
9 Reviews
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Invasion (2021–2024)
28 October 2021
I don't want to exert any more effort than Apple and the producers of this rubbish did making the show.. So here's my review: It stinks.. If your a fan of sci-fi prepare for utter disappointment. If your a fan of descent TV,.. look elsewhere.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
Badly cast, badly written
1 May 2021
Not very good.. The casting felt forced and unbalanced and the script is terrible. The action is pretty good and vfx are not bad. I was really trying to like this but an hour in I was un-invested and bored. Tactics and body language way off the mark.
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12 February 2020
Utter crap... nothing more to say really. How long do reviews have to be anyway?
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
Ruby is cool; pity about the show.. Its awful
16 October 2019
Just been reading a lot about the trolling/bashing of this show.. How the reviews are 'agenda' driven and deflated because of the politics... Nah,.. its just a crap show. Ruby, if you read this,.. its not you. You are cool, seen a lot of your stuff and you've got talent. The issue I have is with the writing/directing.. its just awful. I've seen home made 7 yo comic strips with deeper plot/characters. I'm afraid the ratings are well deserved... Move on Ruby, this won't be remembered for anything other than a badly written/directed show - your career is very safe. I look forward to seeing you in something worthwhile.
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Pandora (2019–2020)
Terrible month for SciFi
7 August 2019
Wow, what a terrible month for SciFi fans... First we had the train wreck that was Another Life.. and now this.. Just when you though it couldn't get any worse... I was wrong. Not gonna waste much time reviewing this.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Borderline offensive
28 July 2019
I was really looking forward to this... and I'm easy to please... A bit of descent CGI, an acceptable story, some reasonable acting... What a disappointment. This is essentially a badly written soap opera, obviously created by people who know NOTHING about science or Sci-fi. I am borderline offended by the way it "tries" to pretend to be Sci-fi while actually it is boring.
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Magnum P.I. (2018–2024)
meh raised to the power of blah
25 September 2018
Doesn't really deserve more than a few words.. Its not good,.. at all. As a previous reviewer commented - its a mediocre effort reprocessed through the PC sausage grinder. Defo pass on this.
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Frost/Nixon (2008)
Not to be missed! Vey rewarding
16 October 2008
I had the pleasure of watching this gripping movie at the opening night of the British Film festival. Ron Howard's direction and story telling ability are in top form with this effort. From the very first scene a carefully crafted and very credible 70s's atmosphere sets a solid stage for the superbly cast film and quickly transports the viewer into the political jungle that was "Tricky Dickey's" playground.

The acting duo of Frank Langella & Micheal Sheen (Nixon & Frost) are set on a collision course that finds two deeply passionate personalities at the mercy of their insatiable desires. Both actor's portrayals are a study of affectation and body language, pleasurably accurate and yet not simply an impersonation. Indeed, the film never strays from the distinct Howard format that breathes so much life (read intimacy) into this familiar and yet mysterious relationship that exists for so many people who lived through the exceptional event.

Make no mistake, this is by no means a two man show, quite the contrary. In fact, the wealth of supporting roles is perhaps the finest feature of this production. Bacon's devoted and stalwart marine practically glints of gun metal and polished shoe leather. The trio of Gould, Platt and Rockwell portray effortlessly the roles of the men who, brick by brick, constructed the platform from which Frost so successfully and serendipitously elicited one of the greatest unspoken confessions of all time. Rebecca Hall is delicious and demure, constantly filling scenes with her elegant presence.

Perhaps the richest praise should be reserved for Peter Morgan, who has, without question, penned a truly captivating and insightful story that delivers not only a satisfying comprehension of a complex time in US history, but captures a generation's struggle to come to terms with the frailty of leadership that still echoes today.

Not to be missed, this film can be enjoyed on multiple levels and will undoubtedly be regarded as seminal for it's engrossing insight and expert depiction.
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Gabriela (2001)
Cliche after cliche, tired and weak acting, definite "seen it before" feel.
8 July 2002
What the heck did the rest of you watch..? I can't believe ANYONE would rate this movie higher than a 7 .. even if your a romance nutter!

Within 15 minutes of watching I was overcome with a strange ability to predict EVERY turn of the plot... after 50 minutes viewers commented out loud that the film was "slow", "boring", "tedious", "Weak", "Wooden acting",.. I actually had to apologize...

Honestly, I just can't believe people have voted so highly for this! It really makes me feel there's a fix on...
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