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More like Tales of Morgan Elsbeth
4 May 2024
I was hoping to see some in depth episodes focused on the Empire and their military leaders battle against rebel planets and factions. Instead the first three episodes are simply about Morgan Elsbeth in a story we all already knew about what happened. I mean from episode one we knew what was going to happen and how it was going to get there. I was ok with that....until it went 3 episodes long! It should have been one episode and I think most of us would have been ok with that. What we got was kind of boring, a story we all alreadu knew about and had seen for the most part in the Star Wars Rebels TV least I think it was called Revels.

The rest of the episodes focusing on anything but Morgan are good. Vader was obviously dropped into one episode for literally 10 seconds just so they could put him in the trailer for the show to build hype. It almost felt like they made the show, realized it was boring and then added Vadder in to try and spruce it up a bit.

Well the Bariss Ofee portion of the show was the best part really with again, a predictable outcome but at least it had interesteing characters and we had no idea what was going to happen next. 4/10.
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Identity Crisis (2024)
Season 3, Episode 10
Boring episode
4 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I dont know why this episode is receiving such high scores, it was straight up boring. We learned nothing new,,,,,the Empire experiments on children? We already knew this except the new twist is they are experimenting on more of them then before in project Necromancer. This was basically the entire episode....the empire collecting and experimenting on children for their m-count.

No action, no jedi or force powers, no Bad Batch for that matter, no protagonist girl and no Ventriss. Basically we got nothing new and nothing interesting.

The highlight of this show was the appearance of Cad Bane capturing a child for the Empire. Even that was boring. Its very obvious where the story is going because they make it so predictable. The Lab Director clone woman who is now running all the experiments is going to eventually betray the Empire, release the children and more than likely sacrifice herself along the way. We can all see it coming, in fact we could see this from many episodes ago.

5/10 on this one folks.
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 3 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 3
Not Good....,Just Not Good. What Else Can We Say?
3 February 2024
Why is this show written so poorly? It seems like before the Hollywood strike that Hollywood writers would have clued in by now that to be a successful script and story writer that one must entertain the audience, not bore them with agenda driven boring banter and unrealistic human reactions, actions and ultimately roles that are check boxes beside them.

Did anyone find the Inuit women doing a 'traditional Inuit water-birth" strange and out of place? That's because its not traditional at all. In fact traditionally the Inuit have never had water births because the water is freezing cold in northern Alaska and such tribes have never ever had such a practice. Being Canadian we know a thing about the cold weather, winters and natives. The writing is so poor that you can just imagine in the writers room on True Detective that they thought it would be sooo progressive to have a room full of Inuit women supporting a tribe member giving birth in a wading pool. The only thing this scene accomplished was letting us know just how agenda driven and crazy Hollywood writers still are at this modern day and age.

Jodie Foster is an acting talent. Of that fact it cannot be disputed; however, her character is poorly written and there is nothing Foster can do beyond trying to add flavour and likeability to a frankly unlikeable character as she is written. Its like she is playing a larger more powerful and physically strong tough constable. When reality kicks in you realize that this rough and tumble cop thats man-handling and restraining much larger people is only 5'3" and weighs about as much as a feather that you realize how absurd the entire notion of her character actually is.

Not worth your time. 4/5.
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
Another Remake of a Mediocre Film
3 February 2024
Anyone remember when Hollywood used to make shows and movies with original content and stories? It seems like those days are gone and the days of remakes and checking all the right boxes has taken over everything. The thing is, is that the world doesn't really enjoy that kind of entertainment. Even with the audience not liking that form of entertainment it just seems as though it still somehow gets pushed through for approval made. The giant film and tv show companies are imploding financially, yet the Hollywood machine keeps on churning out content that nobody wants to see.

Mr. And Mrs. Smith the tv show is definitely no Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie film, nor does the swapped in approved actors fit the bill for a knockoff. Don't get me wrong actors need to stay employed so we can't really blame then for wanting to practice their art regardless of what story, overall agenda and checks may be woven into the tapestry of such a show. The show has its interesting points, but lets face it, it probably would have served audiences better if it was not a remake and instead it was an original show.

Is the time investment of watching this flick worth it for you the average viewer? It could be depending on your expectations. If you keep your expectations relatively low then you may be entertained enough to slog through the series and get a mediocre dose of satisfaction that you were entertained for a few days.

On the other hand if you are expecting high quality and a well written show then perhaps go elsewhere. 5/10.
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Echo (2023–2024)
Disney Marvel Does it Again
10 January 2024
Another in a long line of un-remarkable films. The story starts out showing that the Chicotaw Indians are supernatural beings from outer space or something? I wonder what the real world natives think of this crazy origin story? Anyways, having a tv show where the main protagonist cannot speak has major drawbacks unfortunately. There is a lot and I mean a LOT of silence in this show.. Communication takes place via sign language for the entire show. This is time consuming while the writers of the show have to think up other ways of explaining the story other than verbally to the audience. I don't think it works unfortunately.

I noticed that Hollywood is moving away from showing stars with the typical model figure and frame, and our protagonist has definitely expanded (I am ok with this) since the last time we saw her in Harkeye. This is immediately noticeable, and I am ok with it but I fear some others wont be.

The story itself is somewhat weak and has some weak writing, Whether a result of the strike, poor writers or the fact that the origin story for the first few acts is explained with zero verbal dialogue leaving the viewer to interpret what the heck is going on, To be honest I am not sure I absorbed the entire origin story understood correctly.

I tried to get into the show. There was a very weak Daredevil cameo for a few minutes that was not very good...again no talking from our protagonist but lots of sign language. Overall I just couldnt get into this one so I am giving it a 4/10 and cutting it off aftrer just this first episode.
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Entertaining Sci-Fi Action Flick
24 December 2023
This is certainly no Oscar worthy film. The acting is decent, the writing is somewhat lacking when it comes to character building which results in somewhat less result than I feel it could have been. The story however is still coherent enough and the visual effects are fantastic! One thing that I did notice is that most scenes had amazing cgi but there were a few scenes that looked poor in comparison to the rest of the film. After watching the entire film I could not feel as though we were missing some scenes that were cut out to reduce the film in length. I am told that the directors cut comes in at just over 3 hours in length and Snyder said its almost a completely different film! I am betting that the directors cut is far superior to the release we did get as it would likely fill in a lot of that backstory we feel is missing.

Beyond everything I mentioned above, the score is good, cinematography is top notch. The real detractor to this film is the missing back stories that were removed to shorten the run time. I feel if we were to watch the director cut it would fix all these problems.

Overall the film is still good. Very entertaining if you are in to science fiction films. I feel as though this film has been review bombed by many people for stupid reasons. I am going with an 8 out of 10 for this one based on the fact that I very specifically enjoy science fiction films. The entertainment value is there, you just have to go into this one with some reasonable expectations and if you enjoy this type genre then I feel you will agree with my score also. Watch this one if you like science fiction and Snyder films!
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A "Modern" Tv Show
27 November 2023
This show is extremely slow paced. I am seeing a lot of high reviews here and am wondering to myself if these people saw the same show that I just did? I would not give this show anything higher than a 6/10, but. 5 seems more fitting.

The protagonist a young woman with "modern" outlooks on things. Her bright pink hair and pixie cut is a unique look. The story and writing are disappointing to me as I don't like a super slow story drawn out with lots of exposition about activists, but thats what this is. I imagine this may appeal to a very small portion of the potential audience.

I gave it a shot with the first few episodes and have decided to bail after that. The pace was too slow, I feel like the plot hasn't much developed as I still don't know exactly where they are going with this story as there seems to be multiple threads. There are multiple points in the story where it takes a turn that made no sense to me. For example the protagonists boyfriend leaves her and the reason he did he left scrawled on the mirror in the bathroom? It said I am leaving because its too much while not being enough- what does that even mean? Why did he leave and how does this reason do anything except confuse the viewer? 5/10.
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Krapopolis (2023– )
Not Fantastic, But Certainly Not Terrible
26 November 2023
I see some of the reviews on here that are between 1-3 stars which is just extreme. Lets be real, this show is not a great show. Its not that funny, the story is not engaging and I couldn't relate, connect or care for any of the characters in this show. I gave it a shot and watched 2 episodes.

Its not a terrible show and does have some entertainment value. It certainly does not deserve some of the low ratings I am seeing on here. That being said I find myself giving this show a 5/10 as its watchable, has some level of story/plot but its just not a good one. The comedy managed to get a few 'half-smiles' from me but that's about it. Even if Matt Berry is doing the voice work, it doesn't really matter when the writing is not good. I mean you could have Brad Pit doing voice work on the show, but if the writing is not good it won't matter right?

I can't really relate this show to any current toons being produced. Its not clever, rude and funny like Rick and Morty. Its not dumb, funny and over the top like the Simpsons. I suppose its unique in the fact that it doesn't fit with anything out there, but when its a boring generic un-funny cartoon with poor writing I suppose it might match up with other shows that were cancelled.

My recommendation: If you are bored and have nothing else to watch this show is a good way to kill some time as it DOES have some entertainment value. Just go in with low expectations and you will be ok. 5/10.
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Definitely a MASTERPIECE in the Realm of Anime
12 November 2023
Alright, I went in with a jaded outlook concerned that this would be yet another Hollywood style of anime in the same sort of themes that Disney has been so fond of recently creating. I am glad to say that while it does incorporate SOME of those themes into the show, they are low key enough that I consider them under the radar enough for me to ignore them and focus on the actual story.

Yes folks this show has an actual original story that isn't terrible or corrupted and driven by modern themes. The story in this show isn't copied from somewhere else that I know of and wasn't given a 'modern treatment' like so many others. This originality alone is bonus in my books.

The show has nudity, excessive violence and adult themes so it wasn't written for teenagers. We get a cold hard rough and tumble reality check from early Japan where Westerners are still not around at all, or if they are they are hidden because they are not even allowed in the country.

The story is about a female samural who has to dress and live as a man to be able to live the kind of life that she wants and be able to do the kind of things that she wants to do. Top of her list is REVENGE. In fact the entire show is a revenge story and our protagonist is an avenging samurai with hate in her heart and a kill list in her sites. With little regard for her own life she pursues the man at the top of her list with a laser focus. She wants him dead and she is willing to die getting what she wants, and what she wants is total retribution, revenge and avengement. Think the type of avenger that Sasuke from Naruto was in the beginning, mix that with Kill Bill and perhaps a bit of Samurai Champloo and we might have something similar.

The influences for this show are clear: Kill Bill, Samurai Champloo and maybe even a bit of the anime film Ninja Scroll. The scene from Kill Bill that takes place in the rock and roll restaurant's fight scene is definitely duplicated and you will notice that immediately. The excellent sword fight animation style from Samurai Champloo is employed and music ranges from old Japanese style traditional music to Hells Bells from Metallica. Needless to say we have a show that is not your normal anime.

The show watches like one long movie! You have to see it to believe it! We don't have 3-5 other character stories taking place at once we have one and the majority of the screentime is the protagonist and he dealings with the odd scene with her enemies taking place. This makes it more like a movie to watch and the entire binge of this show goes down very easy that way, much easier than most.

Overall I am giving this a 9/10 because I am fairly sure we are going to have a major hit here. A new legendary show that will be a massive hit and will go down as one of the great sword fight anime's of all time. I would consider going higher than 9/10 but I still have a couple of episodes left and anything could happen still, but I think 9/10 is deserved here and I will come back and edit this after I am done if needed.

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Beautiful, Alien and Wondrous
19 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just had a very brief exposure some months back to a commercial on this American Anime and that was it. I thought at the time that it looked interesting and made a mental flag to check it out at some point.

That time is now and I just finished watching episode one and it was visually stunning. The alien life forms are so different from anything we could ever imagine and that alone is enough to capture the attention of a certain audience. The acting is decent enough so we will have to see how that pans out as it is hard to judge a show by one episode; as such, I will be updating this review once I have finished the entirety of season one; What is clear so far is that space workers have become stranded on an extremely strange alien planet. Its odd because it seems that a number of the survivors seem already comfortable and knowledgeable with the organic technology in the life forms on this planet. If indeed this is the case and not some continuity error then it would mean that the survivors have already been there for some time, or have experienced similar life forms on other planets in the past.

Its early, but the sound is good, the animation is better than I thought it would be after watching the show. At first I thought the animation was sub-par, but I was wrong. The animation is decent. I am going to watch the second episode now so stay tuned for a better review and a possible revised rating once I am complete on this show@! 8/10.
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Very Intellectual, too much at Times but overall a decent Watch
18 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wasnt sure what to expect going into this film. Having read the overview and watched a brief series review I was expecting horror. I was expecting some kind of anthology and I was expecting jump scares and similar modern horror movie methods. Was I wrong!

The Fall of the House of Usher is unique. For that I give it a decent rating as so little of what comes out in horror these days is unique. Too many reboots of franchises or stolen story arcs from other successful films.

What I did get was a very intellectual movie. One that offered deep reflection on ones characters and a deep look at the good and evil that people do each and every day in the world, The film focused on one family and their meteoric rise to the top of the business world using less than savoury business tactics. This family used terrible methods to get to their high seat at the table and often utilized similar tactics to hold on to their power.

This story is about evil, plain and simple. The Usher family is evil, all of them except maybe one or two redeeming characters that are undoubtedly good. Even the good ones fell in the end though.

The protagonist and Patriarch of the family and his sister make a deal with the devil to enjoy a wealthy life of luxory and they most certainly received it. The problem was the evil within the family, nearly every single one of the Usher family were evil. Some, or even most were killers. Psychottic, serial killers. This film is about the devil and her beginnings of the Usher contract. From start to finish we see how it started and the ugly horrofic ending of it.

The film is exceedingly intellectual and not for someone just out for a standard horror film. I imagine those that are will drop out of this series very quick and similarly find it boring and not their bag. Those of you that enjoy a thinking movie with much deep conversation, one that explores the depths of human depravity and the rewards it can sometimes offer may like this one.

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Blue Beetle (2023)
Not Very Good. Just Another Poorly Written Film
21 September 2023
This is the reason why noone cares about the writers on strike, The writing in many of todays films is terrible with all sorts of fashionable Hollywood tropes that I cant really talk about or this review will get flagged and pulled.

None of the actors are familiar in this one and the acting itself is not very good. The story is convoluted and disconnected but still manages to come across as the same generic super hero film as others that are not well done.

There is a love story that is stifled due to the protagonists immaturity and comedic attempts. The female in this love story and the supporting actress is absolutely stunning, so there is that positive note.. The superhero lives at home in a small house with a massive Mexican family all squeezed into the same place.

I could write more on how things are not good but I feel as though I have already had enough of this film and want to move on to something more engaging, Avoid this one.
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
Surprisingly Scary
18 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film is about a somewhat troubled young adult woman who has recently lost her mother to suicide who has been lashing out and taking wreck less risks that end up causing even more tragedy to herself and those around her. This is not a happy movie! That said the acting is acceptable for these young newcomers. Its the story that itself is scary.. Wreckless teenagers manage to get their hands on a powerful occult artifact that allows them to contact the dead, and even allow them to inhabit their body for a short time. The downside here is that the spirits she makes contact with are all evil and rotten to the core and just itching to lash out and hurt, maim and kill the living. There is a rule that if you use the object for longer than 30 seconds that you risk danger to yourself and those around you. Of course our protagonist manages to stay possessed far longer than the cutoff time of 30 seconds and her life turns into a haunted hell for herself and those around her.

Once our protagonist gives permission to her younger step-brother to use it, it nearly kills him leaving him close to death and with his face permanently scarred for life. It only gets worse from here as apparitions of her dead mother start to appear, but guess what? They aren't really her mother. This film is scary, has a new and unused angle that it brings to the horror genre so its not some remake of a remake with stale ideas. That alone makes this a good film to watch, just dont watch it alone!
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Entertaining Enough
11 September 2023
This is definitely no Oscar winning film; however, it holds entertainment value for sure. Its a sit back and watch some meatheads kill each other kind of flick. The acting outside of Stephen Dorf, Frank Grillo and the protagonist is not professional.

If you are looking for an hour and a half of mindless gunslinging and martial arts this might be for you. The happy 'family' moments showing how happy the protagonist is before his family gets wrecked is predictable and skippable.

If you can look beyond all of that and are just here for the fights then you might be good with this one. They seem to have also set it up for a sequel, but don't hold your breath on that one. 6/10.
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Foundation: In Seldon's Shadow (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
This is the best Sci Fi show on TV!
14 July 2023
Love this show. In a world of bad tv shows and political movies this show beats them all. Somehow it manages to pull off an infinitely complex script that is intellectually fascinating yet mixes it with wonderful sci-fi imagery and action! Best show on TV at the moment. Lee Pace is a masterclass actor and so are the actors that play Harry Seldon and Gale Dornick.

Ultimately if you didn't see season one then you may have trouble engaging with season two so I would recommend watching that first for sure. The plot and story takes place over hundreds of years and it is amazing that they can pull this off while keeping things engaging.
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Bad Writing, Poor Acting and Unqualified Actors
18 May 2023
This episode was bad. The child actor is not a good fit and the new all female cast is bad. I can't figure out how this show started out so well and over the years has completely lost all its main characters and everything that was good about FTWD. This season is a hard pass if this episode is a standard sampling.

AIf you go back and watch season one and two they hold literally no similarity to what is bein created now. I don't understand how AMC can produce such a smash hit like TWD but can't get it together for this series. I will stop griping now and try to focus on what was positive like writ.
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Star Wars: Visions (2021– )
To be expected from Kathleen Kennedy's Lucasfilm
6 May 2023
Every single episode features a female protagonist that is overpowered or amazingly good at everything. Every single villain is a male of a certain persuasion. Kathleen has injected her brand of special taste into this entire season with a kick in the teeth on some episodes even.

For example, she 'retold' the Anakin story accept this time Ani is a female? Why? This is going a little too far I think. The only men in most of these episodes are evil and/or dumb and fumbling morons with little intelligence. This is the type of schlock being put forth by Lucasfilm these days and it has only gotten worse.

The episodes in themselves have some interesting animation technology behind them, but the story's are all the same....young female fighting against evil and she always has amazing characteristics that allow her to win or come out on top in every episode. No, the stories are not connected beyond this overarching annoying theme that has been inserted for the sole purpose of the CEO of Lucasfilm imposing her beliefs onto others. Its not good and I don't much like this second season.

There are a few good episodes but the rest is all the same.
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Excellent Episode Finally!
9 March 2023
After watching Episode 1 of season 3 I was disheartened because it appeared to be a poorly made episode with disjointed story and conflicting plot lines. I was worried that it would remain like that for the entirety of season 3.

Luckily I was wrong and the second episode was fantastic! I watched it 3 times already and I have no complaints! While episode one looked like something KK from Lucasfilm might have written (I gave it a 5/10 rating) the second episode was a 9/10 rating!

We dive deep into the mines of Mandalore in this episode and it is spooky with a General Grievous type of enemy and even some Morlock looking monsters! At the end is the real treat as we discover a creature that is supposed to be extinct!

Watch this episode!
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Three-Body (2023– )
For Those Who Never Read the Book
29 January 2023
What in the heck am I watching? I understand that all you folks giving it high numbers and praise completely follow the tv show because you completely followed the books.

Imagine someone like myself who did not read the books trying to wrap their head around this show. It's confusing and the plot isn't all that clear to me.

I THINK that a scientist discovered physics arent legit and that there is no binding theory for anything. This to me means as I understand it that it's pure chaos, with reality bound only by what one believes into existence. I have no idea if that is correct and I am only on episode three so that's where I am at.

How do aliens get into the mix? Does the countdown represent D Day for invasion, the end of Earth or something else? It's incredibly thought provoking and intellectual. The tv show itself isn't amazing so far. It's interesting so it gets a 6/10 from me after three episodes.
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A Step Above Other Anthologies
31 October 2022
VHS, Creepshow and and others are all trying to create an anthology like this. With Del Toro's name attached to the film we expect it to be better quality across the board when compared to others...and that it is! You won't be seeing this one at the Oscars, but an Anthology with a rating review 7/10 and above usually means it's fantastic. For whatever reason all horror films or anthologies are all rated far below their true rating. For horror films you simply take the issued rating and add 1:5 stars to it and you get its true rating on par with other horror films.

My recommendation to you is to watch this one. It's better than any Creepshow or VHS.
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Attack on Titan: Night of the End (2022)
Season 4, Episode 25
The Final End
7 March 2022
Attack on Titan has finally reached it end in what is most likely one of the greatest anime tv shows of all time! Clever, inventive and NEW plot has essentially taken the anime world by force as this plot is so unique and beyond the scope of any other anime on the market today that Attack on Titan is in itself a colossi!

It is so rare and unique to have a truly well written story such as this. So much of entertainment today is reboots, and remakes that it is truly rare to have a studio come forwards with an inventive plot. Nowadays when a unique and new plot comes out it really stands out! Every imaginable form of anime has repeated the same story or some teen that has special powers that they use to fight evil and is basically the same story with a different set of outer clothing over and over in so many shows. That's what makes this show so great! It ISNT that!

A rare and original story, compelling characters with backstory, wide and expansive lore. Those characteristics are what define a unique story like this one. Great soundtrack, epic backdrops, foreboding danger around every potential corner and it makes AOT one of the great and unique amines of its time! I give this anime 9/10 and it is basically required watching for almost every single anime fan!
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Z Nation was Far Superior to Day of the Dead, and It Was a Low Budget and Much Better! What Went Wrong?
7 February 2022
Face the facts, and those facts are that SyFy Channels previous low budget zombie tv show was called Z Nation and it was a moderate success! It was a low budget scary tv show that had the right blend of humour mixed in with some relatively cool zombie encounters. Throw in some extremely weird and quirky characters like a Blue Smurf colored zombie hybrid and a new mutated zombie menace every week and you got a decent show that was a decent success! They had nuclear zombies, crack zombies, zombie babies, ice zombies, plant zombies, giant rolling zombie hordes and all sorts of other weird idea's that seemed to work out fairly well.

Z-Nation was basically the type of horror zombie tv show that I myself and thousands of others were quite happy with and enjoyed watching a new episode come out every week.

Day of the Dead: the tv show. So where did they go wrong? All they had to do was follow the same outline as Z-Nation and they could have had fans from that show transition to this new show along with hopefully picking up a bunch of Romero movie fans also. DoD (Day of the Dead) has some terrible writing for one. The acting and actors selected for these roles are just bad! It's like they went down the standard "woke" actor selection list checking off all the woke inclusion that they could, and instead of picking the best actresses and actors just picked whatever actor because of their race!

The result was abysmal. The only "good" white guy HAS to be gay, and all the other white males have to be over-bearing pigs over EVIL white men! The middle-aged Caucasian oil foreman was basically super evil caring only for himself and his pocketbook, killing anyone who got in his way.

The protagonist, a Native American female who has little acting experience seems to have been picked based on inclusion and the acting shortcomings are obvious. Our other protagonist an African American actress wasn't all that great at acting either with not much acting experience but did better than most of the others to be honest. Her character was victim to poor writing more than anything. Our third protagonist who was Caucasian and of course had to be gay if he is white, checked off the inclusion box. Surprisingly Daniel Doheny the actor playing Luke Bowman can act and has some actual experience, but unfortunately suffers due to poor writing, again!

Not surprisingly the only seasoned actor on the show that actually did a fantastic acting job and has a literal TON of acting experience was only around for two episodes before they killed him off! WTF! He still stuck around as a zombie for all of the episodes, but they totally wasted the opportunity of having their most skilled actor acting as a brainless zombie for 7 of the 9 episodes shambling around instead of helping to make this show successful through his fantastic acting skills!

Right from the beginning we have a new show with actors who are all new to the profession or very inexperienced that aren't very good at what they do, be it from inexperience or little to no experience. That hurt the show for sure. On top of all that we have the writing which is terrible also. I mean if they had decent/experienced actors, they could have at least made up for the poor writing; however, the show has bad writing basically compounding the problems. When you mix bad writing with poor acting you get a disaster!

I have given this tv show a 5/10 and I feel that is a generous figure. Many other user reviews on here are coming in around 4/10 and even 3/10, but I want to hope that this show can improve, but now the first season is over, and I think it's a stinker. With an average of 224,000 viewers (a terrible number of viewers) I am predicting that this show will BE CANCELLED after just one season!

What else is there to say about this show? Even watching this one for fun isn't all that great! Running this show through the "WOKENESS" Hollywood inclusion hiring practice killed the acting right from the start by hiring on inclusion instead of acting skill, and the writing was quite similarly done by writing with a focus on social justice first and everything else second. Pandering to the Twitter activist crowds never helps any form of entertainment like this show.

In the end we are left with a tv show that has little to do with the actual "Day of the Dead" that was a George Romero film, and has little to none of the same spirit. This show is dead on arrival in my opinion. Don't waste your time!
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Snowpiercer: The Tortoise and the Hare (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
Bad Start
1 February 2022
The opener was almost totally detached from what happened before. A lot of things were difficult to follow. There is definitely a more woke feeling to this episode than anything that came before, and that is not a good thing. It feels like the show is going down the wrong path now.
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Hawkeye (2021)
Nice Kids TV Show, Not For Adults
12 January 2022
The writing is not up to Marvel quality and this show seems made for kids. The political aspects to this show are heavy as usual and seem aimed at young teens.

I had some problems with the show: The leader of a ruthless mafia gang is a 14 year old deaf Hispanic girl that is bossing around these hardened gang members. Unrealistic!

Hawkeye and Jeremy Renner do a good job acting as usual, but this role sees him dumbed down playing a role beneath his capabilities.

Hailey Steinfeld is a good actress playing a young woman aimed towards young teens. She can do so much more than this as she is a great actress!

All in all the writing is not very good and seems aimed at children.
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Scary Because It's Real!
8 January 2022
This exorcism is frightening because it really happened in real life. The name of the movie changed her name from Anneliese Michel for the sake of the movie, but it's one of the few exorcisms and possessions that I believe to be true.

I suppose that statement may sound very religious but while it's true that I am Christian, it is also true that I just keep an open mind. This film is horrifying because it's based on a real story. The exorcisms real life story made headlines across Germany and then across the globe because it was so controversial.

The reason is so terrifying to Christians is because the possessed girl died and she died during an exorcism in the hands of the Catholic Priests responsible for her exorcism. According to real life witnesses of those events and partial audio recordings of the exorcisms being performed on Anneliese there were 2 priests and 2 parents for sure that we know of. We are also informed that she spoke in languages beyond her native German that she could not possibly have known. The entire exorcism was recorded on tape and has the subject speaking in German her native language, English and Latin.

It is believed that Anneliese Michel did not learn Latin in school and yet was able to communicate fairly effectively using the Latin language during exorcism sessions. This evidence would suggest that Anneliese had knowledge of languages that she could not possibly have known, which lends credence to the fact that she may have indeed been possessed by supernatural forces. That is why it's such a controversial case. Of course the scientists still do not believe this and cite obscure medical reasons or a medical condition that simply has been miss diagnosed.

In the end this movie is scary not because of jump scares and spooky scenes (although those definitely exist in the film), rather it is scary because this actually happened to someone in real life. I give this film a 7.5/10. The acting and writing is good and if you are Christian, then this film is guaranteed to scare you!
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