
35 Reviews
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WeCrashed (2022)
Solid Show
2 June 2024
Overall, the show is good. Wonderfully acted by Leto and Hathaway, as well as the rest of the cast. That said, there are a few issues that need to be addressed.

In some places, the story seems rushed. In others, it drags on. The inconsistency makes watching the show a bit of a task. It can also distract from the narrative.

The music is mostly good, but there were a few times where it took me out of the show. I was more focused on the music (and not necessarily in a good way) than what I was supposed to be watching.

All this said, it still is an intriguing show and is worth a watch. I may even rewatch someday.
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A Simple Concept with Mixed Results
26 March 2024
Overall, I've enjoyed it more than I disliked it.

I enjoy the concept. Cooking/meal prep with elements of dinner conversation. The food looks delicious, and it definitely caught my attention.

When it comes to the dinner guests, the mileage greatly varies depending on who the guests are.

Some guests are fun and have entertaining conversations. Rashida and Steven were a great example. Terry Crews and Fortune Feimster were an entertaining duo, too.

Other guests shift the dynamic of the show. Some of the conversations become a bit too low-brow and end up being off-putting. I appreciate that variety is the spice of life, but a little goes a long way.

I'll keep an eye on future guests to see whom I'd like to watch, but I worry it'll become very hit and miss.
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X-Men '97: Mutant Liberation Begins (2024)
Season 1, Episode 2
Incredibly Powerful
22 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'll admit it, I was a skeptic. I wasn't expecting to enjoy this series, as it seemed like a cynical cash grab.

The first story was good, but this has solidified me. So much character development, and a plot that moves at an exciting pace. This truly feels like an honest, natural successor to the original series.

I'm excited to see how Scott and Jean grapple with parenthood. I'm interested to see where Storm's story takes her now that she's lost her powers. I am eager to watch Magneto's growth. With so much laid down in just the first two episodes, I'm definitely anticipating great things to come.

Welcome back, X-Men. You've been sorely missed.
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Euphoria (2019– )
10 March 2024
There are moments that are visually stunning. I appreciate that.

However, they're few and far in between. And it sometimes feels like the point of the show is to showcase them, rather than to have a coherent, meaningful storyline.

When it comes to pushing boundaries, I think this show had potential to really say something. Then it just didn't.

Pushing boundaries and featuring uncomfortable subject matter needs to be done in a way that it says something about the topics. Euphoria has none of that. I don't feel enlightened by it. I don't feel like it challenges narratives or how we see them. Ultimately, it feels like someone wanted to be edgy and went about it in the most obvious and lazy way possible.

That said, it has some moments. Some of the acting is good.
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Forever: Andre and Sarah (2018)
Season 1, Episode 6
4 February 2024
I've been enjoying the show for what it is, but this episode made me sit up and take notice.

The acting was great, but it was the writing that really stands out.

At first, I wasn't sold. I didn't like the interruption in the storyline. As it went on, I didn't mind. And soon, I loved it. Even if it didn't necessarily tie in to the rest, it was so beautifully written.

And then seeing how it linked in to the main line?

Truly shines and gives amazing depth and beauty to an already wonderful show.

Can't wait to see how the remaining two episodes pan out. Whatever happens, I expect it will be amazing.
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Enjoyable Movie
1 December 2023
Disclaimer: I've not read the book, so this is based purely on the movie.

I really liked this movie. I felt it was a fun prequel that added context to an already rich world.

Tom was brilliant. This was my first experience with him as an actor, and it was a great first taste. Definitely has me curious to see more of his work!

I felt the number of easter eggs and references was good. Not so much it felt overwhelming or pandering, which is something I feel other franchises do.

I do feel the pacing was off. A fair portion of the movie was dedicated to the games. The bit after felt rushed, which was unfortunate because I felt this is where the bulk of the story was.

I also wasn't a huge fan of Lucy's singing. It wasn't bad. It just wasn't as amazing as everyone was making it seem.

Overall, very good. If you enjoyed the first four Hunger Games movies, I think you'll enjoy this.
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Doctor Who: The Star Beast (2023)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
25 November 2023
The wait is over. Tennant is back. Tate is back. RTD is back.

First, it is great to see Tennant in the role again! Charisma in spades. It almost seems effortless how he took command of the role again.

And Catherine! She was brilliant, as always. It's nice to see that while Donna has grown in the years, she certainly hasn't lost her edge.

The story feels like the kind of Doctor Who story I'd have expected during the RTD era. Short, sweet, entertaining, and self-contained.

There were a few lines/concepts that felt a little out of place, but not enough to derail the overall plot.

A great way to start off a new (rebooted?) era. I'm gonna soak up Tennant while I can.
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Not Awful
6 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't hate this movie, but I also didn't love it.

I think the biggest strike against the story is that too much was happening, and it was happening in too short a runtime.

We have the Lamberts dealing with Lorraine's death, Dalton going to college, Dalton learning/remembering he can astral project, Josh learning/remembering he can astral project, Dalton uncovering a mystery at his school, Josh and Renee's strained relationship, Josh and Dalton remembering what happened at the end of the second movie, Josh learning about his father, and we also have a new character that we have to integrate into this.

I appreciate the ambition. The Lamberts are amazing characters and the actors all did such great jobs. That said, the story felt way too rushed. Characters that we've come to love over the years deserve more time and a more streamlined storyline.

I still like it and it's better than other movies I've seen, but it does fall a bit short of my hopes.
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Not Bad, But Also Not Good
6 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this. I hadn't read any reviews or anything like that, so I went in with a completely blank slate. Even with no expectations, I was disappointed.

The biggest thing that stuck out was the lack of terror or discomfort. There were no scenes that truly terrified me. I got caught with a few jump scares, but that was about it. There was also nothing that made me feel uneasy or uncomfortable, which is particularly vital for a movie like this.

I never felt a true connection with any of the characters, and I noticed a true lack of chemistry between the actors. Rather than characters sharing a terrifying experience, they all felt like strangers. Even the ones who were related to each other.

While I did appreciate the appearances by Ellen and Linda, I do acknowledge that their presences ultimately added nothing. Rather, they felt like the standard "appearance by a legacy character" that legacy sequels of all genres use. Nice to see them, but their scenes didn't make the movie any better. And they certainly didn't save the movie from being worse.

Go ahead and watch it, if you must. But be warned - you won't get much out of it.
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Rock of Ages (2012)
Uneven Storytelling and Poor Execution
28 October 2023
I saw this when it came out. I was excited. I left feeling disappointed. Eleven years later, I decided to give it a rewatch. I've come to appreciate camp more, so maybe I'd appreciate this more. I did not.

The biggest issue is the music. There are way too many songs (even for a musical). Rather than having dialogue, they have songs. Rather than acting, there are songs. Songs that just seem crammed in because they're rock. There are maybe three memorable performances total. Much of the reason they're not memorable is the music is being tailored to suit the performer's range (or lack thereof).

The movie can't focus and choose a point. I was 0% interested in Sherrie and Drew. I didn't care for the Whitmores or their storylines. Stacee Jaxx could have been more interesting, but the execution was a miss. Dennis and The Bourbon (minus Lonny) should have been the focus. That is where the story was.

The casting. This is the perfect example of star power over substance. So much great talent as individual actors, but the cohesion isn't there. Julianna and Diego were weak actors and weak performers. Russell Brand contributed nothing. So many others are so talented, and yet we never truly get to see it.

I don't know who the target audience is, but it's clearly not me.
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A Fun 80s-Themed Slasher
15 October 2023
I'm usually skeptical because most attempts at 80s nostalgia is incredibly forced. The hair and clothes are over the top, and they try to cram modern attitudes and sensibilities to a time where they weren't relevant. While a few concepts seemed a bit cliché (a group dedicated to Molly Ringwald), it was forgivable as the rest seemed reasonable. Rather than feeling like an 80s movie through a modern lens, we were given a trip to the 80s with a modern character. This allows us to see a more accurate representation of what the 80s were, while acknowledging that the times have changed.

Kiernan shouldered a majority of the film, and did so brilliantly. She was likeable and I was definitely invested in her character and her story.

A fun watch. Don't let the naysayers discouraged you.
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Fright Night (2011)
Solid Remake, Good Fun
15 September 2023
This came during the era when every 80s horror movie got a remake. As a result, I think it got lost in the mix and was dismissed by many.

It has a stacked cast, with a solid performance by Anton Yelchin. I personally loved Colin Ferrell and found him to be the right level of menacing.

The art direction was brilliant and the sound complements the film perfectly.

Even though it's a remake, it truly feels like it's its own movie. Often movies from the 80s don't translate well, as the things that scared us then don't necessarily now. However, this takes the vampire genre and makes it still feel scary without feeling like it's trying to. That's what makes this stand out not only as a remake, but as an early 2010s horror movie in its own right. Give it a watch! You'll be pleasantly surprised.
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Fairytale Fun
14 August 2023
Disclaimer: I've never read the book (and probably won't), so this is based purely on the movie.

First and foremost, I absolutely loved Zahra. Every line was fire, the delivery was superb, and she is 100% the highlight for me. She elevated the movie for me.

I loved Nicholas's performance. He's the reason I wanted to see it, since I thought he was fantastic in Handsome Devil. He again delivered a nuanced performance full of heart and relatability.

I felt the movie was a bit fairytale in how it unfolded and ended, but decided that isn't a bad thing. Sometimes it's exactly what you need.

Overall, a fun movie. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and if you're anything like me, you'll swoon once or twice.
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Not Terrible...
7 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
But that's not saying much.

I'm a moderate fan of M. Night Shyamalan. I'm usually willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that the movie will have more pros than cons, but I don't go in with particularly high expectations. This movie is a great example of why.

Dave Bautista gives another solid performance. I like Jonathan Groff, but Dave is what convinced me to watch. Everyone else was okay, but Dave stands out as good.

I wasn't sure what I was hoping from the conclusion, but this wasn't it. In the end, I don't really feel any sort of pay-off for my time spent watching. No major character growth to enjoy, no major plot point that becomes a topic of reflection for me, and no major statements about society and whatnot.

I hate to say this because it sounds ruder than I mean it to, but I left wondering - what was the point of all that? I might try watching again to see if I missed something, but I don't have high expectations.
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M3GAN (2022)
A Solid Movi3
31 May 2023
I had low expectations going in. I was pleasantly surprised that not only did I not hate it, I actually liked it!

Katie's journey through grief is an interesting journey. Violet McGraw does an amazing job.

I also love that virtually every adult in this movie except one absolutely sucks. Don't worry, though, it doesn't make the movie worse. In fact, I think it speaks to why Katie is so quick to bond with M3gan.

M3gan is a great example of a movie that knew what it wanted to be, and ultimately succeeded. Camp horror at its best!

If you have the means to watch it, do so. As long as you go in with reasonable expectations, you won't be disappointed.
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The Other Two (2019–2023)
Sleeper Comedy
22 May 2023
Honestly, so many people are sleeping on this show, and that is a crime. Helenè Yorke and Drew Tarver are hilarious and weirdly relatable. Throw in amazing supporting cast, like Dan Marino and Molly Shannon, and you're set.

The comedy style never feels like it's trying to hard. It lands just right. There are also some beautiful, heartfelt moments that set it apart.

The first two seasons had a great natural progression, and while I haven't started season 3 yet, I'm sure it will not disappointment.

Also, let's be honest - this show is responsible for my massive crush on Josh Segarra, and that is a-okay with me!
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Scream VI (2023)
Not Bad, Not Great
15 March 2023
I don't hate this film, but it genuinely feels like it tried too hard to address issues people had with Scream (2022). In doing so, it loses some of its inherent charm. Without giving spoilers, it lacks its meta self-awareness. It becomes just a sequel adding nothing to the overall narrative. It was also very rushed. Again, I don't hate it but I feel like you could lift the entry out of the franchise and lose nothing.

That said, it did a few things I enjoyed. Primarily, it gave more depth to our main characters. How that plays out in Scream 7 remains to be seen.

Overall, not the worst movie, but easily and quickly my least favourite since Scream 3.
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A Hard Watch But a Good One
13 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not gonna lie, some scenes made me incredibly uncomfortable. That, I suspect, was the point so I have to give props to the director. Let's talk about what made it so good.

Casting - So, I had wanted to watch this based simply on the premise. When I saw the cast, though, I knew I had to watch it immediately. A brilliant cast and not a weak performance in the bunch.

Soundtrack - While some movies have soundtracks that seem forced, this soundtrack never does. It takes skill to plop Stars Are Blind into a movie and have it not feel campy or forced. Angel of the Morning was a brilliant song to end with. Each choice for song was deliberate, and was the right choice.

Script/Plot - It took some time for me to get what was actually happening, but I don't think that's a fault of the film. That had more to do with me having expectations. So, ultimately this film subverted many of my expectations, not the least of which being Cassandra's death. That said, even in death she managed to exact her revenge. It was a bold choice and I respect it.

Overall, a great film!
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Glass Onion (2022)
A Decent Sequel
3 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For some reason my previous review wasn't posted, so let's try this again.

Overall, it was fine. I loved the first one and was eager to give this one a chance. I don't regret it, and will recommend it as a fun movie to most people I know. That said, it had some flaws that stood out.

But first, let's address what I did like. First and foremost, the art direction. This was another visually stunning film, from the set design to the costuming. It catches the eye in a pleasing way. Next, the cast (but not necessarily the characters) - I'm a fan of the performers I know, and seeing them all together was great. Finally, the music/score. It truly blended together nicely. All three of these complemented each other nicely.

As mentioned, there were a few flaws that need to be addressed. While I'm all for red herrings, the mystery of Duke's death being a subplot to Andi's death, which we didn't even know about, felt forced. It's not to say it is inherently forced, but there was really no buildup to the revelation. Sure we have throwaway lines that act like breadcrumbs, but the foundation really isn't solid. I get that this an allegory an onion with its layers, but those layers need to feel organic. For me, there was no reason to suspect that Andi's twin sister took her place and was trying to avenge her sister's death, so the revelation wasn't rewarding. It felt like a plot device.

While I don't necessarily have an issues with characters being a bit one-dimensional, I'm not a fan of them being overly exaggerated, which I felt they were. I appreciate social commentary, but I wonder if flamboyant caricatures are the best way to communicate them. I love Kate Hudson, but she was just too much. Either dial her acting down, or give her character more depth.

Finally, what really made Knives Out amazing was putting the clues together with Benoit as we went along. We really didn't have this with Glass Onion. By the time we realize what the real story is, he and Helen had all but solved it. We got exposition rather than storytelling.

Still an enjoyable movie overall and worth the watch.
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Deserved Better
17 December 2022
This show was canceled too soon! It was brilliant and I loved the journey. Let's do a breakdown:

Cast - The casting was brilliant. Rarely do we see a show where the actors so perfectly suit their characters. I also love that the diversity in the cast never felt forced. It always felt natural.

Music - Whereas Glee always felt like they built plots around songs, Zoey felt like they chose songs that fit the plot. Further, the songs were tailored to suit the styles of the singer. Some songs were done so well it took me longer than I'd care to admit to realize what the original song was.

Plot - Overall, good. I do feel like some of the topics addressed in the second half of Season 2 felt a bit heavy. I do appreciate the choice to address them directly, but I also wondered if there were ways to address them that more suited the narrative/style.

I'm sad we didn't get more. This show was brilliant and delightful from start to finish!
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ZIWE (2021–2022)
Hilarious Satire
17 December 2022
Ziwe is delightfully nuanced and embraces satire for all its worth. With her finger on the cultural pulse, Ziwe delivers clever quips, holding back no punches. Whether her guests are caught off-guard and fumble their words, or they sit in uncomfortable silence, each moment is jam-packed with subtext and humour.

She has a great list of guest stars and commenters that work well with her and their respective topics, and I can't wait to see who else shows up!

I don't believe in telling people how to watch a show or movie, but I will say this - if you are closed-minded and don't understand subtext, this not the show for you.
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No Redeeming Qualities
29 November 2022
This was a hot mess from the moment it started. I half expected it would be, but I thought they'd at least try to lean into making the subjects more relatable. That would be irresponsible, sure, but at least it would justify making this series. Weirdly enough, though, not painting these criminals as relatable or victims (although I'm sure what's her face thought she was) is what saves it from getting 1 star.

It's clear that over a decade later, those involved in this production feel no remorse. I mean, many of them never did (a cursory Google search on Nick paints a very distinct picture of him). In fact, in searching his history, I'm frankly appalled that Netflix would want to give him a platform. He has a history of violence and threatening SA against women. Please, let this sociopath tell me more about himself.

Honestly, not worth the watch. You gain nothing and lose time.
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A Fun Twist On an Old Tale
21 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let me just get this out of the way first - I love that this subverted the "enemies to friends to lovers" trope. When I first watched this, I actually thought Ned was also gay, and thought he'd fallen for Connor and that they would end up together after the credits. Upon a rewatch, I realized this was never stated. They have a beautiful platonic friendship, which is something I feel is not explored enough in film. It shows vulnerability and love between men, without requiring romance to validate it.

The performances were great. I became an instant fan of Fionn O'Shea, and you can never go wrong with Andrew Scott!

That said, there are some standard coming-of-age cliches, but they don't hinder the film. In fact, I'd argue they serve to help normalize the fact that LBTGQ+ teens can go through the same experience as anyone else.

A great film. Loved it and recommend it.
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Flawed, But Good
21 November 2022
Let's just start with the ending:

Holy sh**. Well done on subverting expectations. I knew what I thought was happening (which is what made the characters' actions throughout the majority questionable and frustrating), so when the truth came out, it changed everything.

That said, the gambit was a bit too big and likely would turnoff other viewers. The fact that Ryder's family stayed and seemed to embrace abuse for so long was confusing and disappointing. I tend to give LGBTQ+ films the full watch, which is the only reason I watched the whole thing. If I didn't have that investment, I likely would have stopped.

The acting was well done. Tension was not lacking in this film, and I felt uncomfortable the entire time.

That said, I think the reveal needed to come sooner, or the buildup needed to be smoother. More hints would have built intrigue and a desire to understand why, but otherwise a great film.
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Enchanted (2007)
Wonderfully Whimsical
21 November 2022
I remember the first time I saw the trailer for this - I was disinterested. Then I saw the part with James singing in the park and he gets hit by the bikers, and I was sold. I had to see this.

This was beyond expectations and enjoyable in its own right. The animated scenes in the opening were delightfully self-aware, playing into standard Disney clichés without being too on the nose. In fact, I'd argue that they hit the sweet spot perfectly! It was the perfect length, giving us the setup we needed for the rest of the film without overstating its welcome or use.

The transition to the real world was cute. A bit hammy, but that is the point. The absurdity of Giselle contrasted against the seriousness of reality is what makes this charming.

This was perfectly cast. None of the performances were weak, and they hit all the cues on the head.

The music was done so well. Each of the singing numbers served the plot/character development, and again highlighted the absurdity of the story. I daresay they were even catchy in their own rights.

This was also littered with Disney Easter eggs, and didn't feel forced or on the nose. My favourite was Jodie Benson as Robert's secretary.

Overall, a fun film. Great for what it is and an instant classic!
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