Kubrick and Lynch
22 July 2013
Only God Forgives is not a movie in the traditional Hollywood blockbuster sense. It's also not your usual crime movie. And it most certainly was not made for your average 08/15 American audience. Instead, it's a hypnotic, impressionistic journey full of stunning cinematography that flawlessly fuses a powerful musical score with visual silence. Instead of praising the film to hell and back, let's look at some of the common complaints I hear about it: "It's boring/slow" - well, maybe your patience is just severely lacking. The slow pace is a style of it's own rather than a positive or negative aspect. At times the film reminds of 2001 - also a movie that was slashed by critics for being pretentious and slow upon release. "I can't sympathize with the main character" - why should you? Why would you want to sympathize with a drug-dealing, violent, f-cked up character? Not every movie's goal is making the viewer identify with the characters. Despising the characters is equally valid. "Gosling is an awful actor, he barely does anything" - no. Understated acting can be(and often is) much more powerful than a more in-your-face approach. And it certainly was appropriate in this film. "The plot is too thin" - that is just judging all film by the same standard. This movie has a strong abstract layer to it, telling a story is not the main purpose.

I would rate it a 9/10. However, I have given it 10/10 to improve the IMDb rating slightly. Don't let reviews keep you from watching this film. Watch it, then complain later if you didn't like it.
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Save the Date (I) (2012)
Average in every way
5 June 2013
I had high expectations for a comedy starring Alison Brie and Lizzy Caplan and boy was I let down.

Save the Date is a basic romantic comedy, 2 sisters with different views on relationships, love, sex and marriage. 3 guys. Angst, drama, bad puns and ridiculously predictable plot lines.

Is this a bad film? No. Is it in any way, shape or form worth a recommendation? No. I can't even think of more things to write about the movie because it was such a generic film. If you love one of the actors involved - go on, watch it - but if you want to see a good (romantic) comedy there are a thousand other, better choices.
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Jumper (2008)
And once again people expect too much...
28 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"Jumper" is a popcorn action flick. And for that purpose it is quite good. Now I went to IMDb to look at some opinions AFTER watching it and was surprised to see how negative most reviews are. It seems to me many people expected some huge blockbuster with a great, thought out story, compelling characters and stunning cinematography. You will not get that from "Jumper".

However, there is no reason to believe you will. The film is quite clearly meant to be simple entertainment, something to watch while killing time when you just want to be entertained and it did that job for me. I like the premise and it was build into an OK story with mostly quite decent acting. There were low-points and far too many clichés(the whole first 10 minutes were one, as was the whole love relationship but the film entertained me for 90 minutes and I don't regret watching it, it was fun. I don't think I will ever watch it again, but it was surely not bad cinema compared to other, similar films.
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Le weekend (2007)
Surprising short
26 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This short chronicles one day and night in the life of a French film student as he goes to London to film a project.

He ends up being placed in the untypical positions of spending his time with a gay man who is undoubtedly into him and not revealing to him that he is straight until the end.

Though the filming techniques are not my style at all and it took some time(too long for a short) to become interesting I did enjoy the script, the film references and the social commentary about "gay life", the relationship between French and Englishmen and, surprise: film students.
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Bad Teacher (2011)
Not a perfect movie, but much better than some reviews suggest.
6 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Let's face it, the reason many people call Bad Teacher the "worst movie ever shot" is not rational, it doesn't have to do with the movie itself in any way. From the reviews I have read on here the main problem seems to be the moral values in this film leading many "oh so shocked" viewers to give bad reviews, question people's sanity for producing this movie and hate everything about it - whether they admit it's the reason they dislike it or pretend to hate everything about an objectively well crafted film. But this movie is not supposed to teach anyone life lessons, it's not supposed to have some big, moral message about how to live your life in a good way. This is a film for adults. And films for adults do not have to follow certain morals because an adult is expected to judge morals on their own without needing guidelines. An adult can enjoy movies with main characters doing things they would never find acceptable because it's not about agreeing with the character's actions.

Normally, I would rate this film 6 stars, but I rated it 8 to keep some of the irrational reviews on here from bringing the score down too far. It has solid jokes, a mostly good cast, OK direction but also some really bad moments and the main character goes completely out of character towards the end to achieve the usual Hollywood "we need a kiss! FAST!!!" Happy Ending, but overall a good comedy I would watch again with a great performance from Cameron Diaz.
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