
21 Reviews
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Surprisingly Moving.
3 February 2023
I've always been a fan of Anna Kendrick and was not sure what to expect going into this movie.

I was a bit afraid it would be violent but the movie was something deeper surrounding emotional abuse from a partner.

It brought back memories of when I was younger and a victim and perpetrator of emotional abuse in multiple relationships and how it was portrayed and displayed so subtle that it was hard to realize it happening.

This movie opened my eyes to the awareness that needs to be brought to romantic relationships regarding emotional abuse and control.

I thought it was a touching and surprisingly eye opening movie on abusive relationships that don't involve physical violence.
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Soft & Quiet (2022)
Good premise but hard to take seriously.
16 January 2023
I started this film with almost no idea what I was getting into.

I got excited in first 20-30 minutes of the movie thinking this could go somewhere really dark.

As the movie progressed the situation became harder and harder to take seriously due to the fact that if compared to a real situation(which I would hope the film maker would try to mimic) the characters would not really be able to pull any of this off.

I found it hard not to laugh when I saw the characters, suburban women doing all these things and how unrealistic all the aspects were to it.

Maybe it was the actresses, the situation, the aggression I couldn't take seriously but it just did not work for me.

I do applause the idea of the whole movie, wish it was better put together is all.
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Speak No Evil (2022)
27 November 2022
I've been a horror movie buff for decades and it takes a lot for any movie to scare, shock or surprise me.

I skipped this movie over a few times just because it seemed like it may be boring.

After hearing it discussed on a podcast I listen to frequently and all 3 hosts said they were scared by this movie, I figured why not give it a shot.

Going into the movie about 5-15 minutes in I had to recheck if this was the same movie the hosts of the podcasts I was listening to earlier were raving about since it seemed like it would just be another cookie cutter crazy host bad vacation movie.

I sat through it and there were some scenes that were uncomfortable and was hard to sit through BUT there were other scenes that started to lead me to believe this my be a truly haunting horror film.

I must say the back and forth of the uncomfortableness led to a climax that was worth all the tension.

This movie surpassed what I expected and horrifically horrified me.

If you have a strong stomach and can watch a horror that may sit with you.

This is a must see!
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Barbarian (2022)
26 October 2022
I'm a movie buff and a big horror fan, I'm extremely picky when it comes to what movies I'll watch through and usually will give up 30 minutes to an hour into a movie if it doesn't captivate me.

Each weekend I look for a horror movie or 2 to enjoy and usually come out disappointed.

I walked into this movie thinking it was going to be another average kidnap, captive torture type horror film but was completely surprised at every turn.

I watched this movie on a Tuesday night, after a long days work, which I usually never do and I finished it in 1 sitting.

If you are a horror fan please go into this movie without any expectations or reading about it and get ready to be pleasantly surprised!
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Nope (2022)
26 August 2022
With all the hype around this movie and me looking forward to see if Jordan Peele can pull off another entertaining horror like "Get Out", "Nope" completely misses the mark.

Some interesting characters kept me in the film but in the end it all leading to nothing.

It's a NOPE for me!
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The Old Man (2022– )
What Happened!?
14 August 2022
What started off as sheer excitement and action turned into just bad writing 3rd or 4th episode in.

I was entralled with the story and the characters but somewhere down the line, it all just stopped making sense.

So disappointed!!
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Watcher (I) (2022)
24 July 2022
I almost gave up on this movie half way through because nothing was happening.

If you are impatient and can't take a movie that moves slow, this may not be for you.

The ending did make up for all that lost time I must say.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Pleasantly Surprised!
23 July 2022
I almost completely dismissed this movie due to the trailers looking like every other corny action movie.

Also it didn't help that Netflix has been putting out a lot of subpar movies lately.

I read a review on IMDB that said I should not judge the movie by the trailer so I decided to give it a watch.

I must say, it's VERY RARE I watch a movie all the way through without taking breaks and coming back to it the next day or hours later.

I watched this movie through, very entertaining with additional sentimental values added!
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Hunter Hunter (2020)
Finally, a SOLID horror film!
10 July 2022
I started this movie a bit weary thinking it would be surrounding some wolf that had a taste for humans or something to that cliché nature.

The mood of the film kept me watching and as I was deeper into the movie I realized I couldn't stop watching because I wanted to figure out what was going on!

Most horror movies I can't even make 30 minutes to an hour without just shutting off knowing it will waste my time.

When I reached the end of this movie not only was I surprised but it left me contemplating and wanting more!

If you're a horror/thriller fan, you can't miss this!
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Host (II) (2020)
Jump out of your seat good!
4 July 2022
Looks simple at the beginning and I wasn't expecting much but as the movie went on I found myself entralled with the character connections.

As a horror movie fan for as long as I can remember, it is very hard to scare me or get a real fear reaction from any movie.

This movie surprised me and literally had me gasp a few times and even jump from where I laid watching.

Simple, fun and best of all, Scary!!
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The Batman (2022)
Boring Regurgitation...
30 April 2022
First I would like to state that I am a fan of Robert Pattinson and think he is a great actor.

This movie on the other hand I could barely make it through and had to force myself to watch because of all the hype surrounding it.

I barely ever write reviews unless a movie is so bad or so good that I felt the need to share.

This movie is the former, with a useless as usual catwoman who is just a terrible hero, villains who the writers have to push on us to hate/like/love.

Same cliche music and mood over and over. My goodness just a waste of time and huge disappointment.

I am a movie buff and always try to give all movies a chance but this movie left a bad taste in my mouth.

I believe most the audience who rate this so highly are just hypnotized by all the hype and marketing surrounded by this movie.

I'd steer clear if you don't want to waste 2-3 hours of your life.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Plot convenience at every turn...
23 February 2022
I heard good things and wanted to give the show a shot.

I could not find any character intriguing enough to take the leading role nor any characters interesting enough to keep me watching.

The storyline of every episode was very repetitive and at every turn they used plot convenience to continue to regurgitate the same struggle. Ie. "Lost cell signal, traffic, character interruptions."

Waste of time.
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Disappointing and Pretentious
25 August 2021
I usually never get enough motivation to write a review unless a movie is extraordinary or just a complete waste of time. Unfortunately this is the latter.

Seeing the previews of this I was very excited. I love fantasy, medieval stories.

This is something entirely different, just nonsense. Besides the visuals it might as well just be background scenery with no substance at all.

Avoid if you value your time.
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A stain on the first 2...
8 July 2020
I loved Cloverfield and thoroughly enjoyed 10 Cloverfield Lane. As much as I hoped all the bad reviews were wrong. I started Paradox with great optimism only to be confused, frustrated and disappointed as the end...
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Surprisingly Good!
3 October 2019
I started this movie thinking I was walking into a comedy, surely enough I was somewhat thrown off by the dark mood of the film from the beginning. It did have some funny moments but nothing like I expected from other Jesse Eisenberg movies.

Half way through I was still engulfed into the movie but expecting to be disappointed, nearing the end there were some surprises and some things I expected to happen but the ending was very fulfilling for the time spent watching it.

That's the most I can say for any movie in the past few years!

Must Watch!

(Haven't written a review for a movie in YEARS!)
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Starts off really exciting with lots of potential but....
29 March 2017
30 minutes into the movie I was so excited because I am a horror movie fanatic and truthfully only 1 out of 10 of them have been good lately. Maybe even 1 out of 20. I had such high hopes and was glued to the screen but as the movie went on, it became cliché and got ridiculous. *sigh* What a let down.
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Was it me just me?
10 October 2014
Or was this movie really bad? I gave it a 5 because I am a fan of Eric Bana, But I could not sit through the entire movie. I had to watch it through parts. Like 30 minutes, then another 30, 20, 30. I couldn't keep attention. I thought the acting was very unnatural. Eric Bana's accent slipped in and out of his character. Olivia Munn was just not believable as a worried mother and wife. The priest I just found comedic.

All in all I had hopes for this movie, since I am a fan of possessed/demon films. This truly makes the other cheaper, independent horror movies look better. I was thinking the "Last Exorcism" was WAAAY better than this film sadly.
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One of the most inspiring movies I've seen in a while.
13 March 2008
I am shocked that it got such a low rating. If it wasn't for the fact that I like Tyler Perry movies I would've skipped it. The ratings must've been put in by people who didn't even watch the movie. But I am 24 years old, I've been in a long relationship before, but I have yet to be married. It taught me a great lesson, I now want to treat women more respectfully because of this movie. I applaud Tyler Perry for putting this movie in a way a young man can understand.

I'd recommend this movie to anyone who wants to learn a lot about marriage, and how to treat a woman or a man like a human being. Give this movie a chance and you will not regret it.
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A full course meal.
16 May 2003
I never seen such well made fight scenes ever, and I actually loved the story line to this film. While the first matrix puts you in a sort of excited mood this sequel has a darker mood to it. I give it a 10/10, it had everything I'd want in a movie. And for all the negative critics, they don't know what they're talking about.
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Perfect movie for action, and a big side of laughs.
4 March 2003
I thought this movie was great. I walked into the theatre in not such a good mood. But walked out smiling and laughing. The movie starts off with actions and ends with a nice topping of laughs. In my opinion this movie is a must see. 10/10
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Tupac would've agreed.
19 October 2002
Tupac would've agreed of the making of this documentary. I believe this is the only documentary ever made of Tupac that ever gave him justice. This is a beautifully put together biography of Tupac's life with plenty of interviews and alot of people who loved him speaking about him and on him. This is definately a must see for tupac fans, and for anyone who has a chance to see this. Don't miss it.
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