
10 Reviews
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Drink 'Coke' and ride 'Honda' motorbikes...
5 April 2008
One of the overriding messages i took from Koi Mil Gaya was the blatant advertising of products (i.e. Honda - basketball scene with the tournament the players were taking part in being called the Hero Cup which might as well have been called the Honda Cup with the Pandavas being clothed in shirts bearing the Honda insignia. Also i lost count at the number of times i saw a Coke being consumed with the can being on display. This in a way infuriated me and spoiled part of the film where i felt market forces had directed what was in short advertising space within the film which i didn't already get in the commercial breaks (I watched it on Channel 4). So all in all i largely ignored those scenes as being part of the film which i did enjoy probably as i hadn't watched ET/Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind in a long while so had forgotten the story lines of both so wasn't incessantly comparing them to Koi Mil Gaya. The movie may rip off both movies but we must remember that the film in being made for a largely Indian audience who may not have watched any of the aforementioned movies. So it is a decent take on two of Hollywood's finest movies mixed with a healthy Indian dose of melodrama and musical numbers.

Also found Preity Zinta's cheering during the basketball scene very irritating.
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Woe betide a woman scorned...
31 December 2006
A tale of deceit & ultimate revenge Khoon Bhari Maang is probably one of Rekha's best films to date. She expertly portrays the role of maternal figure turned temptress turned brutal harbinger of doom. The transformation is as miraculous as her recovery from her physical scars inflicted by her husband (Kabir Bedi) actions. She is well supported by all cast members including the comic intricacies of Kader Khan who as usual delivers a sharp dialogue to the film. Sonu Walia plays the part of the other woman well as Kabir Bedi's reluctant partner in crime who's overdue crisis of conscious comes back to haunt her literally. The film directed by Rakesh Roshan (who also brought us delights such as Khel, Khudgarz) has few plot holes & is well orchestrated. The soundtrack has one memorable song "Hanste Hanste" which is very hummable there is also a Hindi remake of the "Chariots Of Fire" theme tune sung by the gyrating Sonu Walia (a scene not to be missed). All in all, an entertainer which shouldn't leave you disappointed 8/10.
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Abhimaan (1973)
Pride comes before a fall...
1 August 2005
An enchanting film with notable songs tells the story of one man's ego & the lengths he is prepared to go to protect it. If that means putting his marriage at risk along the possibility of raising future generations than that is the price he is willing to pay. His wife (Jaya Bhaduri) in an effort to shield her husbands pride (Abhimaan) is prepared to give up her music in which she excels at to protect the relationship they have. But her husband seeing this as sympathy & is not willing to accept her sacrifice. Things spiral out of control affecting her mental state as she blames herself for the breakdown of their relationship. Eventually when her husband comes to his senses realising his mistake he rehabilitates her & they are reunited once again. Music remains the bond that brought them together which will always remain so, that will keep them from ever parting...

An excellent musical score from the maestro S.D. Burman breathes new life into the songs within the film which are given a new dimension. Hrishikesh Mukherjee's direction is second to none proving once again to be one of the leading directors from the 70's.
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Bawarchi (1972)
It is simple to be happy but so difficult to be simple...
21 March 2005
A cook appears out of the blue as an answer to the prayers of the house members. Little do they know that his arrival would mark a life changing experience for all those who live there. As he reminds them that life is not about the pursuit of individual happiness but about the attainment of this emotion for others. A family who feel they are burdened with problems soon realise that each of them can solve them if the necessary effort is put in. A number of pearls of wisdom are unveiled by their enigmatic employee such as the completion of a task which is not one's own can give a person as much joy as the completion of a persons own task etc lead to the improvement in lifestyle for all concerned. Its the little joys in life which are countless that matter why worry about the larger joys in life which are few & far between? The one person in the household who shares his attitude to life is constantly being exploited by her aunts at her own expense (her education) the cook takes under his wing so she can receive the attention she richly deserves. She blossoms under the supervision of the cook to the surprise of her relatives who simply believed she neither had the talent or the skills to reach the heights that she accomplishes. So all in all a thoroughly insightful feel good movie which should not be missed if enlightenment is your quest...
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Heartwrenching story of maternal separation...
30 December 2004
Hathon Ke Lakeeren tells the story of the anguish & despair felt by a woman separated from the child she brought up when the biological parents turn up on her doorstep demanding their child back. The child's real parents having no idea of the bond that has formed between mother & son that cannot easily be broken & forgotten about. Try as they may to convince the child that he is better off with them i.e. buying hundreds of toys & presents can find no substitute for the heartache that the child feels for his mother. The mother being his real mother or not. This is the woman who raised him since he was a baby, the infant crying out for attention clutches onto her fingers when she goes to comfort him with his real mother nowhere in sight. The mother losing her husband & without any family has only the child to live for is left empty without the love & adoration the child gives to her by just being there. This is told by the powerful ending that the film projects.

All in all a thoroughly believable story which is effectively portrayed by the cast. The film was also one the final films that Sanjeev Kumar made before his passing leaves a lasting tribute to the legacy left by an actor who made a substantial contribution to the Indian film industry with films such as Sholay, Anamika, Aandhi, Seeta Aur Geeta etc...
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Khamoshi (1969)
A Spellbinding classic to be remembered...
19 December 2004
A powerful insight into the strain put on a nurse (Waheeda Rehman) as she uses 'experimental' treatment methods to save a patient from tumbling into the abyss of madness using trust, dedication & affection as her only tools she combats desperation, paranoia, & animosity. Her patient unable to express his feelings to a woman who mistreated him by lulling him into web of deceit, where she uses him for his talents then discards him. The nurse tries in vain to convince the woman responsible for the affliction her patient suffers from that she is needed for his rehabilitation only to be admonished by the head of the hospital saying that she cannot solve societies problems even though society seems to be responsible for the constant stream of patients the hospital receives. This draws her down a spiralling staircase of depression as she is told to forget/deny her true feelings for a patient under her treatment which ultimately leads to her demise as she remains forced into silence (Khamoshi) instead of venting the emotions that she feels for the man that she loves...

An exquisite soundtrack from Hemant Kumar (composer & producer) along with songs such as Tum pukar lo.. (Hemant Kumar & Kishore Kumar) & Woh shaam kuch ajeeb thi (Kishore Kumar) make this film an enduring classic which stands the test of time.
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Samadhi (1972)
More than just the average action flick...
22 August 2004
Lakhan Singh strikes terror into the hearts of village people everywhere. But when his heart is tamed by a woman through her courage & tenacity who would believe it. So begins the tale of Samadhi a story of hardship & misfortune where Lakhan follows a pathway of self sacrifice to provide for his loved ones. But however hard he tries he cannot escape the shadow of crime that has blighted his existence, Happiness is always seems to be snatched away & replaced by remorse & anguish which forces him out of desperation back into the life of crime he was raised into. His only hope is to ensure that his child is not caught in the circle of deception that he is so effectively ensnared. If that means disassociating himself from the one thing that he values the most than so be it...
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Memorable masterpiece which is rarely seen today.
21 August 2004
Mera Naam Joker will always leave a lasting impression on me. The story was loosely based on Raj Kapoor's life & is a tale of divided into 3 chapters (as the joker would say the 1st chapter representing childhood, the 2nd youth & the 3rd ultimately old age). The film tells the story of a man searching for love, giving his heart & soul to entertain the world asking only for the world to have a place in its heart for him. His philosophy prevents him from showing the negative human emotions as the joker lives for the audience applause he can only laugh at the hardships in life, never allowed to shed a tear in sadness.

A scene that sums this up is when Raju (Joker) loses his mother to a heart attack (when she discovers her son has taken up the profession which killed her husband in a stunt that went horribly wrong). But as they say in showbiz the show must go on. Therefore Raju has no time to mourn for the mother who had supported him all his life. Carrying the guilt that he may have directly caused his mothers death he returns to the stage to his adoring public. However the heartache he feels overwhelms him & in a fit of total despair & loss he cries out 'Maa (mother) Maa'. As the circus clears Raju is the only person left standing alone with empty seats surrounding him. Kapoor effectively pulls off the act of shear desolation shielded by a veil of self-ridicule to really give you an impression of the inner torment that Raju eventually succumbs to.

If you are prepared to ignore the flaws in the film such as the over melodramatic parts (which there are plenty of) & prepared to watch the full 4 hours you should find Mera Naam Joker thoroughly consuming & invaluable insight into the life & relationships of an actor few have surpassed in the Indian film industry.
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A film that sets new heights in Bollywood film industry.
1 August 2004
Just checked out Aan & was expecting the usual song & dance that you would expect in an Hindi film. But got more than i expected as there is more than meets the eye with Aan. The story of a privileged princess who when confronted with love does not comprehend its meaning & the impact it will have on her life. So she discards it, rejecting it in a statement of denial to her true feelings. She allows her pride ('Aan') to blind her to something that will make her vulnerable but will set her free from the shackles that bind her. The principles from which she has been raised have taught her not to associate with the working class, the people who are there just to serve & carry out her orders. Yet these are the people that have built her kingdom through their own hardship & suffering who without would be no monarchy. So when a peasant emerges who has the key to her heart. She instantly despises him even pushing herself to the verge of killing the thing that she loves most. A deed which she would never forgive herself for. She eventually undergoes a transformation & embraces the feelings she has for man who is willing to sacrifice his life to be with her. So, in short Love conquers all even in the most cold hearted of princesses...
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Solaris (2002)
Soderbergh is god
21 March 2003
If u are looking for a science fiction blockbuster. I advise u not to watch this film as u may become bored and disillusioned with the format this film takes. However if your looking for a film that really stimulates the mind and can be a bit of a head trip. This is the film to watch. The acting is top notch and the chemistry between Cloony and McElhorne(who easily provides one of her best preformances to date) is electrifying. Some people may feel this film is slow-paced and the director (Soderbergh) doesn't really get his message across. But i feel the silences (used alot in Solaris) tell a thousand words specially when describing the complex relationship that exists between the characters played by Cloony & McElhorne, and at the end of the day the film lets u come up with the answers as to what Solaris truely represents. One of the many questions the film asks is whether one man would give up life as he knows it for true bliss and happiness with his loving wife(even though it may not necessary be his wife) and even made me wonder whether in the same position if i would carry out the same decisions he eventually makes given the choice? Solaris overall asks more questions than it answers (which it leaves to the audience to figure out) is a gem of a movie that is highly underated.
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