
30 Reviews
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10 July 2022
I had a co-worker tell me that he never binges anything and he binged this show, so I was like the reviews are good let give it a go... I am already deep into the second season already, this show is done so well, so good! Just watch one episode like me and you will be hooked.
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Just go!
4 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First movie I have even wanted to see since 2019, this is just as good if not better than the original, the only bad things I can say is I don't know how "penny" is tied to him, I do not remember her from the original. But a damn fine movie!
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Better Call Saul: Plan and Execution (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
30 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
OMFG amazing episode! Literally left me speechless! Almost like having Breaking Bad Back! And only going to get better, I see in episode 10 we have the return of Jesse & Walt! OMG cannot wait until July!!
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YES it's back!
29 May 2022
I was not so sure with the first 6 episodes of Season 4, I mean it was so so but nothing like the past, BUT 100% redeems itself with Episode 7! SO GOOD!
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Ozark: A Hard Way to Go (2022)
Season 4, Episode 14
Amazing Show!
2 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just an amazing show, and in the middle of episode 14, I thought let me see what Rank the final episode is being given on IMDB and was shocked at how low it was.

Didn't read any spoilers just looked at the rank.. so I finished the show and then I GOT IT! Lol

Why does Ozark get to pull another Sopranos ending on us, it finished and I immediately said "OH NO you didn't!!" LOL

But still an Amazing show!
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21 February 2022
I only made it in this one maybe 30 mins, WTH is up with the actors commenting?? One Minute your watching the movie then they cut to an interview AND this garbage is up for an Academy Award!! The standards have fallen so hard in Hollywood about what makes a good movie, it's either this crap or a Super Hero Movie, when was the last time a REALLY great movie came out?? I honestly have to think hard about that question and it most certainly has not been the crap that has come out the past 15+ years.
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Australian Survivor (2016– )
16 February 2022
Australian Survivor FAR surpasses any other version of Survivor, it's just amazing! 54 days so you really get to know the players, they brought back all the things I LOVE about Survivor, The auction and even the car, it's Survivor on Steroids is the best way to say it. The challenges are better, it's just an amazing show that I prefer over the US version and I am a die hard Survivor fan and thought no way I would ever like this better than the original but it's better!!
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11 December 2021
Nothing ruins a classic TV show better than woke BS.. i mean I kind of figured it would be sprinkled in the show BUT INSTEAD you get a hard slap of it. GAG.
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You had to see when it came out
4 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you were not able to go see this movie in 1999 in the theaters when it first came out you cannot understand the HYPE for this movie, they had released "documentaries" about this prior to everyone seeing this film, so when I went and saw this for the first time it was made to believe this was actually found film footage, I know now it's fake now but back then when the internet was young people believed this was found footage, I could not get anyone back then to go with me (too scared) so I went by myself, I will never forget how scared I was and still makes me love this film because of that fact.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Breaking Bad Good
8 November 2021
With breaking bad being my all time favorite show as I view that as a perfect show, Yellowstone is the only show that comes even close to that ranking. This is the BEST show on television right now. Non stop Good! You are doing yourself a disservice if you do not watch!!
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The Morning Show: A Private Person (2021)
Season 2, Episode 6
Woke Broke
30 October 2021
Oh yah another show sidestepping their way into the "woke" graveyard, it should NOT matter if you are black, Asian, white, purple or gay we all bleed red.. what has happened to people just being people without having to identify as "oppressed" trust me NOBODY in the US is oppressed.. try going to a country outside of the US and let's talk about that..
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23 October 2021
I can watch this movie a hundred times and never get sick of it! The acting is off the charts! I LOVE every moment of this movie, one of my favorite of all time!!
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23 October 2021
Loved Brittany Murphy and my FAVORITE movie she was in was not one of the "go to" films like clueless, etc I absolutely LOVED her performance in "Riding in Cars with Boys" alongside Drew Barrymore, just a fantastic performance by both of them.
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American Horror Story: Take Me to Your Leader (2021)
Season 10, Episode 7
30 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
KAI GERBER cannot act! Get her OUT OF AHS, she can have stories (which sucked) OMG the first start with the vampires was so GOOD and then this GAG.
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27 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Really LOVING the new season of American Horror Story!! The past few seasons have been such a DISAPPOINTMENT!! But it would appear you are back on track!! THANK YOU.. Signed YOUR DIEHARD FAN ;)
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Gomorrah (2014–2021)
20 August 2021
If you are like me and do not like to watch shows in another language.. this is that ONE exception, this show is Good... REALLY Good! I mean like Sopranos and Breaking Bad good, the first season was slow at first but it does pick up big time, Also if you like Mob series this is an amazing series!!
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Physical (2021–2023)
6 August 2021
Just LOVE this show!! Great acting, the story is a little off (coming from someone who grew up in the 80's) but a really great show.

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Hereditary (2018)
1 August 2021
One of the BEST suspenseful movies I have seen in ages!! You will not be sorry!!
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Succession (2018–2023)
So Boring..
29 July 2021
Started watching this based off the reviews and I just cannot get past how incredibly BORING this show is, made it past season 1 and some of season 2 literally forcing myself to watch it saying it has to get better.. it doesn't.
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Shameless (2011–2021)
12 April 2021
I have never not cared how a Series (I once enjoyed) Ends, this will be my first time, this series took a nosedive into being "PC" and quite literally sunk this show, I quit after the first 4 episodes of this season.
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Would have been better to make this just one episode
11 February 2021
Good Story BUT OMG so drawn out, found myself at times saying JUST get to the point... I have seen better documentary's
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Shameless (2011–2021)
WTH with Season 10
19 December 2020
LOVED the show and then season 10 Hit.. WTH I have found myself fast forwarding so much, I do not need a show I watch for entertainment value to preach the liberal agenda for me, IF I wanted that I would tune into CNN
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Buddy vs. Duff (2019– )
Wish the Judges would of Hushed
12 November 2020
Love watching the process of the cakes BUT the three judges would not shut up, I wish they would only talk at the end instead of interrupting us seeing the cakes so they can "talk"
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What the heck
3 October 2020
I disagree with almost all of the reviews, I LOVE this show and the host is adorable, I like the fact that she does not look like every other host.. Blond Skinny no brain.. and the New Orleans architecture is beyond amazing!! Great Show HGTV
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
8 November 2019
I read the book twice so I went with very HIGH expectations and this movie did not disappoint, if you are on the Fence about seeing this movie just go!!

I LOVED the shining movie pretty much all my life and this was a walk down into that movie with footage you have never seen, I cannot wait to see it again
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