3 Reviews
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The Fog (1980)
Definitely worth the watch
5 May 2014
The Fog is a horror movie, directed by John Carpenter, who by the way is a horror legend. I think that looking at all of his other awesome films, like The Thing, Halloween, and In The Mouth of Madness, this film should not be compared. Comparing movies that a director makes to his other ones is a mistake, if you ask me.

The Fog has a really cool atmosphere, and even the somewhat bad quality of the shooting adds to the feeling, which I think was much achieved. Aside from atmosphere there were the characters and the story. I thought the characters certainly had separating characteristics about them, but the development wasn't all that good. I didn't feel like I knew them enough to care a whole lot about them. But this is definitely the biggest of the flaws this movie has. The story itself was it's own thing. It was more like a scary story that you would tell at a campfire, and that is not an accidental thing either, as you will see at the beginning of the film. A cool back-story with an equally cool monster/monsters.

I would say definitely watch this movie for fun, for some cool inspiration maybe, and for a ghostly story.
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Twixt (2011)
A Hauntingly Beautiful Piece
4 April 2013
First thing is first. Do Not go into this movie expecting Godfather or Apocalypse now material. Those were Coppola's masterpieces and no one will ever make anything quite like those films. Okay? Okay.

I have been waiting for this film for quite the while. I saw the trailer when it came out and was very excited. It was a long and hard search to find this film but I found it eventually. My hopes had been really high since the trailer, but then I saw some of the reviews which just had nothing but awfulness to offer this film. So I lowered my expectations, and still watched it only to be confused. Not by the film itself, but by the fact that it got bad reviews and ratings. I could see what some people didn't like about it, but I didn't notice anything that would have given such an undeserved wave of hate.

I think that this movie is good for people who appreciate obscurity and uncertainty in films. Most of these are hardcore film buffs. This film was very visually fantastic and was very haunting from the start. Val Kilmer surprised me with his acting in this one. He was cocky, depressed, and stressed all at once. Bruce Dern as the kooky sheriff was great as well. All of the cast did good, and same goes for the directing.

In the movie Val kilmer starts to have these dreams, and my god these dream sequences are glorious. They are visually very pretty yet spooky. The encounters with people are creepy and quirky. Even the scenes in which he is awake share the same qualities, but there just not as intense. The story felt like homage to Gothic horror films, and there was some vampire content in it. Francis Ford Coppola has been making more personal films, and yes it's noticeable. In a specific scene, I won't reveal, was not really needed and felt like a filler.

This movie sort of feels like a really cool dream. Which makes sense knowing that Coppola got the idea from a dream which might throw some of you off, but I loved this film and recommend to all.
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Identity (2003)
Has you at the edge of your seat until it ends...
29 March 2013
"Identity" has a great cast as well as a great director. The cast delivered very good performances, especially John Cusack. Now this is not a horror, but it will still have you closing one eye resisting the urge to turn away. The shots were very good with creating some jaw clenching suspense, they were the type of shots you see in horror movies where you know that something bad is seconds from happening.

By the first ten or twenty minutes you get this feeling that the entire movie is going to be nonstop suspense that gives you a feeling as if you were the character but instead of you making the decisions you are being forced into them. This movie holds up the entire time and would have been great but...

The ending. The movie got your hopes up because it had a really original good idea and had you pretty scared throughout, and it was executed so poorly it made me legitimately upset and kind of angry. It was so cliché and had been done so many times that it was a huge let down seeing how original and great the rest of it was...

When I boil it down though I would suggest you watch it. Even though the ending was such crap, the majority of the film is just to good to not suggest to people...
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