
7 Reviews
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Jarhead (2005)
"They headed for the exits in Brooklyn"
8 November 2005
Here we have yet another film by Hollywood's seemingly endless list of "dilettante directors" who insist on portraying their anti- war stance on an unsuspecting audience. I felt "ambushed" by the subtle ways our "hero" is portrayed as a "wandering soldier in the wilderness" who is forced to read from a script that contains such memorable lines such as "Welcome to the suck" ! Our young men and women in our armed forces have been dishonored by this latest waste of time and money which only adds to the many reasons why box office numbers are in the toilet. A half hour into the film, a woman walked out of the theater saying loudly (for everyone to hear)." I'm sorry, this is an awful movie" She was the first of about four patrons I noticed leaving the theater. It's been a long time since I've seen this happen during a film. I had to share this with you. .. Bottom line .."duck it if you can.
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Great performances in a biased movie
7 November 2004
Oliver Stone outdid himself if his purpose was to produce yet another

anti-war movie in that he used the main character's true story to

malign Vietnam Veterans and prove once again that Hollywood never has understood why America went into Vietnam in the first place. War is hell and no one can deny the human sacrifice suffered by our veterans during that period but Stone unfortunately fragments a true story and angles it simply to make a political statement which is unfortunate since the

performances are outstanding especially that of Tom Cruise.The movie

drags on before Stone's intent becomes quite clear and the audience

is left to wonder why it took Stone such a long time to make his

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A big letdown for fans of the original.
4 August 2004
Denzel Washington commented on a TV interview that this movie should

not be compared to the original. He was right ! The original was far

superior, but more importantly, why did they pick the title

"Manchurian Candidate" then ? As the plot begins to unfold, one wonders if this movie started out with a real desire to update the Sinatra

original and then got caught up in the cast's political agenda. If

you look at the cast, almost all are outspoken advocates against our Iraqi policy etal. The obvious inuendo of the evil big Corporations

and military failings is presented, not to entertain the audience.

but to make a political statement.As I left the theatre, I overheard

a man exclaiming "We've got to make a change in the White House" ! Whether you're a Democrat or Republican, after you've plunked down

your ten dollars to be entertained, a spin on a good story line is

unforgivable. It gets a 4 at best !
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Kill Bill makes money for Tarantino but does zero for us
2 November 2003
What an awful film and Tarantino suggests that 12 year olds go to

see it for the gang rape scenes. The guy is sick ! Another example of how some people will do anything for a buck. By the way, he watches

old Roy Rogers films so what does that tell you
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Open Range (2003)
You can't get any better than this !
31 August 2003
In the spirit of "Red River" and "High Noon" Open Range ranks along `with the list of all time great westerns. Duvall gives an exceptional performance as a weathered cowboy and good 'ol boy who is put to the test by unscrupulous ranchers bent on crushing him, his partner(Costner) and his herd of cattle. Annette Bening gives a credible performance as nurse/assistant to her brother, the town's only Doctor whose practice has become brisk since our two heroes have arrived.

Costner gives a good earthy performance in the style we have become accustomed to by now and excells in his direction. The scenery is like a painting which you can't take your eyes off and the score is perfect for this movie. Academy nominations for Duvall for his performance and to Costner for his direction.
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A film for everyone who loves a blend of comedy & romance
31 May 2003
Great movie that established Richard Dreyfuss as an accomplished

actor in Hollywood. Together with Marsha Mason,who is perfect in her role as a divorced woman soured on romance and more concerned with rebuilding her life and raising her daughter, Dreyfuss puts together a blend of wit,charm and sarcastic "one liners" as an out of work

actor trying his hardest to "make it " in New York while sharing

an apartment with Mason on a "strictly business" arrangement. Neil Simon's script is not only outrageously funny but at times compelling and few in Hollywood can shed tears as only Ms. Mason can. Herbert

Ross' direction is flawless and the chemistry between Dreyfuss and

Mason is electric. Richard came away with the Oscar but Marsha won

our hearts in this one. If you haven't yet seen this movie...... run out and buy it now ! You won't be sorry
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Dying Young (1991)
Julia Roberts scores again in a 4 handkerchief role
22 February 2003
Julia Roberts shows once again how she can take an ordinary script and turn it into a worthwhile flick. This is a great movie for one of those rainy afternoons when you don't mind a little tear here and there.No one in Hollywood can cry and hit you right in the gut like Julia. Along with Campbell Scott,who is dying from Leukemia, they both give believable performances and the music score is quite good.
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