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Well done indie Horror that is a slow burn
24 March 2024
Well made smaller Horror flick from Australia!

Good and slower paced, what a nice surprised this one has been. Good acting, minimalistic and well worth the watch.

Wasn't expecting much but it was very enjoyable. The ending wasn't perfect but as with most movies that I end up enjoying alot, the adventure to the end was the best part.

Taking its time to sink its teeth into you instead of going crazy right off the start like many horror movies do these days. They don't earn all the crazyness, but this movie knows how to do pacing very well. Some might find it a tad to slow but for me these are my favorite horror movies, taking there time to sink there teeth into you.

Also its caustrophobic, it takes place pretty much mostly in one small trailer home and it works very well doing it like that. Good, but not great, do to the average ending.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Few episodes in and I am enjoying it
21 March 2024
So far it is pretty good, the acting is good enough, the story seems like it wil be very interesting and the look of the show is good to.

Will it continue for the whole Season? I have no idea. But so far it is pretty dang good and I am really looking forward to seeing the rest of the first season.

Some gorgeous camera work and good editing also help the show out, I will edit this review at a later date once I have seen all the episodes for Season 1. But after 2 episodes I like it a good amount!

Sci-fi/Drama mix that gels and works together pretty good. I just hope the rest of the season continues this quality.

Finally a big budget show from Netflix that is not only great but that makes you think! Wonderfully done! I am now 6 episodes in and loving it to bits.
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
The best of the modern Slasher movies
17 November 2023
This was a nice surprise, the acting was better than i expected and there are some amazingly done practical Effects that work sooooo well! (I wish more movies would use practical effects and less CGI).

Eli Roth also does a good job directing this movie, the first 2 parts are wonderfully done and structured very well and then the ending is just nuts, some will like the end some won't, I think people will be split on it. The writing is also good to.

The audio and soundtrack is also done well to and the cinematography and kills are very well done. The only complaint I have (and I hope this gets added for the DVD/Bluray release!) is that I wish the Grindhouse look was still there from the trailers and the Grindhouse movies. Toss some filter or something on it to make it look grindhous'ish. I can understand it probably wasn't doable for this release (I imagine higher ups wouldn't like that old school grindhouse look and would want things more pretty looking), but I REALLY hope that for the Bluray release that we get another version that has the Grindhouse look to it, sort of like some movies have done with Black and White versions available.

Overall its mostly all good here, go check it out! This is much better than the modern Scream and Halloween films.
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Pam Grier and David D not used enough
11 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off this was not scary at all, no tension or good atmosphere or anything at all that made the original film so loved.

They had a few cool ideas, I really liked when it went back in time to the 1600's but they only did it for one scene?? Are you kidding me? That time period was done much better.

Also why do you have David D and Pam Grier in the movie if you BARELY USE THEM? They are wonderful actors who should have had WAY more screen time.

The main problem I think starts with the directing, its just not confident enough to know what works and what doesn't in this type of movie.

A few decent ideas are wasted by poor writing, terrible directing and just a amateur feel to the movie overall.

I was hoping this would be decent but its not even decent, its pretty poor overall. Go watch the original again!
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Forza Motorsport (2023 Video Game)
Best "Simcade" racer since Motorsport 4 & GT5
10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Motorsport 2023 is here and it is fantastic! Huge improvement to the games handling, physics are improved, audio with Dolby Atmos is amazing, I am enjoying the new career mode, Progression is great (Although I think some might not like it as much as me, I like to earn upgrades and cars), Wheel controls WAY better than Motorsport 7 and Forza Horizon 5 did, Graphics are improved, its more immersive, the Ray Tracing looks unreal and multiplayer is a huge improvement from the last Motorsport 7.

This is the best 'Simcade" racer since Motorsport 4 and Grand Turismo 5.

The only real issues I have with the game is that the Menus are not very well done and can be sort of clumsy, def room for improvement there. Also on PC performance needs a little improvement (Although todays Nvidia driver helped me to get 60fps now).

I have played 18 hours of the Xbox Series X version and 15 hours of the PC version so far. With free tracks on the way (there are already 20 awesome ones!) and new cars (Some paid and some for free), I can see myself playing this game for many years.

Forza Motorsport is finally back and with the new engine its the best Motorsport we have got since Forza Motorsport 4 way back in 2011.
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Saw X (2023)
Up there with the first two films as the best in the series
30 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the first two Saw films a good deal, but after that I have not liked much since. This new one I had no expectations for and I was surprised at how good it was.

It felt like the old movies again and Tobin does a wonderful job with his acting here. Saw is back and its wonderful to see it being at a high quality for a change.

I never expected the Saw franchise to get back on track but whoever put this together did a wonderful job, its fantastic. I hope we get more movies in this trilogy like this one, keep whoever was in charge of this in charge of the next movies please.

I think new people who never saw the Saw movies would even enjoy whats here. Newcomers and old fans alike should check this out.
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Gran Turismo (2023)
One of my favorite series & fav Directors..
26 September 2023
This was just horrible, one of my all time favorite gaming series and one of my personal favorite directors and I still couldn't stand this movie.

Boring, bad acting, bad writing, its a mess from top to bottom. Its not for GT super fans or for more casual fans, its not for anyone.

If you are going to make tv shows or movies about games PLEASE do it with as much respect and quality as The Last Of Us had, because this GT and Twisted Metal are NOT it at all, its way worse than expected, stay far away.

What could have been a fun little movie based on the videogames has turned into a joke and the laughing stock of 2023, horrible film on its own and horrible GT film.
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Twisted Metal (2023– )
A big miss and a total mess
29 July 2023
Bad dialogue, terrible acting and it is nothing like the source material. They should have went with a crazy director who doesn't care and just goes all out (Think of Miike kind of director/creator). A Twisted Metal tv show or movie that fits the same style as humor as say Starship Troopers did back in the day.

Get better writers and do better atmosphere and this would have been alot better. Non of the jokes hit (Who cares about Sysco jokes? I mean really!).

After the amazing and wonderful THE LAST OF US showed us that you could do a faithful adaption of a videogame and do it well! This Twisted Metal is the opposite it shows you how NOT to make a videogame adaption into a tv series.

Bad dialogue, bad writing and bad acting are the shows biggest problems.
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Rainy Dog (1997)
One of Miike's best films, very underrated
6 February 2023
As part of a great trilogy, you would expect this one to get talked about more, but I rarely see it come up in chats about Miike's Yakuza movies.

Rainy Dog is a slow burn of a Yakuza flick but its soooo well done. From the pacing, to the acting, to the direction, its top notch Takashi Miike here.

Also a big shoutout to the camera work and locations picked for this movie, many scenes that would be basic in most movies are done to perfection in this movie.

I don't want to spoil anything so I will just say this is a wonderful Yakuza film with alot of heart. Yes its basic in some ways but it also has a ton of depth.

If you can get a copy of this please check it out, for me Rainy Dog is up there with Audition and Gozu as my Top 3 personal favorite movies from Takashi Miike (I own over 45 of his movies and have seen over 70).

One of the best movies from one of the best directors of all time. Some people think this director is only about violence which is so silly, he has so much more to his movies than just the violence and Rainy Dog is a perfect example.
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Hellraiser: Judgment (2018 Video)
Probably the most underrated of the series (With some issues)
14 October 2022
This is probably the most underrated movie in the Hellraiser series, the start and the end are very well done.

The movie is not without its faults though, the actor playing Pinhead and how he looks are terrible and the middle is not very good. But, the movie does have a wonderful creepy start and a great ending.

When I saw this movie I had zero expectations, I almost didn't watch it. I enjoyed Hellraiser 1 and 2 alot but the movies that followed all sucked.

I watched in amazement as the movie started out wonderful with a creepy and violent start. Only to then go into this horrible police/detective drama that is not done well at all. The idea is alright but the acting and execution of the middle part of this movie is not very good.

Now, when they do flash to "the room" let's call it, as to not spoil to much. Its very creepy and well done. Also some of the characters look amazing, I won't say anything more, just watch yourself. So how can they nail some of the characters so dang well but mess up Pinheads look? I don't know.

The atmosphere is wonderful during these scenes away from the detectives. I really enjoyed this movie, after it ended I was surprised to read that not many people liked it! This surprised me. I then saw it was made for only 350,000 USD! That blows me away, not even a half millions dollars spent on this and we got the look and creepiness of "the room" and these characters and barely any money was spent on it?

This caused me to do some more research, blows me away that this guy made this with such little support and money, hats off to the Director and the people who did some of these gorey scenes and the looks of some of these characters.

Far from perfect, as I said it drags in the middle, which is a shame because everything involving "the room" and those characters is so very well handled. Even before I found out how much this cost to make or that many people disliked it, I thought this was a great effort, albeit mixed. It has the feel and look of someone putting a ton of effort into it, I was surprised and still am to hear it was made with pennies.

I hope this director gets another chance down the road to make another movie like this, because it was a creepy but flawed good entry in a series that was falling fast and also with the ending made it possible for another reboot to happen (which just did and it is also well done but in other ways, its not as creepy as this one, but also more consistent (doesn't have this underwhelming middle that this movie has).

In the end, as someone who has seen all the movies im the series and rewatched them all before this one, I was super surprised how much I enjoyed this flick, add on that it was made for pennies and not many fans liked it? All that amounts to the series most underrated entry!
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Ridley (2022– )
Overall it is good but one main casting choice was poor
12 September 2022
Overall I like the show, the main actor is good, as are most of the supporting actors. But the main female detective is way out of her league acting wise (Julie Graham). Almost every scene she is in she gets out done, the Coroner outshines her, the younger actors outshine her, she is just out of place in this show.

Some good writing and some good music choices push this show forward. Good but not great, its not Endeavour or Foyles War I will say that, but worth checking out if you are looking for another show to check out. Also some nice scenery and camera work aswell.

Won't blow you away, but check it out!
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House of the Dragon: Second of His Name (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Amazing episode, up there with the best GOT
5 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was the best episode so far out of the first 3 episodes of The House Of Dragons. Wonderful dialogue, great fight at the end, this was a perfect episode of television. The Daemon character is wonderful and the actor is doing a wonderful job. The first 2 episodes where good but this 3rd episode was a masterpiece, perfectly executed. I hope the rest of season 1 is this good, because tonight's episode was something special.

This reminded me of Battle of the Bastards in some ways, so well done! Can't wait for next weeks episode! Oh yeah, and the pugs adding in there was a nice little shoutout to David Lynch and the old Dune movie I thought :)
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Prey (I) (2022)
The best Predator since the original
6 August 2022
This is a breath of fresh air for a series that had turned pretty bad after the fantastic first film. This one has great pacing, good acting, great directing, wonderful cinemaography and some awesome gorey kills.

What a nice surprise this is! Check it out asap if you enjoyed the first Predator movie but disliked the ones after. Well done to everyone involved in this, its a nice tight package that works very well.

The setting and the audio are also both very well done, this movie is great!
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Black Bird (2022)
Amazingly well done Serial Killer Drama
5 August 2022
Super well done, from the amazing acting, to the wonderful audio, to the fantastic writing of the dialogue to the gut wrenching atmosphere, this show nails just about everything.

Stay with the show and you will be rewarded with a show thats up there with Mindhunter for this type of show. The first two episodes I thought where good, 7 or 8/10 but episode 3 through 6 where a 9 or 10/10, just amazing episodes to finish the season.

Super well done in every aspect, check this show out asap, I think the 2 main actors deserve some kind of award for there acting. Up there with Better Call Saul for the years best show!
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Wonderful show that gets better with each season
2 August 2022
Better Call Saul for me is the same high quality as Breaking Bad. It does move at its own pace though and at times is slightly slower paced than Breaking Bad was, but don't let that fool you everything here is for a reason.

With each season the show gets better and better, I must say this to..... PLEASE stick with this show if you just started and you think its to slow, things will pick up but even the stuff that you find slow has so much meaning later on. Allow this show to do its thing and you will be rewarded with one of the best tv series of all time.

From the acting, to the camera work, to the writing and the audio, its top notch stuff and shouldn't be missed!

Far more than just a prequel to Breaking Bad, in many ways it has even outshined Breaking Bad, something i thought would be impossible, but at the very least its neck a neck with Breaking Bad in overall quality. They might do things slightly different from one another but they both work so perfectly together.

Characters you disliked early on you end up really feeling for and getting attached to, its a super well done show and the creators deserve all the praise they get.

Up there with my favorite shows of all time (Twin Peaks, Breaking Bad, The Wire, Endeavour, Foyles War, Carnivale, etc..) Breaking Bad is a show you must see!

**I have seen all episodes released so far, Season 6 episode 11 was on tonight, two more to go**
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The Dead Zone (1983)
One of Cronenberg's best
15 July 2022
One of the best movies ever made, from the acting, to the camera work, to the directing, to the audio, its up there with the best ever. I don't want to spoil anything so all I will say is see this ASAP!

Cronenberg does Stephen King very well, would love to see him do a SK movie again one day :)
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Torn Hearts (2022)
Terrible start, but gets better
25 June 2022
The first 15 minutes are so bad, almost unwatchable. It looks bad, the acting is meh and its just not a good start to a horror movie at all. With that said, once they get out of the city and into the country areas the movie is alot better.

Katey is the best part of the movie of course, but there are also soem really nice locations they get to after the start of the movie.

Worth a watch, it won't blow you away but its not the worst movie ever either. Just watch past the first 15 minutes.
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Great atmosphere, it looks gorgeous and has great ideas
24 June 2022
I enjoyed this a lot, its not my all time favorite from Cronenberg but its still very enjoyable. Some great idea's, some creepy atmosphere and it is also very well filmed and directed.

Again it isn't The Brood, The Deadzone, The Fly or Crash but its still very well done imo.
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Eden Lake (2008)
Underrated horror classic
30 May 2022
Very underrated horror flick. Wonderful acting, good camera work, the locations are perfect and its a movie that I come back to a few times every year.

Intense, brilliant and as I said before its a horror movie I come back to every year atleast once. Very well done, check it out!
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Bosch (2014–2021)
One of the best cop shows around, watch it!
27 May 2022
Wonderfully crafted from the writing to the camera work to the acting and the use of audio. The actors jump in fully with there characters and you can tell they are having fun.

Check out the new show set in this world to, called Bosch Legacy, also very enjoyable.
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Bosch: Legacy (2022– )
Bosch Legacy is more wonderful Bosch!
27 May 2022
More enjoyable Bosch! He might not be with the police force in this but he is a private detective, working with his daughter and the Lawyer from the old show. Its just as good, watch it asap!

This first season I have enjoyed just as much as the main Bosch tv show. The writing is good, the acting is good and overall its a good chill watch.
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Saw (2004)
Saw, still the best movie Wan has done
26 May 2022
I really liked the first Saw movie, it was very well done for not alot of money. Good atmosphere and so well done. I tried to enjoy his movies that would come after this movie but I just couldn't get into or enjoy them at all. Saw is wonderful though, a perfect example of how to make a great horror movie without a ton of money.
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X (II) (2022)
Just behind House Of The Devil as my favorites from Mr West
26 May 2022
Not quite as great as The House Of The Devil from Mr. West but this is would be my second favorite of his. This is more of a Texas Chainsaw Massacre type of horror movie but West ends up doing it wonderfully.

Wonderfully shot with beautiful camera work and cinematography, good atmosphere, good acting and good horror elements. Also the audio/sound is well done. If you want a good old school style horror movie and enjoyed The House Of The Devil I suggest picking this up, its West's 2nd best movie imo!
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Amazing movie and a MUST for Twin Peaks fans
24 May 2022
One of the best movies ever from the great David Lynch. This is the horror version of Twin Peaks. The ending is hard to watch but its so worth it, one of hte most underrated movies of all time. It shows a young lady on her way down and its heartbreaking, very well done directing by the god David Lynch.

Years ago it was looked down upon but for me I ended up seeing this BEFORE the original two Twin Peaks seasons and it has left a mark on me, LOVE IT.
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Oz (1997–2003)
Top 10 TV Shows of all time
24 May 2022
One of the greatest TV shows of all time. It is a show I come back to atleast once every 2 years to watch again. From the acting, to the camera work, to the characters, to the writing, for me its a top 10 tv show of all time. I am not joking, OZ has given me the same level of enjoyment as Twin Peaks, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Endeavour and Carnivale.

Go buy all the seasons and watch them, you will end up being hooked!

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