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Primal Doubt (2007 TV Movie)
Decent TV Movie Thriller
18 April 2008
I caught this on Sky One the other day and initially started watching to see how the lovely Janine Turner looks these days (still scrumptious!) and kept watching to see how things would turn out.

She is a wealthy Romance Novelist and her Husband is a film Producer, played by Costas Mandylor - looking a bit heavy compared to his usual well built look. She is bored with her Marriage and lifestyle and meets a guy online at a dating site.

I don't want to give anything away suffice to say it is a "Thriller" and is better than a lot of these made for TV films but certainly no masterpiece.

If you are into Thrillers and happen to see this scheduled it will be worth checking out.
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Casino Royale (2006)
Mixed feelings - It was OK....(but why was pig faced old 'M' left in?)
18 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I will start off by saying I try not to comment on films which already have so many viewer opinions already UNLESS I have something unique to add or was moved strongly for or against the film. I think the film was OK - I am neither pro or anti this Bond entry. It was a fair action film on its own merit if not quite what we expect of Bond.

One concern I have that nobody else has so far touched on is that old & very small pig faced woman that plays 'M'. Dame Judi Dench. "WHY IS SHE CAST IN THIS NEW BOND???" I am not against HER but if this is a REBIRTH of Bond surely she should have gone along with Q, Moneypenny etc. Considering this was SET before the other Bonds, the Actress so closely identified with Brosnan's era should not be in it! It may seem a small thing to other viewers but it made it HARD for me to watch this new Bond as if I had never seen the others. I am surprised at the producers for this "Glitch in the Matrix". A COMPLETE overhaul was the way to go.

PS Vesper Lynd should have been called Miss Wet Muff.
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Angel's Dance (1999)
No surprises or twists!
6 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers

A few of the commentators wrote of a "surprise" twist ending. It did not surprise me in the slightest. As soon as Sheryl Lee's character started trying to protect herself i knew she would end up as the new assassin's apprentice.

I could see Kyle Chandler's doe eyed character being her victim from the moment he thought she was "special".

Both those events were signposted rather heavily and so for this reviewer the film did NOT go against Hollywood clichés and surprise the audience (ME!).

Still a decent little film though!
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Stand Tall (1997)
Lou's greatest muscle - his heart!
27 July 2003
This documentary is very much in the style of Pumping Iron, but like Arnold Schwarzenegger's Total Rebuild it is centered around its "Star", Lou Ferrigno. It charts his early years as a kid from Brooklyn, New York who had to deal with having 85% hearing loss due to ear infections in his infancy. He fought against low self esteem by working out with weights in his father's garage, and boy did he win that battle with Mr. Universe (twice), and Mr. World among his physique title wins. Internationally known as a world class bodybuilder and star of The Incredible Hulk, we see him once again step up to the challenge of trying to win the Master's Olympia title in his '40's!

This video is primarily aimed at Big Lou's many fans worldwide and if you are not into him or bodybuilding in general it may not be to your liking. Also, if you are looking for bodybuilding info in regards to exercises and technique this is not it. I recommend "Lou Ferrigno's Body Perfection" as a basic video guide to weight training.

Lou's family are on hand to offer their opinions and encouragement as he tries to obtain the Body Building title that eluded him during his early competing years. This insight into Louis Ferrigno shows us his heart - which is his greatest muscle and where his true strength lies.

I found this film to be inspiring, Lou's message is a positive one, if he can achieve success despite obstacles - so can YOU!
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American Garter (1993 Video)
Solid hardcore action!
25 July 2003
This was the very first hardcore porn film i ever saw. The first time i saw it was in Switzerland and it was dubbed into French. Not being a french linguist i had trouble following the plot (yes, there is one!) until i recently tracked down the original USA version thanks to the internet.

It purports to be a historical look back at am American underwear company from differing perspectives of designers, managers, advertising executives etc. but judging by the amount of time they spend in carnal pursuits it is no wonder business is not booming! Admittedly, i am no expert and have not seen much porn since, but i think this film is actually a solid movie from lighting, camera work and production values. The "action" scenes have the usual 2 girls 1 guy thing as well as straight 1 on 1 stuff. The toilet scene with Seka and her young female friend who are joined by a surprised (pleasantly!) handyman is one memorable scene. I am sure the Ben E. King song "Stand by Me" is used as the background music here. I use this film as the standard i judge this genre and i find that films made later don't compare to the standards of older flicks like this. Whacking good entertainment!
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Low budget action thriller!
24 June 2003
This film stars Deron McBee (Malibu from American Gladiators) as the nephew of a DEA agent who is crippled by a South American drugs Lord. Deron gets to do a lot of action and shows off his tall muscular frame to good advantage in the low buget offering. Lots of gun play and hand to hand make this an OK film if you want some uncomplicated viewing. There are few surprises on offer here but i still enjoyed it. The girlfriend of Deron's character was a nicely curvacious young lady for a tall girl - pretty too! Their love scene looked quite passionate and Deron's acting was convincing. It's good to be an actor!
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The Impostor (1984 TV Movie)
Nice and easy comedy drama!
22 September 2002
This is an interesting little TV Movie that makes pleasant and undemanding viewing. Anthony Geary stars as an Ex-Convict (Cade) who is a charming guy with a habit of fanciful lying. He is desperate to win back the love of his old girlfriend, who is a teacher, so he fakes his way into being the principal of the school - hence he is "The Impostor" of the film's title. Geary impressed in this role and shows that he is quite a versatile actor, it is a shame i have mostly see him play bad guys in B-Movies. Billy Dee Williams also stands out in this film as an old jail buddy who is willing to pose as a teacher in order to help rid the school of its drug problem. A little romance, action, comedy and drama actually blend well in this film and the result is simply a good story.
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Good Sword & Sandal epic!
18 August 2002
I saw "Brennus, Enemy of Rome" quite some time ago and it was one of the first Italian Sword & Sandal flicks i ever saw. The dubbing is always an eyesore with Italian films, but this particular film seemed a cut above many other low budget movies in the same genre. Gordon Mitchell is the title character (Brenno/Brennus) who historically did lay siege to Rome. Gordon manages to look imposing (in part due to his muscled physique!) as he scowls at everybody he encounters in the film and fills the screen by prowling like a big cat. There is more story and less action than this kind of film usually has which is not a bad thing. The Roman nobles appear suitably refined and cerebral compared to the barbarians and their direct action approach which is why i liked this film.
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Crowfoot (1995 TV Movie)
Interesting pilot!
13 August 2002
This is an interesting made for television film that was a pilot for a never made TV series. Jim Davidson (of Pacific Blue fame) plays the title hero, a police detective who is part Indian/Native American and heir to Shamanic powers that help him with his investigations. It is set in Maui, Hawaii and makes great use of its location. The plot concerning murder is nothing new but is presented in a refreshing way. The supernatural side of things is perhaps at odds with the usual police series but stranger pilots have made it big time since the 1990's and this would have made a better series than some of them. Jim Davidson makes a decent lead and is certainly no stranger to iron game as he displays his highly defined physique even when it has no bearing in the story. He is backed by an average cast who all perform well. Kate Hodge as the romantic interest does the job well - she looks fine and acts her quirky role well. If this is on TV and you fancy some exotic locale with an esoteric story line than check this movie out.
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Desperado: Badlands Justice (1989 TV Movie)
Another good adventure with the Desperado!
12 August 2002
In this fourth outing for Alex Mcarthur as the outlaw Duell McCall the story revolves around the hero trying to track down some criminals who steal land & claims by killing the rightful owners. As usual there is plenty of good action sequences with some mighty fanciful shooting! Patricia Charbonneau (Emily) is the raven haired actress who plays the romantic interest in this episode although not much goes on between her and Duell.

If you liked the others in this series of made for television westerns than you will find this one up to the usual high standard. If you like good old fashioned action and adventure with decent story lines this is well worth catching if it is on TV.
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The Return of Desperado (1988 TV Movie)
Solid second outing for Alex McArthur!
12 August 2002
In this second of five made for television westerns Alex McArthur once again impresses as Duell McCall a wanted man who is searching for the witness who can prove he is NO murderer. McArthur does his usual fine job of playing McCall and that is what drives this film. The plot involves crooked law men and crimes for profit that are standard points in all these movies - but presents them in a refreshing way. Perhaps not the best in the series but certainly up to the usual high standard of action adventure that makes these TV films so enjoyable. Good story lines, good action and a great lead in the form of McArthur.
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Good action western TVM!
12 August 2002
Alex McArthur returns for a third time as the title hero of Desperado. Still searching for the man who can verify he is innocent of the murder for which he has become an outlaw. This time around the character Duell McCall (McArthur) becomes involved in what appears to be a case of kiddnapping as he tries to rescue a damsel in distress and evade the law at the same time. McArthur has become quite adept at his portrayal of a western hero by now and I felt this made for TV movie was one of the more enjoyable westerns i have seen for quite a while. Rod Steiger makes a good impact as Silas Slaten who demands our lead find his daughter or else! Lise Cutter returns as Duell's lovely Red haired, Green Eyed girlfriend. The plot is more complex than it first appears and the action sequences are as good as the other Desperado TV films. This is more Clint Eastwood than Lonesome Dove so do not expect character driven drama but appreciate a good action western with solid performances and a good story line.
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Final Mission (1994 Video)
Cool role for Billy Wirth.
14 July 2002
This low budget action film is a good leading role for Billy Wirth in that his character looks good, fights good, drives a sports car and can attract females! The kind of flick I watched as a teenager and thought how cool it would be to emulate the main man! The makers are obviously hoping to attract the viewers who liked Top Gun and the Iron Eagle movies but it reminded me more of Final Approach. The Jet sequences are not awe inspiring, but then again as it is based around "virtual reality" technology so actual flying is not meant to be featured too much anyway. I liked the dialogue to this film, "I don't like tail gators" said by Tom Waters (Wirth) when been too closely followed in his car on in his fighter jet became something of a catch phrase in my house hold. The thriller aspect of the film means it is not something you could watch again like a good classic straight to video action flick but it a solid movie of its kind.
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Death Match (1994)
Splendid B-Movie Kicker!
10 July 2002
This is a decent effort for a B-Movie Martial Arts actioner. Ian Jacklin, a former North American cruiser weight Kickboxing champion, is the lead and acquits himself well in the action scenes. The muscular Matthias Hues gets a chance to add more to his Martial Arts bad guy persona in this film than in all of his many others and if you are a fan of The Teutonic Titan, rent this movie now!

Renee Griffin is also noteworthy as the romantic interest in this film. She starts off with attitude but soon warms up to the hero and they make "The beast with two backs" in a very stylish fashion.

The fight scenes are good in the American tradition (NO Hong Kong acrobatics here!) with added realism from having Benny "The Jet" Urquidez playing himself as John Larson's (Jacklin) trainer.

All in all this film seems to have more sub plots than most in its genre so you get MORE of a story.
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Good example of Lorenzo's films.
10 July 2002
Lorenzo Lamas' wife (at the time of this movie!) Kathleen Kinmont does a better job of co-starring with Lorenzo here than she did in Renegade (TV series) and gets quite a lot of screen time. She plays an East European spy/assassin and actually suits the brown hair. Fans of Lamas will not be put out as there is his usual martial arts action on show. Kathleen also strikes out in this film more than all her fights in Renegade combined. The plot is perhaps a little more complex than other Lorenzo offerings due to the "Thriller" aspect of the spy plot - but it is still basically an action film. A sequel was released 2 years later "CIA II Target: Alexa", but i liked this original one for the action sequences and storyline. A good entry in Lorenzo's B-movie action flicks.
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Cage II (1994)
Good example of its kind
7 July 2002
This is a sequel to "The Cage" again starring Lou Ferrigno, from "The Incredible Hulk" TV series, and Reb Brown. Billy (Lou) is captured and once more forced to fight in caged death matches against all manner of Martial Artists. Scott (Reb) must try to find his best friend before it is too late! Despite the low budget dialogue this is a fairly good example of its genre, with lots of varied techniques and combat styles on display. Lou looks as buff as ever, Bruce Lee's daughter Shannon Lee is rather lovely as the romantic interest in this film.
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